My photographer friend shoot Sedona area.

Buy American - Renew America
Every decade or so America flirts with socialism.
I am currently reading Amity Shlae's new book entitled: "Great Society. I am about half way through and she has eloquently documented Johnson's Great Society failures and most particularly the ones pertaining to the establishment of HUD and the tragic"housing" mistakes caused by his alliance with Walter Reuther.
Johnson believed America could fight the war in Viet Nam and simultaneously have prosperity. It turned out he was entirely wrong and instead of "Guns and Butter" we got "body bags and margerine" at huge costs forcing LBJ to slink away.
As America begins to re-open in the face of an upcoming election several concerns surface.
First of all the, hatred of Trump by Democrats, their desire to regain control and power and the concerns caused by the Coronavirus may result in the greatest voter fraud ever. Obama and the FBI sought to cripple Trump's administration through false claims of Russian connections and now, I fear, the Democrats will seek to do so by forcing absentee and mailed ballot voting and other irregularities, ie. allowing illegals the sacred privilege of voting..
Second, the Democrats know anything they do will be shielded behind mass media bias.
Other concerns will be the nastiness of the campaign which can have two prime negative effects:
a) It can result in voter disgust and thus, less actual turnout.
b) Erosion of faith in fairness of the voting process and reliability of the outcome which would threaten the foundations of our republic.
Nixon chose not to challenge the Illinois vote tally that might well have resulted in Kennedy's victory to Nixon's undying credit.
c) Finally, I believe it is increasingly evident Democrats will stop at nothing to win. They willingly embrace character assassination and government intimidation as useful political tools, they proved they are willing to use the FBI and known false documents to obtain illegal search warrants and constitutional protections be damned. When they control Congress, they will do whatever it takes to besmirch witnesses, trample upon their civil rights and have utter contempt for the rule of law and strictures of our constitution . All you have to do is witness Biden's manipulation of the Thomas confirmation hearings and, more recently, the Kavanugh hearings and Schiff's behaviour during the alleged Trump - Russian connection and impeachment effort.
If the above is not troubling enough, Pelosi has become the face of the Democrat Party which is split because of the incursions made by radicals like AOC and some assorted black and Muslim women whose temperament and conduct is off the wall and charts.
Additionally, we have a candidate in Biden who is truly senile, has not been right on major issues since birth, is physically challenged because of advanced age, tainted by his own behaviour as well as his tragically narcotic's sodden son whose financial dealing border on licentious behavior.
By now you should get my drift.
Will Bernie Take Over the Biden Campaign?
Radicals handpicked by Sen. Sanders will help his old opponent decide what to believe.
By Karl Rove
You might have thought that Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee for president, had nothing threatening his bid to secure America’s political center ground. If you did, you were mistaken.
Last week Mr. Biden made a huge concession to the man he defeated, Sen. Bernie Sanders, and the Vermont socialist’s wing of the Democratic Party. The two men announced six “unity task forces” to “explore possible policy initiatives” on climate change, criminal justice, the economy, education, health care and immigration. Mr. Biden selected five members for each group and Mr. Sanders three; both men named a co-chairman for each committee.
The two of them portrayed this as an effort to unify Democrats, which Mr. Biden called “key to defeating Donald Trump.” He said the task forces “will be essential to identifying ways to build on our progress” and “transform our country”—a hallmark phrase of his party’s left wing. In turn, Mr. Sanders stressed the importance of soliciting the best ideas so Democrats can “create an agenda that the working class of this country desperately needs.”
The two working together wasn’t a complete surprise. In a joint statement last month they committed to ensuring “Sanders supporters and delegate candidates” were represented at the Democratic convention “both on the floor and in committees.” What’s unusual is how far this latest move goes. The task forces will write Mr. Biden’s policy agenda for the election.
It’s an unwise concession by the former vice president, which could lead to months of intrigue and posturing. Followers of Mr. Sanders will pressure Mr. Biden to adopt their views, policies and radical sensibilities.
These working groups could sow discord if Mr. Biden doesn’t shift far enough to the left. Before Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez agreed to be a co-chairman of the climate task force, she consulted with “the Climate Justice community” and pledged to be “fully accountable to them and the larger advocacy community during this process,” according to a spokeswoman. Note to Mr. Biden: AOC’s loyalties are with her “social-justice warrior” friends, not you.
Many of the members picked by Mr. Sanders have extreme views. Varshini Prakash, a co-founder and executive director of the Sunrise Movement, which has led the push for the Green New Deal, serves on the climate committee. Sunrise wants to end fracking immediately, ban drilling in federal waters and on federal lands, prohibit exports of oil and natural gas, and set a 10-year timetable to phase out all oil and gas drilling permanently. This is a political middle finger to not only Texas, but Pennsylvania, too.
