Wednesday, July 31, 2024

RR's Last. Time Has Come. Allen and Salena. 2 Views. More.

Edlyn published:


The time has come for Israel to do what inevitably it must.  Destroy Iran.

Verba non acta must end.


Israel Returns Fire on Iran and Its Proxies

Hezbollah and Hamas leaders fall. The U.S. can help by standing firm in support of its ally.

The Editorial Board 

Iran swore in a new President to chants of “Death to America” and “Death to Israel” on Tuesday. But within hours death arrived for Iran’s proxy allies, in strikes that show Israel’s enemies aren’t safe anywhere. The media is fretting about a broader war, but that war is already here and it’s as likely the strikes have a deterrent effect on Tehran, even as it responds.

Shukr was wanted by the U.S. and Israel. The State Department had a $5 million bounty on his head for his “key role” in “planning and launching the 1983 attack on the U.S. Marine Corps barracks in Beirut” that killed 241 U.S. service members. He has been leading the development of Hezbollah’s missile arsenal and had helped command Hezbollah’s forces in Syria, aiding the Assad regime in slaughtering its own people. The 12 Druze children killed on a soccer field Saturday in Israel’s Golan Heights will be Shukr’s last victims.

Haniyeh’s terror career was nearly as long; it was always someone else’s turn to put on the suicide vest. He crafted the political strategy behind Hamas’s takeover of Gaza. Since 2017 he has lived in luxury hotels in Turkey and Qatar, where he celebrated Hamas’s Oct. 7 massacre and dragged out hostage negotiations.

The assassinations send a powerful message. Even with Hezbollah on highest alert, Israel knew the precise location of a top leader. Remarkably, Israel was able to locate and kill Haniyeh in Iran’s capital, where he had attended the inauguration of Iran’s new president. Israel has shown it has the intel and military capability to strike at the center of Tehran, which funds and guides the proxies waging war on the Jewish state.

The press is fretting that the strikes will further delay negotiations over a Gaza cease-fire, and perhaps they will. But the evidence has shown that Hamas gives ground when it is most under military pressure. Israel recently killed Hamas military chief Mohammed Deif. The Hamas politicians remaining in Qatar now know their lives are also on the line if they continue to resist Israel’s reasonable terms. Al Qaeda and ISIS aren’t allowed “political wings” with terrorist diplomats in expensive suits. Why should Hamas be treated differently?

The U.S. had warned Israel not to strike Beirut after the soccer-field bombing, but Israel can’t grant the terrorists a safe zone while its north remains a no-go zone. Hezbollah started shooting on Oct. 8, in support of Hamas’s massacre, and it hasn’t stopped, more than 6,000 rockets and missiles later.

After the soccer-field attack, White House spokesman John Kirby said, “We certainly don’t believe that, as horrific as this attack was, that it needs to result in any kind of escalation.” More of the same, then, after Hezbollah kills 12 children and keeps firing?

Iran is pledging revenge, as it always does. But the strikes demonstrate that a larger conflict would not be one-sided and Iran itself could be targeted. That includes the leadership in Tehran. Will Iran put key assets at risk for its Arab proxies, or does that only work the other way around?

The U.S. can help Israel prevent a larger war by putting pressure on Hezbollah and Iran. Expediting weapons to Israel, including deep-penetrating bombs that would put Iran’s nuclear facilities at risk, would send a message, as would enforcing oil sanctions again.

Sending U.S. warships to the eastern Mediterranean, as after Oct. 7, would also make Iran think twice about Hezbollah’s next move. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s statement that U.S. forces are ready to help defend Israel from missile attacks was strong and overdue.


Greetings Dick

"If you repeat a lie often enough, people will come to believe it. And in time, you will come to believe it yourself." Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Minister of Propaganda

The truth be told, the aforementioned quote from Josef Goebbels has resounding relevance to what is happening in America today. After all, Joe Biden is sharp as can be and is firmly in charge of our Country. Or, as Biden said to a CNN host, he inherited a 9% inflation rate.
We are certainly living in Orwellian times. Who would have ever thought that Orwell’s quote, “In a universe of deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act,” would be so accurate? And if you are seeking to tell the truth, the forces of a totalitarian government will endeavor to shut down your voice, censor you, and, if necessary, visit upon you the strong arm of force. In essence, what has happened in America is that since we no longer have a free press but rather an ideological press, the right of individual free speech and expression is being targeted…unless your speech and expression are accepted by the ideological agenda of the progressive socialist, Marxist, left.
I invite you to read more about this disturbing trend below.
Steadfast and loyal,

Allen West
Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union 


Salena is a "digger," and very reliable.

