Tuesday, July 9, 2024

WAPO. Consul Update - Edited. Democrat Mass Media Divorcing? More.

The Washington Post may soon close.  Bezos decided not to listen to his readers and the once powerful and august paper lost $100 million last year.  Arrogance thy name is liberal. 

CNN is struggling as well.  Ted married Traitor Jane and her influence and his stupidity killed his brilliant idea.  They never learn.


Operational Updates

Central Gaza Strip

  • For more than a week, the Paratroopers Brigade, the 7th Brigade and the Yahalom Unit have been fighting both above and below ground in the Shejaiya area while under the command of the 98th Division.

  • The soldiers of the division engaged in close-quarters combat with terrorist cells and eliminated more than 150 terrorists, dismantled terrorist infrastructure and encountered and destroyed booby-trapped buildings and explosives. In addition, the soldiers located dozens of weapons and intelligence documents that the terrorists left behind.

  • As a result of intelligence and engineering efforts, the soldiers located terror tunnel shafts and significant terror tunnel routes. In the division-level operation, six terror tunnels were located and destroyed. In some of the tunnels, Hamas hideouts and control and command centers were located. The soldiers continue to examine and destroy other terror tunnels in the area.

  • Below is footage of the troops' destruction of terror tunnels in Shejaiya:
  • Below is footage of the IDF's recent operational activity in Shejaiya:

Northern Arena

  • Earlier today , numerous projectiles were launched from Rab El Thalathine in southern Lebanon toward the area of Misgav Am in northern Israel. The IDF Aerial Defense Array successfully intercepted the majority of the launches.

  • Shortly after the launches were carried out, IDF soldiers identified two terrorists entering a Hezbollah military structure near the launch site. The IAF struck the structure along with the terrorists. Below is footage of the strike:

Israel's Foreign Minister Visits U.S.

Yesterday (July 8), Israel's Foreign Minister Israel Katz arrived in the U.S. to attend the NATO Summit in Washington D.C., marking the 75th anniversary of the defense alliance. According to Minister Katz, he is attending the summit "with one clear goal - to warn dozens of leaders and foreign ministers that we must now stand with full force and determination against Iran."

Life in Northern Israel Under Constant Hezbollah Bombardment

A fire caused by a Hezbollah rocket attack in the Lower Galilee, Israel (July 7)

THIS VIDEO provides an in-depth look at what daily life is like for Israelis in the north of the country as they continue to deal with constant rocket, UAV, missile and drone bombardments launched by Iran's terror proxy in Lebanon, Hezbollah.

Recent Iran-Backed Terror Activities in Lebanon and Syria

Hezbollah's Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah meeting with Hamas terrorists (July 5)

THIS REPORT from the Israel-based Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center provides an overview of Iran-backed terror activities in Lebanon and Syria that have occured in the past week.

Released Hostage Meets With U.S. President Biden

Today, released Israeli-American hostage Liat Beinin Atzili met with U.S. President Joe Biden at the White House. Atzili was brutally kidnapped to Gaza by Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7th and eventually released as part of the framework of the IDF's operational pause last November. Commenting on the meeting, President Biden stated, "Liat Beinin Atzili is a survivor. It was my honor to welcome her to the White House this evening, hear firsthand about her resilience despite enduring the unthinkable, and promise her that my work isn't done until we secure the release of all remaining hostages held by Hamas."

Meta Announces New Measures to Address Online Antisemitism

Today, the technology company Meta, which owns social networking platforms such as Instagram, Facebook and Whatsapp, announced new measures to address online antisemitism on their platforms which has risen dramatically since Hamas's brutal invasion of southern Israel on Oct. 7th. In a statement, the company announced that it will now remove posts which include the word “Zionist” being used as a proxy to refer to Jews and Israelis with dehumanizing comparisons, calls for harm, or denials of existence. To learn more, click HERE.

Operation: Swords of Iron Humanitarian Aid Update

To view the latest data regarding Israel's coordination of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, click HERE.