Other task-force co-chairmen are drawn from groups such as the National Immigration Law Center, which favors full access to welfare benefits for illegal aliens, and Demos, the think tank that works to make it harder for states to purge registration rolls of dead voters and former residents. The task-force chairmen and members also include outspoken advocates for Medicare for All, “free” college, student-debt forgiveness, defunding the Border Patrol and the bizarre but trendy Modern Monetary Theory. (Sanders appointee Stephanie Kelton says having its own printing press means the government doesn’t have to “worry about going broke.”)
Typically, a candidate’s advisers help hash out positions on major issues long before primaries begin, not after they’re settled. That Mr. Biden is allowing ideological rivals and, in some cases, antagonists, to define where he stands on six big issues signals that he doesn’t know why he’s running for president except to be president.
Mr. Biden won the nomination as a traditional Democrat who could, like Warren G. Harding, return America to normalcy. His general election message—such as it was—seemed targeted at suburbanites who sent Mr. Trump a message by voting Democratic in the midterms. By contrast, the model favored by Mr. Sanders and his supporters would raise a bold banner of left-wing populism to awaken a sleeping progressive majority of the young, people of color and the disaffected. That agenda will inspire socialists and scare everyone else.
Mr. Biden is surrounded by a smart team, led by campaign manager Jen O’Malley Dillon and longtime adviser Mike Donilon. They’re making a risky, possibly unnecessary bet to give their recently defeated adversaries on the left a large role in defining Mr. Biden’s agenda. We’ll see how their experiment in party unity works out.
Mr. Rove helped organize the political-action committee American Crossroads and is author of “The Triumph of William McKinley” (Simon & Schuster, 2015).
On another note, Iranians want what all rational humans want - freedom.
“There are lots of Iranians in Iran and in the Diaspora that support Israel, reject the regime and want to see a different future between the two countries”: Foreign Ministry Digital Diplomacy head.
The number of Iranians asking Israel for help has spiked in recent months, in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, the Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday.
“Thousands of people are asking to come to Israel for medical assistance or to emigrate,” according to Yiftah Curiel, head of Digital Diplomacy at the Foreign Ministry.
The requests have arrived mostly through private messages on the Foreign Ministry’s social media accounts in Persian, as well as from e-mails. Some have been made openly, in public comments on social media, but by accounts using pseudonyms.Curiel said many of the messages are serious asylum requests.
“Sometimes they are from people who have been forced to flee and are refugees in other countries, or people who had to flee after expressing solidarity with Israel,” he stated.
One of the messages they received was from a 31-year-old man who said he “had to escape Iran because of the corrupt regime. I asked for asylum in Turkey, and my wife and 4-year-old daughter and I are in unlivable conditions; there is no one who can help. We have been abandoned and our lives are in danger.”
Another is from a soldier in the Iranian army who said he is Jewish: “Because of my political and religious crime, I have to flee Iran. Please direct me how to receive asylum in Israel? Please answer me. My life is in danger and I cannot stay in Iran.”
Sharona Avginsaz, who runs the Foreign Ministry’s Persian social media accounts, told Channel 20 that the Iranians sending messages “see Israel as a modern, progressive, democratic country, and that is one of the reasons for this wave of messages to our pages.”
Avginsaz moved to Israel from Iran in 1988, and said she thinks Iranians see Israel much differently than they did then, when they could only hear about Israel from official regime propaganda channels.
“Today, there is the Internet and our platforms, and more awareness,” she said. “These messages prove the Iranians see that anti-Israel propaganda is a lie.”
She used to answer every message the Persian accounts received, but now there are too many to respond to all of them.
“I try to answer as many as I can… but we don’t really have the ability to help them. I try to answer positively and wish them luck,” she said.
The Foreign Ministry’s Persian accounts are among their most successful, with a higher rate of engagement than some of their English channels, Curiel said.
“We have a very receptive audience,” he said. “There are lots of Iranians in Iran and in the Diaspora that support Israel, reject the regime and want to see a different future between the two countries.”The Foreign Ministry has accounts on five social media platforms at its Jerusalem headquarters – Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and YouTube – in English, Hebrew, Spanish, Russian, Arabic and Persian. The Persian Twitter account has 220,000 followers and there are almost 500,000 on Instagram.
Posts on the popular Instagram account vary, from announcing the opening of beaches in Israel this week to recommending The Spy, the Netflix series about Israeli agent in Syria Eli Cohen.
Getting down to basics:
From: John Porter
To: Americans Everywhere
I'm not sending this out for debate. As you may know, I mail to 0ver 8,000 people all over the nation and it is forwarded to millions, so I'm sure some will take issue. I only ask of you to just please consider this.
The bottom line for some has been that Trump is a jerk. He’s crude, he bloviates, he gets his feelings hurt and he’s a hot head, and he should stay off Twitter.
Let me tell you what else he is. He is a guy that demands performance. He is a guy that asks lots of questions. The questions he asks aren’t cloaked in fancy phrases, they are “why the hell....” questions.
For decades the health industry has thrown away billions of face masks after one use. Trump asks, “Why the hell are we throwing them away? Why not sterilize them and use them numerous times?”
