Saturday, August 15, 2020

Departing Our Shores. Soros Funding of Facebook Censorship Board Membership. Green and Black Go Together. Ross Rants. Kid's View of Love.

Jonathan served in the Marine Corps, was wounded and this is his shtick with a stick. Semper Fi.
Jonathan Winters Stick


Get prepared for an even greater destruction of our nation if the police involved in the Floyd episode, who followed procedures, are exonerated.

A very interesting article that puts this in a whole new light on this incident! Note the qualification of the author.
We will never get rid of the "angry black issue" by caving and giving into their outrageous demands but we can and must offer them,and all our future generations, better/tougher, more challenging educational opportunities  so they have good jobs prospects and can compete in a world that is only going to get tougher and where we are currently woefully behind the curve.

This means voting out of office those who have sold their souls to unions, we must rid ourselves of those who oppose  enforcement of law and order, have no understanding of China and it's intentions to rule the world and who continue to disregard the threat of deficits.  We need to rebuild the family structure, return to believing in something/a higher being  beyond ourselves and return to embracing  our constitutional dictates.  We must reject progressiveness and radicals who seek chaos in order to destroy our republic and this message transcends parties. Most current Democrats as well as Republicans are not serving the interests of our nation well.

Reason and change are in order but not the variety  presently roaming the streets, engaging in destruction and disorder. We do not need their brand of Americanism.  They are more than welcome to infect other nations with their twisted views and radical ways by departing our shores.
AYN RAND'S "Atlas Shrugged" is more relevant today than when it was written many decades ago.

I am a small contributor to Judicial Watch but a big admirer of what they try to accomplish. Recently they discussed the make up of Facebook's oversight board and discovered they were predominantly comprised of leftists, a close Soros friend and heavily funded by Soros' OSF ... They came up with the following partial  membership list.:

Alana Rusbridger- former British newspaper editor and principal of Oxford University.
Afia Asantewaa Sariyev - human rights attorney and program manager of Soros' Open Society Initiative For West Africa.
Sudhir Krishnaswamy - India lawyer and civil society activist , runs progressive non-profit Centre for Law and Policy Research focusing on transgender rights.
Julie Owono - executive director of Paris based non-profit Internet Sans Frontieres that advocates for privacy and freedom of expression online.
Nighat Dad -Pakistani attorney and founder of Digital Rights Foundation, non-profit Pakistan organization.
Ronaldo Lemos - Brazilian law professor, served on board of Mozilla Foundation  and also board member of Access Now funded by Soros.
Tawakkol Karman - journalist and civil rights activist, sits on advisory board of Transparency International which receives significant funding from Soros' OSF
Helle Thorning-Schmdt, Denmark's former PM who sits on board of European Council of Foreign relations also funded by Soros' OSF.
Catalina Botero-Marino - dean of Columbian law school called Universidad de Los Andes also heavily funded by OSF.
Maina Kiai - director of Global Alliances and Partnerships t Human Rights Watch also Soros funded.

The above are the ones who have significant input into what tweets Trump is allowed to post.

 "Big Brother Government" remains a threat to our freedoms but now we have  an expanding private sector corporate overlay censoring what we can communicate.

I drew this information from The August 2020 Issue, The Verdict, pp 12 - 13 and the article was under the heading of Corruption and entitled : "Most of Facebook Censorship Board Has Ties To Left-wing Billionaire Gorge Soros.
Green and black go together!

Why Did Biden Pick Kamala? Follow the Money

How much did it cost to buy Biden's VP Spot? $3.5 million.

