Sunday, July 21, 2024

Consul Updates - Edited.


Operational Updates

Entire Gaza Strip

  • IDF troops are continuing operational activity in the Gaza Strip, eliminating terrorists and dismantling structures used to observe the soldiers in the area.

Northern Arena

  • Throughout the day, approximately 65 projectiles were identified crossing from Lebanon into Israeli territory. Some of the projectiles were intercepted by the IDF Aerial Defense Array and the rest fell in open areas. IDF artillery struck the sources of the launches. No injuries were reported. 

  • In addition, the IAF struck Hezbollah weapons storage facilities in the area of Blida and Houla in southern Lebanon. Additionally, Hezbollah terrorist infrastructure was struck in the area of Houla in southern Lebanon.

Houthi Terror Attack Strikes Tel Aviv

Late last night (Thursday), an explosion surrounded in the area of central Tel Aviv. An initial inquiry indicates that the explosion was caused by the falling of an aerial target. No sirens were activated. The IAF increased its air patrols in order to protect Israeli airspace.

The UAV, launched from the Houthis in Yemen, infiltrated from the sea to Israel's west, hitting a building in central Tel Aviv. As a result of the impact, a civilian was killed and eight civilians were lightly injured.

The IDF is currently conducting an inquiry into the incident and examining why the UAV was not identified as a threat and intercepted before it hit.

Learn more about this attack by reading IDF Spokesperson RAdm. Daniel Hagari's press briefing HERE.

Image above represents the area in Central Tel Aviv that impacted from the UAV strike.

30th Anniversary of AMIA Terror Bombing

Individuals hold photos of bombing victims as sirens blare during a ceremony that marks the 30th anniversary of the bombing of the AMIA Jewish Center that killed 85 people in Buenos Aires, Argentina. (AP/Natacha Pisarenko)

Yesterday (July 18) marked the anniversary of the tragic terrorist attack at the AMIA Jewish Center in Buenos Aires. The attack resulted in 85 individuals murdered and more than 300 left injured.

Three decades later, Iran and Hezbollah, responsible for the AMIA attack 30 years ago and the Israeli embassy bombing 32 years ago, continue to spread terrorism.

Over the past 9 months, Iranian proxy Hezbollah relentlessly and indiscriminately attacks Israel.

We will NEVER forget. We will NEVER give in to terror.

May the memory of the victims of both the AMIA Jewish Center bombing and the Israeli embassy bombing be a blessing.

To learn more, click HERE.

Israel Rejects Advisory Option of the ICJ

Israel rejects the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) that was published today regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Unfortunately, the Court's opinion is fundamentally wrong. It mixes politics and the law. It injects the politics of the corridors of the UN in New York into the courtrooms of the ICJ in The Hague.

The opinion is completely detached from the reality of the Middle East, contradicts the guiding principle that formed the basis of all the peace agreements and arrangements that have been reached to date between Israel and its neighbors, and is blatantly one-sided.

It should be clarified that the opinion published today is an advisory opinion and not legal binding. The State of Israel adheres to the rule of law, has an independent and respected legal system, and is committed to complying with international law.

Learn more about the Israeli Foreign Ministry's press release by clicking HERE.


Operational Updates

Entire Gaza Strip

  • IDF troops are continuing operational activity in the Gaza Strip, eliminating terrorists and dismantling structures used to observe the soldiers in the area.

Southern Gaza Strip

  • In Rafah City on the Egypt-Gaza border, Israeli forces continue a months-long operation to root out Hamas terrorists. Over the past day, troops located several tunnel shafts in the area and eliminated several terrorists.

Northern Arena

  • Earlier today, (Thursday), the IAF struck Hezbollah terror infrastructure in the area of Ain El Tineh, and two Hezbollah military posts in the areas of Zibqin and Maryamine in southern Lebanon.
  • Additionally, IDF artillery struck in the area of Blida in southern Lebanon to remove a threat.

IDF and ISA Eliminate 20 Hamas Terrorists

In a joint IDF and ISA operation, approximately 20 Hamas terrorists from the Al-Shati battalion, including Nukhba terrorists, observation terrorists, engineers, and snipers, were struck by the IAF and eliminated.

Muhammed Abu Jattab, a platoon commander and sniper in the Al-Shati battalion, was eliminated in the strike. Throughout the war, he carried out numerous sniper attacks against IDF troops in the Gaza Strip, including the incident on July 9 where Sergeant First Class Tal Lahat was killed during a targeted raid to dismantle terror infrastructure at the UNRWA Center in Gaza City.

