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More Obama commentary:
Anyone paying attention to the Russia Collusion hoax has known for a long time that the kingpin was, and could only be, Barack Obama.
Brennan, Clapper, and Comey (among many others) were his appointees. The chances that these three would unleash the full surveillance, entrapment and enforcement capabilities of the federal government on the Donald Trump campaign and later the Trump presidency without Obama’s knowledge and approval were zero.
Mollie Hemingway at the Federalist has plotted out one chronology of events made clear by the Flynn exoneration documentation—a must read—which makes it patently obvious Obama was in the middle of the entrapment of Flynn.
We hope the full truth of Obama’s involvement is exposed, and accountability is imposed. He was at the top of a conspiracy to use fraud and deception and entrapment to overthrow the duly elected President of the United States of America. There has been no greater crime against America ever committed by a US President.
Future document dumps (probably coming out in a matter of days or weeks, not months) will fill out the case against Obama in greater detail. Indictment, trial, conviction and sentencing will depend on a bunch of people passing historic tests of American character—e.g., AG Barr and US Attorney John Durham, grand jury members, and jury members—but will in the end depend on whether the American public at large has been awakened from the Obama era trance and will permit and even encourage justice to be done. That’s is what will give Barr, Durham and the rest the backbone to proceed; without it, they will likely falter and pull back.
The Obama era trance?
Barack Obama was sold to the American public as an erudite, articulate, moderate Democrat whose very candidacy would (glory be!) give America its chance to unify and redeem the sin of slavery.
Barack Obama was in fact an anti-American, anti-Christian, radical leftist who sought and pursued the fundamental transformation of America away from a Constitutional Republic to some kind of socialist structure—and he happened to be born with a perfect costume to pull it off: his skin color.
Millions of good and decent Americans bought the lie; they truly believed that casting a vote for Barack Obama would be the one individual gesture they could perform that would count on a grander scale toward the betterment of America. If they harbored any misgivings about incomplete or shady information about Obama’s past—including those he associated with, such as convicted terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, and the anti-American, anti-Christian ‘pastor’ Jeremiah Wright—or his actual experience and qualifications, they ultimately shrugged them off on the theory that America was big enough and strong enough to survive anything, and whatever mistakes Obama might make could be corrected by the next President.
As President, Obama marched the country leftward, mostly under the radar, but with the guarantee of a fawning media to cover for anything that popped out in the open—e.g., the ‘fast and furious’ plan to dismantle the Second Amendment; IRS tea party targeting to dismantle conservative opposition; Obamacare lies to dismantle the free market, first in healthcare—and the further guarantee of the silencing power of the shout of ‘RACISM!’ at anyone, Republican, Independent or even a non-radical leftist Democrat, who dared oppose any decision of America’s first black President.
This was effectively the imposition of a hypnotic trance on the nation as a whole. All kinds of evil against the American system of government and justice were running amok (e.g., Trayvon Martin and Ferguson, Missouri), and the angst of American patriots who sensed it was muffled by the MSM and the smear of RACISM!. Everyone else just sort of glazed over what was happening and hoped everything wasn’t as bad as it appeared. The thunderclap that would break the trance never happened.
Until the candidacy of Donald Trump for President.
Trump himself did not fit any mold. A New York liberal Democrat most of his life, and a near mythical hero to the black community, he did not on the surface look like a threat to Obama or the Obama trance. But he was actually the most dangerous threat of all, for the simple reason that his passion for entering the Presidential race and his campaign theme at the core involved a genuine love for America. And THAT drew the sharpest possible contrast with radical leftism. That was the thunderclap that could and now finally has broken the trance.
Barack Obama’s designs on America were not benign.
Radical leftism is poison to America as founded. It opposes individual freedom and responsibility under God…because it favors group identity over individuality; it favors victimhood over responsibility; and it opposes God and divinely inspired principles of morality and righteous living in favor of a godless intellectual redo in the form of ‘not acting in accord with my values’ or ‘my truth’.
Doesn’t matter whether radical leftism is spouted by a man or a woman; a black or a white or a brown or a yellow-skinned human being; young or old; tall and skinny, or short and fat. It’s always poison. Americans’ instinctive revulsion toward it has nothing whatsoever to do with racism. On the contrary, Americans’ instinctive embrace of pro-American patriotism, no matter who extols it—e.g., Nikki Haley, Lt. Col. Allen West, Candace Owens—puts the lie to the entire MSM construct of ‘America is racist’.
And now the truth about Obama is spilling out everywhere.
