Buy America- Help Remake America
Sent by a dear friend and fellow memo reader's friend:
One thing for sure. There is dire anger and disgust against Trump from the moment he walked down the stairs at Trump Towers and it has only gotten worse. There is an army of marketing and financial folks dead against anything Trump with little regard and they are ready to pounce regardless of the consequences making every day a day to suspect Trump, doubt Trump or fear Trump
Besides the Democrats they may be Never Trumper Republican or folks with deep Trump Derangement Syndrome that should know better but will look the other way if Pelosi, AOC and squad take over, changing the matrix of this country, stopping the flow of conservative or constitutional law judges, possibly adding another 2-3 Supreme Court judges and stifle the rebound of the economy for many years to come just to justify their hate and disgust of Trump. The Democratic party has changed. There are enough of them with less respect of Israel and this frightens me. There are enough of them that will open the borders and expand entitlements to those not deserving stretching our limited resources that have swelled with this pandemic
So buckle up and be strong as week after week old and new skeletons will slip out of one door or another, (like his tax returns) one scandal after another will appear and Trump will be called to the carpet for being ill prepared for this or that. He can't win no matter how hard he tries
As far as me, I look at results. He came to drain the swamp and started running from day one. Obama and his cronies attempted a coup with the help of his DOJ and the seventh floor FBI agents. This is very scary and with the complacent media in the democratic pocket (not that I blame them since Trump created his own monster with "fake news" and calling out reporters at every opportunity .. although he is not wrong) our America is shifting left and more delusional
I will take everything at face value and watch what makes me happy and listen less to what doesn't. Trump is a big boy, few people have the fortitude and strong gut to take the daily hurtful jabs and keep on going stronger and stronger. Hopefully by September and October things will ease up and Trump's campaign will rev up and when people vote they will vote Trump for four more years. We will survive Biden (really Obama) but it won't be pretty
Let's hope for the best
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++No wonder Democrats hate Trump. He is seeking to prevent them from taking over a duly elected administration through intimidation. Democrats want to turn America into a South American country where thugs determine who rules.
Call me a racist but the three op eds below pertain to a black president and judge. The relevance, if any, seems to be an effort on the part of black Americans to cast aspersions not only on white Americans but to act in ways that are in opposition to our constitutional dictates. Something that has become a trend of late and appears based on apparent deep seated hatreds that began re-surfacing when Obama took office.
Is America going through another period of "hate whitey?"
The Flynn Unmaskers Unmasked
Now we know who knew about the Russian calls, including Joe Biden.
By The Editorial Board
When news stories appeared in early 2017 about Michael Flynn’s conversation with Russia’s ambassador to the U.S., these columns wondered how Mr. Flynn’s call was so widely known. The names of private U.S. citizens caught on tape by U.S. intelligence are supposed to be “masked” so their privacy is protected.
Well, now we know. GOP Senators Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson on Wednesday released a declassified list of Obama Administration officials who in their waning days in power “unmasked” the conversations of Mr. Flynn, who was set to become President Trump’s National Security Adviser. It seems everyone but the night janitor wanted to know who Mr. Flynn was talking to.
A stunning 39 separate officials snooped on Mr. Flynn’s conversations with foreign actors, lodging nearly 50 unmasking demands between Nov. 30, 2016 and Jan. 12, 2017. Our sources say the nearly dozen redacted names on the list are likely intelligence types—who might have a legitimate interest in knowing who their foreign targets were speaking to in the U.S. But most of the rest are partisan officials who had no business spying on their successors.
The list includes then White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, then Vice President Joe Biden, and then Secretary of Treasury Jacob Lew. Ambassador to the U.N. and Obama confidante Samantha Power made no fewer than seven requests, though she told Congress she had no recollection of unmasking Mr. Flynn.
Mr. Flynn was unmasked by at least four U.S. ambassadors, six Treasury officials, and people connected to the Energy and Justice departments and NATO, among others. Then FBI Director James Comey, then CIA Director John Brennan and then Director of National Intelligence James Clapper also made the list. This means they had access to the transcripts of any phone conversations Mr. Flynn had with foreign sources as he prepared to take power.
The media cordon sanitaire that protects Democrats will say this is no big deal because unmasking is routine and legal. But if the masking rule means nothing in practice, why pretend it exists?
The Flynn unmasking is important because it occurred amid a media frenzy over supposed Trump campaign collusion with Russia. Leaks to the Washington Post about the conversations between the Russian ambassador and both Mr. Flynn and soon-to-be Attorney General Jeff Sessions were played up as central to the collusion scandal. They caused Mr. Sessions to recuse himself from the Russia probe and Mr. Flynn to be fired. While unmasking isn’t illegal, leaking intelligence is.
