Friday, August 21, 2020

How High Does Hypocrisy Go? Defining Trump By Lies. We Can Wait For Godot, Can We Wait For Biden Too? Day 21.

By going high did Michelle mean hypocrisy?
Hanson: Michelle Obama told Dems to ‘go high’ after her husband ‘tried to destroy a political campaign’ | Victor Davis Hanson Private Papers
What about this irony. People who wanted to attend Biden's acceptance speech and support a party that wants to get rid of identification in order to vote had to present identification. DUH!

After his speech, our Ground Hog candidate retreated to his basement hole.


Michelle needed about a 20 person staff to  help her when she was our First Lady. Melania has about 5. Lightfoot, Mayoress of Chicago, needs to have her street protected and barrier-ed off and goes for  haircuts because she is so sought after while  her citizens are getting killed and/or shot like ducks in a shooting gallery.

Have we so privileged public servants they have lost touch with reality and have no sense of their responsibility.

I thought the officer ate after his troops were fed. I thought the captain of  the ship left last.

Michelle went to good schools. Did she not learn anything about ethical behavior?  We know she hated America until her empty suit of a husband became president. Lightfoot can be excused because she is totally incompetent and should be re-called.
_________________________________________________________________________________The mass media did a great hatchet judge defining Trump as a racist and anti-Semite but,as usual, they lied on purpose in order to over reach and accomplish their sinister goal.

Trump is no racist or anti-Semite.  He is a defensive street fighter who has thinner skin than is good
and in the public role as president he hurts his cause needlessly with intemperate statements.

Debra Heine set's the record straight , as have others, but you cannot convince haters and those whose minds are set in concrete. Facts no longer have much credibility in today's world.


The DNC did another hatchet job all the while telling us how they wanted to unite while bathing us in their syrupy soothing  but  poisonous rhetoric.


Israeli raid more surgical than most doctors


A warning to my liberal Jewish friends who remain enslaved to the Democrat Party.  One would think they should be smarter than most blacks who lack their education and sophistication.Therefore, they should know better but don't so they are actually dumber.

Obama knew what he was doing. because he was our cool president who liked to shoot hoops It is called a lay-up in basket

Can the world wait for Biden to 

deal with Iran?

The next president will have to address the threat created by Obama’s 
nuclear pact. Democrats who encourage the U.N.’s refusal to snap back 
sanctions are making the problem worse.
In an election year, everything a president does is fair game for political potshots. 
So the sniping at the Trump administration’s policy towards Iran from Democrats 
is to be expected. But do they have a sensible alternative?
In one of the few moments devoted to foreign policy at this week’s Democratic 
National Convention, former Secretary of State John Kerry lambasted Trump’s 
foreign policy as a “blooper reel” that embarrassed America, and left it isolated
 and weaker.
America’s European allies agree. They have fought Trump tooth and nail for 
three-and-half years on most issues, but especially on Iran. Like Kerry, one of the 
architects of President Barack Obama’s nuclear deal with Tehran, the Europeans, 
as well as China and Russia, were all opposed to Trump’s withdrawal from the 
nuclear pact.
Last week, Beijing and Moscow vetoed a U.S. effort to have the U.N. Security 
Council renew the arms embargo that was imposed on Iran in 2015 as part of the 
nuclear deal. And this week, they are set again to thwart Secretary of State Mike 
Pompeo’s demand that the United Nations “snap back” the international sanctions 
on Tehran that were lifted when Obama’s agreement was put in place.
As far as the Democrats, who are having a virtual convention to nominate former 
Vice President Joe Biden for the presidency, are concerned this is just fine. From
 their point of view, anything that stymies anything Trump does is good, regardless 
of the consequences. They seem to think that any damage done to U.S. interests or 
security or that of our allies can be magically corrected by Trump’s ouster.
Indeed, in that respect, Kerry was an appropriate spokesman for his party since he 
has been openly advising Iran to simply wait Trump out. As The Boston Globe 
first reported in May 2018, Kerry has been colluding with his former negotiating 
partner, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, and telling him the best course of 
action was to stall under Trump was defeated for re-election, after which a 
Democratic administration would revive the dangerously weak nuclear pact and 
drop the sanctions.
From that perspective, the worse it gets for Trump and Pompeo at the United 
Nations, the more it reinforces their belief that a President Biden will restore trust 
in America’s foreign policy, reassemble the international coalition that negotiated 
the Iran deal and presumably eliminate the problem entirely.
The problem is that contrary to Kerry’s assertion in his convention speech, the 
Obama-Biden administration did not “eliminate” the Iran nuclear threat. Desperate 
for a deal at any price, it merely kicked the can down the road with a deal that, 
contrary to Obama’s re-election campaign promises, did not eliminate Iran’s 
nuclear program. It actually gave it the imprimatur of international legitimacy and,
by including sunset clauses that would cause the limitations on its efforts to start 
expiring within a decade, would actually guarantee that Iran would achieve its 
nuclear ambition with the approval of the signatories.
That meant that sooner or later—and we are five years closer to that point than we 
were in 2015—the West was going to have to renegotiate the terms of the pact if 
an Iranian nuclear weapon was to be averted.
Trump decided that starting the process to clean up the mess that Obama and Kerry 
created couldn’t be delayed. He withdrew the United States from the nuclear deal 
in 2018 and reimposed sanctions on Iran in order to force it to agree to discarding 
the sunset provisions, as well as to address the issues that Obama, Kerry and Biden 
ignored, such as its illegal missile building, support of international terrorism and 
its use of its terrorist auxiliaries to achieve regional hegemony by effectively 
exercising control of Iraq, Syria and Lebanon.
Anthony Blinken, Biden’s chief foreign-policy advisor, promised that sanctions on 
wouldn’t be lifted until Tehran returns to compliance with the deal. But merely 
returning to the pre-Trump status quo doesn’t solve the problem of the sunset 
provisions or that of the missiles or terrorism. Once sanctions are dropped, Biden 
doesn’t have a chance to get an Iran that would be immeasurably strengthened by 
the end of Trump’s sanctions to make further concessions.
Iran is a major threat to the independence and security of all Arab states in the 