Annville home early in the morning to take their son to his first Trump rally.

Once the doors open inside the New Holland Arena, named after the farm equipment company here in Pennsylvania, the 10,000 seats in the stands and on the arena floor fill up quickly. Cindy Foust and her husband, Denny, are two of the first to settle in just above the press riser.

full story here:


I am posting these 2 articles because 1 shows Kamala as a rational spokesperson for what she passionately believes and the 2d because i challenges her regarding facts and being wrong on many topics because of her desires to try and remake herself and drift away from who she might truly be..


Kamala's RADICAL Agenda - New PLAN Revealed!

Uh oh... ➔


More commentary:

The party that will win is the party that tacks to the center the most.  Right now, the GOP is losing that effort.

Republicans should heed Shrier's advice below and examine their toolkit.  One of the GOP's biggest limitations is Trump's inability to express a coherent thought without trampling his genitals.  The secret weapon right now: the media is obsessively focused on the truly gifted orator Vance.  And the fact that Trump is baked in as a one-termer, the conventional wisdom that VP's don't matter is scrambled.  What's called for is jiu jitsu: run straight into the attacks, then sidestep them. "We've gotten a lot of flack for referring to Harris as a DEI hire. Maybe we were wrong to say this. We just went by the facts: she was roundly rejected as being far less qualified by the Democrats in 2020, then elevated, per Biden's promise, because of her racial and sexual identities.  We apologize if this was mistaken and she has some qualifications that we have yet to learn about."

Then hammer the policies and the utterly preposterous notion that she's changed on any substantive issues.  So far, they have labeled Trump as anti-democratic and he has done everything he can to give credence to that charge.  What he should do is spell out exactly what the Dems are doing to achieve a one party, anti-democratic system of governance.  That includes term limits on the Supreme Court and subjecting them to congressional oversight.  It includes eliminating the electoral college which will deprive many states from participating meaningfully in the election of a president.  It also includes making DC and Puerto Rico states.  The GOP needs to point out that it is not our Bill of Rights that guarantees our freedoms but the tricameral system which divides power among the three branches of government.  Because SCOTUS temporarily has a conservative majority, the left wants to deprive it of its independence. The right has never done this when the court was in liberal hands.  In other words, it is the left which threatens democracy -- not the right.  And that is true in almost every country where the left has prevailed to install a socialist system. Trump should remind the public of Kamala’s statement defining equity as a system to equalize all results so that everyone ends up at the same place.  That is the very essence of communist philosophy. Trump should make Kamala defend her utterances and her goals instead of calling her "crooked" and other stupid names. Harping on her ethnicity and her past sexual adventures is also silly, particularly since Trump is no person to call anyone names

The GOP can complain about a ‘coup’ and call Harris a ‘DEI hire.’ But it won’t win them votes. Abigail Shrier for The Free Press.The switcheroo to make Kamala the candidate didn’t damage Biden’s party, which tested a losing candidate, looked at his polls, and swapped him out for something better, writes Abigail Shreier. The question is: What are Republicans going to do about it? (Andrew Harnik via Getty Images)

Abigail Shrier: Republicans, You’re Going After Kamala All Wrong

The GOP can complain about a ‘coup’ and call Harris a ‘DEI hire.’ But it won’t win them votes

By Abigail Shrier

Republicans are just waking up to the horror that they’ve been had.

The Trump campaign seems blindsided by Kamala Harris. Having avoided the ordeal of a primary, Harris dances onto the national scene appearing well-rested and unscathed. In polls, she is already tied with Trump—erasing his sizable lead in just one week.

Scrambling to make sense of what just happened, J.D. Vance has called her extra-democratic appointment a “coup.” He has suggested it cheated voters out of the chance to pick their own nominee. But a “coup” involves regime change. This switcheroo involved none. That’s why you don’t see members of the Biden administration objecting.

The maneuver didn’t damage Biden’s party, which tested a losing candidate, looked at his polls, and swapped him out for something better. A more accurate description is this: the Republicans have once again been outfoxed. So has the electorate, which could wind up with a far more left-wing president than it even knows. 

The question is: What are Republicans going to do about it?

