Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Kamala Bears Extreme Scrutinizing. Normally Horses Stay In Barns. Be Careful What You Complain About From JOE and K, You Get JOKE!

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Since the odds favor Kamala becoming our next president, should Biden win, her scrutiny bears greater  VP investigation than usual. And you thought Palin was bad.

BREAKING: Wikileaks Posts 137 Documents on Kamala Harris,


Joe Biden’s awful vice presidential pick and Kamala Harris compared ICE officers to KKK


Erick Erickson's take (edited.)

The Problem With Kamala Harris 

By Erick-Woods Erickson

I’ll tell you a secret — I suspect if Harris and I sat down one on one that we would have a fun conversation and I’d get her jerk chicken recipe. Harris as a person is one thing, though I have had more than one Democrat tell me she isn’t that pleasant unless you are useful. The problem is Harris is in line to be President of the United States and for many center-right people who do not care for Trump and might consider Biden, the Harris pick is deeply problematic.
Democrats seem to cast Harris as a safe pick. They would have us believe that Harris is pragmatic, to the right of Elizabeth Warren, grounded in the establishment, and won’t rock the boat. Some on the right are pointing to activists on the left who are unhappy with her pick. But from my vantage point, Harris and Warren were the two who could very much ensure people who do not like Trump will go vote for Trump or at least not vote for Biden.
Let’s start with the basic problem. Vice presidential picks do no generally matter, but most voters think Biden won’t last a term. That sounds crass, but it is also true. Voters look at Harris as a possible future president, not just filler to lock down part of the base. So she actually matters more than a Mike Pence or, frankly, a Joe Biden as Obama’s VP.
As for Harris herself, the problem for people like me is not that she is too progressive. It is that she is no leader. She is a follower of the woke mob. Harris can easily be led by the mob to do bad things.
In California, she believed she needed to be a law and order tough woman to get to Attorney General and then Senator, so she pursued criminals ruthlessly. She threw a lot of young black men in jail for pot possession to show rich white Californians that she wasn’t like all those other San Francisco liberals. She ignored prosecuting those whose crimes could ruffle the feathers of constituencies she thought she needed. Then she got to the Senate and needed to show the left she was fully woke so she went overboard arguing that someone’s sincere Christian faith should be enough to block that person from the judiciary.
On the campaign trail, Harris went fully woke embracing the entire range of leftwing policy proposals from executive orders for assault weapons bans to universal government-run healthcare to advocating for illegal aliens. Harris’s campaign cratered because she and those around her became obsessed with lining up with Woke Twitter, having no core values on which to stand.
This came to a head with her believing Joe Biden’s accusers. Therein lies a funny side of this that the media will mostly ignore. Harris said she believed Biden’s accusers. Now she does not. Harris is a progressive opportunist. She will take any stridently progressive position to get herself power and abandon those positions if necessary to keep acquiring power.
The media is not going to ask Harris how she could be the nominee with a man she believes committed sexual assault except to let her get out of the position. There won’t be accountability. When you combine the media’s issues of accountability for left-leaning candidates, their willful refusal to paint an accurate picture of the mob violence happening in major cities, and Harris’s own covetousness of power through progressivism and you get the makings of the left’s own version of Trump.
Americans should hesitate to embrace candidates who will say or do anything to get eected and Harris is such a candidate. But her worldview orients her towards strong governmlental power and that is going to be offputting to independent voters who do not like Trump at all, would prefer to vote for Joe Biden, but cannot put an ambitiously progressive opportunist like Harris so close to the presidency.
Gretchen Whitmer, Michelle Lujan Grisham, Keisha Lance Bottoms, and a host of others have more executive leadership and ground their governance in pragmatic coalition-building, not woke mob guidance. I may not care for any of them, but they don’t concern me in terms of raw ambition, competence, and progressive rudderlessness.
Joe Biden has chosen a woman who was willing to embrace purported victims of sexual assault only to them throw them overboard just to get a few inches closer to power. She’s a woman who was willing to round up poor black men and throw them in jail just to get a few inches closer to power and then demand they be freed to get a few more inches closer to power. She’s what is wrong with the system and so cannot fix the system.


On way back from a doctor's appt. caught Biden's mean spirited speech introducing his VP.  Typical political torture of facts and attacks that do not hold water. Lots of we are going to but no fleshing out of what they will do that is different and better.  We have to pass it to see what's in it.  More political speechifying  crap.

We know what Trump has done and it is more than any response to a crisis we have ever witnessed  when  it comes to new approaches. No one can be perfect in this type of moving and changing crisis but what has been accomplished is quite amazing- more equipment produced hurriedly, vaccines that could be tested and ready in possibly 6 to 9 months, rather than years and billions spent to produce them on the premise they would be ready as the testing proceeds and a myriad of other critical medical activity like expanded number of hospital beds, military actions, billions allocated by way of support and the list seems endless.

While the above was occurring,in many cases the advice Trump received from the medical people was changing as they received new data etc. Everything associated with this pandemic involved chasing a moving target.  Meanwhile, in far too many cases Americans have been selfish, thinking only of themselves and not doing the very few things the medical people have advised lie - wear masks, wash hands and isolate.

And, oh yeah, a policeman killed a black man and rioting began and continues to this day because of feckless Democrat Mayoralty responses and votes to reduce police funding etc.

And all we get from Joe and K is carping nonsense.  Joe the big healer!  From Joe and K you get JOKE.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Most horses stay in a barn but Biden is kept in a basement.

Op-Ed: Biden Is an Extreme Leftist Trojan Horse
Soon the bottom 80% will learn the impact 1% can have when they flee Dodge City.  Be careful what you complain about.

Wealthy New Yorkers are fleeing the city in droves. They are tired of the violence and the high taxes.

This is a problem because the top 1% of New Yorker's pay 50% of the taxes for the state.

New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio are in a battle over what to do. One wants to incentivize their return with a tax cut while the other wants to tax them further to make up for budget shortfalls. Find out which leader is advocating for which policy and why New York is going to lose its appeal either way. 

~ American Liberty Report
Israel deploys first laser defensive equipment.

They should use it on the eyes of Palestinian terrorists like Antifa does in Portland and Seattle.


Don't forget Bolton is involved with Gatestone Institute:
Only jerks who are Democrat mayors and Congresspersons can justify this and explain it away as a myth and not happening because CNN, MSNBC etc. are not covering .
Kamala Harris' Ex Steps Forward... Shock Announcement

Daily News:They had a relationship together. They worked together. And now, he has a message for her.
In an op-ed published in the San Francisco Chronicle, former Mayor Willie Brown (D) told Americans that Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) should REJECT Joe Biden’s offer to be his vice president (VP). Brown said that Harris needs to aim for attorney general instead because that’s where the “real power” is.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sent by a dear friend and fellow memo reader:
The history of pandemics, from the Antonine Plague to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) event, ranked by their impact on human life. It definitely puts it in perspective.


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