There are other dots to connect. Documents released last week show that former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates first learned about the Flynn wiretapping from no less than President Barack Obama in a Jan. 5, 2017, Oval Office meeting. At least one of the unmaskers must have told Mr. Obama.
The dates of the unmaskings raise further questions. The FBI’s interest in Mr. Flynn was supposedly triggered by conversations starting Dec. 29, 2016. Yet Mr. Flynn was first unmasked a month earlier—shortly after Mr. Trump named him security adviser.
The McDonough unmasking takes place on Jan. 5, 2017—the day of the Oval Office meeting at which Mr. Flynn was discussed. Mr. Biden’s unmasking request was made on Jan. 12, 2017—the day the Washington Post reported on the Flynn-Russia conversation. Mr. Biden has some explaining to do.
All of this is fodder for U.S. Attorney John Durham as he tries to unmask the origins of the Russia collusion political ambush. The Flynn unmaskings, and the timely media leaks, take the story into the Obama White House. The peaceful transition of power is a hallmark of American democracy, or at least it used to be. It isn’t supposed to be an opportunity for the Administration that lost the election to cripple its successors as they take power.
The Michael Flynn Debauchery
The people who administer the American system lost trust in that system and debased our institutions.
By Daniel Henninger
Barack Obama is turning into the reverse Oracle of Delphi. He sometimes gets it right for the wrong reasons.
Sensing the populist mood in 2008, he intoned about people “who get bitter, they cling to guns or religion.” Missed in translation was that these “people” thought elites like him were the ones who had separated culturally and politically from mainstream Americans.
Now he says the Justice Department’s decision to drop the case against Mike Flynn because of multiple prosecutorial violations of rules protecting defendants’ rights means “the rule of law is at risk.” Right subject, wrong lecture.
Herewith a tutorial. Back in the 1980s, writers for the Journal’s editorial page coined the phrase “inside the Beltway” to describe the moatlike highway around the nation’s capital, whose inhabitants had become politically and psychologically isolated from the rest of the country.
Many Americans then came to believe presidential elections were the one way they could send the Beltway a message. In 2016, we had an Earth-to-Beltway election, whose message was about more than Donald Trump.
Next year or 4½ years from now, Mr. Trump’s presidency will pass into history. Left behind, though, will be a permanent Washington establishment in which many Americans today have no trust. None.
In early 2017, the Flynn case wandered in and out of the news, but it always had a bad odor. What looked like a low-grade mistake by Mr. Flynn got built into a high-stakes prosecution, with special counsel Robert Mueller’s lawyers pressuring him with family and financial ruin unless he took a plea and helped them fry bigger fish in a Beltway-wide project—Donald Trump and Russian collusion.Last week, after U.S. Attorney Jeffrey Jensen examined the Flynn record at the request of Attorney General William Barr, the Justice Department concluded that the abuse of Mr. Flynn’s rights was so egregious that it dropped the case.
What are Americans supposed to conclude when this event comes in the wake of Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s embarrassing report of how senior officials at the FBI and Justice used foreign intelligence warrants to crush Carter Page, a Trump campaign functionary?
Before that, the public dutifully read endless newspaper column inches about the pursuit by James Comey’s FBI of the manifestly preposterous Steele dossier (if this wasn’t a conspiracy theory, the phrase has no meaning), followed by Mr. Mueller’s team of Beltway lawyers ransacking lives to output a thick volume of unproven collusion suspicions, then handing it off to Adam Schiff’s House Intelligence Committee for more iterations of dragnet subpoenas, culminating in the wasted weeks of a Senate impeachment trial.
It has been quite a display of raw institutional firepower by the Beltway’s best and brightest. One may ask: What didn’t they know about the rule of law, and when did they stop knowing it? They became what they thought Mr. Trump was—subverters of the American system.
Brains snapped everywhere when Trump the Awful became the Republican Party’s presidential nominee. But Trump-driven derangement isn’t sufficient explanation for what happened. The deeper reason for these excesses is that the people who administer the American system lost faith in the American system. So they debauched the institutions they were charged with protecting for all of us.
The system they so distrusted has held. Lawsuits were filed against Mr. Trump’s policy initiatives, and courts at every federal level wrestled with competing interpretations of the law. Midterm elections returned political control to Democrats in the House and multiple governorships.