Primaries may frustrate party grandees, but they serve the entire electorate. They are a gauntlet and vetting process, an opportunity to see what the candidates will promise when they’re seeking the approval of their own tribe. Forced to pander to their base, candidates typically say things that will hurt them in a general election. In the general, everyone pretends to be a moderate. But in a primary, candidates are at their most ideologically pure, huddling with their own team. By avoiding a primary, Harris also avoided revealing herself as a leftist.

There is every reason to believe Vice President Harris is actually quite radical and would govern that way. Since the start of her failed 2020 presidential campaign, she has adopted virtually every tenet of progressive maximalism—yes, wokeness—from gender ideology (pronouns-in-her-bio) to seriously discussing defunding the police in a 2020 radio interview.

She has called to “critically reexamine ICE and its role” and concluded “we need to probably think about starting from scratch,” meaning scrapping it altogether. She believes that the term radical Islamic terrorism ought to be abolished—not the terrorism, mind you, just the phrase. In 2020, she put out a video endorsing “equity” and insisted “equitable treatment means we all end up at the same place.” Actually, that’s what equitable treatment means to the hard left.

As U.S. senator, Harris was one of the earliest sponsors of AOC’s “Green New Deal,” a dismantling of the U.S. economy under the flag of climate fundamentalism. She could scarcely be bothered to visit our southern border and had no interest in securing it, even when fixing the immigration crisis was made her unique responsibility as vice president.

In 2019, she expressed remarkable hostility to American energy. On CNN, she said there was “no question” she would ban fracking and offshore drilling. She fully supported Biden’s disastrous, inhumane policy of encouraging not only hormones but also gender surgeries for vulnerable minors and of flinging open the doors of women’s jail cells to biologically male offenders.

When Joe Biden was running for election in 2020 and referred to the “Latino community,” she corrected him on X: “the Latinx community,” she wrote, preferring the agender, woke neologism unpopular with the Latino community.

In June of 2020, Harris urged her supporters to post bail for BLM rioters who had ransacked our cities, even tweeting a payment link to the Minnesota Freedom Fund just four days after rioters burned a Minneapolis police precinct to the ground. “They’re not going to stop and everyone beware, because they’re not going to stop,” she said on the Late Show with Stephen Colbert, referring to the BLM protesters. “They’re not going to let up, and they should not.” 

Each of these positions is out of step with the moderates in her party and the vast majority of the American people; had they come out in a primary, they would have been quite damaging. For good reason, Harris was ranked the “most liberal” member of the senate by the government transparency organization GovTrack, which recently memory-holed the webpage bearing the accolade. 

Now, as a candidate in the 2024 general election, she claims she never wanted to ban fracking. Expect her to reverse course on other far-left positions in the coming weeks. Had she been forced to restate these positions in a recent primary, the current disavowals would seem phony to the point of ridiculous. 

Instead, having avoided a primary, Harris can sell herself as a moderate to a public that has no time to unpack whether she was or wasn’t the official “border czar.” She smiles and laughs a lot. She looks like the kind of person you’d want to unwind with over a glass of pinot grigio. She can present herself as a centrist and count on the media to spearhead the cover-up.

The contest comes down to this: Will Republicans let her get away with it? Can the Republicans put her through the equivalent of a primary before the first mail-in votes are sent? Or will the GOP wallow in the unfairness of it all and blind itself to a better strategy going forward? 

Here’s what Republican wallowing looks like:

Pushing the idea that Harris is a “DEI hire.” Conservatives insist that calling her a DEI hire is fair and just. After all, DEI is a terrible, unethical system. If the Democrats love DEI so much, why not own it? Biden all but branded Harris a DEI hire when he announced he would only consider female minority candidates. 

All true. And all equally beside the point.

Republicans foolish enough to attack Harris as a DEI hire are likely to be startled by the stampede to defend her. For one thing, calling Harris a DEI hire mistakes attacking the system with attacking its beneficiaries. The system of DEI is unethical and must be dismantled. But the beneficiaries did nothing wrong. Were they not supposed to apply for these jobs? Why shame them now?

Consider that we all regard it as immoral for Major League Baseball to have once excluded black players. The system was rotten, but the players in it—Ruth, Williams, DiMaggio—don’t deserve our contempt. Attack the system, not the players.

The other counterproductive strategy—which some Republicans seem keen to pursue—is “slut shaming” Harris for her affair, early in her career, with the powerful older politician Willie Brown, the married mayor of San Francisco. The charge seems ridiculous when leveled against a happily married woman turning sixty, who looks like a kindly auntie and whose stepchildren call her “Momala.” In four years as the first female veep, she presented a personal side that was warm and conventional, and that’s what voters remember. Shaming her for earlier romantic affairs will only inspire her base to vote early.

