Monday, July 22, 2024

Amen Brother. @ Trustworthy Papers Left. Much Much More Then My Sentiments In Cartoons etc.

Amen brother:
 The New York Sun and WSJ remain 2 newspapers that are generally  reliable.  What a tragedy for a nation of 350 million potential readers.  The Democrat mass media gave up their position of the nation's ombudsman so they could circle the wagons for 50 years protecting Democrat office holders so they could remain in power be elitist etc. What a tragedy we allowed.  Ben, has to be rolling over in his grave.

I will pitch n a few bucks because he is a Marine (Semper fi) though I seldom participate in a candidate outside my state because it is none of my business who vote elsewhere.
Kamala has lost 45 staff members since becoming VP and has only 5 remaining.   She ain't too popular in D.C among the Democrat "Cognoscenti,: she cackles after her own inane commentary and she is not a good campaigner.  She can probably return some black women voters to her campaign because they remain voluntarily enslaved.

 It remains Trump's to lose and he is capable of doing so because of his willingness to revert to nastiness. Stay tuned.  The nation is in for a dangerous bumpy ride until the election is determined and beyond.
More Biden/Harris failure.
The Triumph of the Houthis (and Iran)
The U.S. told Israel it would deter the terrorists in Yemen. It has failed.
The Editorial Board 

Israel bombed the Yemeni port of Hodeidah, including oil and gas depots, a power station, and cranes used in Houthi military operations. This was retaliation after a Houthi drone evaded Israeli air defenses Friday and landed in Tel Aviv near the U.S. Consulate, which may have been the target. One Israeli civilian died and 10 were wounded. What if the drone had killed Americans?

The Houthis have attacked Israel from Yemen more than 200 times since Oct. 7, though Israel’s defenses have managed to intercept most drones and missiles. The terror group is boasting that its drones, supplied by Iran, are becoming sophisticated enough to make it past Israeli radar and interceptors.

The Biden Administration told Israel nine months ago that the U.S. would handle the Houthi threat and it should stick to playing defense. But the attack on Tel Aviv shows that the U.S. effort is a bust.

The Houthis have all but shut down Western shipping in the Red Sea, at enormous cost to global businesses and consumers. They continue to attack U.S. naval vessels, which have been forced to play a high-stakes game of catch the drones and missiles. That one or more haven’t killed sailors and damaged ships is a tribute to U.S. naval training and technology. But sooner or later one might get through and result in American casualties.

Why won’t Mr. Biden and the Administration’s Commander-in-Chief-by-committee do more? For the same reason they’ve responded so tepidly to other attacks by Iranian-backed proxies in Iraq and Syria.

They know Iran is the Houthis’ supplier and terror master, and that the U.S. would have to hurt Iran militarily to make enough of a deterrent impression. That would probably mean sinking much of Iran’s navy. Mr. Biden and his political advisers are afraid such a U.S. response would lead to Iranian escalation and more fighting before the U.S. election.

If history is a guide, it’s more likely that Iran would talk tough but back off—as it did after Donald Trump ordered the killing of Iranian terror chief Qassem Soleimani in 2020, and after Israel bombed an air-defense radar inside Iran following Tehran’s April attack on Israel.

The White House is hoping a cease-fire in Gaza will cause the Houthis to cease and desist. But the Houthis and Iran have learned they can terrorize and kill Israelis and Americans at little cost. Even if they stop for a time, they can resume the shooting any time they wish. The Houthis and their Iranian sponsors are winning their showdown with the West, and the result is likely to be more American and Israeli casualties in the future.
'Dismantling Hamas from within': IDF uncovers trove of Hamas secrets
IDF and Shin Bet uncover extensive Hamas intelligence, revealing lists of suspected LGBTQ+ individuals, brutal tactics, global operations, and systematic terror tactics.

The IDF and Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) have uncovered a treasure trove of Hamas intelligence, consisting of stacks of documents, files, and computers, including guidelines on what to do if someone is suspected of being part of the LGBTQ community and a phrasebook of Hebrew words to help terrorists communicate in Hebrew, which included phrases such as "Take off your clothes."

Among the findings were operational tables, equipment lists, classified maps, and instructions on what to do if captured, leading to the conclusion that Hamas's military wing has transformed into a professional army right under the nose of Israeli intelligence.

"The amount of intelligence accumulated so far in the hands of Shin Bet and Military Intelligence allows us to dismantle Hamas from within," said a senior security official exposed to the heaps of documents.

Zionist Organization of America | ZOA Condemns VP Harris Endorsing Anti-Israel, Jew-Hating Actions on Campuses - Zionist Organization of America
Committing and endorsing anti-Jewish Arab violence, rape and murder; threatening and endangering fellow students; supporting the destruction of a key ally Israel and the genocide of millions of Jews; promoting outright lies to incite Jew-hatred: These were the Jew-hating, Israel bashing actions of students and others on hundreds of university campuses during the past two semesters – and these were the actions that Vice President Kamala Harris endorsed in recent remarks to a reporter, according to an article published earlier this month.

“They are showing exactly what the human emotion should be, as a response to Gaza. There are things some of the protesters are saying that I absolutely reject, so I don’t mean to wholesale endorse their points. But we have to navigate it. I understand the emotion behind it,” Harris is quoted by The Nation staff writer Joan Walsh after being asked by Walsh about Gaza in an article with several false anti-Israel invectives.

