Thursday, July 18, 2024

My Many Personal Views.

Wars are different today because of technology and now our adversaries, whch they both enriched , are attacking us from all directions.  We have been at war ever since Obama allowed radical Islamists and Muslims to flood our natio, Biden opened the borders even wider.

 WW 3, began years ago. Covid was simply another event.

This is what I believe, this is what Biden will leave for Trump to cope with and we shall see if America can survive the onslaught both Obama created and then enhanced and finally Biden ignored so they could create a nation they wanted to create in order to transform and destroy our republic.
The best 

Part of Trump’s speech was his pledge not to use offensive language.  For him to be able to display a “ pixie”,sense of humor a few days after an  assassination  attempt says a lot to me. He is an extraordinary character and I go with the comments of his beautiful granddaughter. 
The more government is constrained the more citizens benefit. There is nothing positive about government growth at the cost of fiscal excess and exploding debt. That is the consequence of an undisciplined fiscal policy. It must stop, before we self destroy.

As for the matter of a reluctant decision of policeman not to fire, has anyone thought it could be the consequence of lawyer’s suing police and turning them into victims for taking risks to protect citizens at the cost of their retirement benefits and pensions and you know the rest.

I  find it ironic, district attorneys can ignore law enforcement yet police and those who served Trump are incarcerated for nonsense and that includes Trump, himself.

We know many in the Democrat Party hate this nation because they fear our freedoms, our wealth, our unique concept that government exists to serve Hillary’s “deplorables.” Not the other way round.

Politicians know better but they tend to view the world in a self serving, self aggrandizing manner. They do not place the nation first. This is sinful. It goes against their sworn oaths. It is amoral. It does not lead to or enhance citizen’s right to seek happiness and it too must be reversed,

It takes a united citizenry, and a strong leader to re-pave the way. I submit, Trump, with all his unattractive and boorish manners, is the right man at the right time. I have always been able, up to a point, to separate personality from accomplishments,  I did this with Kennedy and Clinton. However, I drew the line when it came to Obama and Biden and would/will still do so again.

Go Trump. Win a smashing electoral vote and help restore America back to what 
We love about our republic.

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