Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Leaked Call. Stanford anti-Semitism Prevails. Shifty Schiff Scared. More

Thanks to Obama and Biden and a needless war they wanted? Israel has lost the equivalent of 20,000 troops. With friends like those two presidents who needs enemies?
Gee note: when Lester Holt asked Biden about the secret 
service the other night Biden  responded that he met with "him." 
problem is head of the secret service is a woman.

Is Shifty Slimy Schiff afraid of losing his race?

Schiff Calls on Biden to Drop Out of Presidential Race

The statement from Adam Schiff, a top House Democrat, restarts a drip of opposition within the party that had paused after the attempted assassination of Donald Trump.

Read more


LEAKED: Zoom Call Shows Joe Biden Mocking a Combat Veteran's Service During Shockingly Disturbing Rant
By Bonchie |

A newly leaked Zoom call is presenting fresh headaches for the embattled Biden campaign. In it, the president can be heard delivering a shockingly disturbing rant in which he mocks the service of a combat veteran.

The setup was a meeting between Joe Biden and "moderate" House Democrats on Saturday. According to those who participated, the president's performance "was even worse than the debate," with him not being able to finish sentences. He was "rambling" and would "lose his train of thought."

ALSO SEE: Biden's Handlers Step in When He Starts Yelling at House Democrats

Puck News, a typically left-leaning outlet, obtained the video and confirmed what occurred.

Right before the Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, a group of moderate Hill Democrats held a “tense” Zoom call with the White House to express their concern about Biden’s ability to win—and their ability to win, should he tank and take them down with him. “The call was even worse than the debate,” one of the participants told me. “He was rambling; he’d start an answer then lose his train of thought, then would just say ‘whatever.’ He really couldn’t complete an answer. I lost a ton of respect for him.”

Remember, these are House Democrats giving these descriptions. Biden isn't just mildly senile. He's completely lost his mind, and that's about to become even more apparent. 

Later in the call, when Rep. Jason Crow (CO) was expressing his concerns, the president launched into a tirade, ending by mocking the representative's combat service, including the Bronze Star. For context, Crow is a retired U.S. Army Ranger who served three tours between Iraq and Afghanista

The campaign did not, however, dispute this next part, about Crow and his Bronze Star. In a video of the Zoom that I was able to view, you can hear Biden chastising Crow, who asked about the importance of national security to voters. “First of all, I think you’re dead wrong on national security,” the president says, the emotion at times garbling his words. “You saw what happened recently in terms of the meeting we had with NATO. I put NATO together. Name me a foreign leader who thinks I’m not the most effective leader in the world on foreign policy. Tell me! Tell me who the hell that is! Tell me who put NATO back together! Tell me who enlarged NATO, tell me who did the Pacific basin! Tell me who did something that you’ve never done with your Bronze Star like my son—and I’m proud of your leadership, but guess what, what’s happening, we’ve got Korea and Japan working together, I put Aukus together, anyway! … Things are in chaos, and I’m bringing some order to it. And again, find me a world leader who’s an ally of ours who doesn’t think I’m the most respected person they’ve ever—”

Of note is that Biden did not "put NATO together." It existed and was fully functional before he took office. He also did not "put NATO back together" because it was never damaged or hindered. As to the idea that all foreign leaders in existence believe Biden is "the most effective leader in the world on foreign policy," there's no evidence for that, though it's a claim the president has repeatedly made. 

Regardless, it's Biden's shot about Crow's Bronze Star that stands out the most. It's not debatable that the president was mocking and belittling the representative's service in an attempt to claim that he's accomplished more than Crow. Biden randomly bringing up his deceased son is not at all surprising and is a familiar tick. In this case, though, the president was trying to dismiss Crow's multiple combat tours by falsely suggesting Beau Biden had done more with his Bronze Star despite being in a non-combat role.

From there, the president began screaming that he didn't "want to hear that crap" in response to Crow's gentle criticisms.

“It’s not breaking through, Mr. President,” said Crow, “to our voters.”

“You oughta talk about it!” Biden shot back, listing his accomplishments yet again. “On national security, nobody has been a better president than I’ve been. Name me one. Name me one! So I don’t want to hear that crap!”

