Thursday, July 25, 2024

 Dear Sam

This is probably the last missive, essay, memo I will write.  I have health issues and getting around at 91 is getting more difficult.  My spirits are good but my body parts are giving out. I still write my memos, which   Ibegan doing in 1960. Cannot play tennis, which I loved

First,I want to thank you once again for the 5 times you graciously spoke for me and apologize for the way you were treated by my former firm at the Schwartz Loral Luncheon. My Chairman wanted to hob nob, replaced me at the table and the firm did not have the decency to return you in a car so I  clumsily took over and put you in a cab, with your staff member, and did not have the presence of mind to give the cabby a credit card. Bad. me.

I am no hard ribbed Republican but am an "elephant' that does not forget.

I also want to thank you for allowing me to lunch in The Senate Dining Room with you and encourage me to join AIPAC when I returned to Atlanta.  I did as you suggested and remained a member for 40 years.  I believe  Jewish Leadership has failed as it began to enjoy acceptance over loyalty and no longer am a member.  Bubba Mitchell was my college classmate and I remain in touch with his wife.

I also  want to thank you for what you have done for Daniel.  He has 2 beautiful children, lives in Hollywood Florida and head's Israel;'s Bond Officeeffort.

I further regret I believe everything I feared would happen  has and you can alwaways go to and verify my comment.

During the years you were my Senator, I always gave you my vote and contributed to your campaigns  because I respected and admired  you.  We did not always agree (the financing of the Saudi's WACS, but I understood.)  I believe I was correct when I disagreed with your Bork vote because he was a brilliant Jurist and I wrote: "Bork and the Liberal  Stork" and you told me it would send a terrible message to your black constituency.

Sen. Moynihan was also a brilliant Senator and warned your hypocrite party would destroy the black family, disconnect them from their church, not allow the father to remain if the mother/wife was on welfare  and the D.C elites, in your party vilified, him.  He and Johnson's: " War on Poverty.", did just that .  Democrats continue to enslave blacks, to this day,because your party refuses to demand they be well educated.  For shame.

We have not engaged in political conversations for decades and I assume you are shamefaced at what has become of the party you richly loved.  

Obama knew what he was doing when he told us he was going to transform America and most "deplorables," not me, did not believe him because of fear of being called racists and intimidation.

Obama was The Manchurian Candidate, and was allowed to do so and when he brought a load of "radical Islamists to this country and placed them where they would be elected to Congresshe knew what he was doing and they proceeded to wreck your party and introduce anti-Semisitism to the college/university campuses.   He also encouraged the neo-Marxists and Communists to take over our societal entities, starting with liberal education departments. Then the corrupt Biden family did the rest with help from our lying mass and social media as they  circled the wagons.

Now, this pitiful republic smeared Trum , who knew initially, nothing of D.C as a destroyer of Democracy, lied about his Russian connections, arrested and jailed his people etc.However, Trump eventually pu ta good cabinet together (Sec. of State and economic advisor among others), and actually made some great decisions.  Yes, Trump has a non-presidential demeanor but I can separate personality from actions, always have.

We are now in the most vulnerable position in my adult lifetime and Biden has dumped a miserable the worst potential president on America. Yourparty has rallied around her because they seek to retain power and give not a "fig" about America.  Power is their sole "gruel."   Power over people is what they seek and if that means allowing non-citizen, illegal immigration so be it.

I hope we have finally moved closer to the same page because you always wanted America to be safe, to be a nation that was patriotic and a place every citizen could enjoy their God given right to pursue happiness.  I do an enormous amount of reading and doubt you have read the books that continue to shape my thinking.

We now have a mutual acquaintance  in Larry Silverman and his charming wife. I regret you chose not to pursue my suggestion re Commonwealth.  It would be a boon to America and possibly Georgia.  China is pouring billions into Nuclear Hydrogen Fusion and is ahead of us in this earthshaking technology..

I do not kno whether you ever gave a positive endorsement to the son of my friend nor what his final decision was but he was accepted to Ga. Tech but may have chosen to go to Auburn instead.

Good luck always and thanks for our earlier relationship.


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