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.
How much did it cost to buy Biden's VP Spot? About $3.5 million.
That's how much Senator Kamala Harris' virtual fundraiser for Biden brought in back in June.
That not only beat Hillary’s total, but swamped every other Democrat fundraiser for Biden, except the Obama one, which brought in over $6 million for his old incontinent flunky, and Warren, who brought in more money in total, but had the misfortune of being a white woman.
The virtual fundraisers were the real beauty contest for the money hungry Bidens. And Kamala Harris won them in a swimsuit of money long before the official announcement was even made.
Susan Rice could hardly compete with a paltry $24,000 donation to Biden.
"She’s been a fighter and a principled leader and I know because I’ve seen her up close, and I’ve seen her in the trenches," Biden gushed about the California politician.
The trenches that Biden had in mind weren’t in the fields of France, but at high-end fundraisers.
Another one of Kamala’s virtual fundraisers for Biden in July brought in another million.
It’s been estimated that Kamala raised a total of $5 million for Biden.
What was Kamala's secret? She's plugged into a network of wealthy donors who got her to the Senate. And then poured over $40 million into her failed presidential campaign.
The fundraisers showed Biden what Kamala could bring to the party. And it wasn’t just money.
A Kamala fundraiser for Biden featured Diplo, DJ D-Nice, Jermaine Dupri and DJ Cassidy. It probably doesn't hurt that Kamala's husband is an entertainment industry lawyer.
It wasn’t just Willie Brown who got Kamala to the top. It was money.
Kamala had built her political career on tapping into big money in San Francisco and then statewide. She routinely outspent her opponents in her political campaigns. In 2016, she bought the Senate race by raising over $15 million and outspending her opponent almost 4 to 1.
More than half of her presidential campaign was funded by $23 million in large contributions.
That, and not small donors, is what Biden has been running on. After Kamala Harris dropped out, the Biden campaign "aggressively" pursued her donors. Now he doesn't need to. After the DNC’s clown car primary with its obsession with small donors, the jackass party is jettisoning the pretense that it cares about anything other than big donors and their giant wads of cash.
As CNBC notes, "her addition to the ticket could help push the Biden campaign over the top in the cash race with Trump."
Michael Kempner, a top Democrat donor and the head of one of the country’s biggest PR firms, gushed, "she has a strong and active fundraising organization. She will be an important and immediate addition to the Biden fundraising effort. She is a fundraising star.”
It’s about the money. It was always about the money.
Did anyone seriously think that Biden would pick Stacey Abrams, Rep. Karen Bass, or Susan Rice, when he can marry Mrs. Moneybags for her money and the donors that come with it?
Once Team Biden decided that they had to have a black woman in the second spot, there was only one that came with sacks of money. And there was only one who could tap into the massive reserves of California cash that has been used to transform elections nationwide.
Biden vowed to pick a black woman to represent the black community, but he cynically ended up picking a politician with few ties to the black community, but lots of ties to big white money.
Wall Street executives are already cheering the pick. So is Hollywood.
And the black community got played.
But what else is new?
The Democrats picked the daughter of an Indian doctor who was raised in Montreal and claims that her favorite band is “Salt and Pepper” as the new big step forward for African-Americans. They disregarded the almost universal opposition to Kamala’s candidacy by the Congressional Black Caucus, and by virtually every black activist within their own party, because of the money.
The Biden campaign told black Democrats that Kamala’s money matters more than they do.
And black Democrats will be expected to back Kamala up as she spends the entire campaign accusing President Trump and Republicans of racism and sexism for opposing her. These accusations will ring hollow among black voters, just as they did when Kamala was lobbing them at Biden. They fell flat when Kamala tried to keep her campaign going by accusing the entire primary field and the Democrat electorate of racism and sexism for not picking her.
Biden supposedly picked Kamala to appeal to black voters, but he beat her among black voters.
Toward the end of her campaign, Kamala was only polling at 4% among black voters while 20% had an unfavorable view of her.
But the Biden-Harris campaign is ready to reboot the racism and sexism charge all over again as it deploys the liar who accused him of racism to falsely smear President Trump as a racist.
The question that President Trump ought to ask is was Kamala lying then or is she lying now?
Before the official announcement, the Biden campaign was already officially coordinating with the abortion groups, that have killed countless black babies, and Emily's List, to smear Republicans and the Trump campaign as sexist and racist for criticising Kamala Harris.
Meanwhile, when Biden's VP search committee asked her about accusing the man at the top of racism, she allegedly, "laughed and said, ‘that’s politics.’"
That’s the level of contempt that Senator Kamala Harris has for the serious charge of racism. All those stories about her plight in “segregated” Berkeley while growing up as the daughter of wealthy upper class parents were a cynical political joke. And black people didn’t buy into it.
The question is whether black voters will buy into it when they’re aimed at Republicans. And whether they’ll let themselves be used as fronts for more false exploitation of racism by Kamala
Joe Biden showed that he cares more about white donors than black voters. And that what he really cares about isn’t race, even as he’s trying to use Kamala’s assumed racial identity to play on white guilt and racial idealism, but money. That’s all the Biden family has ever cared about.
And if this is how Biden is treating the black community before the election when he actually needs their votes, imagine how he’ll treat them afterward when he doesn’t need them anymore.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Ross rants again:

The ten year Treasury has been the key index for lending and for an indicator for stock market analysts for decades. Many loans were based on the ten year swap rates, and analysts have felt for decades that the ten year direction was a good predictor of the market. No longer. The Fed has managed to stabilize the ten year at around .6%+-. They buy the notes, or not, and manage the rate. There is no longer a true free market price for the note.  That makes pricing loans less subject to risk assessment because there is no real movement in the ten year which would happen in a free market. Thus the index no longer reflects the market assessment of risk in the economy. In fact, now there really is no free market for bonds with the Fed able to buy most anything from Treasuries to junk and munis. As a believer in free markets, I view this as not a good situation as it distorts pricing of all sorts of securities, loans, and assets. It is one of the drivers of the rising stock market.

Retail sales were up in July despite economists predictions. There is now a prediction that they will slow more in August as the $600 ran out. Possibly so, but that will be offset by more businesses reopening and gearing up. As the $400 checks arrive in September, people go back to work full time, and schools reopen, retail will improve again. By end of September several of the vaccines will be getting closer to final approval, and there will be tens of millions of doses ready to go.  September could see a new rise in stocks as good economic and other news becomes more prevalent, and as Trump closes the gap. The S&P could surprise on the upside as it passes through 3400. It is possible that this is a time to be a buyer of stocks, but given the insanity of the world these days, it could be risky. The black swans are across the sky.

The stock market idled this past week in spite of virus issues, and Harris being nominated. That suggests that there is still a lot of buying interest for stocks, and more up to go. As the virus is brought more under control in the south, and as jobs grow, as the Pelosi Schumer refusal to do a deal become more apparent and $400 begins to arrive along with payroll tax holiday, the more the riots and looting continue, and women flee the cities in fear, and as more Arab countries reach a deal, the Trump Biden gap will close, and stocks will rise. The Trump campaign turned the corner this week. As we get past Labor Day and the debates start, things will accelerate for Trump. Just consider on Friday alone we had the guilty plea and the UAE peace deal. From Biden, we all need to wear masks for three months.

It might appear that office rents are not dropping, but reality is asking rents may be holding, but the concessions make effective rents down by over 6% and dropping further in urban markets. There is a lot of free rent and other concessions being given now, and while you may see headlines about some big new leases like the one with Facebook in Manhattan, you do not know what the real concessions were to get that tenant. So the lease might be at such low effective rent, or the TI contribution by the landlord might be such that the lease is extremely favorable to the tenant and worth moving a lot of people to Manhattan.

Just keep in mind that they have moved hundreds of homeless into three hotels around 79th and Broadway.  That has been, until now, a very good area to live, but the exodus the past few weeks has become a flood as the druggies, sex predators, and mentally nuts are all over the streets threatening the upper west side liberal women who are now petrified. The cops are not allowed to stop this. Welcome to your progressive city policies. Bring in the criminally insane, tell the cops hands off,  and drive out the taxpayers. A friend of mine just had dinner with a retired very top level cop in NYC. The cop said the cops are intentionally letting things happen to make a point in return for defunding and the anti-cop policies of DeBozzo. NYC is going to be even worse than under Dinkins very soon.

