Friday, July 12, 2024

Consul Update- -Edited. Humor. NYT"s Families Smell Like Dead Fish. More.


Operational Updates

Northern Gaza Strip

  • Yesterday (July 11), several launches that were identified crossing from the area of Beit Hanoun fell in open areas near Lachish in southern Israel. No injuries were reported. The IAF then struck terror targets in the area from which the launches were identified.

Central Gaza Strip

  • IDF troops operating in central Gaza located a weapons production workshop as well as a large amount of funds used for terror activity. Furthermore, terrorists who posed a threat to the troops in the area were eliminated.

Southern Gaza Strip

  • IDF troops are continuing targeted, intelligence-based operational activity in the Rafah area. Over the past day, the troops eliminated numerous terrorists in close-quarters combat and aerial strikes, and dismantled terrorist infrastructure in the area.

First Lady of Israel on Why We Cannot Give Up on the Women and Girls Held Hostage by Hamas

In THIS ARTICLE, First Lady of Israel Michal Herzog shares why we cannot give up on the women and girls who continue to be held in brutal captivity by Hamas terrorists in Gaza. As the First Lady states, "We need to face the facts. This weaponizing of women’s bodies, this weaponizing of sexual assault and rape in warfare since Oct. 7, has taken the entire human race many steps backward. Civilization is failing these captives right now. And it is failing every one of us." To read the full article, click HERE.

PM Netanyahu Outlines Four Principles for Israel's Security in Regards to Gaza

Today, Prime Minister (PM) Netanyahu addressed the newest graduates of the IDF Officers Course during a graduation ceremony at IDF Training Base #1. During his remarks, PM Netanyahu outline four key principles of Israel's security in regards to Gaza:

"I am committed to the outline for the release of our hostages; however, the Hamas murderers are still continuing to cling to demands that contravene the outline and endanger the security of Israel.

As the Prime Minister of Israel, and out of national responsibility, I am unwilling to agree to these demands. Therefore, I strongly uphold four principles which are essential for the security of Israel, which are in the outline:

1. Any outline must allow Israel to return to fighting until all the objectives of the war are achieved.

2. We will not allow the smuggling of weapons to Hamas from Egypt, first and foremost through Israeli control of the Philadelphi Corridor and the Rafah Crossing.

3. We will not allow the return of armed terrorists and the entry of war materiel to the northern Gaza Strip. Only this way will the achievements that we have made by an unyielding fight and with the precious blood of our soldiers be preserved.

4. I insist that the maximum number of living hostages be released in the first stage of the outline.

These are our ironclad principles. I am certain that if we insist on them we will achieve a deal that will both free our hostages and ensure that we will continue to fight until all of our objectives have been achieved. The way to free our hostages is by continuing to pressure Hamas with full force."

To read the PM's full remarks, click HERE.

Israeli Air Force Eliminates Deputy Commander of Hamas's Shejaiya Battalion

Today, based on IDF and ISA intelligence, the Israeli Air Force (IAF) eliminated the Deputy Commander of Hamas's Shejaiya Battalion, the terrorist Ayman Showadeh.

Ayman was previously a key operative in Hamas's Operations Headquarters and was involved in the directing of the October 7th massacre. Throughout the war, he was actively involved in combat with the Shejaiya Battalion and directed numerous attacks against IDF troops.

In addition to Ayman, the terrorist Ubadah Abu Heen, a company commander in the Shejaiya Battalion who held a significant role throughout the war was also eliminated.

In total, over 150 additional terrorists have been eliminated since the beginning of the current operations in the area of Shejaiya.

Inside the UNRWA HQ in Gaza City: UAVs, a Hamas Combat Compound and War Room

A UAV used by the terrorists found within the UNRWA HQ in Gaza City.

Following intelligence indicating that Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terrorists and infrastructure were embedded inside the UN Palestinian Agency (UNRWA) Headquarters in Gaza City, IDF troops began a counterterrorism operation in the area earlier this week. At the start of the operation, the IDF opened a defined corridor to enable civilians to evacuate from the area.