In addition, Ismael Shakshak, a Nukhba terrorist who infiltrated Israeli territory on October 7, was eliminated in the activity.

Learn more about this operation by clicking HERE.

Hamas Obstructs Path for Gazans to Receive Humanitarian Aid

Hamas continues to put itself in the way of aid that is meant to assist Gazans in need.

Yesterday, Hamas terrorists fired an RPG missile at IDF troops stationed along the humanitarian route while aid trucks were driving by. As a result, the route was forced to be temporarily closed, only reopening a few hours later to resume aid distribution.

The IDF continues to operate in accordance with international law to facilitate humanitarian aid for civilians in Gaza.

To learn more, click HERE.

Humanitarian Aid:

The Latest

To view the latest data regarding Israel's coordination of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, click HERE.


Operational Updates

Entire Gaza Strip

  • Over the past day, the IAF struck more than 25 terror targets throughout the Gaza Strip, including military structures, terrorist infrastructure, terrorist cells and rigged structures. In addition, the IAF eliminated a Hamas sniper operative, alongside an additional Hamas terrorist in northern Gaza.

Northern Gaza Strip

  • Yesterday (July 16), three projectiles were identified crossing from the northern Gaza Strip toward the area of Sderot. In response, the IAF swiftly struck terror targets in the area from which the projectiles were fired.

Central Gaza Strip

  • IDF troops are continuing operational activity in the central Gaza Strip, eliminating terrorists and dismantling structures used to observe the soldiers in the area.

Southern Gaza Strip

  • IDF troops are continuing precise, intelligence-based operational activity in the Rafah area. In one activity, IDF troops identified and eliminated a terrorist cell and launcher that had been used to fire at IDF troops. No injuries were reported.

Families of Five Hostages Approve Release of Photos Showing Their Loved Ones in Hamas Captivity

Liri Albag (19), Karina Ariev (19), Agam Berger (19), Daniella Gilboa (20), Naama Levy (20). Five young women who have been held in brutal captivity by Hamas terrorists for 284 nights and days.

The parents of the five female IDF observers who were kidnapped from the Nahal Oz base on Oct. 7th and are being held hostage in Gaza by Hamas have decided to release images of their daughters in captivity from a few months ago.

The photos are just a small glimpse of the horrors that these women are experiencing at the hands of their Hamas captors every single day.

We invite you to share THIS POST to help raise awareness of the plight of these young women and to demand their immediate and unconditional release.


Israel and 35 Other Nations Endorse New Global Guidelines for Countering Antisemitism

Today, representatives from Israel and 35 other nations, all special envoys tasked with countering antisemitism, endorsed the new "Global Guidelines for Countering Antisemitism," a set of legally non-binding practices for states, international bodies and civil society to use as the level of violent antisemitism around the world continues to rise. The adoption of these guidelines coincides with the 30th anniversary of the AMIA bombing, when Hezbollah terrorists attacked the AMIA Jewish community center in Buenos Aires, killing 85 people and injuring over 300 others. To read more about the new guidelines for countering antisemitism, click HERE.

U.S. Central Command General Visits Israel

Earlier this week, the Commander of U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM), General Michael Erik Kurilla, arrived in Israel for an official visit hosted by the Chief of the General Staff of the IDF, Lieutenant General Herzi Halevi.

During the visit, the CENTCOM Commander and the Chief of the General Staff held a series of meetings and unit visits. The leaders discussed strategic security issues, regional cooperation, and expanding operational tools as part of addressing challenges in the Middle East and beyond. General Kurilla visited several operational units, and met with key members of the IDF staff.

The IDF will continue to deepen its relationship with the United States Armed Forces, stemming from a shared commitment to maintaining regional security and the mutual interests of both armed forces.

Supplying Terror: Iran's Weapons Smuggling Operations

For years, Iran's Ayatollah regime has been funneling advanced weaponry to terror organizations, including Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis, with the goal of destabilizing the region and threatening the lives of millions. THIS VIDEO examines Iran's covert weapons smuggling operations, and why the regime's continued support of terror poses a threat to Israel and the free world.


Operational Updates

Entire Gaza Strip

  • Over the past day, the IAF struck approximately 40 terror targets, including sniping posts, observation posts, Hamas military structures, terror infrastructure, and buildings rigged with explosives.

Central Gaza Strip

  • IDF troops continued operational activity in the area of central Gaza and conducted targeted raids on terror targets in the area.

