Thursday, July 4, 2024

Continued Review Of: " Pursuit Of Happiness." Much More.

Continued review of: "The Pursuit of Happiness: : How Classical Writers On Virtue Insure Moderation." 
Ironically, Jefferson had 3 accomplishments of which he was proud.  

They were The Establishment of The University of Virginia, becoming Governor of Va. and the writing of the Declaration of Independence.

He drew his philosophical inspiration from Cicero and believed a healthy mind rested in reason. He had immense respect for Wilson and particularly Madison and respected for their Scottish educational background. He also respected the thoughts of women.  His views formed around the time of the protests against stamps and the right to protect one's home from unwanted occupation.

He also  believed all men were created equal but was an avowed hypocrite because he owned slaves and preferred personal comforts over morality.

His father, Peter,  was uneducated but he admonished his son never ask others to do what you can do yourself.

Jefferson was brilliant without question.

As for George Washington, he was probably the nation's greatest hero and a true patriot. He considered Hamilton like a son.

He prevented the army from revolting because Congress did not pay them.  His father, Augustine, had a classical education and died in1743 when George was 11.He was raised by his mother and she was hyper critical causing him to become stoic. He spent his entire life learning to control his temper. He was exceptionally brave.

Congress eventually succumbed and met their financial obligation in full and upon Washington's death he too settled with his debtors, freed his slaves, endowed schools for their education but was concerned whether citizens would rise above their greed and place the nation's interest above their own.

He was willing to listen to all before making his decision and was concerned about partisan politics would harm the nation He reluctantly served a second term and asked Hamilton to redraft his Second Farewell Speech.

His self-mastery led to his industriousness and he divided every day into four sessions and adhered to them throughout his life.

He drew his famous Letter to The Hebrew Congregation in Newport, R.I from the old testament quoting Micha.

What I have drawn from all of this is that simple phrases undergirded the foundation of America ad our belief that the pursuit of happiness was predicated on reason, selflessness and a desire to place nation above self.

Brilliant and well educated as our founding fathers were mostly they drew their thoughts mainly from Cicero and we have strayed from our roots and no longer are a nation of virtue. Lamentably, we no longer place nation above self, nor are we willing to use reason as the basis of forming decisions.

We have drifted away from " home plate." 
Can Israel afford NOT to defy State Department pressure?
Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger, “Second Thought: a US-Israel Initiative”

The current pressure on Israel

*Since Israel’s establishment in 1948 – which was ferociously opposed by the State Department, and tenaciously realized by Israel’s defiant Founding Father, David Ben Gurion – The State Department has systematically pressured Israel to act against its own assessment of its own national security requirements.  In fact, in most cases, Israel’s compliance with State Department pressure undermined the US’ own interests, while a defiant Israel spared a major setback to the US’ own interests.

*Since the horrific Hamas terrorism of October 7, 2023, the State Department – which subscribes to a worldview, contending that terrorism is driven by despair, and therefore should be confronted diplomatically and financially, not militarily - has intensified the pressure on Israel to refrain from militarily preempting Hezbollah, the chief proxy of Iran’s Ayatollahs.

*In addition, the State Department has pressured Israel to switch from fighting – to negotiating with – Hamas, a proxy of Iran’s Ayatollahs and a branch of the Moslem Brotherhood, which is the largest Sunni terror organization in the world.  The pressure has been exerted, notwithstanding Hezbollah’s and Hamas’ commitment to fanatic, Islamic anti-US ideologies - which transcend financial and diplomatic benefits - mandating the toppling of all pro-US Arab regimes, bringing the “infidel” West, and especially “the great American Satan” to submission. Moreover, Hezbollah’s and Hamas’ ideologies are committed to the uprooting of the “infidel” Jewish state – which is deemed by them as the Middle East beachhead of the US - as evidenced in Hezbollah’s and Hamas’ school curriculum, mosque sermons and systematic regional and global terrorism, which extends to Latin America and the US homeland.

