Saturday, July 13, 2024

My Assassination Comments Much More And Back To Tybee.

Thank God

I predicted the attempt on Trump’s life was possible because of the hateful comments from the Behar’s, Goldberg’s, Clooney’ s “ bitchy wife,” and Jill Biden’s nastiness.  Why did Biden cancel his campaign ads if they were benign? 

The hatred of the mass media ,which was willing to give up it’s vaulted fourth estate ombudsman position in order to report falsely, so they could circle the wagons to protect Biden’s incompetency and report everything conservatives said were lies.

What does one expect would happen when radical know nothings are allowed to call Trump, Hitler and invade campuses with river to sea nonsense?

If that is not evil enough, what about allowing neo-Marxists to infiltrate every national 

institution ? 


The world has turned it’s eyes from anti-Semitic behavior on 1/6 and for decades.

America is sick and no longer deserves to be the free world’s spokesman.

It will take courageous leadership to turn this nation around if it is still possible.

Trump-has proven his mettle. He was president for 4 years and did not destroy our democracy.  In fact, he accomplished amazing results again impossible odds and yet Biden continues his false blather because he knows, until the debate, the mass media was in his court. 

Now the Mass-Media has turned their long knives on Biden believing Americans will accept them as trustworthy so they can escape their cowardly behavior.

Finally, why has Sec. Blinken and his 51 intelligence agents not been held accountable for their treasonous acts as well as Hillary for her own illegal disregard of a judge’s specific warnings not to destroy evidence?

Were I cartoonist I would show Biden with words coming out of both sides of his mouth.


Israel Begin

s to Rebuild


By Sherwin Pomerantz


Talks regarding a hostage and cease fire have not been halted, senior Hamas official Izzat El-Reshiq said on Sunday, dousing initial reports that Israel’s attempt to assassinate the group’s military head Mohammed Deif in Gaza had scuttled negotiations. El-Reshiq accused Israel of trying to derail efforts by mediating countries Egypt and Qatar as well as by the United States to reach an agreement by stepping up its attacks in the coastal enclave. 


Saturday’s strike in the Khan Yunis area of Gaza, in which at least 90 Palestinians were killed according to local health authorities, has put the ceasefire talks in doubt. There had been increasingly hopeful signs in recent days that a deal could be reached to halt fighting and secure the release of the remaining 120 hostages held in Gaza since October 7.


The assassination attempt came after the United States intensified its diplomatic efforts to close a three-phase agreement US President Biden unveiled on May 31.  CIA Director William Burns held talks in Cairo and Doha and White House Coordinator of the Middle East and North Africa Brett McGurk visited Israel last week. Mossad Chief David Barnea was in Doha and Shin Bet head Ronen Bar was in Cairo.


AS part of Isrel’s effort to rebuild what was destroyed, Kibbutz Be’eri is set to receive nearly $100 million for rebuilding efforts, the largest sum to date allocated to any of the Gaza border communities invaded by Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7, Ynet reported on Monday.  The government funding is part of the Tkuma (revival in Hebrew) Directorate, which was established to oversee reconstruction in the communities of southern Israel impacted by the attack. It is set to deliver the final building plans to Jerusalem in two months.


“We learned by seeing other disaster aftermaths across the world to treat this like an opportunity,” the directorate said in a statement. “The neighborhoods damaged in Be’eri are very old, with some of the [original] planning no longer being fit for the community’s needs. Other disasters showed that reconstruction is inadequate if members of the community aren’t involved in it.”


Nearly 350 Hamas terrorists, including 100 members of the terror group’s Nukhba Force, managed to infiltrate Be’eri on Oct. 7th due to catastrophic failures by the IDF, according to the first part of the militry’s internal probe into the attacks, published last week. According to the investigation, Hamas killed 101 civilians at Be’eri and kidnapped 32 people, 11 of whom remain hostages in Gaza. The probe credited the local armed response team with “determination and courage.” 