Southern Gaza Strip

  • IDF troops are continuing targeted, intelligence-based operational activity in the Rafah area. Over the past day, the troops eliminated terrorists in cooperation with the IAF, dismantled tunnel shafts in the area, and struck Hamas terror infrastructure sites that posed a threat to the troops.

IDF Announces Half of Hamas's Military Leadership Has Been Eliminated

IDF ground, air and naval forces have been operating in the Gaza Strip for 263 days in order to achieve the objectives of the war. The forces have eliminated and apprehended approximately 14,000 terrorists. Among the eliminated terrorists are six brigade commanders, over 20 battalion commanders, and approximately 150 company commanders.

As a result of precise intelligence and operational efforts, half of the leadership of Hamas' military wing has been eliminated up until this stage of the war through a series of strikes and eliminations (click HERE to view an infographic which shows the Hamas leaders that have been eliminated). The IDF continues its crucial mission to pursue the top leaders of the Hamas terror organization as part of the objective to dismantle the organization's capabilities.

So far, the IDF has struck approximately 37,000 targets from the air within the Gaza Strip, and more than 25,000 terrorist infrastructure and launch sites. The Southern Command's fire control center, in cooperation with the Israeli Air Force, have directed airstrikes against sites from which rockets were launched at Israel and security forces in the Gaza Strip.

Additionally, the IDF focuses its efforts on locating terrorists who embed themselves and establish bases in sensitive sites across the Gaza Strip, including in hospitals, schools, and humanitarian shelters (example HERE). These areas are cynically exploited by terrorists who attempt to use them as hiding places and bases for terror. Strikes against this infrastructure are conducted in accordance with international law, with the purpose of preventing the restoration of the terror organization's capabilities.

The Intelligence Directorate and the Southern Command's intelligence system produce high-quality intelligence that supports the fighting forces operating in the Strip. This intelligence enables the execution of a series of initiated operations and targeted raids against terror infrastructure and operatives, based on precise intelligence indications. 

The forces in the field are fighting both above and below ground. The Southern Command's engineering unit has created an action plan against Hamas's underground system and continues to map and thoroughly dismantle it (example HERE). So far, the IDF has dismantled dozens of production sites and workshops, as well as offensive and strategic underground tunnel routes.

Israeli Mother Gives Harrowing Testimony of Hamas Captivity

An IDF officer embraces Danielle Aloni and her daughter Emilia following their release from Hamas captivity as part of the framework of the IDF's operational pause last November.

"Not a day goes by without having to remember the smells, sounds and fear." This is how Danielle Aloni (44) described her experience in Hamas captivity. On Oct. 7th, Danielle and her daughter Emilia (5) were brutally abducted from their home and taken to Gaza, where they were held as hostages for 49 days. They were both released last November as part of the framework of the IDF's operational pause. THIS VIDEO contains Danielle's harrowing testimony, which provides a glimpse into the horrors which she and her daughter experienced. 120 people are still being held hostage in Gaza by Hamas.

Hezbollah's Leader Gloats About "Sacrificing Thousands"

Recently, the Secretary-General of the Iran-backed Hezbollah terror organization, Hassan Nasrallah, gave a video address to a gathering of Hezbollah supporters in Lebanon. During the address, Nasrallah gloated about "sacrificing thousands" so that a "culture of martyrdom and resistance" can spread through Lebanon. Nasrallah also referred to the United States as an exporter of a "culture of death" and referred to jihadist martyrdom as the ultimate expression of a "culture of life." Nasrallah's words highlight the violent and fundamentalist ideology which Hezbollah and other Iranian terror proxies are guided by. To learn more, click HERE.

Israeli Ambassador Highlights Israel's Diversity and Social Impact

In THIS ARTICLE, Senior Director of the Israeli Foreign Ministry's Social Impact Policy unit Ambassador Yehuda Yaakov shares his perspective on Israel's rich diversity and high social impact around the world.


Operational Updates

Entire Gaza Strip

  • Over the past day, the IAF struck dozens of terror targets throughout the Gaza Strip. In one strike, the IAF eliminated terrorists who were identified observing IDF troops and posed a threat to them.

Central Gaza Strip

  • IDF troops eliminated a number of terrorists in the central Gaza Strip. In one activity, a terrorist was identified while planting explosives and was eliminated by means of tank fire.

Southern Gaza Strip

  • Israeli Naval forces continue to strike terror targets in the Gaza Strip, assisting IDF ground troops in the area. Over the past day, terrorist infrastructure sites were struck in southern Gaza.