For three years the economy and employment boomed, for which Mr. Trump rightly took credit. Then the coronavirus pandemic put his leadership skills to a severe test, and again the American people will pass judgment on that this fall.
After all this, what’s striking is the lack of remorse across the Washington establishment. Unapologetic arrogance on this scale suggests that unmaskings, intelligence abuses and leaks are likely to return as off-the-books weapons against individuals disliked by the permanent bureaucracies. In a telling comment on Justice’s dismissal of the Flynn case, Mr. Comey tweeted: “Career people: please stay because America needs you.” Comeyist careerism was the problem.
Attorney General Barr—now being carpet-bombed by the Beltway—deserves credit and support for pushing back against the idea that institutions with such enormous investigative and prosecutorial power can become instruments of not much more than political self-righteousness. Whether Mr. Barr’s pushback is enough to clean up the place is another matter.
U.S. Attorney John Durham’s investigation of the origins of these events, while the Obama administration was still in office, changed last October from an administrative review to a criminal inquiry. Indictments and prosecutions would be a crude tool to right this ship, but maybe that’s what it takes.
As to the inconsolable haters of the 45th president: Keep hating if you want. That’s anyone’s right. But think about rejoining the system that protected the individual rights of every American before this presidency and will do so after he’s gone.Judge Sullivan’s Bad Judgment
Can Flynn be sentenced when prosecutors say there was no crime?
By The Editorial Board
If the prosecution and defense both want to drop a case, can a federal judge refuse and sentence the defendant anyway? The easy call should be no, which makes all the more bizarre federal Judge Emmet Sullivan’s decision Tuesday to invite outside briefs in the Michael Flynn case.
Judge Sullivan refused to grant the Justice Department’s request to drop the prosecution, and thus Mr. Flynn’s guilty plea, after Justice discovered that exculpatory evidence had been denied to the defense. The judge invited comment from people outside the case, which amounts to the de facto outsourcing of the prosecution to partisan legal analysts who want Mr. Flynn to hang because he worked for President Trump.
One such band calls itself the Watergate Prosecutors, who include Nick Akerman. When Donald Trump Jr. released emails relating to a meeting with a Russian lawyer at Trump Tower, Mr. Akerman declared him guilty of “outright treason.” As special counsel Robert Mueller’s report showed, that Trump Tower meeting amounted to nothing.
Judge Sullivan doesn’t normally ask others to write his decisions, so what’s the point in this case? This isn’t a Supreme Court argument seeking competing points of view. The competition here is between defense and prosecution, and they both now agree.
This is a criminal case subject to normal rules of evidence that were clearly violated by Mr. Mueller’s prosecutorial team. Our friends at the New York Sun speculate that Judge Sullivan may want to keep the prosecution going for months so a Biden Justice Department could revive it. We hope that’s wrong, though we do recall that Judge Sullivan some months back in open court asked prosecutors if Mr. Flynn might have been charged with “treason.”
One issue here is the role of a judge in the U.S. system, which is to adjudicate cases and controversies, not to supplant the prosecutorial duty of the executive branch. There’s also the matter of simple fairness. Mr. Flynn has endured three years of public trial because he was caught up in the Russia collusion allegations that turned out to be based on nothing more than Russian disinformation.
Justice now says Mr. Flynn’s statements to the FBI weren’t criminal because the interview lacked any investigative legal basis, and in any case the agents at the time said they didn’t believe he was lying. Is it serving the cause of justice to keep Mr. Flynn hanging for many more months so partisan op-ed writers can influence Judge Sullivan’s thinking?
Judge Sullivan’s judgment is all the more disappointing because he has enjoyed a reputation for holding prosecutors accountable for their obligation to turn over Brady material—evidence that could be exculpatory—to the defense. If Judge Sullivan insists on Mr. Flynn’s continued prosecution even as prosecutors conclude the facts don’t support it, he will likely to be overturned on appeal.
The path to serving justice for Mr. Flynn and maintaining Judge Sullivan’s reputation for holding prosecutors accountable all point to a ruling that drops all charges against Mr. Flynn—with prejudice, so this travesty of a case is ended once and for all.
In other developments tensions between our navy ships and China's expansionary desire to drill for oil in the South China Sea has begun to increase. An international tribunal in 2016 ruled China's claims have no legal basis. Beijing rejected the decision.
Now that the pandemic has opened the floodgates for spending Democrats want to slip several billions to their Democrat governor friends who have wasted state tax payer money increasing unfunded pensions that get re-laundered into political contributions to Democrats.
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