Thursday, August 20, 2020

Democrat Failure To Sound Off About Rioting Is Deafening. They Also Define Themselves In Seeking To Define Trump Lot of Meat On The Other Bones.

And so it goes:


An interesting observation by a bright friend and also fellow memo reader:

There is a criminal, drug sub-subculture within the African-American (AA) subculture. But within the AA subculture itself, there is a significant tendency for law-abiding AA’s to celebrate the criminals achievements. Like the Italians did with the mafia. Due to limitations to many young AA people for achievement of any kind, far too many of them try to find a way for self-esteem in crime glamorized by hip-hop counter culture lyrics. And after a few hundred years of mistreatment and denial of dignity, they are hypersensitive, justifiably so, of white people (THE MAN) in positions of power. Obviously many crooked white politicians in the inner cities after the civil rights movement were replaced by AA criminal politicians. But many AA’s feel closer to crooked black politicians than to honest WHITE politicians, if there is such a thing. And now you know the rrrrest rest of the story R--"


3 articles of interest:

The Post Office Conspiracy Is First Class Stupidity
How About Democrats Pay KKK Reparations to Black Republicans?
A Sort-of goodbye to Germany?

As noted earlier Lynn has been watching the Democrat Virtual Convention and she sums it up for me and then,I have read a few articles. It seems, in their efforts to define Trump, they have actually defined themselves.  They have proven they are about that of which they complain, ie. divisive, mean spirited, despicably crude and nasty and to make matters worse have nothing by way of solutions to offer. If there is anything concrete about their ideas is must be in their head and replaces another substance.

They have yet to acknowledge the rioting in the Democrat led cities.  Oh well, if you do not talk about something if it does not exist, like the tree that does not fall in the forest because you do not hear it falling.

If voters find this appealing, the future of America is probably hopeless because is proves emotion rules rather than reason and reasoning is what must define America if we are to survive.

Our constitution was  debated and is a reasoned document complete with express checks and balances and no current congress could ever repeat it's complex simplicity, brevity or brilliance.

The difference between Jefferson and Pelosi is he knew what was in it before he read it.  She read it but could not understand it.
That said, the Democrats failure to sound off about this is deafening.



President Trump Shredded Obama's Entire DNC Speech With One Tweet

Former President Barack Obama will get high grades over his speech at the virtual Democratic National Convention. Obama laid into Trump about how he doesn’t take the job seriously and touched upon how our democratic institutions are under threat from the Trump White House. While liberal America gushed over this speech, does Obama really have the moral authority to lecture us about how our institutions are under threat or at risk of being degraded? He’s already done that. Sorry, but Professor Barry can take a hike with that trash. He spied on the Trump campaign. The then-sitting Democratic president spied on the rival campaign of the opposite party in 2016. That’s now a fact
The FBI’s counterintelligence probe into Russian collusion in 2016, which was sparked by the shoddy and debunked Democrat-funded Trump dossier launched Crossfire Hurricane, an operation in which clandestine informants tried to glean information from Trump campaign officials and then relay whatever they found pertinent to their superiors. That’s spying. They also set up fake briefings to spy on Trump himself. The FBI even doctored documents in the FISA spy warrant application process, which led to the unwarranted surveillance of Carter Page, a former Trump campaign official. 
Yeah, Obama knows a thing or two about perverting our institutions. He weaponized them to try and destroy his successor. Oh, and as for Obama’s remarks about the free press, do we need to rehash his administration’s war against James Rosen, who was then with Fox News, or the phone records his DOJ seized from AP reporters?  President Trump torched Obama's entire smug lecture last night with one tweet: "He spied on my campaign, and got caught." Don. Jr. got in on the fun as well. 
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Poignant email from a friend and fellow memo reader:

When I was a HS sophomore – decades ago! – my World History teacher was Mrs. Holloway, but we all called her Granny Holloway. She was a slight woman, scarcely 5 feet tall, seemingly fragile, but full of vim and vinegar….you know the type. She could speak for hours about the Fall of the Roman Empire, the Inquisition, the Industrial Revolution, and the World Wars. She never sat while she lectured, never stood at a lectern, but moved around the room making eye contact with all of her students. She was demanding too, and I can’t remember how many papers were sent back to me because she would note “you can do better than this, Miss Schaal.”

One day during class, an office aid interrupted her lecture to hand her a note. She read it silently, apologized, and said she needed to leave the room. We knew it had to be important because Granny Holloway stopped lectures for no one.

We sat in the room talking to one another when the door opened, and in walked Mrs. Abels, another teacher in our HS. She explained to us that Granny had been faced with an emergency, a serious one, and it was questionable if she would even be returning to finish out the semester. We were stunned. Would we get a chance to tell her goodbye? Would we get updates, so we would know she was ok? Mrs. Abels assured us that we need not worry, that Granny was safe but needed time away, and that the best thing we could do for her, and the best way we could show our devotion to her, was to be cooperative with her replacement. Mrs. Abels confirmed that she had been asked and had agreed to step in as Granny’s replacement.