Obama operated like a stone-cold petty tyrant, vindictive as hell toward Michael Flynn for no reason other than Flynn disagreeing with him on the threat of radical Islam, and determined to take out Trump for the main reason that Trump prevented Hillary from completing the fundamental transformation of America that Obama intended.
The legal system was to him nothing more than a set of tools for the exercise of power. Truth was a non-value; an irritant to be brushed aside by ‘narratives’ created by leaking untruths to a sycophantic media that would blow them up into the appearance of truth. The abuse of America’s judicial system that he helped engineer was and is unspeakable.
Hard to know the number of Americans who are now fully on to who Barack Obama was and is. But Donald Trump is one of them, and the sheer force of his relentlessness in fighting back the leftist cabal has created millions more who now get it. And now the truth of what happened with the Russia collusion hoax is going to be in the public domain for anyone to read, free of nonsensical MSM spin, and free of the hedging and tiptoeing of a timid IG Horowitz.
Barack Obama was America’s first subversive, radical leftist President who won election by deliberately concealing his worldview and his intentions. If enough Americans are finally awakened from the trance, Barack Obama may finally face justice. And maybe the efforts to deflect or silence the truth with false accusations of racism can finally be moved toward retirement, and we can discuss what he actually did to undermine the foundations of this country.
Eric Georgatos blogs at americacanwetalk.org.
This from a very dear friend and fellow memo reader:
"Anyone who is younger than 60 years old should be aware of what former Soviet Prime Minister Nikita Khrushchev said during an address to the United Nations in 1959...."Your children's children will live under communism. You Americans are so gullible. No, you won't accept communism outright; but, we will keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you will finally wake up and find you already have Communism. We will not have to fight you. We will so weaken your economy, until you will fall like overripe fruit into our hands. The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not”
It was September 29, 1959, when Nikita Khrushchev delivered his prediction for America at the United Nations. I remember like it was yesterday the television coverage of him banging his shoe on the podium. At that time, just the word "communism" was feared throughout our nation. Remember this. Socialism leads to Communism How do you create a Socialist State? There are eight levels of control:
1) Healthcare - Control healthcare and you control the people
2) Poverty - Increase the poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them.
3) Debt - Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.
4) Gun Control - Remove the ability to defend themselves from the government . That way you are able to create a police state.
5) Welfare - Take control of every aspect (food, housing, income) of their lives because that will make them fully dependent on the government.
6) Education - Take control of what people read, listen to and take control of what children learn in school.
7) Religion - Remove the belief in God from the government and schools because the people need to believe in ONLY the government knowing what is best for the people.
8)Class Warfare - Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. Eliminate the middle class. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to tax the rich with the support of the poor.
Here is our scary future: Six of those levels are already being pushed by Democrats."
All my liberal friends dwell on the fact that Trump lies when he actually is exuberant and stretches the truth. It is part of his real estate huckster personality.
The real authentic liars are the Democrats who worked for Obama and have been doing their best to cause the public to distrust Trump:
Trump Corners Joe Biden, DEMANDS He Admit The Truth
All my liberal friends dwell on the fact that Trump lies when he actually is exuberant and stretches the truth. It is part of his real estate huckster personality.
The real authentic liars are the Democrats who worked for Obama and have been doing their best to cause the public to distrust Trump:
Trump Corners Joe Biden, DEMANDS He Admit The Truth
How much longer are liberals going to continue ignoring this?
President Trump opened fire on 2020 presidential hopeful Joe Biden after information came out that Biden was featured on a list with other top officials who were involved in the “unmasking” of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn just one day after Biden lied and said he wasn't.
What I find so interesting is that Biden claims he and his partner, Obama, were so close and he was indispensable and in on everything. He boasts about how trusted and involved he was.
When it comes to Flynn, Biden sought to out him yet, knew nothing.
Even a deplorable like me knows better than to believe that crap.
