Tuesday, August 18, 2020

America Could Become The Land Of The Once Rich, Once Free,Once Brave and The Once United.

REPORT: Obama Told Dems “Don’t Underestimate Joe’s Ability to F*ck Things Up”

Tax and spend and it will all upend.

You have to pass it to find out what is in it.  

Well Trump Haters are clueless as to the personal and  financial destruction a JOKE election will cause to what's left of  Capitalist America if Bernie's policies are both embraced and enacted.  The sheer cost of going green will be like a straw that broke the back of our competitiveness as the rest of the world takes advantage of our stupidity while we wreck productivity and the cost of all products, goods and services.

The other freebies will be like an arrow from Pocahontas' bow into  what is left of our morals when it comes to being free of personal obligations.

The biggest entitlement will be the opportunity to say good bye to America.as it becomes the land of the once rich, the once free, the once brave and the once united.
MUST SEE: Seattle Liberals Fed Up With Rioting Democrats, Plan to Vote TRUMP in November
100% Fed Up reports, It’s not often that the liberals in cities like Seattle switch parties, but this year, because of the anarchy...

The Bernie Sanders Moment

The ideas that once were deemed radical are now Joe Biden’s platform.

The Editorial Board.

Michelle Obama provided the star power at Monday night’s opening of the Democratic Party convention, but the evening really belonged to Bernie Sanders. The Vermont socialist, so long a voice in the wilderness, was handed a prominent speaking slot to celebrate how much the party and Joe Biden have adopted his ideas for governing. He earned it.
Mr. Sanders failed a second time to win the nomination this year, foiled by the extraordinary turnout of older black voters in South Carolina for Mr. Biden. But in many ways the progressive war horse has won the more important fight for the party’s direction. In 2016 Mr. Sanders lost and Hillary Clinton saw no need to make concessions. This year Mr. Biden made the unprecedented decision to move left after winning the nomination and adopt much of the Vermont Senator’s platform.
Mr. Biden went so far as to invite the socialist’s policy team to join his own teams on platform task forces. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez co-chaired the task force on climate change. Stephanie Kelton, the evangelist for Modern Monetary Theory or cost-free money printing, sat on the economy panel. Rep. Pramila Jayapal, the Seattle proponent of Medicare for All, co-chaired the health-care group.


This process and their product have received too little attention, as the media focus on Donald Trump and the pandemic. But Mr. Sanders, who isn’t easy to buy off, understands what happened.
“The people on those task forces worked very, very hard. And I’m not here to tell you, as a strong advocate for Medicare For All, that we got everything we wanted. We surely did not,” Mr. Sanders said on Sunday on NBC’s Meet the Press. “But I think if people look at the outcome of those task forces, they’ll find the reality that if those task force proposals are implemented, you know what, Joe Biden will become the most progressive president since Franklin Delano Roosevelt.”
He isn't blowing Vermont hooch. The 110-page Biden-Sanders manifesto is the most radical policy document of either major party in our lifetimes. It leaps to the left of the Obama Administration on nearly every policy area, from education to taxes to climate change.
The climate recommendations are a phantasmagoria of proposals to purge the U.S. of carbon-based fuels, and fast. Democrats will spend what it takes to “retrofit” four million buildings and two million households in five years. All new American buildings will be “net-zero” in carbon emissions by 2030, and the government will replace all 500,000 school buses nationwide with “zero-emission alternatives” within five years.
The cost of all this and more isn’t provided, but it will run into the multi-trillions of dollars. Oh, and all public-works projects that require federal permission or money will have to pass a new climate test. In practice this would eliminate new fossil-fuel projects.
Right-to-work laws would be repealed and labor law rewritten to favor unions. Most student loans would be written off, and public college would be free to families making less than $125,000 a year. The manifesto ducks the political poison of Medicare for All, but it gets there anyway via the installment plan. Medicare would expand to cover anyone age 60 or older, Medicaid would expand even more in the states, and for those in between a new “public option” would replace private insurance.
Most striking is how the manifesto filters every public policy through the lens of critical race theory and political identity. It would create a new public credit facility at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, for example, “to provide consumers with a government option that seeks to minimize racial disparities.” The Federal Reserve will have a third political mandate for redressing racial injustice, in addition to low inflation and full employment.
The socialists of the Cold War era saw inequality as largely economic. The new left sees every inequity as a result of racism, sexism or other institutional bias. Mr. Sanders at age 78 may be having his last campaign hurrah, but he is serving as the transition figure to the new socialist generation who will redistribute income and wealth, regulate and direct business, and micromanage American social arrangements based on ethnic and gender categories.