Cheer up, she told us, this could be a good thing. Other teachers still believed in endless homework and projects with deadlines and hard work. She would not bring that into our class. She believed in clean slates. If there were grades that we did not like, she could give us a chance to bring them up. She asked us what suggestions we had to make the semester a better learning experience. Someone mentioned that lectures were boring and we wanted more films. Done, she said. Someone else mentioned that a free day now and then would help us if we needed to catch up on work in other classes. She didn’t see a problem with that. She asked us how we felt about an end-of-semester party. Um, yeah, sounded very good to us. And on and on. Mrs. Abels listened intently and agreed to all of our suggestions, continually emphasizing that her concern was that we have a good learning experience and enjoy the semester. She also reminded us that we were lucky to not be sent out to other classes where we would be working to catch up, and that of course this was all for Granny.

Near the end of the period, shortly before the bell rang, the door opened and Granny sauntered in with her usual Granny Holloway attitude. “How did they do?,” she asked. “Marvelous,” said Mrs. Abels. “They were completely in my hands.”

Granny then faced us and said “And that, my students, is how a dictator takes over a nation. Not with guns or tanks or laws or mandates. They do it using a poster child and promises and gifts and protection from an enemy.”

I can’t remember a lesson all through 12 years of public school that made such an impression on me, and has stayed with me.


You gotta love Vernon Jones:

OooooooKkkkkkkkk. The Leftist Press has shown its hand yet again. 3 Min’s.

And Sanford(unedited version.)
My Chicago daughter has a friend who wants to sell her house near  ://
What about this?

JERUSALEM, Aug. 13 (Xinhua) -- An Israeli start-up company has developed an artificial intelligence (AI) cane to help blind or visually impaired people to navigate independently, the Israel Innovation Authority (IIA) said Thursday.
The cane, developed by the medical devices company RenewSenses, detects and tells the blind what and who is near them.
The new hand-held device is designed to vibrate when detecting obstacles and identifying objects with AI.
It consists of infrared sensors, which detect distances and vibrate when getting close to objects, and a camera that connects to a smartphone application.
This allows users to understand which objects are around them, where they are located, and even how these objects appear.
The device, developed with the support of the IIA, can be easily installed on the regular cane, providing audio information about what is in front of the users, and vibrating as they approach an obstacle.
RenewSenses, founded in 2018 and based in Jerusalem, has also developed a platform for learning science and technology topics for blind and visually impaired students.


A fabulous article on Israel whose waist, at it's narrowest point, is about as big as my own.

John Kerry Chamberlain, saving Israel from itself...again

How many people realize that the names of most Palestinian Arab towns are proof that the Jews dwelled in Judea and Samaria before the Arab conquerors arrived? Even the name Jordan means "descends from Dan," one of the 12 tribes of Israel.

