Buy American.
Not so at The Landings.
Vacant bocce courts give way to eerie, empty parking lots
By Salena Zito
YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio — Joe Cassese has lived and worked and prayed in this old town all of his life. It’s died before; and he is doing whatever he can to not let it, or his business or resolve die again.
But, he admits bluntly, it isn’t easy.
“Coming down that hill every morning and leaving every night and seeing that empty parking lot messes with your psyche,” Cassese says of his daily drive to and from the family restaurant. “And I am a positive person,” he adds, with a strain and sadness weighing on the buoyant personality with which patrons of his restaurant are familiar.
Cassese’s family runs the Mahoning Valley Restaurant in the Smoky Hollow neighborhood of Youngstown. But nobody calls it that here — it’s just the MVR, one of the only remnants of a neighborhood that once was.
Cassese’s family runs the Mahoning Valley Restaurant in the Smoky Hollow neighborhood of Youngstown. But nobody calls it that here — it’s just the MVR, one of the only remnants of a neighborhood that once was.
From this neighborhood come countless stories of who built America — not through the eyes of the men, who owned the mills and factories that once lined Crab Creek and the Mahoning River, but from the immigrants from all over the world who settled here in modest homes and set about doing the work.
They gave their blood and sweat and tears to make the bridges and ships and roads and buildings that formed the bloodstream and backbone of America. It was an era where the dignity of work went hand in hand with honor.
Click here for the full story.
This sent by the son of a dear and long time friend and fellow memo reader. It is authoritative:
This is 100% legit. https://www.iardc.org/ stands for Illinois Attorney Registration And Disciplinary Committee. It's the official arm of lawyer discipline in Illinois ; and they are very strict. (Talk about irony.)
1. President Barack Obama, former editor of the Harvard Law Review, is no longer a "lawyer". He surrendered his license back in 2008 in order to escape charges he lied on his bar application. A "Voluntary
Surrender" is not something where you decide "Gee, a license is not really something I need anymore, is it?" and forget to renew your license. No, a "Voluntary Surrender" is something you do when you've been accused of something, and you 'voluntarily surrender" your license five seconds before the state suspends you.
2 Michelle Obama "voluntarily surrendered" her law license in 1993. after a Federal Judge gave her the choice between surrendering her license or standing trial for Insurance fraud!
3. Facts.Source: http://jdlong.wordpress.com/…/pres-barack-obama-editor-of-…/
Israel does the unusual and is effective:
America's FBI could teach Russia's KGB some lessons in entrapment.
The FBI’s Flynn Outrage
New documents shock the conscience and demonstrate the need for accountability.
The newest Federal Bureau of Investigation documents in the case of former White House national security adviser Mike Flynn are stunning in themselves. But the totality of Mr. Flynn’s treatment shocks the conscience.
By KImberley Strassel
Mr. Flynn in 2017 pleaded guilty to a single count of lying to FBI agents about conversations he had with Sergey Kislyak, Russia’s ambassador to the U.S. Thanks to new documents the feds belatedly turned over to his attorneys, we know the FBI engineered this “crime.” Handwritten notes from former FBI counterintelligence head Bill Priestap, made before the bureau’s interview of Mr. Flynn, ask the following: “What is our goal? Truth/Admission, or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?”
One of the frustrations of the Trump-Russia “collusion” narrative is that the evidence of law enforcement’s abuse of power keeps emerging in dribs and drabs. To grasp the outrageous conduct fully, the Flynn documents need to be added to what we already know. The overall evidence paints a scandalous picture: Having labored and abysmally failed in 2016 to build a case that Mr. Flynn was an agent of the Russians, the FBI and Justice Department changed gears—rifling through his communications, inventing a fake crime, and entrapping him on a “lying” charge.
What changed? In late December, Mr. Flynn spoke to Mr. Kislyak. Federal law gives investigators the authority to wiretap foreigners but also requires strict privacy protections for U.S. citizens with whom they speak. The Obama administration superseded those protections and “unmasked” Mr. Flynn in the days following his discussions. They later leaked the classified contents of the call to the press.
The snooping gained them nothing substantive. Mr. Flynn’s conversations were lawful and routine. So Justice Department and FBI officials instead manufactured the absurd theory that Mr. Flynn had violated the Logan Act of 1799, which bars citizens from engaging in unauthorized negotiations in disputes between the U.S. and foreign governments. No one has ever been convicted of violating the act. This week’s handwritten notes show that among the FBI’s hopes in interviewing Mr. Flynn was to “get him to admit to breaking the Logan Act.”
The real goal was to trap him. Remember, the FBI didn’t need to ask Mr. Flynn what he’d said to the Russian ambassador; they had a recording. The only reason for an interview was to coax Mr. Flynn into saying something at odds with that transcript. They worked hard at it. Then-Director James Comey has previously bragged that the FBI went around the White House legal counsel to make sure Mr. Flynn had no lawyer present.
This week’s documents include an email from former FBI lawyer Lisa Page debating ways for the bureau to get around its standard formal admonition against lying, suggesting agents just “casually slip that in” when talking to Mr. Flynn. A document from former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe says that he urged Mr. Flynn to conduct the interview without a lawyer, and that the FBI deliberately dispensed with the admonition altogether.
The abuse then continued under former special counsel Robert Mueller. Mr. Flynn initially explained that he misremembered what he’d discussed with the Russian, a highly plausible claim. But Mr. Mueller’s lawyers pursued him to near penury and threatened to prosecute his son. He succumbed and agreed to a plea deal.