“It is unconscionable that anyone – and especially the vice president of the United States – would endorse any of the Arab Islamist criminality; violence; intimidation; attacks against police; attacks against students and faculty; and the disruption of learning,” said Zionist Organization of America National President Morton A. Klein, in response to the quotation attributed to Harris. “Notice: Harris does not say that she rejects any of their actions – she only disagrees with some of what the anti-Jewish extremists have said – and she does not specify which of their canards and attacks she agrees with. This is extremely dangerous coming from the second-most influential person in America’s government and someone who is just ‘one heartbeat from the presidency.’”

“Given speculation about President Biden’s health and reports that Harris will replace Biden at the top of the Democrat Party’s presidential ticket,” Klein continued, “this makes the ‘one heartbeat away’ notion an even greater reality, and Harris’ attitude in supporting or condoning violent anti-Jewish extremists even more alarming. Harris must publicly condemn the violence, the hatred-incitement and hostile environment these anti-Jewish extremists have brought to America’s campuses.”

Klein said that “furthermore, Vice President Harris must state clearly that it was the Palestinian Arab Muslims who attacked, slaughtered, raped and kidnapped Israelis on Oct. 7, and that it was they who provoked Israel to defend her people and territory. Harris must condemn the misinformation that has confused many young Americans, as well as those responsible for the propaganda and lies that are pervasive on the campuses and in the media.”

Klein said, “People of good conscience must raise their voices to condemn Harris for her dangerous words which can lead to more violence against Jews.”

(The Zionist Organization of America is a non-profit and non-partisan organization. We do not endorse support for nor opposition to candidates for elected office.)

This past March, Harris joined the loud chorus of those calling for Israel to agree to a ceasefire in Gaza – which would spare Hamas and give them a victory, and Harris sought to pressure Israel with regard to aid to Gaza even though Israel – which was attacked – is not responsible for the well-being of those who participated in or endorsed the attack. Polls repeatedly show that 90% of Gazan Arabs support the Oct. 7 massacre, and it is known that “civilians” participated in the attack. Harris said that “the Israeli government must do more to significantly increase the flow of aid into the Gaza Strip.”

Harris claimed in an address: “What we are seeing every day in Gaza is devastating. We have seen reports of families eating leaves or animal feed, women giving birth to malnourished babies with little or no medical care, and children dying from malnutrition and dehydration.”

Though Harris noted at the time that “Israel has a right to defend itself, … and the threat Hamas poses to the people of Israel must be eliminated. Hamas is a brutal terrorist organization that has vowed to repeat October 7th again and again until Israel is annihilated.”

“Hamas,” Harris continued, “has shown no regard for innocent life, including for the people of Gaza, who have suffered under its rule for almost two decades. And Hamas still holds dozens of hostages, for nearly 150 days now — innocent men and women, including American citizens, who were brutally taken from their homes and from a concert.”

Nevertheless, Harris stated: “… given the immense scale of suffering in Gaza, there must be an immediate ceasefire for at least the next six weeks…”

Harris’ more recent comment to The Nation’s Joan Walsh, dates from a June interview scheduled to be published in August. The Nation excerpted the interview this month. See:

Walsh, The Nation’s national affairs correspondent, gives a biased, one-sided anti-Israel account of the Gaza Strip that is the only foreign policy issue in the report amid an article that concentrates on domestic matters.

Walsh then weaves in quotes from Harris in response to her questions. “Listen, I strongly believe that our ability to evaluate a situation is connected to understanding the details of that situation. Not speaking of myself versus the president, not at all. From the beginning, I asked questions. OK, the trucks are taking flour into Gaza. But here’s the thing, Joan: I like to cook. So I said to my team: You can’t make shit with flour if you don’t have clean water. So what’s going on with that? I ask questions like, ‘What are people actually eating right now?’ I’m hearing stories about their eating animal feed, grass… so that’s how I think about it.”

Clearly Harris’ remarks indicate that she is woefully misinformed by advisers, or she lacks the curiosity to learn whether the anti-Israel propaganda that saturates much of the news media and social media is accurate or just another anti-Jewish lie.

Harris continues: “Similarly, I was asking early on, what are women in Gaza doing about sanitary hygiene. Do they have pads?’ And these are the issues that made people feel uncomfortable, especially sanitary pads.”

Walsh interjects with another demonstrably false and context-omitted mischaracterization: “The young people who have mobilized against the destruction of Gaza are unlikely to be mollified by these answers. What does she say to them?”

If Walsh’s article is chronologically accurate, this prompts Harris to state:

“They are showing exactly what the human emotion should be, as a response to Gaza. There are things some of the protesters are saying that I absolutely reject, so I don’t mean to wholesale endorse their points. But we have to navigate it. I understand the emotion behind it.”

ZOA’s Klein reiterated: “Harris’ observation is completely unacceptable. The vice president must stick to the facts and she must inform young Americans what the facts are: Among these are that the Gazans attacked Israel in the most deadly and devastating one-day attack against Jews since the Holocaust: Israel must defend itself and eliminate the threat; it is the Palestinian Arabs who use civilians as human shields to increase the number of its own casualties as a tactic of their war; that Hamas has been repeatedly caught lying about casualty figures; that much of the media repeats these lies – with many failing to state that the source of these statistics is Hamas. The vice president should not be understanding why the lies are believed and thus triggering dangerous responses – rather it is her obligation to help in eliminating the threat from anti-Jewish extremists by setting the record state and making sure that the facts reach young Americans.”

The rest of this memo is devoted to cartoons, sayings etc.  I have not checked their authenticity but they speak my sentiments whether true or not.  You decide for yourself what you want to believe.  

I already have and time is running out on fair elections and freedom to speak your mind.


 I’m liking Elon Musk more and more.  Now he’s actively working to make sure our elections are NOT rigged (which may be too little, too late, but hey, he’s trying)








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