There is no chance I can sell my coop right now on the UWS. Real estate values in Manhattan are tanking, there are a record number (13,000) of unoccupied apartments in Manhattan, and until there is a new mayor and city council, and governor, it will not improve. Giuliani proved that it is all about law and order. His broken windows policies turned around a similar situation when he became mayor, and the cops were turned loose to arrest even for minor infractions. No crime was too small, and Giuliani pushed prosecutors and the judges to enforce the law. In time the city was cleaned up, the homeless left, murders went from over 2,000 per year to just over 300, and the taxpayers and tourists returned in droves. Now we have utter lawlessness, and the same people who moved in are leaving, and the homeless are arriving.

Despite the crazy stuff happening in cities and DC daily, the market continues up. Note the new unemployment claims are suddenly much lower, right after the $600 ran out. Bet you it drops further in the next two weeks as the $600 recipients realize they need to go back to work. Recall that 65% of the recipients of the $600 were making materially more not working than if the went back to work. No more $600, and back to work they go. Pelosi does not realize she is really helping lower unemployment by not agreeing to do a deal and leaving Trump to be the hero. The economic numbers will continue to improve materially now, and the news on vaccines continues to get better.  All good news to the market. Rates are going nowhere, so that also inflates asset prices like stocks. Real estate is currently risky if you own office in urban locations, hotels, retail, or even multi-family due to rent collection issues, and no eviction allowed.

The stock market looks like a better alternative. As I have mentioned before, there are trillions sitting on the side that are likely to come into the market as it looks like GDP in Q3 is really going up by 20%+ and as vaccines progress. The more Trump closes the gap in polling the more the market will rise. Just wait for early September and the combo of many more Durham indictments, and the first debate. Now that the first Durham guilty plea has been announced, you can assume there are more to come soon.  It seems unlikely that they announced this one, and will wait long with no more similar announcements. If this guy rolled over, you know he has been talking, and others will soon plead to try to avoid jail. Up the chain they go until they get to Obama and Biden before the election. The Dems and press will press hard to say this is all just a political motivated witch hunt, and the press will try to downplay the indictments, but that will not fly as Durham connects the dots and people plead guilty. The press and Mueller will be exposed for being corrupt, and part of a scheme to stage a soft coup. Likely Mueller himself did not even understand what was happening. This is one of the steps I mentioned that will lead to a Trump reelection.

Some people are trying to claim the market was up strongly on Wednesday because Harris was nominated. So the huge rise since March through Tuesday was due to ??? There is no end to the ridiculousness of what the left will try to claim. Now Biden Harris claim the economy was doing great under Obama (the worst recovery since WWII), and Trump ran it into the ground ( the best unemployment stats in history, especially for minorities).  I guess they blame Trump for the virus shutting down the entire world economy for the first time in history. It just shows they will make up the most absurd claims that everyone knows are not even vaguely true.

I can’t wait for the debates when Joe tries to make this claim with Trump right there to refute it with facts and stats. It is like some on the left now trying to claim the US military now is in the most unready position it has ever been after $1.5 trillion of new spend, and a massive upgrading of weapons systems and training that Obama refused to fund. Absurdity knows no limits. It was well noted by many that Biden refused to answer any press questions after his joint appearance with Kamala. They just keep him hidden. Did you notice how slowly he read his statement that everyone needs to be ordered to wear a mask. If you watched carefully, his delivery was very slow and he had to refer to his notes twice to get out one single sentence.

CNBC claimed Wall St was thrilled with the Harris selection.  They quoted two or three people who have been close friends of the Clintons and Dem party mega-donors for many years, making it appear that all of Wall St is voting for Biden. It is pure media propaganda. It would be like asking Adelson if he was thrilled with the Republican choice if the situation were reversed. I guess they might be happy Warren was not the choice, but let’s see how they like Warren as Secy of Treasury, or head of some new agency that controls banking and Wall St. I still don’t get what the Wall St and other guys don’t understand. Do they really think Biden is going to have anything to say about anything. 