*The State Department pressures Israel into another round of negotiation with Iran-controlled Hezbollah and Hamas, despite the fact that all previous agreements were violated, intensifying terrorism, transforming these two terror entities into the most fortified above-ground and under-ground terror states in the world, and paving the road to the October 7 massacre and the current Iran-orchestrated Hamas and Hezbollah wars on Israel.

More examples of State Department ill-advised pressure on Israel:

*In 2006, Israel bowed to State Department pressure, allowing the participation of Hamas in the Palestinian Authority election, which catapulted Hamas to unprecedented political stature in Gaza, Judea and Samaria. 

*In 2006, Israel complied with State Department pressure (assisted by Israeli clones of Foggy Bottom), ending its war against Hezbollah through UN Security Council Resolution 1701, rather than through the obliteration of Hezbollah’s military infrastructure. It solidified Hezbollah’s dominance in Lebanon and bolstered its role as a regional and global epicenter of terrorism and drug trafficking in the service of Iran’s Ayatollahs, as demonstrated by Hezbollah’s expanded foothold on US soil, and growing terror collaboration with the drug cartels of Mexico, Columbia, Bolivia, Ecuador and Brazil.

*In 2000, the State Department offered an $800 MN inducement (which was never realized) for Israel’s intent to evacuate South Lebanon, which elevated Hezbollah into a dominant stature in Lebanon, and ushered in a 150,000 missile strong Hezbollah terror machine, fortified by a most advanced underground tunnel network, which may exceed Hamas’ tunnel complex.

*Since the 1993 establishment of the PLO-controlled Palestinian Authority, the State Department has promoted annual foreign aid to the Palestinian Authority, while pressuring Israel to facilitate the establishment of a Palestinian state. This policy has been pursued irrespective of the core Palestinian ideology and its rogue daily conduct – which mandate the annihilation of Israel - as evidenced by the 1964 PLO charter, Palestinian hate education, mosque sermons, monthly allowances to families of terrorists and the Palestinian intra-Arab terrorism. Foggy Bottom ignores the potential impact of a Palestinian state west of the Jordan river: toppling the pro-US Hashemite regime east of the river, transforming Jordan into an epicenter of anti-US Islamic terrorism and destabilizing the pro-US Arabian Peninsula regimes - a setback to Western economy and national and homeland security.

*In 1981, the State Department pressured (and punished) Israel against bombing Iraq’s nuclear reactor.  Israel defied the pressure, which spared the US a potential nuclear confrontation in 1991, and snatched the pro-US Arab oil-producing regimes from the jaws of the anti-US Saddam Hussein.

*In 1973, the State Department pressured Israel, successfully, against preempting Egypt and Syria. Israel’s defiance of this pressure would have spared the region the costly war of October 1973.

*In 1967, the State Department pressured Israel against preempting Egypt and Syria.  Israel defied the pressure, devastated Egypt’s military force, which was involved in an attempt to topple all pro-US Arab oil-producing regimes, at a time when the US was heavily dependent upon Persian Gulf oil. Israel’s defiance spared the US a dramatic national security and economic blow.

Israel’s survival requires defiance of State Department pressure   

*Israeli compliance with State Department pressure would snatch Hamas from the jaws of obliteration and would be perceived – in the Middle East - as a dramatic victory for Islamic terrorism. It would escalate the lethal threat (from the Moslem Brotherhood and Iran’s Ayatollahs) to every pro-US Arab regime, such as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Egypt and Jordan, and to US homeland security (as recently stated by the FBI Director).

*Israeli capitulation to State Department pressure would devastate Israel’s posture of deterrence – in the volcanic Middle East, where one’s posture of deterrence is a prerequisite for one’s survival - which could induce an Iranian ballistic missile offensive against Israel and an Iran-supported terror offensive by Hamas, Hezbollah, the Palestinian Authority and radical Israeli Arabs. 

*Israel’s succumbing to State Department pressure would reduce/eliminate the inducement of moderate-Arab regimes to expand normalization/peace with Israel, which was initiated by their high respect for Israel’s posture of deterrence, in the face of the mutual threats by Iran’s Ayatollahs and the Moslem Brotherhood, and against the backdrop of the slackened US and Western posture of deterrence.  

