Sunday, July 21, 2024

Buzzard Obama Spews His Vile Bile.

This is what I e mailed directly to Trump in response to his "adios" comment.

Adios Crooked Joe

richard berkowitz

9:44 AM (2 minutes ago)
to Donald
Unnecessary. stop your mean spirited gloating.  it only 
costs votes, turns people against you and reinforces 
your words are not sincere.  Concentrate on correcting 
our issues, being a great president. Quit being a sucker. 
Did  not know Hyena's were communist leaning  as well.
Earlier this year, one of America’s leading financial analysts released a bombshell new exposé into the border crisis…

… and its catastrophic impact on the U.S. economy, financial system, and even our way of life moving forward.

Most shockingly, it exposed how Biden’s “Border Czar”, Kamala Harris, has leveraged the immigration crisis to ensure Democratic victory in November 2024. 

As one Republican puts it, “the southern border isn’t the product of incompetence. It’s the intended result of years of careful planning.” 

And the motivation for all this is genuinely heinous…

The establishment has engineered a tsunami of illegal immigration, not for humanitarian reasons, but to secure permanent control over the financial, economic, and political system here in America.

Since its release, the shocking political plot this film exposed has now gathered mainstream attention with people like Elon Musk now openly warning of it.

Now, with Joe Biden stepping down from the 2024 race and his Border Czar, Kamala Harris, the presumptive nominee… it is critical for you to watch this film while you still can.

Failure to do so will expose you to one of the worst crises ever facing America – one that could destroy your financial future, portfolio, and savings.

Click here to stream it now while you still have time.

If you’ve worked hard, saved, and followed the rules for decades… you cannot ignore this imminent threat because as it comes to a head this November, it could destroy millions of Americans.

Dear Richard,

The Georgia Court of Appeals’s decision to hold oral arguments on the disqualification of District Attorney Fani Willis on December 5 suggests that a collision could be coming between the Peach State and a possible second Trump White House, The New York Sun is reporting.

It’s notable but you would be forgiven for not having seen this angle reported before. Few media outlets have been adequately covering the story. 

At The New York Sun we publish stories like this every day without blinking. 

Our purpose is to keep the American public informed on matters of significant interest and  importance to their wellbeing and the future of our country. 

We’re completely independent and serve no other agenda. 

We believe that many news outlets in this country have lost their way. It’s at the root of much of the rot we see in America today. If journalists aren’t doing their jobs, then politicians, government and corporate giants won’t be held to account. 

At the Sun, we’re committed to restoring American journalism to its finest traditions. 

We are almost completely funded by our readers and answer to no one but you. 

We know it won’t be easy. We’re up against some of the biggest corporations in the world.

Our success depends on people like you. We need you to join us. 

For as little as 1c per day you can join the movement to save American journalism.

We need every American to join us. Together we’re unstoppable. 

Please consider joining today. 

Dovid Efune
Publisher, The New York Sun

Maybe Biden got back at Obama who could have a problem supporting a black communist leaning
woman for president.  It would make him possibly unpopular with his hypocrite Hollywood  and other assorted psychopath misfits living in Cape Cod that he loves hanging out with now that he and his wife have lived off the land they wanted to transform for the last 20 years.

We certainly could do without his continual meddlesome ways but like the Soros crowd, Obama is evil and loves playing the role of a political buzzard. spewing his vile bile. 
I maintain, lawyering may have caused reluctance on the part of local police to take a shot because nothing, except preparation, had happened and police are fearful of going to jail, losing their pension, being sued etc.

We no longer can wars because of Kissinger and lawyers.
The Man Who Police Gave Photos of Trump's Would-Be Assassin to Was Not Secret Service

Joe Biden’s Final Humiliation and the Fight Ahead
By Kurt Schlichter

United States Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle is expected to be grilled during her testimony before the House Oversight Committee. I have no idea what to expect, and it wouldn’t shock me if Cheatle catches ‘COVID’ or flat-out doesn’t show up. There is nothing that can be done to make up what happened on July 13, when former President Donald Trump was nearly assassinated by Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, who was perched on an unprotected rooftop less than 200 yards from the rally stage. Trump turning his head saved him from a fatal headshot. The bullet missed by millimeters, instead grazing his right ear. 

When the shooter was neutralized, police took photos of the body as evidence, later being given to a man in a grey suit. That man was not a Secret Service agent, highlighting the shambolic security apparatus at this event:

That’s not the worst of it. 

