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Interesting article sent by a very dear friend and fellow memo reader:
EU risks losing Germany if it picks a constitutional fight to the death, or the euro if it doesn't
Am now reading Amity Shlaes' "Great Society. Previously I read and reviewed her "Forgotten Man "and "Coolidege" She is a wonderful author. I would love to have her come and speak at the next SIRC President's Day Dinner. Me
Obama and his various lists:
Obama has a history of making enemies lists.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++I speak from personal experience because I am on his enemies list from the 2008 campaign. As a result, I was harassed and threatened. I even published a book in 2012, titled “Obama’s Enemies List.” Apparently, Gen. Michael Flynn is on Obama’s enemies list, too.Back in July 2008, Obama called me out by name, identifying me as an enemy, and sent a signal to his supporters to actively harass me. Sen. Obama said at the time, “[T]here was an ad, one in South Dakota by Floyd Brown, I don’t think that I am off the wall here to say that, you know, a lot of outside groups that are potentially going to be going after us hard.”With these comments, Obama was able to incite his supporters to launch all kinds of personal attacks against me. As if on cue, I was flooded with an onslaught of nasty, hate-filled, vulgar and obscene anonymous phone calls and emails from Obama supporters. Some included death threats.My bio and personal information soon appeared on a specialized enemies list on his campaign website. The Obama team called the page “Fight the Smears.” I received even more calls and the cyberattacks on me and my website increased. A Wikipedia page that referenced me was overwhelmed with scurrilous lies.Threatening calls also came to our home. My wife began to fear for our children. It did not stop until I began to record the messages and post them on the internet for all to hear. The intensity of the hatred toward me and my family was intense and ferocious.Obama’s use of Nazi and mob intimidation tactics had a clear objective: to shut up any early opponents.Early in Obama’s presidency, Peter Wehner wrote for Commentary magazine, “The Obama White House is showing a fondness for intimidation tactics that might work well in the wards of Chicago but that don’t have a place in the most important and revered political institution in America. … If that should come to pass — if what we are seeing now is only a preview of coming attractions — then the Obama administration, and this nation, will pay a very high price. Mark my words.”Should former President Obama be forced to testify before Congress about Gen. Flynn?Many Americans first became aware that Obama had crossed a line — a line that no president had even dared approach since Richard Nixon — when Kimberly Strassel of The Wall Street Journal dropped a bombshell in May 2012:“Unlike senators or congressmen, presidents alone represent all Americans. Their power — to jail, to fine, to bankrupt — are also so vast as to require restraint. Any president who targets a private citizen for his politics is de facto engaged in government intimidation and threats. This is why presidents since Nixon have carefully avoided the practice. Save Mr. Obama, who acknowledges no rules.”This was following her investigation that found Romney donors were being placed on lists containing their personal information and lies about them, then duly harassed, in order to intimidate others from donating to the Romney presidential campaign.When Obama had his enemies list posted on his re-election campaign website, Rory Cooper of the Heritage Foundation said that Obama was going after them “at the individual level, for anyone who opposes his policies.”But you don’t need to take Cooper’s word for it. Obama talked about it in 2010 on the Spanish radio giant Univision after discussing a number of issues, saying, “we’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us.”Flynn got in Obama’s crosshairs for two reasons, and shot to the top of Obama’s enemies list: First, in 2014 Flynn told an “uncomfortable truth,” one the Obama administration didn’t want Americans to hear.Flynn dared to oppose Obama’s false narrative — about ISIS as a “JV team” — when in reality Islamic extremist groups around the world were growing in number and strength, posing an increasingly dangerous risk, as we saw born out when later, radical Islamist terrorist group attacks escalated.Not only did he oppose Obama when testifying to a congressional committee in 2014 (and was subsequently fired), Flynn even went as far as writing a book about Obama’s negligence published in 2016 — and then he had the audacity to campaign for Donald Trump.So, taking down Flynn was like a twofer for Obama. He was also aiming for someone even higher on his list — President Trump.Which explains the Jan. 5, 2017, meeting with Obama and former FBI Director James Comey to cover up spying on the Trump campaign by plotting to entrap Gen. Flynn, thus derailing Trump’s presidency before it even had a chance to begin.Almost prophetically, Wehner said in Obama’s first term:“There seems to be a cast of mind that views critics as enemies, as individuals and institutions that need to be ridiculed, delegitimized, or ruined. Given the administration’s brazen public statements, one can only imagine what is being said privately, behind closed doors, as strategies are plotted and put into effect.”Obama has a history of abusing the power of the federal government to go after people who oppose him and his politics — and it is now on full display with the outing of his use of the FBI to launch a silent coup.We are committed to truth and accuracy in all of our journalism. Read our editorial standards.
More good news from Israel (edited):
Israel's Good News Newsletter
· Israeli surgeons extracted a long metal rod from an Arab patient’s head.
· An Ethiopian-Israeli woman and a Haredi woman are new Israeli ministers.
· Israel is to lead a United Nations digital conference to tackle coronavirus.
· Three Israeli disinfectant and purification innovations.
