Monday, July 8, 2024

Sweden In The Summer? What Gives France? Ancient Tombstone. More

Roots Of And Remedies To America’s Illiberal Education

by Peter Berkowitz via Real Clear Politics

In mid-June, Lawrence D. Bobo – Harvard University dean of the social sciences, professor of social sciences, and professor of sociology – published a Harvard Crimson op-ed that reinforced well-founded suspicions that powerful university administrators favor restricting speech with which they disagree.


Sweden Is Safer in the Summertime, But No One Wants to Face the Reason Why


Recent developments in Britain and France are making it clear to everyone what European countries have done to themselves, but the full effects still won’t be seen for another few decades. Still, there are hints of what is happening, and what is to come, that are unmistakable to those who are paying attention. The attentive, however, are still few — so few that this entire ghastly drama will have to be played out to its almost inevitable conclusion. Consider, for example, a piquant and revealing news item from Sweden: crime rates go down in the summertime. Why? Because the “refugees” go on vacation.

The Swedish-language publication Fria Tider reported Tuesday that “in southern Sweden, it becomes quieter in the summer when the criminals go on holiday to their home countries, according to the police.”

Yes, you read that right: the people who commit most of the crimes in Sweden go on vacation to their countries of origin, and so their place of refuge becomes calmer and safer for the native population. Mats Karlsson, the head of intelligence for the police in the southern region of Sweden, explained: “Some of them, who originate in other countries, go there over the summer. Then we notice a big difference, a greater calm, in our vulnerable areas. In the second year when they are still in Sweden, they become messier.”

Now wait a minute. Aren’t many of these migrants supposed to be asylum seekers and refugees? So why are they vacationing in the countries they supposedly fled for their lives?

Also, who is paying for these vacations, with migrants receiving “65 percent of social welfare expenditures”? Swedish taxpayers, obviously. But why?

The “foreign-born represent 53 percent of individuals with long prison sentences, 58 percent of the unemployed.” As if that weren’t enough, they receive “77 percent of Sweden’s child poverty is present in households with a foreign background, while 90 percent of suspects in public shootings have immigrant backgrounds.” What benefit does Sweden receive from importing a large criminal element?

Whatever good the Swedish elites think that the migrants are bringing to Sweden, they continue to ignore the fact that many of the migrants wish to transform Sweden and all of Europe and remake it in their own image. One reason for their high crime rate is their absolute contempt for the laws of the unbelievers, “the most vile of created beings” (Qur’an 98:6). Add to this mix a multiculturalist ethos that exalts the presence of foreign and non-assimilated cultures within Western countries perceived as large umbrella structures for a huge variety of diverse peoples, and the stage is set for a policy of appeasement and accommodation of the ideology of Islamic supremacism.

European elites today believe that by admitting large numbers of Muslim immigrants into their country and making special accommodations for Islamic culture and practices, Europe will achieve a new cultural flowering — but left unconsidered in this is the nature of political Islam, which when dominant is hardly hospitable to rival political systems or cultures.

Cultural appeasement has become the norm in Europe today. The old model of requiring that immigrants assimilate and adopt the customs and mores of their new country has given way to a multiculturalist model that envisions immigrants maintaining their own practices and cultural habits in their new country.


Did France shoot itself in the "ped?"


Ancient tombstone with Hebrew inscriptions found in Tamil Nadu

An archaeological team will inspect the stone, before taking it to a government museum

An archaeological team will inspect the stone, before taking it to a government museum

RAMANATHAPURAM: After a tombstone with Hebrew inscriptions was found near Periyapattinam area of Ramanathapuram, historians deciphered it to be one of the oldest Hebrew inscriptions found in India. An archaeological team will inspect the stone, before taking it to a government museum.

A local from Periyapattinam, Hathim Ali, found a small stone with the inscription in a coconut farm. An examination of the inscription revealed that it was in Hebrew, and photos of the tombstone were sent to a historian and Hebrew calligrapher in Dubai for it to be deciphered.

Speaking to TNIE, Thoufeek Zakriya, a Jewish history researcher and Hebrew calligrapher from Dubai said, “The inscription on the tombstone has multiple dates, including Shvat (Hebrew month) 1536 or 1537 of the Seleucid era, which is between 1224 and 1226 AD.

Some portions of the inscription are not clear as they have been damaged over the years, and the name of the person to whom the tombstone belongs is unknown. However, a small portion mentions ‘Nehemiah’ in Hebrew, which could be the name of the deceased’s father. Initial analysis shows a strong Yemeni Jewish influence in the tombstone due to the calendar system, style of lettering, language pattern and format.”