During the operation, the Commando Brigade Combat Team under the command of the 99th Division conducted a targeted raid on a Hamas combat complex embedded inside a compound previously used by UNRWA. With the guidance of the Intelligence Directorate (J2), Maglan and Egoz special forces raided the compound and apprehended terrorists who tried to escape from the area. Below is footage of their operational activity:

Below is a video of the commanding officer of a company in the Maglan Unit, CPT. M, discussing the recent operation at the UNRWA HQ:

During the activity, the troops engaged in close-quarters combat with terrorist cells that had fortified themselves inside the UNRWA compound and located parts for assembling a UAV, war rooms used for surveillance operations and large quantities of weapons, including tactical drones, rockets, machine guns, mortars, explosives and grenades. Pictures of the weapons can be viewed HERE. Footage of the UAV and other weapons can be viewed HERE.

Next to the terror compound raided by the troops, the IDF previously exposed and operated against an underground tunnel route and a significant asset of Hamas's military intelligence that was constructed under the UNRWA headquarters.

In additional scans carried out by the troops during the current operations in the area, the troops located an underground laboratory for the manufacturing of explosives and weapons inside a university building.

To listen to the IDF's recent briefing on the operation, click HERE.

Operation: Swords of Iron Humanitarian Aid Update

To view the latest data regarding Israel's coordination of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, click HERE.


A lttle humor for diversion:

 1) I took my suit to the cleaners, who wanted to charge me $40, so I gave it to the charity shop next door. They cleaned and pressed it and put it in the window. I bought it back for $15.

2) My wife and I decided to never go to bed angry. We've been awake since Tuesday.· 
·  3) Growing up, we knew Dad had had enough when we heard the recliner slam down. Kids these days will never know that fear.
· 4) My wife said: "That's the 4th time you've gone back for dessert! Doesn't it embarrass you?" I said: "No, I keep telling them it's for you."
· 5) My wife and I started role-playing in the bedroom. Her favorite is The Sexy Librarian where I have to sit quietly while she reads a book.· 
·6)  I now know how it will all end for me, one of my kids will unplug my life support to charge their phone.
·  7) At a wedding reception, someone yelled: "All married people please stand next to the one person that has made your life worth living." The bartender was almost crushed to death.
8)  I want someone I can share my entire life with who will leave me alone most of the time.
· 9) Yesterday I bought a world map, gave my wife a dart, and said, "Throw this and wherever it lands, I will take you on vacation." We're spending 3 weeks behind the fridge.
·10)  As I walk through the valley of the Shadow of Death, I remind myself that you can't always trust Google Maps.
Dead fish smells better than the Ochs-Sulzberger Families.

NY Times Hires Another Anti-Israel Extremist to Cover Israel

By: Gilead Ini -Camera

The New York Times has a type. 

It hired a reporter who once said she can’t bring herself even to look at Israelis, and who admitted that her objectivity “got thrown out the window.” 

It hired another who in college was an apologist for Hamas and Hezbollah, denying that the terror organizations are terror organizations, that they are fundamentalists, and even that they have murdered Israeli civilians. 

It hired another not long after she expressed outrage that Israel struck a Hamas commander after the terror group fired a barrage of rockets toward Israeli civilians — and even charged that the strike amounted to “murder.” 

Shortly after the Oct. 7 massacre, the newspaper commissioned a journalist who had posted on social media, “How great you are, Hitler.”

So it is unfortunate, but hardly surprising, that the New York Times has hired Bora Erden to cover the Israel-Hamas conflict. Erden was a committed anti-Israel activist prior to joining the Times last October. In May 2021, after Hamas rocket attacks into Israel and a consequent round of fighting, Erden signed a letter supporting what was termed the “Palestinian struggle against Israeli colonial rule and its apartheid system.”

The letter, which called for a protest at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City (or “Occupied Mannahatta,” as the protest organizers put it), took aim at the museum because it has board members who support Israel. The problem seemed to be Jewish money. At least four of the the five board members named in the letter were Jewish, while the fifth was pointedly described as using money that came from her husband, who is also Jewish. 