Perhaps the most important aspect of this week’s documents is what isn’t in them. The FBI expresses no concern that Mr. Flynn was “colluding” with Russia or otherwise threatening national security—supposedly the rationale for the FBI’s intrusive investigation. By this point, it just wanted a scalp, a means to keep its broader narrative rolling.
The FBI exists to investigate crimes, not to create them. Some might add this shameful behavior to the long list of the FBI’s “collusion” malfeasance: the surveillance-court abuse, the Steele dossier, the leaks. But the Flynn case is something different. This isn’t the FBI playing fast and loose with sources or the courts. This is law enforcement abusing its most tyrannical power—to strip citizens of their reputations, their livelihoods and their liberty.
The FBI’s treatment of Mr. Flynn lives up to Americans’ worst fears. Attorney General William Barr was right to order a review of the case. Now someone must be held to account.
Double Standards abound. Democrats have perfected an ability to ignore that which they accuse others of doing. They can do so because the mass media is in bed with them.
All Tara Reade’s Deniers
The Democrats who attacked Brett Kavanaugh duck and cover for Joe Biden.
The Editorial Board
Joe Biden held a Virtual Women’s Town Hall on Tuesday, and the minor news was Hillary Clinton’s appearance and endorsement. The real news is what didn’t happen. This was another public forum where Mr. Biden didn’t address, and wasn’t asked about, Tara Reade’s allegation that he sexually assaulted her in 1993.
This week two more women told Business Insider that Ms. Reade told them about the assault when she says then Sen. Biden pinned her against a wall, put his hands under her skirt and digitally penetrated her. Lynda LaCasse, a next-door neighbor and Biden supporter, says Ms. Reade talked about the assault in 1995 or 1996. Lorraine Sanchez, a co-worker from Ms. Reade’s time as a staffer for a California state Senator, says Ms. Reade told her she’d been sexually harassed by her former boss.
There’s also a video of a 1993 phone call to CNN’s “Larry King Live,” which appears to be from Ms. Reade’s mother, asking for advice for her daughter who had “problems” with a “prominent Senator” but didn’t want to go to the press. This evidence joins Ms. Reade’s brother and two anonymous friends who reinforced her story and were cited previously by the New York Times.
None of these proves Ms. Reade’s accusations, but the accounts do make them harder to ignore. And it highlights the troubling double standard between how sexual assault charges against Brett Kavanaugh were treated and how the same people are now treating assault accusations against Mr. Biden.
None of these proves Ms. Reade’s accusations, but the accounts do make them harder to ignore. And it highlights the troubling double standard between how sexual assault charges against Brett Kavanaugh were treated and how the same people are now treating assault accusations against Mr. Biden.
When Christine Blasey Ford accused Mr. Kavanaugh of sexual assault, he sat for an interview with Fox News’ Martha MacCallum and categorically denied every charge. He endured an FBI investigation and was grilled by the Senate Judiciary Committee.
And Joe Biden? In the thick of the Kavanaugh nomination he said that, when a women alleges sexual assault, the “presumption” should be that she is telling the truth. Mr. Biden hasn’t personally responded to Ms. Reade’s accusation. He’s left the denial to his campaign staff.
Mr. Biden gets away with this because the press lets him. Everybody knows that if Mr. Biden were a Republican every GOP Senator would be asked if he believed the accuser, but that when the accused is a Democrat best not to ask the tough questions. It’s not as if Mr. Biden is inaccessible. The NewsBusters blog reports that since Ms. Reade made her accusations, the former Vice President has been on ABC, NBC, CNN and MSNBC for interviews. Not one of the 77 questions were about Ms. Reade’s charges.
It would also be instructive to ask Democratic women about Ms. Reade, especially those who were most adamant about believing the uncorroborated charges against Mr. Kavanaugh. Of Ms. Blasey Ford’s credibility, Sen. Amy Klobuchar said in the Judiciary Committee that “the fact that she had mentioned this before means a lot.” As for Ms. Reade’s charges, the Senator has picked up a talking point from the Biden campaign: that the New York Times conducted a “thorough investigation” and that’s good enough for her.
Stacey Abrams, the losing candidate for Governor in Georgia in 2018, was even more explicit. The same politician who said of Ms. Blasey Ford that “I believe women” now says she doesn’t believe Ms. Reade. “The New York Times did a deep investigation and they found the accusation was not credible,” she told CNN Tuesday night. Meanwhile, a Times statement says it is inaccurate to suggest the paper’s investigation “found that Tara Reade’s allegation ‘did not happen.’ Our investigation made no conclusion either way.”
Then there’s Hawaii Sen. Mazie Hirono, who said of Ms. Blasey Ford that the #MeToo Movement is about changing “an environment where people see nothing, hear nothing, and say nothing.” Ms. Reade will surely be glad to hear it.
Or Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.), another Blasey Ford believer. On the Senate floor she demanded an FBI investigation of Mr. Kavanaugh. About Mr. Biden? Nada.
We don’t know who’s telling the truth. And we remain opposed to setting a standard in which people are pressured to resign or withdraw, without due process or opportunity to clear their good names, based on an allegation about an incident that is decades old. But ours isn’t the standard Democrats set for Republicans, and if the truth remains elusive then leave it to the voters to decide.
Joe Biden owes Americans a response in his own words. And the press and politicians who created and sustain this double standard owe Justice Kavanaugh an apology.
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