*Refraining from the obliteration of Hamas’ military infrastructure and Hezbollah’s terrorist presence in South Lebanon would preclude the return of most Israeli evacuees (150,000 – equal to 5 million evacuees in the US) to their homes in the areas adjacent to Gaza and Lebanon.

*Both the US’ and Israel’s national security benefit from Israel’s defiance of State Department pressure, which highlights Israeli preference of long term national security over short term diplomatic convenience.
This is what I am talking about.

Ben Shapiro EXPLODES on leftists trying to abolish the 10 Commandments:


"What the courts have done today is unprecedented and STUPID!"


Recently, the Louisiana Governor signed a bill into law that REQUIRES the 10 Commandments to be posted on the wall in EVERY classroom in the state.


The radical left is in a FULL ON MELTDOWN!


The American Civil Liberties Union, a leftist SHAM organization, is now SUING the state of Louisiana to ABOLISH the 10 Commandments. What’s worse is that the courts AGREED to hear the SHAM case!


The radical left is waging an ALL OUT WAR against Christianity.


They've removed it from every classroom in the country, and replaced it with their own sick & twisted religion.


The Religion of WOKENESS.


They've replaced the Ten Commandments with pornographic novels.


They've replaced the Gospel with Critical Race Theory.


And they've replaced lessons about Jesus with sexualized Drag Queen Story Hour.


We're calling on 100,000 patriots. Sign in support of keeping the 10 Commandments in classrooms!


If we don't respond now, there's nothing that can stop the eradication of our shared Christian values from America!


Bibi obstinate.


Netanyahu to Biden: 'I will end the war only after its goals have been achieved'

Prime Minister Netanyahu congratulated the President and the American people on the occasion of US Independence Day. Biden replied: 'Without Israel, there would be no security for Jews in the world.'

President Biden and PM Netanyahu

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday spoke by telephone with US President Joe Biden and congratulated him and the American people on the occasion of US Independence Day.

The Prime Minister said that "without the US there would be no freedom in the world."

President Biden replied that "without Israel, there would be no security for Jews in the world."

Prime Minister Netanyahu updated President Biden on his decision to send a delegation to continue the hostage negotiations.

The Prime Minister reiterated the principles that Israel is committed to especially its commitment to end the war only after all of its goals have been achieved.

Earlier in the day, Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant published a post on social media congratulating the US on the occasion of its Independence Day: “Congratulations to our closest friends and allies as they celebrate 248 years of independence. The United States stood with Israel since our establishment and stands with us today as we fight to defend our nation in a war for our future. Today we salute your leadership of the free world and echo your call for ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.’ Happy 4th of July."

The White House stated about the conversation between Netanyahu and President Biden, "President Biden spoke this morning with Prime Minister Netanyahu. The Prime Minister congratulated the United States on the occasion of Independence Day, and thanked the President for his continued and steadfast support for Israel’s security."

"President Biden and the Prime Minister discussed ongoing efforts to finalize a ceasefire deal together with the release of hostages, as outlined by President Biden and endorsed by the UN Security Council, the G7, and countries around the world.

"The leaders discussed the recent response received from Hamas. The President welcomed the Prime Minister’s decision to authorize his negotiators to engage with U.S., Qatari, and Egyptian mediators in an effort to close out the deal.

"President Biden reaffirmed his ironclad commitment to Israel’s security including in the face of threats from Iranian-backed terrorist groups such as Lebanese Hezbollah.

"Both leaders welcomed the meeting to take place on July 15 between their national security teams in the Strategic Consultative Group format," the White House statement concluded.


England moves center left unlike much of Europe. People are fed up with a party that seems not to have believed what if professed it stood for so they booted them badly.  

Keir Starmer Becomes U.K. Prime Minister After Labour Party Landslide

He called on the country “to move forward together” after his center-left Labour Party won in a sweeping victory. The outgoing prime minister, Rishi Sunak, told voters in a speech that he had “heard your anger.”

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