In the aftermath, we’ve heard nothing from the Secret Service, who, like Biden, have scurried into the bunker-like scared wombats. The shooter was seen with a rangefinder before opening fire and reportedly flew a drone over the rally area. The Secret Service did not deploy a drone. The reason offered for not having a sniper team on that roof was due to a physical danger: the sloped roof. It’s a talking point that should have led to the entire USSS communications team firing for peddling deliberate misinformation—no one believed that lie. Cheatle should have been fired or resigned days ago, but she’s gal pals with Jill Biden. 

Secret Service snipers had their sights on Crooks for two minutes before he opened fire, the agency itself knew there was a threat to Trump 10 minutes before he took the stage but allowed him to proceed; Trump says they never told him of the threat. The agency denied additional resources to protect the former president. The security lapses embody the incompetence and disarray of the Biden administration in anything they do. It almost got Trump killed. It did get Corey Comperatore, a firefighter, killed, being struck by gunfire as he tried to shield his family. Two others were injured as well.

The allocation of local law enforcement was also suspect, with local law enforcement now leaking that the agency never instructed them to safeguard buildings. The local cops who did encounter Crooks only did so after leaving their designated posts, which was traffic duty. Susan Crabtree of RealClearPolitics has more on the established inexcusable and inept security net that arguably could have plunged this nation into civil war.

She posted a series of damning findings over the weekend:

The Secret Service top brass, Cheatle included, hand out bonuses to mid-level managers who cut manpower, resources requests from those Secret Service special agents and officers on the ground in charge of protecting the presidents, vice president, former presidents, etc. 

There's a team of special agents or Uniform Division officers (counter snipers are UD, not agents) doing all the advance work on the ground to figure out how many resources are needed. That team includes the lead advance agent, the site agent, the counter sniper team conducting the initial survey of the rally or event venue. 

Then those agents/officers (counter snipers are officers, not agents) sends it to the LEAD ADVANCE AGENT -- who then send all their detailed manpower requests to the Assistant Director Protective Operations, or ADPO, back in Washington, a GS-14 or around that level of official, who reviews the plan, looks at all the diagrams, and they decide what kind of resources the event is going to get. 

There are almost always cuts, an notion of "do more with less," a source within the Secret Service community tells me. 

My sources tell me these GS-14s or around that level of manager, get bonuses based on how much money they can save for the agency based on the cuts. 

"They put it in their final reports to their managers, 'Hey, look how much money we saved this year,'" the source continued.. "It's really goofy, because they look a all the diagrams, and in their wisdom back in D.C. -- they're not the ones at the site -- how much, how many resources you're gonna get." 

And then this: 

Sen. Ron Johnson and his staff have written an initial report from his bipartisan investigation informed by whistleblowers who have talked to his office. I’ve obtained the 13-page executive summary of it.

Some of this Sen. Johnson discussed with Fox News Morning with Maria this morning -- but here are all the details and the report itself. 

Key findings:

1.) Secret Service did not attend a security briefing provided to local special weapons and tactics (SWAT) and sniper teams the morning of July 13, 2024. Why not? 

--There was a 9 a.m. briefing on July 13, 2024, Butler County Emergency Services (Butler ESU) provided a security briefing for the local SWAT teams and snipers assigned to the rally. In addition to Butler County, local SWAT teams and snipers from Washington County and Beaver County were also tasked with security responsibilities. 

2. Local law enforcement said communications were siloed and they were not in frequent radio contact directly with Secret Service. 

3. Local law enforcement notified command about Crooks prior to the shooting and received confirmation that Secret Service was aware of the notification. 

4. Following the shooting Secret Service was seen on the roof of the AGR building with local law enforcement; photos of the shooter were sent to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) for facial recognition. 

5.) Secret Service was initially not going to send snipers to the rally, according to local law enforcement. 

If Cheatle arrives, she better be prepared to get pummeled because she deserves it.

Op Ed headline a bit confusing and , I believe, does not reflect what former Amb. Friedman actually says/meant.
'Progressive fringe' Kamala Harris drives Jews to Trump, says former US ambassador to Israel
Friedman expressed concern over the Democratic Party’s decision to push Kamala Harris as the presidential candidate without a proper vetting process.

The sudden withdrawal of US President Joe Biden from the 2024 presidential race has left the Democratic Party scrambling to regain its footing. In an interview with The Jerusalem Post on Sunday, former US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman predicted a significant shift of American Jewish voters towards the Republican Party and Donald Trump due to Kamala Harris's ascension as the Democratic candidate.

Friedman was not surprised by Biden’s decision to step down, citing the president’s deteriorating physical and cognitive abilities. “The entire weight of the Democratic Party fell on him, and he simply didn’t have the physical capabilities to continue,” Friedman stated. He emphasized that it was the right outcome for both the Democratic Party and the country, as Biden could no longer handle the responsibilities of the presidency.

