Thursday, August 20, 2020

Why I Am Now A Racist According to "Woke" Folk Thinking.

I am 87 and no some of my best friends are not blacks but I do have many black friends, some very good.I never considered myself racially biased, even though I grew up in Birmingham, Alabama. In fact, living in Birmingham from 1933 until I went to military school in 1946, I believe  Birmingham made me "liberal" because I came to detest segregation and, as those who read my memos know, my father helped rid the city of Bull Connor and he had the local  Klan's Charter taken away.

So why, at this very late stage in my life, have I become a "racist" based on the "woke" crowd's interpretation/definition of the word?

I would be the first to tell you,I believe blacks have been treated unfairly simply because they were of color.  I also do not consider America, with all its faults, to be inherently evil. Our nation has done more to correct it's racial heritage/history than most all nations and our capitalist system, again with all its faults, has done more to see all citizens prosper than any of the world's citizen's.  We have a long way to go to level the playing field, so to speak, and to narrow the disparity between have's and have not's, regardless of color.

I turned racist because I am fed up, that's why.

So what am I fed up about?  The list is long so I will enumerate the key reasons and in no particular order.

First, I am fed up with progressive  politicians who have spent trillions, yes trillions, trying to better the lot of black citizens. They have accomplished some good but mostly, I believe, they have done great harm.  Why?  Because I seriously doubt most were sincere. Second, I believe they wanted to buy votes with tax dollars and never truly cared about recognizing the damage they did/were doing.

Furthermore, I believe, notwithstanding all their contrary protests and hand wringing,  they never intended to do what any idiot knew should be done. They did not have the long term interests of  blacks in mind though they professed otherwise. Liberals patronized them in order to rid themselves of the guilt that motivated them.  Otherwise, how could they continue doing the same thing over and over without recognizing the negative trends they were causing or were occurring?

When Sen. Moynihan warned, them members of his own self righteous party did not listen.  Instead they castigated him because he called their hand and exposed their hypocrisy and wrongheaded theories..

Rectifying serious wrongs is difficult,  takes dedicated persistence but what most liberals did, and continue to do, is throw money at the black community because it was: a)  available and  b) was the easiest way to finesse the problem.  Consequently, the black family has suffered, millions have been born out of wedlock, grown up without the benefit of a father present and were raised either by grandparents and/or stressed mothers who could not cope, work at the same time and assume all the demands caused by their single mother  plight.

The fabric of black's connection to their churches and ministers was also ripped apart and, worst of all, their ability to obtain a solid education and discipline suffered.and/or was denied them.

In my non-scientific opinion/conclusion,  I also believe two conflicting results came to pass: a) blacks were dealt blows to their self-worth and dignity by demeaning handouts, affirmative action efforts, misguided  patronizing and government dependency and/or b) their resentment grew because they saw through the consequences of  liberal hypocrisy and they became more militant and frustrated.

Move the clock forward to the '60's  when widespread contempt for authority became an accepted fact. Blacks were not blind and also embraced, and in some cases structurally exploited, the opportunities to demonstrate their own displeasure etc.  Civil Rights Legislation, in concert with their urban concentration,  enhanced their political  power and, by re-electing their politicians, Democrat Seniority gave them more  political leverage.

From time to time, instances of police brutality and/or the uneven application of "justice" were seized upon as reasons to protest through rioting,  pillaging and burning entire neighborhoods.

The election of a black President offered a marvelous opportunity to cement improved race relations but Obama, in my opinion, chose to throw acid into the mix and escalate the deep seated and sublimated anger that had been building for decade upon decade and now comes the Floyd Incident, the match that lit the latest "bonfire.".

Because cities,where rioting occurred, have been run almost continuously by liberal Mayors many sought to appease the rioters because they deemed Floyd had been murdered and they swallowed the compelling slogan "Black Lives Mattered." As generally happens,  initial peaceful protests became invaded  by anarchists and assorted fascistic type thugs and all hell broke loose because , in virtually every instance, either the police were unprepared and overwhelmed or were purposely told to stand down and let the looting run its course.  In several cities, law and order has broken down and rioting has been "coursing" for 70 plus consecutive days. So much for progressive dogma.

I fear there is evidence the police involved,in the Floyd incident, may well have followed department procedures and could be exonerated and then a ton of hell will sweep our nation. Juries hear what normal citizens are not privy to and the mass media would love nothing better than to benefit financially from chaos, ie. "if it bleeds it leads."

So where is my racist transformation coming from?  It has been nourished by a combination of  matters. First, anyone who harms my nation becomes my enemy and that is true of those from without as well as those within. I am intolerant of those who purposely break the law, who prefer chaos to order and calm and who believe they are justified in causing such because their grievances are legitimate.

Second, I am fed up with those who believe pandering , feeding bullies, will secure order when anyone with a third of a brain knows it increases one's appetite for same.

Third, I have nothing but contempt for those who believe shaking down cowards, and in this category  I include management of corporations, is a legitimate enterprise in which they can indulge  and I put Jackson and Sharpton at the top of the list.

Fourth, I believe progressives and their nutty ideas caused much of what is happening because they helped elevate black feelings of entitlement and laid the groundwork for rioters to believe they can take to the streets and act like the animals they are.

Fifth, It is time, in my opinion, to put a stop to treating black citizens as a special case because  their lives matter more and society, of which they are a part, must tolerate "anything goes"  simply because they are black.  And, while I am on the subject, I feel the same contempt for misguided white's and anyone else, regardless of their skin pigment, who are engaged in spreading chaos.

Sixth, for all these reasons and more I have not enumerated, I am fed up and have lost my tolerance for tolerance. Anarchists mean me harm, they mean my family and friends' harm, they mean my nation harm and they mean my desire to live in peace harm.

I no longer give a damn about black sniveling, whining based on expressed justifications.. You have worn out your welcome and any empathy I once had is gone because you have disowned your right to  receive anything beyond what every citizen is deserving of - a right to pursue happiness.

If that is not enough and you believe you are entitled to smash the rights of others as just compensation/reparation for your animal-ism or  past injustices then that expression"don't tread of me" is now on my doorstep.

You have yourselves to blame since you drove me to wear my announced  "racisim" openly.

PS: I am proud of America's culture so keep your hands to yourself and stop pulling down our history - sordid as it may be at times!

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