During President Obama's second term in office, Secretary of State John Kerry, like his boss and other members of the same peapod (Samantha Power, Susan Rice, Joe Biden, Chuck Hagel, etc.), liked to warn Israel about such things as its isolation and alienation if it did not agree to Arab demands to return to its pre-'67 war, '49 armistice lines (they were never borders) which made it an over-sized ghetto, 9-15 miles wide at its waist, where most of its population and infrastructure are located.
President George W. Bush commented that Texas had driveways larger than that. I don't know about driveways, but I also don't doubt the size of some Lone Star ranches. And I'm pretty sure Mrs. Obama had to travel farther than that for shopping trips to Target.
Others, like President Jimmy Carter, supposedly worried/worry (and even wrote books) about Israel's soul and looming "apartheid nature" if it insists on the more secure, defensible, real borders that UNSC Resolution 242 promised in the wake of the '67 fighting--a war Israel was forced to fight after being blockaded by Egypt (a casus belli), shelled by Jordan, abandoned by the UN Emergency Force placed in Sinai after the '56 war (largely fought over another blockade and acts of terror), and other hostile acts and constant threats of annihilation. 
All of 242's architects (Lord Caradon, Eugene Rostow, etc.)--and Presidents Johnson, Reagan, and others (including George W. Bush in his letter to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon)--agreed that Israel would never return to those pre-'67 Auschwitz lines. 
That, dear readers, is what the "settlement" issue is mostly all about...besides Jews having both modern, religious, and historical connections to Judea and Samaria (only since the 20th century, called the "West Bank") for over three thousand years. 
Question: Was Jesus born in Bethlehem of the 'West Bank' or Bethlehem of Judea? Ask the Gospels-  Matthew, in fact.
Indeed, many or most Arab settlements, er, "villages," were named after their original, pre-7th century C.E. Arab conquest Hebrew locations. Think Bethlehem (Beit Lehem, where King David was born, his great-grandparents Ruth and Boaz lived, Jesus was born, etc.); al-Khalil (Hebron/Chevron, where most Hebrew  Patriarchs and Matriarchs are buried and David was crowned King of Israel); Beitin (Beth El, named by Jacob); Jenin (Ein Ganim); Selum (Shilo); Tequa (Tekoa); Silwan (Shiloach); Batir (Beitar--Shimon Bar Kochba's last stand in the 2nd major Jewish revolt against Rome in 135 C.E.); El-Jib (Giv'on);  and others as well.  The post Arab conquest place names, so obviously based on ancient Hebrew names, are a source for archaeologists who use them to decide where to begin excavations of ancient Jewish sites.
Even the Jordan River and the Arab nation of Jordan itself (carved out of almost 80% of the original 1920 Mandate of Palestine in 1922) is named for the Hebrew tribe of Dan which lived in that area (Yarden--"descends from Dan"). All of this, of course, only adds insult to injury when those of Kerry's ilk lecture Jews on such matters. Check this link out for more.
In the wake of President Trump's historic decision to finally recognize and formalize the Jews' 3,000 year old connection to Jerusalem (how many other peoples/nations can make such a valid claim to their own capitals?) by pledging to move the American embassy there, Kerry recently returned to his earlier shtick (only back burnered when milking "'Progressive" Israelites for campaign funds)...After all, who knows what's best for Israel--Obama's peapod mate or Jews themselves?
Like most others of the Democrat persuasion these days (and I once voted for them in the past), Kerry prefers Jews as victims for whom he can cry crocodile tears of sympathy. And yes, I know that his family was originally Kohn, not Kerry--but that's another story. He can give a decent speech regarding the Holocaust, I'm sure.
But when it comes to empathy for real, in-the-flesh, imperfect, live Jews, that's another story.. After all, his Arafat-in-suit buddies are so perfect.
It has been confirmed that Kerry recently told an emissary of Fatah and the Palestinian Authority's Mahmoud Abbas--Israel's alleged peace partner who shelled out around $400 million last year alone to families of shahids, Arab "martyred" heroes who murdered Jews in cold blood (a good amount of the sum coming from American tax payers courtesy of the State Department)--to convey to Abbas, among other juicy things about Trump himself, to "hold on and be for time...and not yield to President Trump's demands."
Like Kerry (who hints at a presidential run in 2020), Carter, Obama, and others claiming friendship towards an Israel that agrees to stay within its sardine can of a state, the Czechs and Slovaks had Chamberlain and other such "friends" too in 1938. Those friends also demanded that they sacrifice themselves for “peace in our time.” Soon, Hitler overran them and most of Europe as well. And had it not been for the Russian Front, Chamberlain's England would most likely have been speaking German today.
For an Israel one needs a magnifying glass to find on a world globe, whether a victim of careful deliberation or naiveté, dead is dead. If Arabs do what they do to each other daily, imagine what they would do with "their" kilab yahud--Jew dogs--if given half a chance. Unfortunately, we don't have to just imagine...
Overwhelmingly, Americans realize that justice does not demand that the sole, resurrected, minuscule nation of the Jews sacrifice itself on the petroleum-greased altar of international hypocrisy so that Arabs may obtain their 22nd state–and second, not first, in “Palestine,” the name the Emperor Hadrian's ancient Rome gave to Judaea after the Judaeans’–Jews’–second costly revolt for freedom and independence against the imperial conqueror of much of the known world. Contemporary Roman historians had much to say about those events themselves.

Around that same time, a great spiritual leader and contemporary of Jesus in Judaea, Rabbi Hillel, said “If I am not for myself, then who will be? And, if I am only for myself, then what am I?”

Jews, collectively, have been disproportionately represented among those who have shown compassion and concern for Hillel's "other” over the millennia. It’s no accident that the great social movements for the betterment of the human condition have a disproportionate amount of Jews in leadership and membership roles. Look to the Hebrew Bible itself for the roots of this.
It took Commodore Uriah P. Levy to ban flogging from the United States Navy in 1850. Read the Prophet Isaiah for what's required regarding the poor, the widowed, and the orphan. Find out about Samuel Gompers, Emma Lazarus, and so on...And Jews have cared about--and tried over and over again to reach fair compromises with--Arabs as well. How have Arabs treated their own scores of millions, non-Arab competitors in a region Arabs claim solely for themselves? When's the last time the likes of a Kerry lectured them
Regardless, it’s long past due that Jews start taking the first part of Rabbi Hillel’s teaching more seriously. You can't have peace when your alleged partner only envisions your own peace of the grave.
Thank G-d, America once again has a leader who appears to understand all this. Let's wish him success and Divine guidance in all his worthy endeavors--those involving true peace and relative justice for all peoples in the Middle East...not just, but also not excluding, Arabs as well.

Gerald A. Honigman
The author is an educator who has done extensive doctoral studies in Mid-East Affairs and has conducted counter-Arab propaganda programs for college youth. He gives lectures and participates in debates around the U.S. Read his new book to be found at

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