There is a story around that there is a plan to move him aside at some point, and have Kamala become president. I have no idea if this is true, but it has credibility the more you watch Biden stumble. Do they really believe Harris, rated as the most liberal Senator based on her voting record, is suddenly going to be moderate as the press would have you believe, and Pelosi is going to also be a moderate?  The Dems and the press are trying to make Harris look like the moderate next to Warren and the bartender from the Bronx who will be integral parts of the new White House. It is scary that such smart sophisticated people as Wall St CEO’s can be so delusional.

The media are treating Harris as some sort of saint, but she was first to drop out of the primaries because she never got over 2% support. She had no credibility. And now she is going to be essentially president if Biden wins. What a way to choose a VP, by skin color and gender, disregarding merit altogether. So the left is all against discrimination due to skin color or gender, but demanded it had to be a choice based on skin color and gender. Makes perfect logical sense. They are protesting against what they are  demanding be done.

Now the Republicans have gotten hold of a memo sent out by the Biden campaign and DNC to the press demanding that there be no negative stories, or deep dive, into her past, or any issue that makes her look bad, or else. So just in case you still had some illusion there is a free press, wake up to reality. Harris has been transformed from a loser in the primaries, and a far left politician rated as the most liberal voter in the Senate, into moderate St. Kamala by the mainstream media. What was hilarious was they attacked Tucker Carlson for misstating the pronunciation of Kamala. Then good old Joe on Wednesday pronounced it exactly the way Carlson had. Bottom line, they are trying to convince voters Kamala is moderate, and so is Joe, to hide Bernie and the bartender from the Bronx, and Pelosi from voters. Tara Reade is going to reappear and ask Harris if she still believes all women making claims. The gap between Trump and Biden is now 7% down from 12% recently. And we still don’t have the debates, the improving unemployment numbers, Durham, and more Arab states signing peace agreements.  The race has just begun. Joe cannot hide forever, and Kamala cannot be his mouthpiece for the whole campaign, which is what they will try to do.  She is designated attack dog.

The new agreement between Israel and UAE, is a giant geopolitical breakthrough that will bring along other Arab nations, maybe even the Saudis who have secretly been working with Israel for quite a while vs Iran. History of the world has just changed, and for the better, and in favor of the US. Say whatever about Trump, but he just pulled off one of history’s most critical agreements. If the Saudis, Bharanians, Qataris,  do fall into place, the Dems will have a nearly impossible time claiming Trump has destroyed the US foreign policy.

He will have accomplished what nobody else could do since the Egypt and Jordanian agreements decades ago.  It will make many Jews think harder about voting against Trump. There is now a major shift in the thinking of young Arabs who see what has happened to their countries, and their lives, vs Israel, and they are realizing that constant war with Israel and tensions, have destroyed their futures, and they are fed up. The key was Israel giving up the west bank expansion, as that destroys the whole narrative about occupation. There is no way to overstate the importance of this event, and what it means for Israel and Iran, in opposite ways. Biden tried to claim he and Obama paved the way- what an absurdity. They trashed Israel and gave Iran a lifeline of $150 billion just when their economy was tanking, and the path to a nuclear weapon.

Now their 5 year deal gives Iran access to Russian and Chinese weapons. How stupid was that, and the press thinks Biden is going to be good for foreign policy. This deal and those to come after it soon, are step two to Trump being reelected. The unfortunate thing was to see no EU nation backed the US in the arms embargo vote on Friday. The UN vote to extend the Iran arms embargo was only a yes by the US and Dominican Republic. All the EU nations abstained. What a disgrace. And you wonder how Hitler got away with his military build-up and aggression in the thirties. Wonder no more. The Europeans learned nothing from WWII.