However, Friedman reserved his harshest criticism for Biden’s advisors, accusing them of covering up the president’s health issues for years. “This is an 'emperor has no clothes' scenario,” he said. “Friends on the inside told me back in 2021 that Biden lacked the energy and mental acuity for the job. Many who now insist he step down were the same people covering for him in the past.”

Friedman speaks of concerns over Kamala Harris as presidential candidate
Friedman expressed concern over the Democratic Party’s decision to push Kamala Harris as the presidential candidate without a proper vetting process. “Harris didn’t go through any aspect of the primary process and didn’t get a single vote in any primary,” he noted. “This puts the party and the country at a disadvantage because she hasn’t been seriously considered for the presidency.”

From an Israeli perspective, Friedman warned that Biden’s departure and Harris’s potential presidency could pose significant risks. He described Biden as a “lame duck” who could no longer drive meaningful negotiations and doubted Harris’s ability to handle international affairs effectively. “Biden made many mistakes regarding Israel, but he is miles ahead of Harris in terms of support for Israel,” Friedman asserted. “She is on the fringe of the progressive wing of the party, which sympathizes more with the Palestinian cause.”

Friedman believes Harris’s nomination could lead to a historic shift of Jewish voters to the Republican side. “Biden traditionally supported Israel, but Harris does not pass the ‘kishkes test’ of genuinely supporting Israel,” he said. “Combine that with the Republican Convention being historically pro-Israel and the Democratic Convention likely to be pro-Palestine, and you have a significant shift.”

Friedman further criticized Harris’s stance on Israel, stating, “Kamala Harris has shown through her actions and associations that she aligns more with the progressive wing of the Democratic Party, which has increasingly taken a hostile stance towards Israel. Her support for policies and figures that are openly critical of Israel is alarming for those who value the US-Israel relationship.”

He also addressed Harris’s performance as vice president, particularly her handling of the southern border and immigration issues. “She has failed at everything she has touched,” Friedman stated bluntly. “She is the least accomplished candidate we’ve ever seen for president. On all fronts, if you support Israel, you have to hope and pray for Trump’s election.”

Friedman concluded by emphasizing the potential impact on American Jewish voters. “This will move Jewish voters to the Republican side,” he predicted. “Harris lacks any affinity for Israel, and the Democratic Convention will highlight this contrast. This could lead to a historic shift of Jewish voters to the Republican side.”
Absolute and total agreement.  Subtle shift places shoe on wrong foot. Emotion supplants reason.
'Let them go,' not 'bring them home'
By Steve Rosenberg

In the wake of the Hamas hostage crisis, a central and often-heard rallying cry has emerged from the Israeli and Diaspora Jewish communities: “Bring them home.”

While this phrase is rooted in the profound desire to see our Jewish brothers and sisters safely returned, it inadvertently misplaces the onus of responsibility.

Instead, the call should be: “Let them go.” This nuanced difference is critical, as it rightly places the burden on Hamas, the terrorist organization that took the hostages, rather than on the Israeli government and the IDF.

The misplaced onus in ‘bring them home’
“Bring them home” implies that the primary responsibility for the safe return of the hostages lies with the IDF and the Israeli government. It suggests a proactive action on the part of these entities to physically bring the hostages back, which often translates to military operations or negotiations.

This framing can inadvertently place undue pressure and expectations on the Israeli authorities, potentially leading to decisions that could risk further loss of life or strategic disadvantage.

While the IDF and the government continue to do everything humanly possible to extract these innocent people, their efforts are either underappreciated or worse, criticized by far too many.

Moreover, this phrasing overlooks the root cause of the situation: the terrorist actions of Hamas. By focusing on “bringing” the hostages home, the narrative subtly shifts the burden of resolution onto the victims’ side, rather than squarely on the perpetrators.

This can create a misleading perception that the resolution of the issue is primarily a matter of Israeli capability and willingness, rather than an act of justice and humanity that should be demanded from Hamas.

The correct focus: ‘Let them go’
In contrast, “Let them go” directly addresses the actions of Hamas. It places the responsibility and moral obligation where it belongs: On the terrorists who have taken innocent people hostage. This phrase calls out the injustice and criminality of Hamas’s actions, making it clear that the primary demand is for the perpetrators to release their captives.

This shift in language helps to highlight the criminal nature of Hamas’s tactics and strengthens the moral and legal argument against them. It reinforces that the hostages should never have been taken in the first place and that their immediate release is the only acceptable resolution.

Moral clarity and international perception
Using “Let them go” instead of “Bring them home” provides greater moral clarity. It unequivocally condemns the act of hostage-taking and emphasizes the fundamental human rights violation committed by Hamas.