He’s the guy that gets hospital ships readied in one week, when it would have taken a bureaucrat weeks or months to get it done. He’s the guy that gets temporary hospitals with hundreds of beds built in three days. He’s the guy that gets industries to build ventilators and face masks in a business that’s highly regulated by agencies that move like sloths.
He’s the guy that, in spite of all the naysayers, asks why we aren’t using already existing drugs that may work on people who are dying; what the hell do we have to lose? He’s the guy that shut down travel from China, when the liberals and the media and the W.H.O. were screaming xenophobia and racist. Now they are asking why didn't he react sooner?
He’s the guy that ran for president on securing the border in the face of the screaming Socialist Democrats and media. When he shut down borders in the midst of the corona -virus they were up in arms over such a draconian move. Then the rest of the world followed suit all over, including the European Union between member countries.
Has he made mistakes, possibly. Everyone I, or you, know would have. All of these experts wouldn’t have done any better, and probably not as good. Trump is working harder than I’ve ever seen a President work (and donating his entire salary to charities). He isn’t hiding in his office sending out mouth pieces. He’s out front every day in person fielding any and all questions.
Take for instance, all the shortages of PPE’s and ventilators. I’m unaware of anything that prevented all of these governors from ordering all the PPE and ventilators for emergency purposes over the last two years. And yet, it is Trump’s fault that they didn’t?
He’s balanced his approach to this China born disaster and listened to the experts, when his diehard enemies in the media and political arena said he wouldn’t and couldn’t. In their eyes when he offers hope, he’s lying and when he’s straight forward, he should be hopeful. It’s a no win situation for him in their relentless attacks, but he is not deterred by all of that BS coming from the press and the liberals.
I’ll take this kind of leadership over a nice guy that can make eloquent speeches. I like his George Patton style. "There are those who make things happen, those who watch things happen and those who say "what happened?" Donald Trump is a guy who makes things happen. He makes them happen for America First!Logic and common sense, what a strange idea!!!!
I am very proud to proclaim, he is my President.
John Porter
118 Approach Drive
Harrison, Arkansas.
Getting down to basics:
From: John Porter
To: Americans Everywhere
I'm not sending this out for debate. As you may know, I mail to 0ver 8,000 people all over the nation and it is forwarded to millions, so I'm sure some will take issue. I only ask of you to just please consider this.
The bottom line for some has been that Trump is a jerk. He’s crude, he bloviates, he gets his feelings hurt and he’s a hot head, and he should stay off Twitter.
Let me tell you what else he is. He is a guy that demands performance. He is a guy that asks lots of questions. The questions he asks aren’t cloaked in fancy phrases, they are “why the hell....” questions.
For decades the health industry has thrown away billions of face masks after one use. Trump asks, “Why the hell are we throwing them away? Why not sterilize them and use them numerous times?”
He’s the guy that gets hospital ships readied in one week, when it would have taken a bureaucrat weeks or months to get it done. He’s the guy that gets temporary hospitals with hundreds of beds built in three days. He’s the guy that gets industries to build ventilators and face masks in a business that’s highly regulated by agencies that move like sloths.
He’s the guy that, in spite of all the naysayers, asks why we aren’t using already existing drugs that may work on people who are dying; what the hell do we have to lose? He’s the guy that shut down travel from China, when the liberals and the media and the W.H.O. were screaming xenophobia and racist. Now they are asking why didn't he react sooner?
He’s the guy that ran for president on securing the border in the face of the screaming Socialist Democrats and media. When he shut down borders in the midst of the corona -virus they were up in arms over such a draconian move. Then the rest of the world followed suit all over, including the European Union between member countries.
Has he made mistakes, possibly. Everyone I, or you, know would have. All of these experts wouldn’t have done any better, and probably not as good. Trump is working harder than I’ve ever seen a President work (and donating his entire salary to charities). He isn’t hiding in his office sending out mouth pieces. He’s out front every day in person fielding any and all questions.
Take for instance, all the shortages of PPE’s and ventilators. I’m unaware of anything that prevented all of these governors from ordering all the PPE and ventilators for emergency purposes over the last two years. And yet, it is Trump’s fault that they didn’t?
He’s balanced his approach to this China born disaster and listened to the experts, when his diehard enemies in the media and political arena said he wouldn’t and couldn’t. In their eyes when he offers hope, he’s lying and when he’s straight forward, he should be hopeful. It’s a no win situation for him in their relentless attacks, but he is not deterred by all of that BS coming from the press and the liberals.
I’ll take this kind of leadership over a nice guy that can make eloquent speeches. I like his George Patton style. "There are those who make things happen, those who watch things happen and those who say "what happened?" Donald Trump is a guy who makes things happen. He makes them happen for America First!Logic and common sense, what a strange idea!!!!
I am very proud to proclaim, he is my President.
John Porter
118 Approach Drive
Harrison, Arkansas.
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