Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Judicial Watch Pursues. Pomerantz.

imgJudicial Watch Sues Treasury Dept. for Records on Foreign Purchases of U.S. Farmland

Judicial Watch announced today it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Treasury for records of communication between the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) regarding the purchase of U.S. farmland by foreign entities (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of the Treasury (No. 1:24-cv-01811)).

READ MORE++++Will it, can it ever stop?+++

Dear Dick,

Newly released satellite photos show that Iran is significantly expanding its missile production facilities to increase the arsenals of its terror proxies like Hezbollah.

Speaking confidentially to Reuters, three Iranian officials confirmed that the bases are being expanded to boost production of ballistic missiles that can be supplied to its proxies and allies.

Iran has helped arm, train and finance Hezbollah for decades. The terror group now has over 150,000 rockets and missiles — more than any European nation. Since October 8, the Iranian-backed organization has fired more than 5,300 missiles, rockets and drones into Israel, including scores with precision-guidance systems.

The terror group stores its weapons across Lebanon, deliberately using cities and communities across the country to hide its facilities and forcing countless civilians to be human shields.

America must stand by Israel as it responds to Hezbollah’s increasingly aggressive attacks and continue to ensure Israel has the weapons it needs to protect its families.
IDF launches new operation in Gaza City, finds Hamas command room in school and health clinic

This morning, the IDF launched a new operation in Gaza City, based on specific intelligence that Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad had terrorists and terror infrastructure in the area, including at UNRWA’s headquarters.

The IDF killed dozens of terrorists and seized weapons — including mortars, machine guns and grenades — and terror infrastructure — including a Hamas command room in a school and health clinic.

"The IDF will continue to act in accordance with international law and against the Hamas and PIJ terror organizations, which systematically operate and carry out terrorist activity from inside civilian infrastructure, including UNRWA compounds," the IDF said in a statement.

Alisha Tischler, AIPAC

 The Hostages Home at Any Cost
By Sherwin Pomerantz

The IDF announced today that on Thursday it will present its first analysis of what went wrong on October 7th and the failure to defend Kibbutz Be’eri.  According to the military, the results of the probe will first be presented to the families of those who fell at Be’eri on October 7, including the Be’eri residents, as well as the many security forces from the IDF, Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency), and police. This presentation will take place at a large amphitheater in the Dead Sea area early Thursday afternoon.  Later Thursday night, the results of the probe, including extensive diagrams and video footage will be posted on the IDF’s website.

According to the previous media leaks, the IDF probes will most likely find numerous cases of: (a) friendly fire errors leading to tragic deaths, (b) groups of IDF soldiers who were too hesitant to confront Hamas invaders (even as some groups rushed to fight who had not yet been summoned), (c) senior commanders ordering some groups of soldiers to remain in a reserve second line capacity when they should have headed into the front, and (d) specifically not knowing how to handle complex battlefield situations involving hostages in Be’eri.

Several officials in the Middle East and the US seem to believe the level of devastation in Gaza caused by a nine-month Israeli offensive likely has helped push Hamas to soften its demands for a ceasefire agreement. Hamas over the weekend appeared to drop its demand that Israel promise to end the war as part of any ceasefire deal. In recent internal communications seen by the AP, messages signed by several senior Hamas figures in Gaza urged the group's exiled political leadership to accept the ceasefire proposal pitched by President Biden. The messages described the heavy losses Hamas has suffered and the dire conditions in the war-ravaged territory. The messages indicate a readiness among top militants to reach a deal quickly, even if Hamas's top official in Gaza, Yahya Sinwar, may not be in a rush.

An editorial in today’s Jerusalem Post urges Israel to give first priority to the return of the hostages and worry afterwards about whether Israel has paid too high a price.  The hostages have been held by Hamas for 9 months and even if they were in the best of health on day one, the odds are that those still alive will need significant medical care on their return to Israel.  The hostages freed by IDF action in Gaza two weeks ago seemed to look well when they landed in Tel Aviv but follow up medial exams showed that they had all paid a personal medical price resulting from their captivity.

Reuters reports that recent satellite imagery shows major expansions at two key Iranian ballistic missile facilities for boosting missile production. The enlargement of the sites follows an October 2022 deal in which Iran agreed to provide missiles to Russia, which has been seeking them for its war against Ukraine. Tehran also supplies missiles to Yemen's Houthi rebels and the Lebanese militia Hizballah.

Images taken by commercial satellite firm Planet Labs of the Modarres military base in March and the Khojir missile production complex in April show more than 30 new buildings at the two sites, both located near Tehran. Iran's arsenal is already the largest in the Middle East, estimated at more than 3,000 missiles.   Three Iranian officials confirmed that Modarres and Khojir are being expanded to boost production of conventional ballistic missiles. One official said some of the new buildings would also allow a doubling of drone manufacturing.

Rumors abound that anti-Hamas elements in Gaza are gaining strength.  But the personal cost is high.  According to a report in today’s Jerusalem Post, masked men attacked a Gazan critic of Hamas this week. Amin Abed was severely beaten by a gang of men who Hamas likely sent to silence him.