This clarity is essential in garnering international support and pressure on the terrorist organization. When the demand is for Hamas to “let them go,” it is an appeal to universal principles of human rights and dignity, which are more likely to resonate with the global community.

This clarity is particularly important in a world where narratives can easily be distorted, and usually are when it comes to Jews and Israel. By focusing the demand on the actions of Hamas, we ensure that the international community remains aware of the true nature of the crisis. This awareness can lead to more unified and decisive actions against the perpetrators.

Shifting the narrative
The narrative shift from “Bring them home” to “Let them go” also impacts the psychological and strategic dimensions of the conflict. It reframes the situation in a way that delegitimizes Hamas’s actions and undermines their propaganda efforts.

Hamas often seeks to portray itself as a defender against Israeli aggression, but when the focus is on their responsibility to release hostages, it becomes harder for them to maintain this ludicrous facade.

This reframing can also influence public opinion within Arab communities. Emphasizing the unlawful and immoral actions of Hamas can help to erode support for the organization among those who may otherwise view them as legitimate resistance fighters.

Such internal pressure is crucial in weakening Hamas’s hold over the region and reducing its capacity to carry out such heinous acts in the future.

Practical implications
From a practical standpoint, the call to “Let them go” aligns with international legal standards and humanitarian principles. Hostage-taking is a clear violation of international law, and the demand for their release is a straightforward assertion of this fact. It reinforces the position that the international community should take against such actions, making it harder for any state or organization to justify or support Hamas’s behavior.

Furthermore, this approach can enhance diplomatic efforts. When the international community rallies around the call to “Let them go,” it strengthens diplomatic pressure on Hamas and their supporters. This unified stance can lead to more effective sanctions, diplomatic isolation, and potentially, the mobilization of international resources to assist in the hostages’ release.

Supporting Israel’s efforts
While it is important to highlight the need for Hamas to release the hostages, this does not diminish the role of Israel in ensuring the safety and security of its citizens. The IDF and the Israeli government have the challenging task of navigating this crisis with strategic precision.

However, by shifting the primary demand to “Let them go,” we support Israel’s efforts without placing unrealistic expectations on their shoulders. It acknowledges that while Israel will do everything in its power to protect its people, the fundamental responsibility for this crisis lies with Hamas.

The distinction between “Bring them home” and “Let them go” is not merely semantic; it is a crucial reframing that places responsibility where it belongs and enhances the moral clarity of the call for action.

By demanding “Let them go,” Israel and Diaspora Jewish communities can more effectively rally international support, apply appropriate pressure on Hamas and ensure that the focus remains on the perpetrators of this grave injustice.

This approach not only aligns with legal and humanitarian principles but also strengthens the strategic position of those advocating for the hostages’ freedom.

The call of “Let them go” reminds us and the world that the ultimate accountability lies with Hamas. It is a call for justice, human rights and the immediate and unconditional release of those who have been wrongfully taken.

In this critical time, let us unite our voices to demand what is right and just: “Let them go.”

The opinions and facts presented in this article are those of the author, and neither JNS nor its partners assume any responsibility for them.

DO NOT ADD A SINGLE WORD, but just pass it on.

Code, Title 36, Chapter 10, Sec. 171...

During rendition of the national anthem, when the flag is displayed, all present (except those in uniform) are expected to stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. Or, at the very least, "Stand and Face It".

 Senator Obama replied :

"As I've said about the flag pin, I don't want to be perceived as taking sides." "There are a lot of people in the world to whom the American flag is a symbol of oppression..." "The anthem itself conveys a war-like message. You know, the bombs bursting in air and all that sort of thing."

Obama continued: "The National Anthem should be 'swapped' for something less parochial and less bellicose. I like the song 'I'd Like To Teach the World To Sing'. If that were our anthem, then, I might salute it. In my opinion, we should consider reinventing our National Anthem as well as 'redesign' our Flag to better offer our enemies hope and love. It’s my intention, if elected, to disarm America     to the level of acceptance to our Middle East Brethren. If we,as a Nation of warring people, conduct ourselves like the nations of Islam, where peace prevails, perhaps a state or period of mutual accord could exist between our governments".

When I Become President, I will seek a pact of agreement to end hostilities between those who have been at war or in a state of enmity, and a freedom from disquieting oppressive thoughts. We as a Nation, have placed upon the nations of Islam, an unfair injustice     which is WHY my wife disrespects the Flag

and she and I have attended several flag burning ceremonies in the past".

"Of course now,

I have found myself about to become The President of the United States and I have put my hatred aside  .     I will use my power to bring CHANGE to this Nation, and offer the people a new path  . My wife and I look forward to becoming our Country's First black Family. Indeed  ,  CHANGE is about to overwhelm the United States of America."

Yes, you read it right.

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