  • In the area of Rafah, the troops eliminated a terrorist cell armed with RPGs in close-quarters combat.

Military Targets Top Hamas Terrorists Who Helped Plan Oct. 7th in Precision Strike

The compound where the senior terrorists and additional terrorists hid before and after the strike. The location of the strike was an open area surrounded by trees, several buildings, and sheds.

Last Saturday (July 13), following ISA and IDF intelligence, the IAF struck and eliminated the Commander of Hamas's Khan Yunis Brigade, Rafa’a Salameh, in the area of Khan Yunis.

Salameh was one of the closest associates of Mohammed Deif, the Commander of Hamas’s Military Wing, who was also present in the compound at the time of the strike. Salameh and Deif were both masterminds of the October 7th Massacre.

While Salameh was eliminated in the strike, according to the Chief of the General Staff of the IDF, LTG. Herzi Halevi, "It is still too early to conclude the results of the strike [in regards to whether Deif has been eliminated], which Hamas is trying to hide." 

Salameh joined the Hamas terror organization in the early 1990s and was appointed to the position of Commander of Hamas's Khan Yunis - Al Qarara Battalion, under the command of Mohammed Sinwar [Yahya Sinwar's, the head of Hamas in Gaza, brother]. Salameh played a significant role in the abduction of IDF soldier Gilad Shalit. During Operation Protective Edge in 2014, Salameh was in command of Hamas's combat support and defensive plans.  

In 2016, he replaced Mohammed Sinwar as Commander of the Khan Yunis Brigade. In this position, Salameh was in command of the terrorist operatives in the Khan Yunis Brigade and was responsible for all launches of projectiles that were fired from the Khan Yunis area toward Israeli territory. Salameh was also in command of two offensive terror tunnels that were neutralized in Khan Yunis in Operation Guardian of the Walls in May 2021. During this operation, 18 terrorists who attempted to infiltrate into Israeli territory were eliminated.

The elimination of Rafa’a Salameh significantly impedes Hamas' military capabilities.

According to LTG. Halevi, "We are determined to continue and pursue senior Hamas officials, those who planned and carried out the October 7th Massacre and dedicated their lives to the murder of innocent civilians. Mohammed Deif was afraid to die, so he hid in a way that even damaged his ability to command. He hid and sacrificed with him his people and civilians who were in the area, who were in danger, very few of whom were harmed. We found him, we will also find those next in line."

To learn more, click HERE.

Southeastern Law Enforcement Officers Visit Israel for Exchange Program

The GILEE delegation at the Knesset in Jerusalem.

Recently, a delegation of 17 Georgia police chiefs, sheriffs and command staff, along with a deputy director of the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, visited Israel as part of the Georgia International Law Enforcement Exchange's (GILEE) 31st annual peer-to-peer executive education program. GILEE is a research center based at Georgia State University which provides education and training to American law enforcement by connecting them with law enforcement in other nations, including Israel. According to GILEE Director Brent Cummings, "We expose our delegates to policing systems under different cultures, different legal systems and different structures to help enhance their professional leadership development." To learn more about the delegation's visit to Israel and the impact it had on them, click HERE.

Urban Warfare Expert on What the International Criminal Court Gets Wrong About Israel's War Against Hamas

In THIS ARTICLE, Chair of Urban Warfare Studies at West Point's Modern War Institute John Spencer shares his view on what the International Criminal Court (ICC) gets wrong about Israel's war against Hamas.

Operation: Swords of Iron Humanitarian Aid Update

To view the latest data regarding Israel's coordination of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, click HERE.

Stories of the Hostages

Pictured above is Nimrod Cohen (20). He is still being held captive by Hamas in Gaza.

120 individuals remain in Hamas captivity. They have spent the past 282 nights as hostages after being brutally kidnapped to Gaza. Each day, we will be highlighting their stories, until they are all released. Please do your part by sharing THIS POST and in calling for the immediate release of all the hostages. To learn more about the hostages still in captivity and to raise awareness and share their stories, please visit THIS WEBSITE.

None of us are free until each and every one of the hostages is home.

Join us in calling for their immediate and unconditional release. We must #BRINGTHEMHOMENOW.

We Honor and Remember the IDF Soldiers Who Have Fallen in the War

THIS LINK will lead you to the personal stories of IDF soldiers who have fallen in the line of duty in the war against Hamas. These soldiers made the ultimate sacrifice while fighting to protect the State of Israel and her people.

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