“Seleucid era is the same calendar system as seen in the Chennamangalam Sarah Beth Israel tombstone inscription, dated 1269 AD. It was also seen in the recently rediscovered Mattancherry Thekkumbagam inscription, dated 1489 AD, and two inscriptions of Mattancherry Kadavumbagam synagogue inscription dated 1544 AD and 1550 AD. According to the Annual Report of Indian Epigraphy, the first Hebrew inscription was found in Ramanathapuram between 1946 and 47, which has been missing since and no one has deciphered its date. However, only the name of the inscription was recorded — Mariam Beth David (Mariam, daughter of David). Further research should be conducted in Ramanathapuram since the second Jewish tombstone found in the area is much older.”

When contacted, a senior archaeology department official from Ramanathapuram said that the department has received information about the inscription, and a team will visit the area to check the inscription on Monday. Based on demands by historians, the tombstone will be taken to a museum for further studies after obtaining permission from the revenue department.


ZOA is Appalled by Biden’s Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield’s Shameful Anti-Semitic Lies at UN Security Council

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) National President Morton A. Klein released the following statement

When President Biden nominated Linda Thomas-Greenfield to serve as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, the ZOA did not place Thomas-Greenfield on ZOA’s huge list of Biden’s hostile-to-Israel nominees and appointees, because Thomas-Greenfield seemed to be relatively reasonable. But Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield’s repeated failure to veto anti-Israel UNSC resolutions since October 7th, and her “Remarks at a UN Security Council Briefing on the Situation in the Middle East” on June 26, 2024, were so full of anti-Israel, antisemitic lies and pronouncements that we now must add her to our “Biden Hostile-to-Israel Appointments Watch” list. We realize that Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield was “just following orders” from the Biden/Blinken administration, but that’s no excuse.

Lie #1: During her UNSC address, Amb. Thomas-Greenfield falsely blamed Jewish “settlers in the “West Bank” for a “deeply alarming” “uptick” in “deadly violence against Palestinian civilians” in 2023-24. In fact, Jewish “settlers in the West Bank” (a pejorative term for Jews living in the lawful and historic Jewish homelands of Judea/Samaria) are not the source of violence. Virtually every Palestinian Arab killed in Judea/Samaria was a terrorist in the midst of attacking Jewish civilians or security forces, including attacking the IDF when the IDF attempted to arrest Palestinian Arab terrorists/murderers in counter-terrorism operations. A very few may have been caught in crossfire between terrorists and the IDF.

Amb. Thomas-Greenfield failed to mention that the real problem is the increased Palestinian Arab deadly violence against Israeli civilians. The U.S. Ambassador also ignored the role of Iran and the Palestinian Authority in financing and inciting this.

Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Israel Security Agency data regarding major Palestinian Arab terror attacks on Israelis (excluding the October 7th massacre) is summarized here:

Further information and a few of many examples:

In addition to “lone wolves” incited by the Palestinian Authority’s promotion of terror and financial rewards to terrorists who murder Jews, about 20 armed Palestinian Arab terrorist groups operating throughout Judea and Samaria are carrying out terrorist attacks against Jews. These terror groups are equipped with large weapons and ammunition stockpiles financed by Iran and smuggled in through Jordan. But the only Palestinian Arab violence in the “West Bank” mentioned by the Ambassador during her entire speech was that the U.S. sanctioned one “militant Palestinian group, Lions’ Den.”

According to IDF data reported by JNS, during 2023, there were 608 explosives, ramming, shooting and stabbing attacks by Palestinian Arabs against Jews in Judea/Samaria, a 350% increase over 2022. The 300 shooting attacks by Arabs against Jews in 2023 were the most since the Second Intifada (the bloody Palestinian terror wave in 2000-2005). More than 50 of the 2023 shooting attacks emanated from the terrorist hotspot of Jenin, resulting in an IDF counterterror operation in Jenin. The enormous number of Arab terror attacks emanating from Judea/Samaria diverted IDF attention from the Gaza border.

The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center reported that, in addition to the vastly increasing numbers of Palestinian Arab attacks against Jews in 2023, supported and incited by the PA, the attacks were more deadly. Palestinian Arab terrorists from Judea/Samaria murdered 43 Israelis in 2023, including 37 civilians and six security forces members. (This toll apparently does not include the Jews murdered by PA brigades in the October 7 massacre.) Many more Jews were wounded. In addition, for the first time, Palestinian Arab terrorists (from Jenin) attempted to shoot rockets at Israeli towns.

During the three-month period between Oct. 7, 2023 and Jan. 15, 2024, the Hatzalah-Judea and Samaria ambulance service recorded more than 2,600 terrorist attacks against Israelis in Judea/Samaria, including 760 cases of rock-throwing, 551 fire bombings, 12 attempted or successful stabbings and nine vehicular assaults.

On April 12, 2024, Palestinian Arabs brutally murdered a 14-year-old Jewish boy, Binyamin Achimeir who was tending sheep, by abducting, knifing and splitting open the Jewish boy’s head with rocks. In addition, Arab terrorists shot and wounded an Israeli civilian and injured three Israeli soldiers who were searching for the Jewish boy after his abduction. An official reported repeated increasing Palestinian Arab violence against Jewish shepherds.




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