Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Challenge To Trump Haters Two Peeves. My Market Views. Learning The Hard Way. Justice Coming. Stay Tuned.

I challenge all Trump Haters and Trump fence sitters to listen to this interview.
I read the book and reviewed in many months ago in these memos.


From Erik Bronstein

Breaking: Bernie CONFIRMS What We Know About Progressives and a Biden Presidency
My own market view  assumes as the prospects for Trump begin to improve I believe the market will also improve and the spread between technology and value stocks, which is currently historically wide, will narrow and this is why I believe bigger percent gains will occur in the laggards. As the world economy gets back on track the energy sector should finally improve though I would not expect that sector to return to its former valuation level.

I have added Omnicom because  I believe the stock offers value and decent long term prospects and I also am willing to accept the near term risks in Walgreen-Boots because of the company's long term opportunities. I still like AT&T for income and modest appreciation.

I remain positive as long as Biden's prospect of election remains unimpressive.
Sally Yates, a senior member of the Obama Atty. Gen. Dept., testified before a Senate Committee yesterday headed by Sen. Graham.  The purpose of the hearing was to determine the genesis of the Obama/Biden effort to get the FBI and Intelligent Agencies to spy on the Trump Administration.

Yates dodged and weaved and did her best to deny she knew anything at the time she signed a document that was full of lies and formed the basis of a warrant being issued by a FISA Court.

What I find so interesting is that whenever bureaucrats, who are servants of the people, testify they seem to suffer from amnesia or selective memory loss yet they receive a full salary, retirement and health benefits and do not forget to cash their checks.

What is further amazing is that we are talking about some of the most senior people in government whose responsibility is running agencies that have hundreds of thousands of employees and yet they cannot remember diddlysquat and constantly lie.  No wonder Trump was elected and probably will be again because "deplorables" are fed up with the government, with congress, with the way these "servants" overspend and yet are never called to account fort their skulduggery. Regretfully they are mostly Democrats.

It is clear why Democrats, D.C.elites and Potomac Swamp Rats want to disparage Atty Gen. Barr because his mission is to nail them and if Trump is not re-elected rest assured we will continue to have the kind of government that has been "serving" us for decades.  If Trump is re-elected then I suspect Barr and Durham will press forward, tried, convicted and some of these Potomac Swamp Rats will be escorted to the "slammer."

Stay tuned.

A second peeve I have is the fascist Antifa rioters know if they congregate at night  the police will have to respond, if allowed, and this will eventually cost millions in overpay, damage to their equipment  etc..  In essence, by simply going into the streets,  these hoodlums are bankrupting the various cities Democrat Mayors  are running and their patronizing is  accomplishing the anarchist's goal of de-funding though bankruptcy.

Failing to enforce law and order these Democrat Mayors are destroying their cities' viability.  Merchants are losing their life savings, their livelihood, real estate values are collapsing as citizens vacate and move elsewhere and city coffers are being  emptied by needless spending because Democrat politicians lack  guts to do their job. We are talking about Chicago, New York, Minneapolis Seattle, Portland and various cities in California. 

This is the bonus that flows from progressive thinking and I venture the election of Biden will result in a spread as more cities are challenged. If they are run by Republicans there will likely be bloodshed because these mayors are less likely to tolerate anarchism and rioting and will meet force with force.

Again, never feed bullies. It increases their appetite. Nor can you engage them in conversation and depend upon them caving. They only understand force.

Israelis learned these lessons the hard way.  I took many needless wars and deaths.
The wheels of Justice grind fine but slow.   That said, justice is coming. Stay tuned:

Day of Reckoning Coming for Riot Organizers

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