Monday, July 1, 2024

Their Long Knives And Much More.

The Boiling Moat: Can Taiwan Stay Afloat? Matt Pottinger On The Future Of Taiwan

interview with Matt PottingerBill Whalen via Matters Of Policy & Politics

Embracing a ‘Warrior Ethos’: Strategic Insights for Taiwan’s Defense.


Consul Update - Edited:

Operational Updates

Central Gaza Strip

  • IDF operational activities continue throughout the Gaza Strip. During targeted raids in the area of Shejaiya, IDF troops eliminated numerous terrorists in close-quarter encounters and located large quantities of weapons.
  • During dozens of IAF strikes, approximately 20 terrorists were eliminated, and numerous weapons manufacturing and storage facilities were dismantled.
  • In Rafah, IDF troops identified a terrorist who launched an anti-tank missile. IDF soldiers quickly directed the IAF to eliminate the terrorist.
  • Yesterday (Sunday) in the central Gaza Strip, IDF troops identified a terrorist launching a projectile. No injuries were reported. The IAF struck and eliminated the terrorist.

Northern Arena

  • Yesterday (Sunday) IDF soldiers identified a Hezbollah terrorist entering a military structure in which additional terrorists were operating in the area of Houla in southern Lebanon.
  • Shortly after the identification, IAF fighter jets struck the structure in which terrorists were operating.
  • In addition, IDF forces identified a terrorist operating in a Hezbollah military structure in the area of Kfarkela. Shortly afterward, the forces struck the structure in which the terrorist was operating.

IDF Identify Terrorist Infrastructure in Medical Clinic and UN School

The 7th Brigade combat team, including soldiers of the 7th Brigade, the Givati Brigade, and the Paratroopers Brigade, have been leading the 98th Division’s operation in the ​​Shejaiya area over the past few days.

This past weekend, the soldiers eliminated dozens of terrorists in close-quarters combat and with aerial fire support. As part of operational searches of civilian structures converted into terrorist infrastructure, the soldiers raided a UN school that the terrorists of the Shejaiya Battalion were using as a hideout and a warehouse.

The troops discovered dozens of weapons, grenades, and valuable intelligence documents. Additionally, the soldiers located a terrorist war room in a medical clinic containing communications devices, enemy documents, and observation devices.

This is further evidence of Hamas embedding itself within civilian structures for terror purposes.

THIS VIDEO provides footage of Commanding Officer of the 7th Brigade, COL Elad Tzuri, showing the weapon warehouse in a UN school.

A Look Inside the Tunnels of Rafah

Member of Hamas and the Islamic Jihad continue to use their underground tunnels as a network of terror. In a recent intelligence-based operational activity, combat teams of the Commando Brigade, the 401st Brigade and the Yahalom Unit under the command of the 162nd Division, conducted a targeted raid on an outpost and underground production site belonging to the Islamic Jihad terrorist organization in the Tel al-Sultan area in Rafah.

The troops located the Islamic Jihad’s largest underground site for the production of rocket parts and long-range rockets in the Gaza Strip. During the operation, Commando and Yahalom soldiers operated simultaneously above and below ground to eliminate terrorists with drones and precise missiles.

The Islamic Jihad terrorist organization has manufactured hundreds of rockets at this site over the past few years. The destruction of the outpost and the underground production site damages the Islamic Jihad’s ability to produce and fire rockets at Israeli civilians and communities.

THIS VIDEO contains an infographic showing the tunnel shafts that were located in the outpost, leading to the underground production site.

Iran Threatens "Obliterating War" if Israel Attacks Hezbollah

THIS ARTICLE published by The Times of Israel describes Iran's mission to the United Nations on Friday, stating that should Israel engage in a "full scale military aggression" in Lebanon against Hezbollah, that an "obliterating war will ensure."

Operation: Swords of Iron Humanitarian Aid Update

To view the latest data regarding Israel's coordination of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, click HERE.

Stories of the Hostages

Pictured above is Segev Kalfon (25). He is still being held captive by Hamas in Gaza.

120 individuals remain in Hamas captivity. They have spent the past 268 nights as hostages after being brutally kidnapped to Gaza. Each day, we will be highlighting their stories, until they are all released. Please do your part by sharing THIS POST and in calling for the immediate release of all the hostages. To learn more about the hostages still in captivity and to raise awareness and share their stories, please visit THIS WEBSITE.

None of us are free until each and every one of the hostages is home.

Join us in calling for their immediate and unconditional release. We must #BRINGTHEMHOMENOW.

As the debate saga continues, the new mass media approach will be to stir the "retribution" pot. 

The Media and Jill Biden are too fixed in their obdurate views to realize Trump is too smart to throw away his potential 4 year opportunity of being a great president by focusing on being "successful."  He will not be frivolous and waste his time punishing those who may deserve it but rather work for the nation's best interests which are intimately  linked to his own reputation. 

Once again, I can separate my modicum of distaste and focus on Trump's desire and ability to solve problems, think, not as a politician but as a shrewd businessman who holds his cards close to his chest, as he did in his
first term.  He has learned the ways of D.C and is far more in tune with knowing who the "rakes" are  and who he must deal with among the power hungry D.C  "elites"
with their long knives.

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