Saturday, July 27, 2024

"That's All Folks." 3 Choices. I Concur. 44th Tybee Photos.


Netanyahu’s Powerful Message — ‘We Win, They Lose’ — So Far Falls on Deaf Ears at Washington — and Mar-a-Lago


A Pivotal Week for Kamala Harris

By Amy Akan

Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign earned a big boost when the highly anticipated endorsement from Barack and Michelle Obama was confirmed yesterday.

The Obamas are the latest prominent Democrats to rally around the vice president, adding influential support to her presidential campaign.

On Friday morning, the former president shared a message on X, stating: “Earlier this week, Michelle and I called our friend @KamalaHarris. We told her we think she’ll make a fantastic President of the United States, and that she has our full support.”

“At this critical moment for our country, we’re going to do everything we can to make sure she wins in November.”

While Obama’s endorsement was expected, it came after he initially voiced support for a nominee selection process without specifically endorsing Harris.

“I have extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges,” Obama earlier said in a statement.

In the days following President Joe Biden’s sudden withdrawal from the 2024 race, Harris has quickly emerged as the likely nominee of the Democratic Party, winning enough delegate support.

Many top Democrats, including Biden, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, have rallied behind Harris as their favored candidate.

Biden’s decision to withdraw from the race and endorse Harris on Sunday has also energized the party’s base. This is evident in the record-breaking fundraising achieved within just a few days from grassroots supporters. The Harris campaign announced that it raised $126 million this week and that more than 1.4 million contributors were grassroots donors.

Additionally, Democrats who are in tight races this year and were concerned about Biden’s impact on their campaigns have begun to feel relieved with Harris at the top of the ticket.

Harris is nearly 20 years younger than Donald Trump, and hence she is expected to appeal to many undecided young voters. And because she is the daughter of immigrant parents, she is likely to resonate with minority voters as well.

However, she may struggle to secure the backing of male voters, particularly white and Latino men.

Trump is currently leading in the six battleground states likely to decide the election. It remains unclear how Harris will perform with working-class voters in the crucial swing states such as Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

With only 100 days until the November election, the Harris campaign is gearing up for a weekend blitz, featuring events like potlucks, watch parties, trivia, and door knocking. More than 100,000 volunteers will be barnstorming across over 2,300 events in battleground states this weekend, the campaign said.

Harris pledged to unite the Democratic Party and win the 2024 election in her first campaign speech on Tuesday.

“I am so very honored, and I pledge to you: I will spend the coming weeks continuing to unite our party so that we are ready to win in November,” she told her supporters.

Harris’ campaign speeches will most likely center around Trump’s criminal charges, leveraging her background as a former prosecutor. She will also be advocating for women’s rights and abortion rights.

Meanwhile, she will likely face criticism regarding her record as vice president, particularly on issues like inflation and the border crisis.

Harris’s next important task will be choosing a strong running mate to round out the ticket.

Her campaign is reportedly vetting several potential candidates, including Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, Arizona Sen. Mark Kelly, Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker, and North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper.

On Wednesday, Biden addressed the nation from the Oval Office to explain his decision to quit the 2024 presidential election, highlighting the need to “pass the torch to a new generation.”

He said the time for new, fresh, and younger voices has come.

Democrats have moved quickly in their process to choose their presidential nominee by adopting rules on July 24. The voting process to officially nominate Kamala Harris is expected to begin on Aug. 1.

Harris criticized former President Donald Trump for “backpedaling” on previous commitments to hold a debate with Biden in September.

“I’m ready. And I think the voters deserve to see the split screen that exists in this race on a debate stage,” she told reporters on July 25.

However, the Trump campaign indicated the former president will not commit to a debate with Harris until she becomes the formal Democratic nominee for president, citing the “continued political chaos” within her past


You have 3 choices, in my opinion regarding the forthcoming election. You can fall for the remaking of Kamala from a radical "leftie", you can hold your nose, if you do not believe Trump has a presidential personality or you can not vote.

As for Kamala, she is who she is and that means she is beholden to and must kiss the radical Islamists in her party in order to get the necessary votes to win because she has no competence, no foreign experience , helped turn San Fran into a wasteland is dumb as a rock. Our adversaries would love for her to take us to a bleak "future."

The mass media are breaking their necks to have you believe Kamala is not a radical "leftie" but everything she once said defies these efforts. She supported Biden in his open borders policies, energy policies, defund police beliefs, supported illegals being registered to vote and all the other radical decisions as California's Attorney General, then Senator. That she also does not believe in green policies that reduce our competitive status and will cost millions of jobs if enacted.

If you vote for Trump you have 4 actual years of many positive accomplishment but the mass media and radical elites, among the Democrats, want you to believe Trump is a consummate liar, is too old, lives in the past, is a racist and is beholden to Putin.

They also want you to disbelieve Kamala lied to you all along about Biden's health and his family is not one of the most corrupt to ever serve in The Oval Office.

What they spew out about Trump, which has proven all virtually lies because it was perpetrated by his opponent ,Hillary Clinton when she constructed them and had a Democrat law firm present this to the courts, with assistance from the FBI and 51 intelligence officers, who were willing to commit treason, before the actual election, in order to obtain FISA warrants. This was proven so by a costly, long special counsel investigation.

Actually, Trump brought calm, there were no wars, our borders were secure, he moved our embassy to Jerusalem, many Arab nations joined the Abraham Accords, inflation was low, we became energy independent, most everyone's salaries and living standards improved etc. and you know the rest unless you too are blind and dumb as "Rock Kamala" and an enslaved Democrat. Finally he had the smarts to establish our 5th space military arm.

He also accomplished these feats against terrible Covid advice and efforts to destroy his administration by those who sought to put his associates and himself in jail with unconstitutional law suits, destroy his family and wealth, which I enumerated time and again in previous memos.

These radical D.C elites only want power to control America and turn our Republic into a Socialist/Communist nation and, again you should know the rest.

Your 3rd choice is not vote and eventually lose both our republic and your sacred moral God Given obligations, freedoms and rights,

I also submit, Biden has left this nation in the greatest risk position in my adult lifetime because we have president who is physically and mentally infirm and unable to carry out his official duties yet continues in office, a "second" president who is dumb as a rock and adversaries who have an ability to destroy this nation if they so choose..

Like Bugs Says, "That's All Folks."

I embrace everything these say or imply

Now for some 44th Tybee Beach Picture for relief from politics:
Tamara our son's wife
Dagny and Blake, our daughter's children.
The 91 year old patriarch.

My oldest daughter Debra and Marin,, her husband.
                                                               Max, our great grandson

Stella, Daniel's daughter
Blake, our daughter's son and Max

Friday Night Shabbes Blessings
The "girls."

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