· Israel offers incentives for startups to partner overseas medical research.
· Israel re-opens many national parks and nature reserves.
· Discovery in Jerusalem of a 1900-year-old Jewish “freedom” coin.
Detecting heart problems in coronavirus patients. Israel’s DiA Imaging Analysis (reported here previously) uses its AI image analysis of ultrasound scans to detect cardiac problems. DiA has received a NIS 2.5 million grant from the Israel Innovation Authority to roll out its system to hospitals treating coronavirus patients.
US approves Covid-19 imaging tech detection. The US FDA has allowed the use of previously cleared technology developed by Israel’s Aidoc Medical.to detect lung anomalies in CT-scans that are associated with coronavirus (Covid-19). It provides early detection of infected patients who show no coronavirus symptoms.
How MDA prevented an even larger disaster. (TY Stuart Palmer) Emergency service Magen David Adom and its 24,000 volunteers were critical to Israel’s pandemic strategy. Its trained volunteer call center handled over 100,000 calls a day and it minimized hospitalizations by testing 240,000 patients away from hospitals.
New crisis ICU for Sheba hospital. (TY Hazel) Israel’s Sheba Medical Center has inaugurated a new intensive care unit with hundreds of beds to provide crisis response in future national emergencies. A significant donation for the unit was received from philanthropist Roman Abramovich, a long-time donor of Sheba Medical Center.
Good news for bone-marrow transplants. Israeli biotech Gamida Cell (see here) published positive results in its Phase 3, 50-center trial of NiCord (now called Omidubicel) that aims to increase the success of bone marrow transplants in blood cancer patients. The stem cells were established much quicker than alternatives.
Surgeons save Arab with rod through his head. (TY IsraPundit) Kamel Abdel Rahman fell from the second floor of the apartment he is building. He landed on a metal rod that penetrated his head from left cheek to right ear. Surgeons at Jerusalem’s Hadassah Ein Kerem hospital extracted the rod in two nail-biting operations.
2-year-old Palestinian Arab boy saved. Surgeons at Israel’s Save a Child’s Heart performed open heart surgery on two-year-old Hamza Ali Mohammed, who was born with life-threatening congenital heart disease. He has been hospitalized during the coronavirus pandemic but has now returned to his family in Ramallah.
First Ethiopian-Israeli woman minister. Pnina Tamanu-Shata is the first Israeli woman of Ethiopian origin to become an Israeli government minister - of immigration absorption. She came to Israel in Operation Moses in 1984 when she was three years old. Benny Gantz was one of the commanders of the operation.
First Haredi woman minister. Omer Yankelevich is the first Haredi (Ultra-Orthodox) woman to become an Israeli government minister - of diaspora affairs. She was educated in Haredi schools in both Gateshead (UK) and Bnei Brak. She has a BA degree from Cambridge (UK) and a Masters, in law, from Bar Ilan University.
Arab Muslim twins join IDF. (TY Myer) Twin Arab Muslims Fares and Firas Muhammad spent much of their youth in courts for thefts and violence. Then two separate incidents persuaded them to make new starts. They enlisted in the IDF and are elite troopers in the Golani brigade. Fares is training to become a squad commander.
Qatar offers free flights to Israeli medics. Qatar Airways is offering free flights to medical workers in every country. The airline’s CEO Mr. Akbar Al Baker said that “every single country in the world, including our neighboring countries, including the State of Israel, will be allocated numbers of tickets.”
New epidemic research center. (TY Hazel) Tel Aviv University is to establish a new multidisciplinary epidemic research center - the first of its kind. The “Center for Combating Pandemics” will bring together experts from medicine, biology, mathematics, physics, economics, engineering, education and psychology.
The data analysis that helped re-open Israel. Interesting article explaining how Israel-based Qualitiest (reported here previously) was able to help the Israeli Government determine how and where to focus its response to the coronavirus pandemic. https://www.calcalistech.com/ctech/articles/0,7340,L-3819351,00.html
Monitoring virus spread without compromising privacy. The app from Israeli startup Duality collects data and warns people who were exposed to coronavirus (Covid-19) patients, without having to reveal who they are. It can collate statistics about the location where people were infected and make recommendations.
A 1-minute coronavirus test. Ben-Gurion University Professor Gabby Sarusi is developing a test that identifies carriers of the COVID-19 virus in less than a minute. A swab sample is placed on a chip - the virus, if present, resonates in the terahertz spectral range, which a spectroscope detects.
Socrates collects coronavirus data. Israel’s Omnisol has developed Socrates – an Artificially Intelligent research tool, originally for security agencies. It has now been converted for use by Israeli hospitals to advance coronavirus research. Socrates saves researchers the labor of manually gathering data from multiple sources.
3D-printing of tiny parts. Israel’s Nanofabrica develops 3D printers that manufacture electronic and optical parts. Nanofabrica’s nanoscale technology enables digital mass-manufacturing of complex precision parts. It is now working to adapt its ultra-precise printing to support efforts to fight the coronavirus pandemic.