The political cliche every four years is that party platforms don't matter, and usually that's true. This time is different. More than any recent nominee of either party, Mr. Biden has no clearly defined agenda of his own. Can you think of a single idea or proposal that is distinctively his? He has absorbed what his party wants, and the Biden-Sanders manifesto reflects that.
Breaking: SO SAD! Crazy Pelosi Rambles, Forgets what She’s Saying In Front of MILLIONS of Americans
A GOP Senate could block most of this, but a Democratic Senate would break the 60-vote filibuster rule for legislation and pass much of it. Bernie Sanders may not sit in the Oval Office next year, but Mr. Biden will be implementing Bernie’s dreams.
Something to digest.  If it ain't broke why fix it and if radicals can riot in the streets then law abiding citizens should be allowed to vote as they have been for hundreds of years.

Interesting argument against voting by mail:

In all but limited cases (military, nursing home or wheel chair confined) voting by mail is a potential disaster, subject to massive fraud.
Here’s why:
 Voting by mail allows you to vote TWICE.  Mail in your ballot 10 days before 11/3; then show up at the polls and vote again.  In FL there is also early voting so you can mail in your ballot and then go vote in person the same day.
I have no confidence the states have the systems & personnel in place to check & prevent this.   I just requested my Mail In Ballot from FL.  Gives me the option to vote twice.
Voting by mail --- who is really casting that ballot?  Signatures on the ballot --- who/what will check this signature?  Check it against what?  How do you check 50 million signatures???
When my mother turned 88, I started paying her bills out of her checking account ----  signing her name on each check.
My signature looked nothing like hers --- but in the 11 years I did this, never once did a check get challenged.
If the banks can’t accurately check this do you think any local/state governments have the manpower and technology in place to check/verify this.
Also, this could be a great reason to invalidate a ballot by saying the signature ‘DIDN’T SEEM’ to match our records.  Signatures in question --- how would they verify/validate this? When?  Meet with every person and have them sign in front of you?  Really???
With today’s sophisticated printing technology it would be relatively easy to print up voting ballots to look identical to the official ones, then fill them out, sign them and send them in--- one for me, for you, and millions of US residents (not necessarily US citizens).
When this flood of fraudulent ballots arrive what would the states do?  They get 2 ballots from you at different times --- the one you submitted and the one submitted by some organized entity. 
Two different signatures.  Which is yours? Who checks, verifies and decides which one is invalid? 
Can you check 50 million signatures in a timely fashion?  What if they invalidate the wrong one.  Will they tell you which one of your ballots was discarded?
I’ve heard talk that mail-in ballots would be printed on “SPECIAL PAPER” like $100 bills are printed on.  Really?  At what cost?
Can you trust the Post Office to get it right?
This past year I got a Christmas Card post marked 12/24 delivered in March.
I constantly get other people’s mail.
Lastly, if the voting by mail turns out to be a debacle, with questions and law suits all around as to who wins which state,
AND if we don’t have a definitive outcome by 1/20 --- inauguration day --- the constitution states that the House of Representatives (Nancy Pelosi) picks the next President.
Unless we're physically unable to wear a mask and show up at our polling place and prove we are a US citizen with a photo ID, perhaps we should consider forfeiting our right to vote.
Voting in person has worked for decades and MUST NOT be replaced.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++  Pelosi sloshed? Breaking: SO SAD! Crazy Pelosi Rambles, Forgets what She’s Saying In Front of MILLIONS of Americans
Who is Kamala?

Kamala's Threat to American Democracy

Who, exactly, is a vice-president supposed to be?