The events here on October 7th of last year have spawned a great deal of creativity in remembrance.  Last week I was at the ANU Museum in Tel Aviv where a special exhibit showcasing that creativity has been created.  You can see a brief but moving tour of the exhibit here……


The Ground War in Gaza Continues


By Sherwin Pomerantz

Israel conducted an airstrike in southern Gaza on Saturday, targeting Muhammad Deif, the leader of the Qassam Brigades, Hamas's military wing, and one of the architects of the Oct. 7 attack on Israel. He is the second most senior Hamas figure in Gaza after Yahya Sinwar. Rafah Salameh, the leader of Hamas forces in Khan Yunis, was also targeted in the attack. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu said Saturday night that their deaths have not yet been confirmed.  Hamas says that they were not killed and are very much alive.

Deif has been one of Israel's most wanted men for decades. He is revered by some Palestinians for overseeing the development of Hamas's military capabilities. Michael Milshtein, a former Israeli intelligence officer, described Deif as "the beating heart of Hamas's military wing." Deif also commanded the Hamas forces guarding the Israeli captives.

On the hostage front, Egyptian sources said that hostage talks had been halted until Israel can demonstrate it is serious after Prime Minister Netanyahu rejected Hamas attempts to change the deal and the IDF targeted Mohammed Dief.  “I am not moving one millimeter from Biden’s agreement. I am not adding conditions and not taking them out,” he told reporters during a press conference on Saturday night.


“I am also not letting Hamas move one millimeter,” he said. “You should know that Hamas asked for 29 changes to the proposal,” Netanyahu stressed.  “I told the negotiating team and the Americans that there can’t be even one change,” the prime minister said. He held up one finger to underscore the message.


Two Egyptian security sources said on Saturday night that Gaza ceasefire talks had been halted after three days of intense negotiations failed to produce a viable outcome.  The sources, who spoke to Reuters on condition of anonymity, said that the behavior of the Israeli mediators revealed “internal discord.” According to the sources, the Israeli delegation would give approvals on several conditions under discussion, but then come back with amendments or introduce new conditions that risked sinking the negotiations.


A report published last Thursday in the Washington Post by David Ignatius claims that Hamas has agreed to relinquish its civilian governance of Gaza to Palestinian elements that are neither Hamas nor representatives of the Palestinian Authority.  Behind this concept lies Hamas's longstanding intention to mimic Hizballah’s operational model in Lebanon, allowing it to focus and invest all its resources on "resistance," meaning war with Israel. As the strongest military force in Gaza, it will still dictate what happens behind the scenes, with civilian officials acting as its executors. This is how Hizballah operates in Lebanon.

Alongside the civilian administration, there will be a security force funded and operated by the US and Arab countries, not composed of Arab soldiers but by mercenaries hired by private security companies to safeguard humanitarian aid, oversee its distribution, prevent looting, and perform general policing and law enforcement tasks.


So the war slogs on and little progress seems to be on the horizon vis-à-vis the release of the hostages who have been in captivity now for 282 days.  It remains challenging to see light at the end of the tunnel.   May we see that glimmer of hope sooner rather than later.


Dear Richard,

“It’s time to put Trump in a bullseye,” President Biden is heard telling supporters in a recent conversation. Will he be accused of advocating violence the way, say, Governor Palin of Alaska was accused of inspiring an attempt on a congresswoman’s life?, The New York Sun is asking.

It’s notable, but you would be forgiven for not having seen this angle reported before. Few media outlets have been adequately covering the story. 

At The New York Sun we publish stories like this every day without blinking. 

Our purpose is to keep the American public informed on matters of vital importance to their wellbeing and the future of our country. 

We’re completely independent and serve no other agenda. 

We believe that many news outlets in this country have lost their way. It’s at the root of much of the rot we see in America today. If journalists aren’t doing their jobs, then politicians, government and corporate giants won’t be held to account. 

At the Sun, we’re committed to restoring American journalism to its finest traditions. 

We are almost completely funded by our readers and answer to no one but you. 

We know it won’t be easy. We’re up against some of the biggest corporations in the world.

We need every American to join us. Together we’re unstoppable. 

Please consider joining today. 


Dovid Efune

Publisher, The New York Sun


The possible death of Hamas’ mastermind is reason to celebrate

By Mark Toth and Jonathan Sweet

Israel has tried seven times to assassinate Mohammed Deif, the military brains behind Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

Jerusalem attempted an eighth time Saturday.

Optimism is growing in Israel that the IDF succeeded in eliminating the mastermind of the Oct. 7. terrorist attack that killed nearly 1,200 people and resulted in the taking of 250 hostages.