Will there be a divorce and if so a nasty one, a permanent one?  Stay tuned:

The Divorce of the Democrat Party and the Legacy Media – What it Means

Embarrassed and humiliated by four years of gaslighting Joe Biden's deteriorating condition, the media turns on the Democrat Party in a CYA move.

By Richard Truesdell and Keith Lehmann 

The debacle surrounding recent events, including the Biden-Trump debate of June 27, spells the end of the Democrat Party as we know it. For generations, the media has been willing accomplices but the past 10 days have finally removed the protection and propaganda the media has provided Democrats for generations.

It was an unbelievable turnaround that was decades in the making. A compliant legacy media running cover for the Democrat Party as it worked to “fundamentally transform” America into a socialist paradise. The first step was to take over nearly one-fifth of the economy by nationalizing health care (Obamacare). The second step, even more damaging to our fundamental sense of the rule of law, was to weaponize the federal bureaucracy to punish citizens who objected to the trillions of dollars allocated to grow the administrative state.

It seemed as though the legacy media had the perfect strategy in place to divert attention away from the workings of the Democrats and to push narratives that were favorable to the party. Finally, after the legacy was shown to be an Emperor with no clothes, they struck back to cover up their complicity, saying, “We had no idea that Biden’s decline was this obvious.”

If you need a clear indication of this denial, watch this train wreck orchestrated by Mark Halperin on his 2Way podcast. Halperin, once a Morning Joe regular on MSNBC with John Heilemann, was unceremoniously dumped in 2017 in the aftermath of sexual harassment allegations dating back to the early 2000s when he worked at ABC News. On the 2Way podcast, Inside the Beltway elites—consultants like Mark Katz, pollsters like Whit Ayres, political operatives like Phil Singer, and politicians like John Sununu—now cover for each other as they try to distance themselves from Biden and his administration after almost four years of sucking up.

Then There Are the So-called Journalists

The presidential debate of June 27 put to rest the unbelievable lie that Joe Biden was “sharp as a tack” and “runs circles” around those half his age. All one had to do was watch this hilarious video where these political and media magpies repeat Democrat and Biden administration talking points that the dear leader was, as they put it, “sharp as a tack.” The most egregious was the host of Biden’s reported favorite morning show, Morning Joe. We saw Joe Scarborough humiliate himself so badly that he took a multi-day “vacation” from his wife, Mika Brzezinski, who hosted the show on her own.

The administration, empowered by much of the American legacy media, was allowed to coin a new slur, “cheap fake,” to cover for a president in obvious decline in mental and physical capacity. These paid propagandists insisted that video and audio evidence of decline was “misinformation” and “selectively edited” to present a false image of a clearly failing person who is supposedly in charge of the U.S. It took a side-by-side playing of the video of Biden at the D-Day remembrances in France to expose the hucksters at CBS and expose their dishonesty.

The incessant gaslighting was finally exposed to the masses by the debate. But not before it had served its purpose, which was to hide two stone-cold facts. The first was obvious: Joe Biden was not qualified to be president. Second, the American legacy media has been engaged in a broad series of disgraceful cover-ups for years that shielded the Democrat Party from the public finding out its worst actions.

This shredding of relations between Democrats and the legacy media is a watershed moment that will be remembered as the point where the mask of decency and the skinsuit of credibility were ripped off both from the Democrats and the legacy media. The conspiracy of silence over Joe Biden’s health is now fully on display for everyone to see.

Joe Biden’s horrible debate performance and the aftermath of handwringing and mania—characterized as “bedwetting”—among most media outlets have exposed the Democrats as:

• Having lied to everyone for over five years about the genuine mental and physical decline of Joe Biden,

• Having no Plan B for the possibility of Biden ending his presidential campaign,

• Possessing no “deep bench” of political players to step in; only slippery grifters with no honorable record on which to run,

• Being beholden to the legacy media outlets for covering up their mistakes, miscalculations, maliciousness, and incompetence,

• Showing total disregard, bordering on hostility, for its constituents,

• Operating in the best interests of donors and moneyed institutions, not the citizenry,


• Believing that they can lie with impunity to everyone, all the time, forever, and get away with it.