The question Republicans ought to confront before leveling any attack is: “Will this energize my supporters more or hers?” For nearly every ad hominem salvo currently flung at Harris, the answer is: hers.

Moms from both political parties have had enough with inflation, with gender ideology in the schools, and with criminals on the streets. Many felt betrayed by the party that took its marching orders from the teachers unions during Covid—and kept kids out of school for years. 

Randi Weingarten, president of American Federation of Teachers, just endorsed Harris: “She has a record of fighting for us,” Weingarten said. Harris in turn praised Weingarten as “an incredible friend and adviser to the president and me.” That ought to be enough to send many moms to the polls to vote Republican for the first time. It’s a mistake to make them uncomfortable or place them on the defensive.

Harris has never stopped being a San Francisco politician. Republicans should remind the public of that and ask Wisconsin residents: Are you ready to become California? Liberals and conservatives are fleeing Harris’s home state, where she was U.S. senator and attorney general. Would Pennsylvanians like to know why?

Ten million migrants have entered our country since Harris was put in charge of the border. Are they ready for millions more? Would they like to find their own schools and hospitals so overrun that American citizens are sent away, as happened in New York and Texas?

The vast majority of American families prefer Republican policies. It’s the messengers who are so often the problem. And perhaps that’s especially the case this year.

An aura of gloom trails J.D. Vance, and his instincts need recalibration. He seems to believe he is in a primary, talking straight to his base, growling at Democrats. And many on the right are cheering this strategy: Stop worrying about the guys in man-buns, they say. They never vote for us anyway!

Typically, the vice president plays attack dog to keep the presidential candidate’s hands clean. But Trump and Vance both often seem like pit bulls straining at the leash. Why did the elegant, brilliant Usha Vance fall for J.D.? There must be a sweet, loving side to this guy, which he ought to let voters see. If the Mitt Romney–Paul Ryan ticket had too little fight, this one currently suffers from too much: too aggressive, too man-cave, too full of resentment to please the American heart, which still has a fondness for things like joy and hope.

If Republicans want to win, they must put Harris through the 2024 primary she never had. Inform voters of the record Harris is now scrambling to disavow, and the media is working desperately to erase. And most trying of all for Trump-Vance, they must hold two ideas in their heads: Yes, you got played. And also, bitterness will sink you. 

Abigail Shrier is the New York Times bestselling author of Bad Therapy: Why the Kids Aren’t Growing Up. 


Biden simply chooses not to enforce laws.  He would rather buy votes with tax payer dollars and when ot doing that eliminating female sports.
Judge Rules 4 States Must Enforce Title IX Revision
A federal judge has shot down a bid to block the Biden administration’s new Title IX rule from going into effect in four Southern states.

What Lead From Strength Means. Darwin Awards. Kamala Accomplishments?


THE 2024 Darwin Awards

You've been waiting for them with bated breath…. 

Eighth Place

In Detroit, a 41-year-old man got stuck and drowned in two feet of water after squeezing head-first through an 18-inch-wide sewer grate to retrieve his car keys.

Seventh Place

A 49-year-old San Francisco stockbroker, who "totally zoned when he ran", accidentally jogged off a 100-foot high cliff on his daily run.

Sixth Place

While at the beach, Daniel Jones, 21, dug an 8 foot hole for protection from the wind and had been sitting in a beach chair at the bottom, when it collapsed, burying him beneath 5 feet of sand. People on the beach used their hands and shovels trying to get him out but could not reach him. It took rescue workers using heavy equipment almost an hour to free him. Jones was pronounced dead at a hospital.

Fifth Place

Santiago Alvarado, 24, was killed as he fell through the ceiling of a bicycle shop he was burglarizing. Death was caused when the long flashlight he had placed in his mouth to keep his hands free rammed into the base of his skull as he hit the floor.

Fourth Place

Sylvester Briddell, Jr., 26, was killed as he won a bet with friends who said he would not put a revolver loaded with four bullets into his mouth and pull the trigger.

Third Place

After stepping around a marked police patrol car parked at the front door, a man walked into H&J Leather & Firearms intent on robbing the store The shop was full of customers and a uniformed officer was standing at the counter. Upon seeing the officer, the would-be robber announced a hold-up and fired a few wild shots from a target pistol.