More from Ross:
Why has the stock market gone up with the economy still in such shut down mode? Where else are you going to put your money? There is a huge amount of investable funds around the world looking for a place to go. The problem at the moment is the S&P is fully priced. Bonds are not only providing nil return, but they may be a loss over the next year, as the economy comes back to life and rates rise, even if only a little. You can’t invest in the EU as they are in really bad shape, and now potentially on the verge of a major crisis, and will not be better maybe for years, if ever. The German Constitutional Court just ruled that the actions of the ECB to support the EU economy with QE are illegal under German law. That is not able to stop the ECB, but it does create a major crisis which has the potential to eventually lead to a major break in the EU between Germany and several of the stressed countries like Italy and Spain, and Hungry. In addition, they are still not able to agree a financial plan for the continent, while Italy and others continue to slide into total economic disaster. The EU has little hope of any real recovery until there is a complete restructure of the banking system, and a wash out of all the dead companies, and a major change in their socialist policies on labor and taxes. The EU essentially has no Silicon Valley, the basis for economic growth for the future. They have massive Muslim populations that will create problems in the future even worse than what they already have done in France and places like the Netherlands. You surely do not want to invest in Chinese stocks. Not only because China is in for some tough times as companies pull out, but because you have no idea of the truth of anything in the numbers. Emerging markets are filled now with bankrupt countries that are totally dependent on China to buy their raw materials. Many have US dollar based debts that they will not be able to repay, plus massive debts to China for the Belt and Road projects which were designed to ensnare the countries into a debt trap and force them into political control by China as a result of the debt. Keep in mind that the current runup in stocks is mostly driven by around 17% of the total listed companies, and they are mostly the big names like Microsoft, etc. Those top companies are very strong with lots of cash and profits, and they will be fine, but it is still unclear how the majority of listed stocks will do over the next six months. For that reason I am not forecasting year end to be above 2800-3000 on the S&P, and that could prove wrong materially in either direction. There are so many unknowns now, that any forecast is just a dart board.
Public pension funds lost 13.2% in Q1. A sizable piece was made up by the stock market reversal, but they are still way behind. That just makes it much more impossible for the big blue states like IL, NY and NJ to ever meet their obligations. Either they revise the pension plans or they will raise taxes to the point that only poor and middle class people remain, and then the whole thing collapses and they are forced to revise pensions or go broke. McConnell’s exact point.
New mortgage originations are now back very strong. Requests for forbearance are declining. What that tells us is most people got their $1200 +, plus their unemployment check with an added $600 and most people are not financially in trouble despite the press anecdotes. There are people in trouble, but the massive fiscal programs to put cash into peoples pockets is working. If they reopen most of the economy quickly then we may get through this with less damage than we may other wise expect. No way to know for another few weeks. I did observe yesterday that in Sarasota , all the parking lots at all the local shopping centers were full. These are big strip centers, not malls. Home Depot, where I went, was crowded. People are back out and shopping. Maybe they will not soon go to restaurants, or get on planes, but there were no shortage of shoppers here. What is missing are tourists. Medical and dental offices are back in full operation.
79.4% of layoffs are designated as temporary for unemployment coverage. That means as business reopens and ramps up, a lot of the millions will be reemployed. The problem is 40% of the unemployed are hotel and retail, and neither of those are returning strongly for a long time. It will be late 2021 before we have a chance to see 3.5% unemployment again. And that is questionable. If LA and NYC stay closed into end of June, then the recovery will be much slower. There are a lot of service workers in both cities who are dependent on hotels and retail. Hotels in NYC were over built before the virus, so they will be really in trouble. Marriott says a select service hotel can break even at 30% occupancy and mid- market full service at 40%. That is misleading in that it is at the gross profit line and not NOI which is all that really matters to the owner with a mortgage and high property taxes. It also depends on where it is located, plus local taxes and other local operating costs, and if it is unionized. Breaking even at the operating profit line is not breaking even after debt service. That is like.ly more like 55% to cover debt at the best case.
Real estate in the US is going to have some very rough times for a while. Hotels and retail are devastated, and unless you are buying these assets at deep distressed prices, you will lose. Multifamily is subject to the don’t pay rent push by the left wing, and the no eviction policies in some states and cities. May and June will be indicative for residential to see how rent collection goes. Owners tell me so far, the unemployment and subsidy checks were enough to allow rent to be paid by most people. The only place you may be OK in real estate for a while is industrial distribution. Small industrial is at risk since these tenants are generally smaller companies that may not have the resources to pay rent and cannot use PPP to cover it. Office is very unclear as there are situations of no rent paid and there will be a movement to have more people work virtually which over time will mean less need for big expensive offices. It is very hard to know yet how widespread this will be, but I am aware of a few cases already. In addition there may be a move to not have big heavily populated offices in the heart of cities. We will have to see how that plays out. Most retail is going to suffer, however, Regency Malls just raised $600 million at 3.7% with a ten year term. That is interesting to me since it is major retail, but maybe the hunt for yield overcame solid fundamentals.