Democrats now have an entire American population asking the question, “If you’ve lied about the president’s mental and physical condition all this time, what else are you lying about?”

When You’ve Lost George Stephanopoulos…

Biden had a bad performance on June 27, but his July 5 recorded interview with George Stephanopoulos was something to behold. Stephanopoulos was uncharacteristically hard-hitting, dare we actually say fair, on the issue of Biden’s capacity to execute the duties of president. Even more importantly, his bad debate performance was undeniably indicative of mental and physical decline that can no longer be hidden.

“Fifty million Americans watched that debate. It seemed to confirm fears they already had (concerning your age).”

“Are you the same man today that you were when you took office three-and-a-half years ago?”

“Do you dispute that there have been more lapses, especially in the last several months?”

“Would you be willing to undergo an independent medical evaluation that included neurological and cognitive tests and release the results to the American people?”

“Do you have the mental and physical capacity to (serve as president) for another four years?”

One has to wonder how a legacy media that is totally in the tank for Democrats could turn on a dime against their leader so quickly. Actually, it’s no wonder at all: Biden is going down and taking the Democrats and the media down with him.

It’s not just the Biden administration. It’s the entire Democrat Party that has used the legacy media as unpaid (and paid) operatives to misinform the public, to cover up scandals, to perform lies of omission, to regurgitate talking points, and to push narratives favorable to Democrats. The anger and betrayal being felt right now within media circles must be suffocating.

Without the legacy media to run interference and push narratives, Democrats have no way to exist as a party in their current iteration. They will now have to answer for their record on the economy, the border, Israel, inflation, crime, and everything else that is going wrong in America today—and they will have to do so without a legacy media to gaslight everyone into believing their alternate reality. For almost every Conservative, this sense of schadenfreude (defined as the pleasure derived by someone from another person’s misfortune) is simply delicious and should be savored.


Richard Truesdell is a former consumer electronics retail executive and automotive travel photojournalist. In the last 25 years, he has visited more than 35 countries on six continents. A former high school history teacher with a BA in Political Science from Waynesburg University, he is a lifelong Conservative moderate who has turned his thoughts and keyboard to political commentary and popular culture. A cross-section of his writings can be found here.

Keith Lehmann is a retired consumer electronics industry executive who has written extensively on technology, transportation, and international travel. Living in Southern California for over fifty years, he has first-hand exposure to societal and cultural happenings of the left and submits decidedly realism-based, Conservative viewpoints, much of which can be found on his Substack.


The Biden White House Gets Lost in Its Labyrinth of Lies 

By Matt Vespa


WSJ Publishes Another Brutal Article About the Biden Health Cover-Up

By Matt Vespa


EMET Welcomes Senate Armed Services Committee Review of the U.S.-Qatar Relationship

(July 9, 2024, Washington, DC) – EMET welcomes the announcement today by Senate Armed Services Committee Chair, Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI) and Ranking Member Sen. Roger Wicker(R-MS), on the filing of S. 4638 – The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025.

This legislation, while including all the necessary provisions crucial to maintaining defense cooperation between the United States and Israel, includes a new section relating to the relationship between the United States and Qatar, a state-enabler of Hamas. Under Sec. 1287 in the bill, the Secretary of Defense will be required to “report and brief on the operational value of the Al-Udeid Air Base in Qatar, taking into consider action the relationship of the Government of Qatar with Hamas and other terrorist organizations.”Among other things, the secretary will need to assess “whether the relationship of the Government of Qatar with United States-designated terrorist organizations undermines the national security interests of the United States.

