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I viewed the Clarence Thomas video last night on PBS. Many things went through my mind as I watched.
First, any decent fair minded individual has to be ashamed to call themselves liberal and/or a Democrat. Thomas was right on when he told the Democrats on the committee, led by Biden and the late Senator Kennedy, they were engaged in a technology lynching. Both looked sheepishly pathetic.
Second, you would think after the Bork and Thomas hearings, Democrats would have learned but no their desire for power, their belief that their way, their views are the only way led them to repeat what they did to Justice Thomas in order to lynch Justice Kavanaugh.
Third, the assassination of one's personality is not limited to Justice nominations but extends to the current president and apparently anyone who stands in their lustful, ugly ways.
Justice Thomas is a hero of mine for several reasons.
First, he proved, at his confirmation hearings, he was unwilling to run even though he was being chased by Senatorial Klansmen. Secondly, his judicial temperament is a model. Third, he has been faithful to our constitution and his judicial views and opinions have been true to his oath. Fourth, he has been mocked for not asking questions but, in his own words, he made clear that as a referee it is not his role to challenge the attorneys making their presentation but to do so among his peers when they go into private conference and debate the merits of the case. Fifth, he continues to endure attacks with dignity and has bettered his detractors. Nor does he duck but like a duck he let's them roll off and blow away in the wind of hatred.
If you missed the show I urge you to view it when it is shown again.
Salena interviews Sen. Bob Casey:
My interview with Senator Bob Casey
By Salena Zito
Click here for the full story.
Click here for the full story.
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