Abed is known as a critic of Hamas. The attack has led to anger, and it is clear from social media posts, including by Palestinian activists and commentators who closely follow Gaza, how much this attack symbolizes the brutal nature of Hamas's rule over the enclave. 

Abed, who is thirty-five years old, was reportedly attacked by two dozen men who punched him into the street in northern Gaza’s Jabalya neighborhood. A post on X claimed that “twenty or more masked men grabbed Amin Abed at the Al-Fakh School and dragged him to the Al-Tawbah area… The twenty men took turns [beating him], and for more than 40 minutes in the street, Amin was attacked in the middle of his neighborhood.”

"The neighborhood was already empty, and most of which had turned into rubble, so they isolated him with all barbarism until all four of his limbs were broken. They continued with inhumane beatings in the head and body that would not stop.”

Reports say he was aided eventually by locals from Jabalya who attempted to save his life and brought him for care. A photo shows men wheeling Abed in a cart to obtain medical care. His feet are bloodied, and blood is dropping onto the pavement.  Based on what we saw here on October 7th, it is not difficult at all to believe this story and its motivation.

Let’s hope the negotiators in Doha will be successful, that they will hammer out an agreement to release the remaining hostages and we will soon see all of them home in whatever condition they may be in. At this point in time every additional day they spend there, contributes to, God forbid, their ultimate demise. We dare not have that on our collective conscience.

Chicago ATM
Did Biden's wife tell him you are running and you must believe the lies we and the mass media have been telling everyone?
Why is Biden and Ignorant Senior Pentagon Black Officers Are destroying our military- THE CENTER SQUARE

Diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts in the U.S. military are ineffective, a new Arizona State University study suggests.

The study done by the university’s Center for American Institutions argued that there is an emphasis on training new soldiers about social issues like “unconscious bias” and “intersectionality” in a way the center says runs contrary to typical American ideals. The study examined DEI plans in different sectors of the military, including DEI office staffing and education at academies like West Point.

“The massive DEI bureaucracy, its training and its pseudo-scientific assessments are at best distractions that absorb valuable time and resources,” the executive summary states. “At worst they communicate the opposite of the military ethos: e.g. that individual demographic differences come before team and mission.”

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Donald Critchlow, the director of the center, wrote in the studies introduction that it was focused on looking at the influence of critical race theory in the U.S. armed forces training.

“The Commission on Civic Education in the Military began as a project to review civic education in the military. Our research team did not expect to find critical race theory so embedded and pervasive. Diversity, equity, and inclusion programs are found throughout the U.S. armed forces and our service academies,” Critchlow wrote. “This yearlong study documents just how pervasive these training programs are in our armed forces and service academies and that DEI extends well beyond just formal training programs in the military and service academies.”

“The Founders of our nation understood and feared a politicized military. History had shown them that a politicized army easily became the tool of tyranny. The armed forces of the United States has proudly upheld this long tradition of separating mission from politics,” he continued.

In terms of recommendations, the study suggests that DEI office’s be completely scrapped, but said it may be politically unlikely for the time being.

“The surest way to eliminate the concerning trends we have identified, and the growth of race and sex-based scapegoating and stereotyping in the U.S. military, is to altogether end the DEI bureaucracy there,” the study states. “However, until such a time as the executive or legislative branches of the government choose to end the DEI bureaucracy in our federal agencies and military, we are left to advocate the pursuit of alternative avenues that may affect positive change despite existing policies.” 

They also suggested that the military prioritize civic education with a focus on “America’s commitment to freedom and opportunity.”

The study comes as some branches of the military continue to struggle with recruiting new service members.


Sir Keir Starmer May Soon Find All His Domestic Plans Are Blown Off Course By An Urgent Need To Rearm Britain

by Niall Ferguson via Daily Mail

Britain's new Prime Minister is said to have been named after Keir Hardie, Labour's first parliamentary leader.


If you can't win fair and square  then try the old American Democrat way.


I introduced the SAVE ACT - which will protect American voters and prevent illegal aliens from voting in federal elections.

But across the country — illegal immigrants are being registered to vote. ONE CITIZEN. ONE VOTE.

That's the way it's been and that's what federal law requires.

The SAVE ACT would stop this and it should pass unanimously — by both Republicans AND Democrats who believe in democracy and FAIR ELECTIONS.

In fact, the only reason to oppose this that I can think of is if you're comfortable with or want non-citizens to vote. Or want non-citizens to influence the outcome of our elections.

There are estimates putting non-citizens in this country somewhere approaching 30 MILLION.

This is a major threat to our democracy and the SAVE ACT is our last chance to protect our elections.

Will you chip in just $1 so I can prove there is support behind my efforts: leeforsenate.com/save-act

$1: PASS THE SAVE ACT: leeforsenate.com/save-act

I'm fighting for YOU, I'm fighting for our Democracy, and I'm fighting to prevent non-citizens from dictating our elections.

This should have unanimous support. But I'm sure we'll face opposition.

Chip in just $1 and stand with me today: leeforsenate.com/save-act


Mike Lee for Senate

Senator Mike Lee


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