Spray kills viruses for weeks. (TY WIN) Israel’s Bio-Fence has developed an anti-microbial surface coating that kills bacteria and effectively destroys viruses. It is effective against the Herpes simplex virus which is much tougher than Covid-19. The treated surface (including walls, floors) actively kills pathogens for many days.
Another coronavirus disinfectant. Israel’s Tera Novel is distributing a state-of-the-art disinfectant developed by Israel’s Institute for Biological Research. Its high concentration of hypochlorite, with special ingredients, was originally developed for the IDF and later to the US army. It was trialed successfully in Israel’s Bnei Brak.
Destroying toxic algae. (TY UWI) Lake Guard from Israel’s BlueGreen Water Technologies (reported here previously) has removed toxic algae from most of Israel’s 600 water reservoirs. BlueGreen recently purified the previously polluted 4.4-sq km Roodeplaat Dam Reservoir near Pretoria, South Africa. It took only a few days.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eT5DoDQS2CM (Amazing video)
Three new waste to energy plants. Israel has approved the building of three plants to convert waste to energy. The Israeli government will invest 70% of the NIS 4 billion cost. It is part of Israel’s plan to reduce the current 80% of waste sent to landfill down to 26% by 2030.
No need for passwords. Israel-based Secret Double Octopus offers a solution that replaces passwords with multi-factor authentication such as fingerprints and facial recognition. The company has just raised $15 million.
Protecting from cyberattacks and disasters. Israeli-American cybersecurity startup Semperis helps government agencies and global companies continuously monitor for security vulnerabilities, intercept cyberattacks in progress, and quickly respond to breaches and operational errors. Business demand is high.
An AI baby monitor. Israel’s Nanit (also known as Udisense) develops a machine learning and computer vision-based monitor that tracks and analyzes babies’ sleep. Its camera monitors and analyzes sleep patterns in real-time, offering sleep insights, behavioral analysis, expert advice, and nightly video summaries.
High-performance electric engines. Israel’s IRP develops energy-efficient high-performance engines and controllers for electric vehicles. The company uses its innovations previously developed for the aerospace industry, to reduce the cost of the new engines and aims to help accelerate the mass adoption of electric cars.
Incentives to partner healthcare projects. Israel’s Innovation Authority is offering Israeli companies 50% of their R&D budget if they partner world-renowned hospitals on healthcare pilot projects. The hospitals include Mayo Clinic, Hartford Healthcare, Thomas Jefferson University and Germany's Charité – Universitätsmedizin.
SAP incubates more Israeli startups. (TY Calcalistech) SAP.iO Foundry Tel Aviv has launched its second 12-week incubator (see here for previous). This time SAP selected seven consumer products startups. Aiola, Hexa, Pecan, Sampler, SRP, TrenDemon, and TVPage will access SAP tech support, mentors and clients.
Encouraging Israeli startups to focus on Asia. Israeli-based Brilliance Ventures has raised a $20 million fund to focus on Israeli startups with potential for growth in the Asian market. Its initial focus is in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, deep tech, storage, semiconductors, and Industry 4.0 (e.g. smart cities).
CyberArk’s $70 million acquisition. Israeli cybersecurity company CyberArk has acquired California-based “identity as a service” IDaptive Holdings for $70 million cash. Their technologies will be combined to form a powerful security platform. https://en.globes.co.il/en/article-cyberark-buys-us-co-idaptive-for-70m-1001328476
Recruiting 100 employees. Despite the coronavirus pandemic, Israeli-founded Spot.IM is recruiting 100 new staff to add to its 200 Israeli and US employees, as part of its growth plan. Spot.IM is an engagement & community platform for top media companies such as Verizon Media, Microsoft, News Corp and Hearst.
Israeli startups raising funds. This week, Nanofabrica raised $4 million, Udisense (Nanit) raised $21 million, LawGeex raised $20 million, digital health data Alike raised $5 million, IRP raised $17 million, AccessiBe raised $12 million and Semperis raised $40 million.
On-line chess unites Israelis and Arabs. (TY Jacques) 65 players from 10 countries recently competed in an on-line chess tournament. In one match, one team full of Israelis competed against one with players from Syria, Tunisia, and Algeria. It is another sign of warming ties in the Middle East, especially in sport.
Bar Kochba coin found near Jerusalem. A 132 CE “Freedom of Israel” coin dating back to the Bar Kochba revolt, was discovered between the Temple Mount and the City of David in Jerusalem. Of over 22,000 coins found in the area of the Old City in Jerusalem, only four are dated to the period of the Bar Kochba revolt.
Help needed during the pandemic. The coronavirus pandemic has had an enormous impact on the 18 charities that Myisrael supports. The elderly need virtual support, poor families need food, Ethiopian Israeli students need computers, cancer patients need transport and therapy horses need stabling. Please help if you can.
NFL legend has touchdown in Israel. All-star Rose Bowl NFL running back Yosef (Calvin) Murray and his wife Emunah (Jeri) were both born Christian. They were youth pastors at a Messianic church but “got too Jewish”. They converted to Judaism through the Chabad, made Aliya and now live in Ma’aleh Adumin.
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