That’s why the United Arab Emirates decided to negotiate an agreement to 
normalize relations with Israel, a country that it now sees as a strategic ally and an 
asset in the struggle against Tehran. The chaos in Lebanon that the recent 
explosions in Beirut highlighted is also directly related to Iran’s ability to exercise 
influence over that failed state via its Hezbollah terrorist errand boys.
More appeasement of the Islamic regime by Biden wouldn’t address any of these 
problems. It would only make Iran more dangerous.
The spectacle of Democrats tacitly supporting the efforts of Britain and France, as 
well as of China and Russia, to enable the arms embargo to expire or to veto the 
snapping back of sanctions is appalling. It does support the idea that Biden would 
be far more popular abroad than Trump has been. But it also illustrates the problem 
with an approach that is solely based on the idea that all of Trump’s ideas are bad.
Trump is a flawed leader who sometimes sends contradictory signals about foreign 
policy. Nevertheless, what the world needs from the United States right now is not 
Biden’s desire to please countries that are blithely ignoring the peril in the Middle 
East, like those in Europe, or actively seeking to make things worse, as is the case 
with China and Russia.
What it needs is a president willing to stand alone (albeit with the support of Israel 
and many Arab states) in order to act to deal with the Iranian threat via unilateral 
sanctions that will—whether Europe or China or Russia like it or not—compel 
others to abide by U.S. demands
Far too many founders of foundations are turning over in their graves as they 
discover how far their foundation  board members have moved away from the 
donor's original intent.

 I do believe public corporations should fund only a very narrow list of entities 
with stockholder money ,those openly social charities with broad public 
interests like the Red Cross, Salvation Army., Cancer Society etc.

I personally oppose government funding of NPR though I enjoy their symphonic 

Public corporations funding anarchist organizations reminds me of American scrap 
dealers selling steel to Japan only to see it returned in bombs dropped on Pearl 
Harbor. in planes made with American aluminum.