For years, Qatar has provided a safe haven for Hamas master minds, who live and operate in lavish Doha hotels. Qatar has enabled the master minds of Hamas, including Ismail Haniya, Mousa Abu Marzouk, and Khaled Mashal, not just to carry out fundraising operations for the terrorist organization from within the country, but to play an active role in planning Hamas’ attack against Israeli civilians on October 7th. While Qatar has been claiming that its ties to Hamas allows it to play the role of mediator, aimed at achieving a hostage release deal, these promises have not been delivered on.Qatar’s policy and actions have time and time again shown to undermine the national security interests of the United States and of her allies.

Qatar has in the past also supported other terrorist organizations such as Jabat Al Nusra, Al Qaeda and the Taliban.

Additionally, Qatar has been at the forefront of the information war against Israel through its state run media Al Jazeera, which has served as Hamas propaganda. In the past, Al Jazeera has produced blood libels against Israel, hired active members of Hamas as journalists and glorified the Oct. 7thmassacre.

EMET will continue to monitor this most welcome development, and work to ensure that a reevaluation of the U.S.-Qatar relationship is included in the NDAA’s final version and enacted into law.


Palestinians allowed to keep on killing.. What animals.


No Justice for Murder in the West Bank

Palestinian Authority police let off terrorists who kill Israelis.

By Naomi Linder Kah

Palestinian policemen stage a raid into the Israeli-controlled section of Hebron in the West Bank, Oct. 23, 2021. PHOTO: ABED AL HASHLAMOUN/SHUTTERSTOCK

It’s a murder mystery, Israeli style: The facts are known but the terrorist can’t be brought to justice. The story of how Abeed Shtayyeh, who killed two Israeli soldiers, has escaped judicial penalty is the story of the Palestinian Authority in miniature. It has profound implications for the Middle East.

On May 29, Mr. Shtayyeh approached the Israeli checkpoint outside Nablus, ran over two soldiers and fled to Nablus. Israel Defense Forces Staff Sgts. Eliya Hilel and Diego Shvisha Harsaj sustained critical injuries and were soon pronounced dead. After the IDF launched a manhunt, Mr. Shtayyeh turned himself in to the Palestinian police.

The Oslo Accords spell out what should have happened next: The PA Security Forces, which receive training and funding from the U.S. and other foreign governments, should have handed over Mr. Shtayyeh to Israel to stand trial. This process was created to forestall Israeli incursions into Palestinian Authority-controlled areas and de-escalate tensions following acts of terror, while letting the PA build credibility as a partner for peace.

Had Mr. Shtayyeh believed that any of this would actually happen, he is unlikely to have turned himself in. But he had every reason to believe that he, like hundreds of terrorists before him over the past 30 years, would be protected by the PA. In the early years of the Oslo framework the PA made perfunctory gestures, detaining terrorists for weeks or even months before setting them free. As time went on, even this farce was abandoned. Mr. Shtayyeh remained in PA Security Forces custody for only a few hours. More than a month after the double murder, he remains at large.

Mr. Shtayyeh’s case isn’t unusual. The PA no longer bothers to peddle the myth of partnership against terrorism. In March the Israeli think tank Regavim identified nearly 80 officers of the PA Security Forces who have been killed or arrested while carrying out terrorist attacks against Israelis in the past three years alone. The PA itself boasts of more than 2,000 such “martyrs.”

Many PA Security Forces officers are also members of internationally designated terrorist organizations and are actively engaged in terrorism. While this has always been the case, today the Palestinian Authority proudly encourages, funds and extols this terrorism. That includes its infamous “pay to slay” program for terrorists, and families of terrorists, who attack Israelis—including Hamas perpetrators of the Oct. 7 massacre.

It is time to stop burying our heads in the sand. The PA and its security forces aren’t partners in the fight against terrorism. The PA has never been a moderating force. In the decades since Oslo, it has honed its skills as a killing force.

Israel can’t afford to play along with this charade, and the Israeli public isn’t buying it any more. The Left’s great new idea for the future, empowering the PA and handing it a sovereign state in the heart of Israel and the Gaza Strip, is the same one that has been killing Israelis for decades. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. We won’t be fooled again.

Ms. Kahn is director of the international division of Regavim, an Israeli think tank.


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