DOJ just launched a case against Yale for discrimination against whites and Asians. It is about time. When a minority kid with an SAT 200 points lower than the white kid with similar other achievements, is selected for Yale, Harvard, Penn  or other schools, that is clear discrimination. The schools claim they take a “holistic” approach to admissions, and take account of all sorts of other criteria, like how poor the minority kid is, and his background, but this is just cover to try to justify discriminating against the white hetero male, who busted his butt in high school to get into Yale, but was denied because he is a white male from a solid family who pushed education and leading a good life to get him in a position to be accepted, only to find his skin color was wrong.  This is vindication for Amy Wax position on admissions. If Trump is reelected, this case will become a landmark, and will potentially finally begin the process of reestablishing merit as the basis for admission. If Biden wins the case will be dropped immediately.

Harris defended Omar and Talib when they made anti-Semitic remarks. Pelosi backed Omar in the primary despite her blatant anti-Semitic remarks. Harris chief of staff was the spokesperson for Move On, which is a very radical group that has a strong anti-Israel policy position. And this is who Jews would vote for just because she is a Dem??? Go online and look for  You Tube --Pelosi’s Neighborhood.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Now let's end by focusing on young kids and their thoughts of love:

What Love means to 4-8 year old kids ...
Slow down for three minutes to read this. ????
A group of professional people
posed this question
to a group of 4 to 8 year-olds ,
'What does love mean?'
The answers they got were broader, deeper,
and more profound than anyone could have ever imagined !
See what you think: ??????????????????????????????????????????????????


'When my grandmother
got arthritis , she couldn't bend over and paint
her toenails anymore. So my
grandfather does it for her all the time , even
when his hands got arthritis too. That's love.'


Rebecca- age 8




'When someone loves you , the
way they say your name is different.
You just know that your name
is safe in their mouth.'

Billy - age 4




'Love is when a girl puts on perfume
and a boy puts on shaving cologne
and they go out and smell each other.'


Karl - age 5




'Love is when you go out to eat
and give somebody most of your French fries
without making them give you any of theirs.'

Chrissy - age 6




'Love is what makes you smile
when you're tired.'

Terri -
age 4



'Love is when my
mommy makes coffee for my daddy and
she takes a sip before giving it to him , to
make sure the taste is OK.'


Danny - age 8




'Love is what's in the room with
you at Christmas if you stop opening presents
and just listen.'

Bobby - age 7



'If you want to learn to love better ,
you should start with a friend who you hate. '

Nikka - age 6
(we need a few million more Nikka's on
this planet)



'Love is when
you tell a guy you like his shirt,
then he wears it everyday.'

- age 7



'Love is like a little
old woman and a little old man who are still
friends even after they know each other so

Tommy - age 6




'During my piano recital , I was
on a stage and I was scared. I looked at all the
people watching me and saw my daddy waving and

He was the only one doing that.
I wasn't scared anymore.'

Cindy - age 8




'My mommy loves me
more than anybody
You don't see anyone else
kissing me to sleep at night.'


Clare - age 6




'Love is when Mommy
gives Daddy the best piece of chicken.'

Elaine-age 5




'Love is when Mommy
sees Daddy smelly and sweaty and
still says he is handsomer than Robert Redford.'

Chris - age 7




'Love is when your puppy licks
your face even after you left him
alone all day.'

Mary Ann - age 4




'I know my older sister loves me
because she gives me all her old clothes
and has to go out and buy new ones.'

Lauren - age 4



'When you love somebody , your
eyelashes go up and down and little
stars come out of you.' 
 (what an image)


Karen - age 7




'Love is when Mommy
sees Daddy on the toilet and she doesn't think
it's gross..'

Mark - age 6




'You really shouldn't say
'I love you' unless you mean it.
But if you mean it,
you should say it a lot. People forget.'

Jessica - age 8

And the final one:


The winner was a four year old child
whose next door neighbor was an
elderly gentleman who had recently lost his

Upon seeing the man cry , the
little boy went into the old
gentleman's yard , climbed onto his
lap , and just sat there.

When his
Mother asked what he had said to the
neighbor , the little boy said ,


'Nothing , I just helped him cry'


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