Erden was a signatory to another letter that attacked Israel (or rather, “the settler colony known as Israel”) while celebrating academic censorship, including with regard to Israel. The letter slammed Cornell for suggesting, during an anti-Israel lecture, that it would later organize a lecture “that presents other view points.” It approvingly stated that many academic institutions understand it is “no longer acceptable for them to provide their students and faculty with curricula and lectures that reinforce the white-dominated, settler colonial, patriarchal, and heteronormative status quo,” a euphemism for any non-radical scholarship, and lamented that Cornell didn’t get the memo. 

If someone thinks academia should suppress perspectives, he would hardly be expected to think differently about journalism. And yet, hardly a week after the Oct. 7 attacks, the New York Times hired this committed anti-Israel ideologue to help with its coverage of Israel. 


It is time for Bibi and his War Council to come up and execute a plan!


ZOA Cited: Iran Can Produce 'Multiple Nuclear Weapons Within Days,' Foreign Policy Leaders Say, Underscoring 'Urgent Need' for Action

America’s Next President Must ‘Develop Credible Military Options for Preventing Iranian Acquisition of a Nuclear Bomb'

By Adam Kredo

Washington Free Beacon) Iran is quietly accelerating its nuclear program "to a point where the regime can now produce enough weapons-grade uranium for multiple nuclear weapons within days," according to a broad coalition of think tanks and advocacy groups. America's next president, those groups say, must quickly "develop credible military options for preventing Iranian acquisition of a nuclear bomb."

With the world focused on Israel's war against Hamas and the upcoming 2024 U.S. presidential election, Tehran has steadily increased its nuclear enrichment activity, increasing the likelihood of a direct confrontation in the coming years. American policymakers and the winner of this year's election will soon be faced with a potentially globe altering decision point, the organizations warn in a new policy brief.

Iran has "taken advantage of a distracted world to double down on its nuclear program, moving closer than ever to potential weaponization," wrote the Vandenberg Coalition and Foundation for Defense of Democracies, two leading think tanks comprised of foreign policy experts and former government officials, in a policy briefing released Thursday. "These threats require a comprehensive response from U.S. policymakers.

The "joint call to action" is backed by nine other think tanks and foreign policy groups, including Veterans on Duty, United Against a Nuclear Iran, Christians United for Israel, the National Union for Democracy in Iran, Advancing American Freedom, the Republican Jewish Coalition, and the Zionist Organization of America. It signals growing concern among a broad section of the U.S. foreign policy community about America's hesitance to confront Iran as the Islamic Republic pushes toward a nuclear bomb and foments terrorism across the Middle East.

"Iran's advancing nuclear program, coupled with the full spectrum of its destabilizing activities, underscore the urgent need for a cohesive and comprehensive strategy in response to counter these threats," the groups write. "We can be distracted no longer."

The Biden administration's policies toward Iran have long been a source of tension with Republican leaders on Capitol Hill. Illicit Iranian oil sales have reached more than $90 billion under President Joe Biden, and other forms of sanctions relief have allowed Tehran to access around $10 billion in once-frozen revenues

Should Biden win a second term, his administration will likely have to adopt a more hardline policy to prevent Tehran's march toward a nuclear bomb, according to the advocacy groups.

"It is impossible to predict the outcome of the 2024 elections on either end of Pennsylvania Avenue; however, Americans of both political parties have a unique opportunity and the responsibility to develop a comprehensive plan against a leading American adversary, Iran," the groups write. "We must set the agenda for a future American president to shut down Iran’s nuclear development, target its proxy terrorist network, and ensure the survival of the state of Israel."

Any new policy should include rallying other Western nations to sanction Tehran's nuclear activity and reimpose a series of economic measures that were originally lifted by the United Nations as part of the 2015 nuclear accord, the groups say

America must also be prepared to deal with a worst-case scenario, according to the policy brief. This scenario means providing the Pentagon "with adequate resource

s to rapidly execute military contingencies if deterrence fails, including sufficient protection for U.S. personnel, assets, bases and embassies, and the ability to project sufficient force to prompt Iran to de-escalate following a U.S. strike response

The United States must also deal with Iran's foreign influence campaign.


As Obama circles over Biden he is like a hawk prepared to attack. Obama wants to control Biden's fate and will do everything in his power to stab him in the back. Obama has never been anything but a threat to those he targets. Same for Hillary.  Both totally distrustful always seeking power always thinking only of self.

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