Forty-five of those dead were U.S. citizens, and eight Americans – largely forgotten by the White House – are still being held hostage by Hamas in Gaza.

Blame Deif for their deaths and fates. He was the principal architect behind Oct. 7. – and countless other deadly kinetic operations against Israel.

Mohammed Deif, a bearded man with glasses, in a photo from January 2024 released by the IDF on Telegram, following reports of an IDF strike

Mohammed Deif was possibly killed on in a strike Saturday.

IDF via Telegram

In the world of linguistic homophones, Deif is indeed synonymous with ‘death.’ However, Deif is not his real name.

He was born Mohammed al-Masri in 1965 in Khan Yunis – a city in southern Gaza. 50 years later the evil chemist was designated by the U.S. State Department as a Specifically Designated Global Terrorist.

Deif had been responsible for Hamas’ military strategy in its war against Israel in 2014. That war was a harbinger of what was to come nine years. Hamas kidnapped and murdered three Israeli teenagers – and the IDF responded in force.

Targeting Israeli civilians has long been part of Deif’s deadly playbook. In 1996, he was the primary planner of what became known as the Jaffa Road Bombings, which killed 25 civilians, including two American students studying in Israel – 25-year-old Mathew Eisenfeld and 22-year-old Sara Ducker.

Deif for decades has plotted against and killed Americans.

That he might have met his end in and around Khan Yunis is fitting – and probative of just how evil Deif is.

Not only is it where he was born. But it is emblematic of how Hamas military leaders hide and fight behind Palestinian civilians in Gaza.

Israel had designated that southern area of the strip as a safe zone for civilians. In response, it would appear that Deif, alongside Rafa Salama, the Hamas brigade commander of the Khan Younis military forces, attempted to hide there in and around Palestinian war refugees – men, women and children alike.

Hamas is denying Deif was targeted. Instead, predictably, according to reporting in the Wall Street Journal, Hamas released a communiqué stating, “These false claims are merely to cover up the extent of the horrific massacre.”

Early purported visual evidence of the Israeli strike strongly suggests otherwise. Given the scale of detonation and destruction, the IDF was after something strategically and/or tactically big – as in a Mohammed Deif kind of big.

Jerusalem has vowed to eliminate every Hamas planner and participant of Oct. 7. one way or the other.

Only days after Hamas assaulted Israeli kibbutzim and the Nova Music Festival in southern Israel, Shin Bet – Israel’s shadowy security service – according to reporting in the Jerusalem Post, “established a new unit named Nili, an acronym in Hebrew for “The Eternity of Israel Will Not Lie.”

Palestinians gathering near the aftermath of an Israeli strike at a tent camp in Al-Mawasi area, Khan Younis, with a car on fire in the background

Earlier in March, the IDF confirmed that it had killed Marwan Issa, Deif’s military deputy widely viewed as Hamas’ No. 3 military commander.

As we forewarned in late December, Hamas’ leaders are all dead men tunnelling – and increasingly more and more of them are turning up dead. Deif may now be the latest.

The timing of the IDF’s attempt to eliminate Deif comes at a critical juncture of ongoing Israeli-Hamas ceasefire negotiations in Doha, Qatar. Only days ago, President Biden had hailed progress on the proposed framework of the multi-phased ceasefire under consideration after Hamas reportedly dropped key demands.

What do you think? Post a comment.

Egypt and Jordan quickly condemned Saturday’s IDF attack – and Jerusalem warned its citizens of a likely response from Hezbollah in Lebanon. Hamas, meanwhile, is claiming more than 70 people were killed in the attack.

Considering Deif’s monstrous history of orchestrating Palestinian terrorist attacks against Israeli and American civilians and his planning of acts of war against Israel and role as the head of the Qassam Brigades, he is a legitimate military target under the rules and laws of war – and his very presence in Khan Yunis among civilians is a war crime.

A Fatah’s spokesperson in the West Bank admitted as much, noting “Hamas must not hide among civilians. Why was Deif in the Al-Mawasi camp?”

Why indeed?

Mark Toth writes on national security and foreign policy. Col. (Ret.) Jonathan Sweet served 30 years as a military intelligence officer.



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