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Interesting perspective.
Visions of the Post-Coronavirus World - Kuwaiti Novelist Taleb Alrefai: There Is a Conflict Between China, the U.S. Over World Leadership; Social Bonds and the Nature of Travel Will Change after This Pandemic
Source: France 24 Arabic TV (France)
Kuwaiti novelist Taleb Alrefai said in an interview on the Arabic-language France 24 TV that was published on April 7, 2020 that humanity is engaged in a "world war" against the coronavirus and that the U.S. and China are in a war over who will be the world leader. He predicted that whoever wins this war will re-draw the world’s political, geographical, monetary, and economic map, that the nature of travel will change, that people will be isolating themselves, that social bonds of all sorts will be different, that countries will relate to the third world differently, and that America, Europe, China, and Japan will realize that Arabs are not inferior people.
Taleb Alrefai: "I feel that humanity is going through a world war against the coronavirus. But inside humanity's trench, there is a war between China and America over world leadership and over who has the right to lead during this time. Of course. The victor of this war will become the leader of humanity in the next stage. There is also a war between the international pharmaceutical companies over who will develop a coronavirus vaccine. There are clear cracks in the EU, with Italy and Spain on one side and the other countries on the other side. There are also cracks between the different states in America. Therefore, what will happen after the coronavirus (pandemic) will be completely different from what preceded it. There will be a winner, or winners, who will re-draw the political, geographical, monetary, and economic world map. Travel regulations will be different. All the visas in your passports will be cancelled and you will have to get new visas that will have more strict conditions. Travel will be different. The way people relate to one another -whether with their countrymen or with foreigners – will also change."
Interviewer: "Will there be an increase in globalization, or the opposite?"
Taleb Alrefai: "In my opinion, everybody will be isolating themselves, so their relations with others, with their countries, and with foreigners will be new and different. I believe that the most obvious relations in this regard will be between the north and the south in the world – how others will view us in the third world. Human bonds will be built in a new way, and I hope that the Arab world, or the south, will get better recognition than in the past, and that the Western cultures of the U.S. and Europe, and even of China and Japan, will realize that Arabs are not inferior to others."
Many years ago I was going back to Penn after Christmas break with my fraternity brother who came to Bimingham to visit. We were driving back in my Jeepster and it began to snow and we could not make the steep hill from Bristol , Tenn. to Bristol, Va. We actually stayed with a couple who bedded us down. I will never forget Bristol, Tenn.
On Virginia-Tennessee border, one side of town is open for business while the other is still on lockdown
By Salena, Zito.
BRISTOL, Tennessee/Virginia state line — Joe Deel is behind the chrome-trimmed turquoise counter of his legendary diner, The Burger Bar, working with his wife Kayla, daughter Emily, and sous chef Corey Young; they can see people going in for lunch at the State Line Bar and Grill just across the street from them less than 50 yards away in Tennessee.
“It's just not a very fair battle or fight. And I'm glad for the guys that get to open up, but I sure wish it was us, too,” said Joe Deel owner of The Burger Bar.
There are a lot of towns in our country that border neighboring states, but few quite like this one, where the town sits in two states and shares the same name and traditionally vibrant business district along State Street.
Thanks to very different approaches to reopening their states, the businesses on the Tennessee side were open Saturday, while the Virginia side businesses, with the exception of curbside pickup operations at The Burger Bar and the legendary Blakey-Mitchel men’s clothing store a few blocks away, are nearly all closed.
Click here for the full story.
There are a lot of towns in our country that border neighboring states, but few quite like this one, where the town sits in two states and shares the same name and traditionally vibrant business district along State Street.
Thanks to very different approaches to reopening their states, the businesses on the Tennessee side were open Saturday, while the Virginia side businesses, with the exception of curbside pickup operations at The Burger Bar and the legendary Blakey-Mitchel men’s clothing store a few blocks away, are nearly all closed.
Click here for the full story.
This from a very dear friend and fellow memo reader. After reading it I was shocked to learn that the CIO of Calpers (The State of California's pension fund - the largest in the nation) was Ben Meng, a member of the Chinese Communist Party. Remember Sen. Feinstein's chauffeur?
Subject: compelling China interview
This video interview about China riveted me yesterday. I was not interested in an hour-long slog but the friend and classmate who sent it wrote, "Kyle Bass is one of the brightest lights around anywhere. He operates his fund from Fort Worth and is world-class smart". So, I watched and was hooked.
I strongly recommend this riveting exposition for two reasons: 1) everything having to do with China’s central and criminal role in this multi-trillion dollar worldwide disaster itself, but even more importantly 2) the virus as a catalyst for the West’s rethinking and responding to the Chinese Communist Party's global ambitions and its strategy for getting there. As my friend further states, “… observations regarding China and the efforts made to minimize internal damage, divert blame and shape international public opinion after clear missteps regarding the virus. You don’t have to be a geopolitical strategy expert to understand the possible motivation of their various actions, ramifications and the steps the U.S. must take to decouple. Note that recently the WSJ published an editorial pointing out that leaders of the Hong Kong protests of last year have just now been arrested under cover of the pandemic. Problems in the South China Sea too."
Bass points out that China is already waging war on the U.S. and the West in three (3) ways: propaganda, cyber and economic. (The last is “kinetic”, i.e. bombs and bullets). I think knowledgeable experts would not dispute this.
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