That is legitimately one of the most insane outbursts by a president that I've ever seen. To say that Biden is losing touch with reality amid his political collapse would be an understatement. Blame it on his senility, his desperation, or both, but the president no longer has any ability to control his emotions, and that is a dangerous position for the nation to be in. 

As to the ramifications of this, Republicans would be wise to take Biden's deranged comments and run with them. That's especially true given Biden has taken to repeatedly saying that Donald Trump once called veterans "suckers and losers." But while dozens of former officials, including some who do not support Trump, have disputed that claim, Biden's attack on a combat veteran is on video and confirmed by a major news outlet. It happened, and it is a direct counter to the president's propaganda. 

We'll have to see if The New York Times, CNN, MSNBC, etc. are interested in reporting what happened here. Something tells me they won't be rushing to do so.
++++ The problem is what Biden remembers, not what he forgets 
His press conference performance featured a recycling of attacks on Israel
David Efune
Publisher, The New York Sun

Perhaps We Are Closer to a Hostage Release Deal

By Sherwin Pomerantz

Speculation that Prime Netanyahu is actively sabotaging the possibility of any hostage deal, in order to prevent the collapse of his government, by introducing two new elements into the negotiations, are highlighted in a story in today’s Jerusalem Post.

He has publicly stated that the IDF must remain in control of the critical buffer zone between Egypt and Gaza known as the Philadelphia Corridor, which had been an area of intense weapons smuggling for Hamas.  The prime minister has also demanded that no armed Hamas forces would be allowed to return to Gaza

According to sources, Israel had already reached a deal with Egypt to use a mix of above-ground sensors at the Philadelphia Corridor – which Israel would have control over – and a new below-ground, thick barrier to block Hamas from rearming even after IDF forces would hand the area over to a mix of Egyptian and possibly United Arab Emirates forces.  Further, Hamas still has massive amounts of weapons in northern Gaza.  As such, sources said Hamas forces do not need to physically bring weapons back to northern Gaza so preventing them from returning physically armed achieves nothing other than political slogans.

Sources ridiculed Netanyahu’s two new demands as irrelevant from a security perspective, alleging that he cared only about keeping National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir (Otzma Yehudit) from toppling his government. As such, the sources said, he was proactively destroying any prospects of a deal.

Hamas initially balked at accepting the proposal put forth by President Biden on May 31st, insisting that Israel must agree to a permanent ceasefire and a complete withdrawal from the Gaza Strip including the Philadelphia Corridor before any talks could take place.  It then dropped that demand and accepted the process laid out in the deal, by which some 33 to 18 hostages would be freed in phase one in exchange for a lull to the war and the release of Palestinian security prisoners and terrorists held in Israeli jails.   On day 16 of phase one, which is set to last for six weeks, talks would begin on the issue of a permanent ceasefire. Hamas has since asked for 29 changes, according to Netanyahu. It has attempted in other de-facto ways to re-insert the issue of a permanent ceasefire.

Sources said, however, that issues relating to north Gaza and the corridor had been part of Israeli negotiating positions earlier. Jerusalem had explicitly dropped these demands in order to reach the current Biden framework, which was the breakthrough that allowed a return to full negotiations.  Sources with knowledge have said that Hamas’s huge concession could have led to the deal being wrapped up this week and by next week, and a bunch of hostages would already have returned to their homes.

IDF intelligence has revealed Hamas's internal estimate of its forces in the once-powerful northern Gaza area of Shejaia.  According to previous secret information shown to the Jerusalem Post and some other media, the internal estimates show that Shejaia forces have dropped pre-war to 435 fighters from an initial 1,235 - a drop of around 66%.  In addition, the estimate was that Hamas rockets in Shejaia were down to 15 rockets from an original inventory of 63, a drop of over 75%.  This effectively ends most of the threat Hamas's forces could present using rockets from Shejaia.  Likewise, the volume of anti-tank missiles and rocket-propelled grenades had fallen to 134 from 652, though due to the larger initial volume of RPGs as opposed to the smaller number of rockets, this still left Hamas with a fairly large inventory of RPGs to conduct ambushes against IDF soldiers nearby.