Hello Patriots,

As ludicrous as the idea may be, some major companies have bought into 
They’ve swallowed what can only be considered as propaganda, hook, 
line, and sinker. They have collectively donated millions of dollars to BLM.
Fighting for Freedom,
Catherine Bell
This is a letter a dear friend and fellow memo reader received from his
friend.  I  thought it very worthwhile and right on the button.
Dear J.., W----,, M----,, D--, and P----:

Thanks for your comments. It is so easy for guys like K------ to laugh. But, this is a very 
serious matter. If you have a political favorite or a political goat, it is easy to find ways to 
criticize that will fit the narrative that supports your “favorite” or “goat” argument. But there 
are deeper problems and greater concerns which I fear few people are looking at.
I really feel bad for African Americans. They have gotten a raw deal. First, the schools in our 
black city neighborhoods are terrible. But, that is not a new thing. They have been that way for 
decades in most of our major cities. Baltimore, for example, is a city where the high school 
budgets are humongous. Yet, fact is, there was not one graduating kid in the Baltimore schools
 who was proficient in math according to test scores. For fifty years no one has put forth any 
measures that would make it better. Why aren’t officials coming up with answers and solutions?
How can parents hope for a better future for their kids?

In Chicago there are thousands of shootings and murders each year. This year shootings are 
increasing in our major cities (New York, Chicago, LA, Portland, Oakland, etc.) by over 100%. 
They are almost all Black on Black murders. Four nights ago a mob dressed in Black Lives 
Matter garb and in the name of BLM rioted, burned, destroyed and looted shops in Chicago’s 
mile area. People were shot. I imagine that many African Americans are employed in these 
shops. They are now out of work. Meanwhile, in the last year there have been 12 murders of 
by cops in the entire country. Eight of those were proven to be justified whereas in four of 
the police appear to be at fault.

So now you have protests and you have riots. If the police abuse or murder a Black person 
without cause they should, of course, be brought to justice. But why don’t we protest the 
thousands of Black on Black shootings? Why don't we protest the terrible schools? Why don’t 
these cities’ mayors and governors allow school choice? Clearly it is politics. No concern for the 
people who are at risk of being shot or for the kids who have sub-standard schools. If it destroys
 the cities that is okay as long as it meets their political objective. School choice/school vouchers
would be viewed very unfavorably by the teachers union who have these mayors, councilmen 
and governors in their hip pocket. Therefore, we haven’t enacted any school choice legislation 
for over fifty years.
In a recent poll 80% of African Americans in our inner cities said they do not want the police 
presence reduced. Most likely most of us didn't know this. Doesn’t matter to these officials, to 
the press or to the protestors what the people want as long as de-funding the police gets them 
some political points. Now we see in Portland that the mayor and the police chief are now 
saying these are indeed criminals and these are indeed riots and we must clean them up and
get their city back to normal. Or really? Why? Because they are looking at the polling and they 
see that de-funding the police is not getting them the political traction that they thought it 
would get them. And the whole time the African American is getting screwed. His shops are
being burned down and looted, his neighborhood is being destroyed, they are being shot and 
their schools suck so much so that their kids have no chance of getting a quality education 
and no chance at the  American dream. These are the same people who would laugh at the 
mere suggestion that Trump has helped Blacks. Meanwhile Black Lives Matters preaches de-
fund the police, which polling shows, Blacks in the inner cities do not want.

So, this man in the film represents a growing number of Black people who are realizing that for 
over fifty years the local ruling party has been telling them that they will take care of them while 
their living conditions have not improved and have even gotten worse. Their schools have not 
improved and there are no new jobs. This seems to me to be the worst form of racism.  Two 
nights ago in Chicago they shouted “Kill Columbus” and “Beat MY Boss” as they looted and 
burned shop after shop. How does this address making Black lives better? How does it 
improve even one sub-standard school, how does it create one new job and how does it give 
one life back?

While Black neighborhoods are burning and Black businesses are being destroyed and inner 
city schools are bad and getting worse under what is basically one party rule, compare all that 
to reduced taxes, enterprise zones, prison reform and the lowest Black unemployment in 
history. Imagine what could be accomplished if we could all come together and work together 
with the common goal of actually helping people.  It is such a shame that false rhetoric has 
drowned out the truth and the real issues in our politics. Someone who doesn’t like Trump may
say, “He is a racist.” And someone who doesn’t like Biden may say, “Does he have a pulse? 
And is he able to finish a sentence?” But, that doesn’t help these folks because it doesn’t 
recognize the real problems and it doesn’t address the real issues. It is such a shame. I think it 
a new low point in our national discourse.
Biden Diary Day 24

Oh "shirt" I forgot I was keeping a Diary.  That's not the word I meant. 

Kamala thanked me for letting her and Daniel sleep in The Lincoln Bedroom. I don't
remember letting them do that.

Have I met any foreign leaders? Did my valet vote for me?

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