Lastly, there is a day of reckoning now for big states and cities that are essentially bankrupt. There has to be massive budget adjustments, and there will be even higher taxes. The cost to do business in NY or CA or Chicago will become even more burdensome as the Dem local politicians resort to higher taxes and other costs, and reduced services in order to maintain pensions. It is going to get very ugly very soon as Pelosi tries to get the rest of America to bail out the big Dem states and cities with her new $3 trillion plan which is not real, but is just a talking point for the election. Right now it is the algos and the money managers buying stocks to find someplace to get returns, but the sophisticated money is very cautious now, and not expecting the S&P to be above where it now is or lower at year end.
The left seems to think landlords are supposed to subsidize tenants and are all bad people. We all know, landlords are just businessmen whose business happens top be real estate. All real estate, especially residential, has a lot of fixed cost and maintenance, and a mortgage that has to be paid every month. I don’t hear cities saying they will defer collecting property taxes on landlords. Now CA of course is proposing a massive rent holiday in exchange for tax credits. That does not put the same cash in the owners pocket every month to pay the mortgage. Rents need to be paid, just like the food bills and other costs of life. No rents, no mortgage payments, disruption in bond markets as a result as landlords default on mortgages. In addition, most people are getting unemployment checks equal to or greater than their wages, plus they got their $1200 + subsidy check by now. They can pay the rent. Most tenants realize that if they skip rent they could be evicted other than in Dem run cities, and most like to stay where they are. The left needs to learn that what they are trying to do to landlords has a lot of bad ramifications.
The Fed took another major helpful step by starting to buy bond ETFs. That is huge support for the debt market and will help keep yields low and stable. It is a very strong and good move. They will only buy ETFs that are selling at NAV. They are not going to support over priced portfolios. The negative offset was Powell saying things are still weak. That hurt stocks. There is also speculation that China may try to dump Treasuries into the market to try to disrupt our financial system. That seems to not be likely to me. China would find that the Fed would be the buyer all day and no disruption would occur here, but there would be a negative effect on the Yuan. That would also lead to very strong retaliation by Trump and it would make the last year trade war look simple. I do not think China will try to do this as it would cause them serious problems. We are very likely at the start of a period of major conflict with China that will last for years, unless Biden wins, in which case China wins easily and the world will pay a major price.
Everyone is concerned if there will be a fall flare up of the virus and what that might do to the economy, and will it create a depression. My view is, even where there may be hotspots, the health people are ready to pounce, and now have the tools to do it fast. 98% of the bad cases are nursing homes, or old and infirm, or otherwise infirm. There is a lot being done now to protect these people. There were a lot of mistakes made, especially by Cuomo in regard to nursing homes that created a high death rate. There is some level of community immunity, but we have no idea what that may be. There will be few big conferences and concerts this year so if there is a flare up it will be limited in scope. We may be wearing masks in some places for a few more months and seating will remain spread for a while. There are now treatments available and more coming, and improved versions will come quickly, so infected people will get treated immediately by fall. I just do not see any major national flare up happening. A vaccine will be nice, but not until next year, and then it is not likely to be 100% effective, and not everyone will take it. It is not the magic bullet so many say it will be. They still do not have a fully effective flu vaccine. We will just have to get used to some old people dying from the Corona, just like they die from flu and lots of other things. That is life on earth. The real question is, will people go back and shop and eat out. Here in Longboat it is an interesting anecdote. The restaurants are doing well in outdoor seating, but a lot of people are still afraid to eat out. Mixed story. We play tennis, but not doubles yet. Shops are open, but not mobbed. When I was in the fishing equipment store the other day it was full with customers, but nobody except me was wearing a mask or distancing, so draw your own conclusions.
The sports guys seem not to care. When I went to the dentist they were very careful including temp check to get in the door, but the doctor I visited had no such precautions in his waiting room. It is a mixed bag. I reiterate my analysis from early on. Life is a trade-off. We cannot keep the economy closed which will result in far more negative consequences than some very old people dying a week or so early. A lot of people are now in serious mental health trouble. Sales and room taxes are not being collected, so state and city financial situations are a disaster that will have major consequences on everyone for years. Services to all of us will be reduced due to this and because the pensions are eating all the cash flow. Deaths from people being barred from elective procedures or from going to doctors for routine exams will increase deaths of younger people. If this had been years ago I would not have been able to get my annual physical which found my cancer in time, and maybe I would not have been cured. That is just one simple example of the trade. Should I be allowed to die instead of someone in a nursing home. We need to reopen and take the risks and get kids back to school in September. The damage to poor kids not going to class is enormous. The trade is terrible, sacrificing a whole generation in exchange for a politically correct policy of we need to protect every life- while destroying a generation.