Further, Hamas was down to 133 improvised explosives from a high point of 662, something which again has depleted long-term or strategic fighting but provides the capability to continue to sabotage nearby IDF soldiers for some time.  In the wider perspective, the IDF said that Hamas is down to between 1,000-1,500 rockets.  Pre-war, Hamas reportedly had around 15,000 rockets

The IDF announced on Tuesday that it will begin to send out initial draft orders to members of the Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) community beginning on Sunday, though the government appeared no closer to legislation on the issue following the bombshell High Court ruling last month.  The announcement was followed by a rowdy protest by Haredi extremists, who blocked a major highway.

The draft orders are the first stage in the screening and evaluation process that the army carries out for new recruits, ahead of enlistment in the military in the coming year.  “The orders were issued as part of the IDF’s plan to advance the integration of conscripts from the ultra-Orthodox community into its ranks,” the military said, without specifying how many draft orders would initially be sent out and to which age groups.  The IDF said it aims to recruit members of all segments of society to the military, “by virtue of it being the people’s army and in light of the increased operational needs at this time, in view of the security challenges.”

The dispute over the ultra-Orthodox community serving in the military is one of the most contentious in Israel, with decades of governmental and judicial attempts to settle the issue never reaching a stable resolution. The Haredi religious and political leadership fiercely resists and protests any effort to draft mainstream yeshiva students who are actually involved in religious study.

Many ultra-Orthodox Jews believe that military service is incompatible with their way of life, and fear that those who enlist will be secularized. Many Israelis who do serve, however, say the decades-long arrangement of mass exemptions unfairly burdens them, a sentiment that has strengthened since the October 7 attack and the ensuing war, in which more than 680 soldiers have been killed and over 300,000 citizens called up to reserve duty.

Last month, the High Court ruled that there was no longer any legal framework allowing the state to refrain from drafting Haredi yeshiva students into military service, and the attorney general ordered the government to immediately begin the process of conscription for 3,000 such men — the number the military has said it is able to process at this preliminary stage.

For those of us who still harbor that one day we will find a way to live in peace with our neighbors, the performance of the Jerusalem Youth Choir made up of Jews, Arabs and others


Forever and a day? 


Shalom friends,

While we look back at the anniversary of the first draft of the Balfour Declaration and the journey of the Exodus ship full of Holocaust survivors intent on freedom in their ancestral homeland - Israel is again under attack.

For the last nine months Israel has been under fire - since October 7, we’ve experienced barrages of missiles from Hamas in Gaza and from Hezbollah over the northern border, and even from a direct Iranian airstrike attempt. Over 100 hostages (who, unfortunately, are probably not all alive) still remain in Gaza. Thousands of families from Israel’s north and south are still displaced. The seemingly endless list of wounded and killed continues to grow. Jews worldwide live in fear as they face the increased threat of physical attacks. And on top of it all are the verbal and written attacks against our homeland and our people on social media, on university campuses, and in news reports, among many other places. All because we simply dare to continue existing.

Jewish sovereignty in our ancestral homeland is not something that was easily achieved and is something that we must constantly fight to maintain. There is no room for “resting on the laurels” of all that the Jewish State has achieved or taking for granted the idea that Israel is FOREVER.

In 1917, with the help of the Zionist movement, the British government drafted what became known as the Balfour Declaration, the first ever public recognition of Jewish right to our homeland by a national government.

Just 30 years later, over 4,000 Holocaust survivors journeyed on the Exodus ship in hopes of entering the land of Israel. When the ship docked in Haifa, the British government turned them away and denied them access to the land they had previously affirmed belonged to the Jewish people.

It is important to understand that international recognition of the State of Israel is a recognition of reality, not the creation of reality. There is no law, declaration or circumstance that can change the Jewish connection to the land from which our people originated.

It is up to us to make sure that Israel is FOREVER. You can make a difference by arming yourself with the knowledge of our history and our heritage, passing it on to the next generations and being proactive in your support of the one and only Jewish State.



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