There has never before been a presidential candidate who, prior to entering the White House, has shown such undeniable signs of age-related neurological decay. All political disagreements disregarded, the sight of an elderly person succumbing to the demons of those dreaded cognitive ailments -- which all too often rob us of the older people we love -- is truly excruciating to behold.
The political outcome of Biden's mental state is, if possible, even more unsettling. The role of the president is meant to be powerful. All constitutional checks and balances considered, the sheer power of the chief executive, in that one single person invested with authority to counter-balance the power of the legislative and judicial branches, is truly awesome.
In our situation today, we see a man who is clearly not in full command of his mental faculties, who is allowing himself to be considered for that office of chief executive; an office which, unlike a prime minister in a parliamentary system, is intended to be stable and not prone to regular changes in leadership.
The expectation of a normal four-year presidential tenure on Biden’s part if he is elected must, at the very least, be subjected to serious doubt. If pronouncing basic words -- let alone quoting the most famous phrase of our Declaration of Independence -- is such a confusing  ordeal for him, then it is our urgent duty to question whether this individual is fit to be the man who must accept the ultimate responsibility for this country’s national security and well-being.
These facts squarely cast the Democrat side of the current election as not a presidential election at all, but a vice-presidential election.
Should Biden win, the chances are very probable that his vice president will become the 47th president to finish out his first four-year term. As the vice president automatically succeeds to the Oval Office if the president dies or is rendered permanently incapacitated, the profoundly anti-democratic repercussions of this situation is worsened by whom Biden has actually chosen.
The traditional custom for presidential hopefuls is to either choose the second-highest-polling candidate in a primary race, as Ronald Reagan did with George H. W. Bush in 1980, or to choose a highly capable politician who is well-respected by most of the party, as Donald Trump did with Governor Mike Pence in 2016. In both of those cases, the aforementioned running mates reflected the Republican Party and its voters quite respectably while promoting unity.
It is highly questionable, meanwhile, whether Kamala Harris -- aside from all of the establishment media’s expected giddy cheerleading -- really represents her party all that well. She was polling at 2% nationally by the time she ended her own presidential bid on December 3, 2019. Her more radical positions, such as support for the Obama administration’s Iran deal, prosecuting a journalist who exposed Planned Parenthood’s collection and sale of aborted babies’ body parts (while receiving campaign donations from them), and defending Ilhan Omar’s anti-Semitism, may indeed sit well with a great many leftists, but her actions as Attorney General of California may not. While in that position, Harris jailed hundreds on marijuana charges and authorized anti-prostitution sting operations which, according to SF Weekly, disproportionately targeted Latino men (a crucial Democrat demographic). In addition to this -- though she later admitted it was a mistake -- she prosecuted and jailed the parents of truant teens. She even refused to release the names of Catholic priests accused of sexually molesting children, abnegating law enforcement’s most basic and humane duty -- regardless of anyone’s opinion of the Catholic Church.
it is highly debatable if these are positions that a high number of progressives who voted for the Democrat primary runner-up, Bernie Sanders, would approve of. Especially today, being tough on minority and drug crime -- to the exclusion of “white patriarchal” clergy sex abuse -- is not en vogue among the Democratic Party’s truly energized base, which is largely college-educated millennials taught to have contempt for not only aggressive inner city policing, but inner city policing overall.
It also remains a question as to how many black American voters Kamala really represents. Without doubt, she completely failed to gain these voters' support during the primary. Many black Americans responded to Barack and Michelle Obama due to their image as people who empathized authentically with the black experience of living in inner city America. Harris’s flip-flopping on criminal justice issues has clearly deprived her of the Obama touch.
What should highly concern all Americans of whatever political persuasion is the fact that, given Joe Biden’s medical condition, a Democrat victory in 2020 could very likely result in a person for whom only 2% of Democrats and Democrat-leaning Independents supported to become president.
The reasons for Biden’s choice of Kamala Harris as his running mate are as yet not entirely clear. What is very clear, however, is that a new president of the United States in the near future could be a person whom a weak and faltering man chose by fiat, and not someone whom the majority of the country elected by the ballot.

That's a problem.

It's a problem for America -- and it's a serious and profound problem for American democracy.

Barry Nussbaum is an exceptional American businessman and real estate mogul, whose distinguished career extends more than 38 years. He is an experienced news commentator on international affairs, who has been featured on major television networks, web-based and in print media. Visit his site: AmericanTruthProject.org.

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