The EU has already said they are not willing to really join the US in any real retaliation against China for devastating the world. As expected, they are more interested to maintain German exports than to act firmly to what was in effect a worldwide attack on all economies. Trump will have to fight this battle alone, and still maintain the trade deal from January. Reality is, the Chinese need that deal to stay in place so it is likely it will no matter what happens on Corona. For that reason, the Chinese will go all out to help Biden and the Dems, as they know they can then go back to taking full advantage of the US and the world if Biden is elected. They have a lot at stake to see that happen, so expect a lot of interference by China in the election. This will also get ramped up as the administration pressures universities to stop taking cash from China, and stop letting in so many Chinese student to steal high tech data. It has now been revealed they are trying to steal the research at MD Anderson regarding cancer so they can file patents and try to beat the US to a cancer cure. The infiltration of university and medical labs is clearly a major threat.
There are all sorts of articles saying this or that will never be the same. We heard that after 9-11 and after the crash in 2008. The more things change the more they stay the same. I am not suggesting things in some industries will not change, but be careful what you believe will happen until things get fully reopened and we see how life gets back to normal, or not. After every crisis there are always pundits quick to say this or that will change, but it does not always happen. Technology will be widely used to check temperatures as people enter buildings, masks will be common for a while, and offices will have more spacing which will be a costly issue for many office tenants.
Interesting data point. Vancouver BC has a huge Chinese population. Around 3 million in the Vancouver metro area, and a lot of back and forth with China when times are normal. BC had only 129 deaths with 5 million people. All of Ontario only had 1,634 deaths. Compare that to NY which is just across the border. NY appears to be its own special case, and was not well handled by Cuomo despite all the press he gets. If you take NY metro out of the data, the whole thing was not as bad as the press made it seem. Once again the press failed us by sensationalizing this situation.
Months ago I said wait for Durham, it will be the thing that changes everything. The Durham net is fast closing. Apparently someone, or more than one, are now talking. Supposedly he has added two other sizable US Attorney offices to the investigation, and has really ramped it up to a huge investigation. John Dean has reappeared, just with a different face and name. I always thought Brennan was the puppet master, and he likely was, but it is now clear Obama was involved, and may be the real mastermind. Biden now clearly knew all about the Flynn case, and just lied on ABC about his knowledge. Just like he did about Tara and Hunter. It is hard to imagine Brennan did something like this on his own. Obama surely seems to have known all about Flynn, as did Susan Rice and Joe. Joe now claims he knew nothing, or not exactly nothing, but sort of nothing, even though he was in the infamous Yates meeting in the oval office, and he unmasked Flynn just a week before leaving office, but now claims he knew nothing??? He also says Reade is lying despite a lot of corroborating evidence piling up, especially the ex-husband’s statement to the court that he swore to. He also said China is not competition, and Trump was a racist for closing the border to Chinese, so what can we believe. Obama attacked Barr, but forgot he pardoned a general just before leaving office for ----lying to the FBI. Obama and his whole group have got to be scared now, which will lead to more bizarre attacks on Barr, and the entire investigation as a diversion. As Nunes goes after criminal referrals related to the Mueller prosecutors, and more things leak out from Grinnell, the noose is closing fast. Durham is going to blow the Dems, Joe, Schiff, Mueller, and Nadler out of the water in July. This really was an attempted soft coup. I believe when Durham and Nunes, Graham, and Grassley get done, Joe Biden will be destroyed, as will much of the Obama administration cabal. I think we have no idea how terrible and extensive this whole things was, and Nunes had it right in 2017. Recall the press attacked Nunes in 2017 and claimed he was the one committing a crime, and he was charged with ethics violations. That was all to try to stop him from uncovering what we are now finally learning. Now he is really after all of them with a vengeance, and he will prevail. The whole Muller investigation was a setup, and a hoax, as Trump claimed. It was an integral part of the plot. Tara is also not going away, and will pursue Joe right through the campaign. Ignore the polls-Trump wins. When this is all over, the NY Times, Washington Post, CNN, NBC and others will have zero credibility. They were all part of a little group of “elites” who thought they knew better, that Trump voters were all bumpkins, and they would get him removed from office so they could get back into power. It is all going to blow up on them, and Obama and Joe will be shown to be knowing and active participants. This will change the course of American history and politics for years. The left is done when this all gets to court and people go to jail.
2020 is going down in history as a key year between the virus and the prosecution of people in the Obama administration for the attempted coup.
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