The officer and a clerk promptly returned fire, and several customers also drew their guns and fired. The robber was pronounced dead at the scene by Paramedics. Crime scene investigators located 47 expended cartridge cases in the shop. The subsequent autopsy revealed 23 gunshot wounds. Ballistics identified rounds from 7 different weapons. No one else was hurt.


Paul Stiller, 47, and his wife Bonnie were bored just driving around at 2 A.M. So they lit a quarter stick of dynamite to toss out the window to see what would happen. Apparently, they failed to notice that the window was closed.


Kerry Bingham had been drinking with several friends when one of them said they knew a person who had bungee-jumped from a local bridge in the middle of traffic. The conversation grew more exciting, and at least 10 men trooped along the walkway of the bridge at 4:30 AM. Upon arrival at the midpoint of the bridge, they discovered that no one had brought a bungee rope. Bingham, who had continued drinking, volunteered and pointed out that a coil of lineman's cable lay nearby. They secured one end around Bingham's leg and then tied the other to the bridge. His fall lasted 40 feet before the cable tightened and tore his foot off at the ankle. He miraculously survived his fall into the icy water and was rescued by two nearby fishermen. Bingham's foot was never located.



Zookeeper Friedrich Riesfeldt ( Paderborn, Germany ) fed his constipated elephant 22 doses of animal laxative and more than a bushel of berries, figs and prunes before the plugged-up pachyderm finally got relief. Investigators say ill-fated Friedrich, 46, was attempting to give the ailing elephant an olive oil enema when the relieved beast unloaded.

The sheer force of the elephant's unexpected defecation knocked Mr Riesfeldt to the ground where he struck his head on a rock as the elephant continued to evacuate 200 pounds of dung on top of him. It seems to be just one of those freak accidents that proves 'shit happens'!


Soooo my question is WHY ARE THESE ALL MEN?   


By Matt Vespa


Henry celebrates his birthday with Jessica eating a hamburger.
He loves the simple tings in life ad tha tis one of the reasons I love him/
 You can hide but Mossad eventually finds yo, the IDF takes you out. and then you can live with those "virgins."


Iran Says a Top Hamas Leader Was Killed

Ismail Haniyeh was killed in Tehran on the day that he was attending the inauguration ceremony of Iran’s new president, according to a statement by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps.

Follow live updates.


With 2 you, in America, you normally get egg rolls. In Israel if you are  radical Islamists  and you like to kill you get your own death handed to you!

MEF Experts: Assassination of Terrorist Leaders Means 'Israel Intends to Crush Hamas'

Two for two last night  

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As I saw the news over the last 24 hours that Hamas leader Ismail Haniyah and Hezbollah’s #2, Fa’ad Shakar had both been assassinated, I couldn’t help but smile and think that this was good and that they both deserved that.

After all, Haniyah for sure was instrumental in the planning of the October 7th massacre of over 1,200 of our citizens and continued pushing the leadership in Gaza to continue the war with Israel. This, of course, while he was flying around the region from his plush home base in Qatar and participating in negotiations for the release of the hostages Hamas is still holding for 299 days (about 120 at this writing,…..who knows if they are dead or alive?).

His decision to go to Tehran and prance around publicly knowing that there was an Israeli price on his head, made him a great target. Killing him in Tehran was also a good warning to the Iranians that whoever was responsible for the killing is able to do this inside Iran. While all of us here believe it was an Israeli missile that took him out (Iran stated it was a weapon fired from a long distance from Tehran), Israel has not claimed credit for the assassination. But who else could it have been eh?

As for Shakar, he has been Hizballah’s chief military strategist for some time and we believe he was the mastermind behind the attack on the Druze soccer field last Saturday that killed 12 Israeli children and injured dozens of others who were simply having a good time.

He was also responsible for the October, 1982 bombing of the US military installation in Beirut which killed 220 US troops and for which America had offered a $5 million reward for his apprehension. Many members of the US Congress today expressed their appreciation that Israel had found Shakar and killed him, as we did claim responsibility for this one. I wonder if we can send the US Department of Defense an invoice for the $5m bounty payment? Hmm.

However, we are cautioned not to gloat over the deaths of others, even if they are our enemies. When our ancestors crossed the Reed Sea during the exodus from Egypt, they began to rejoice when they saw the waters recede and drown the Egyptians who were pursuing them. At that point a voice called out from heaven and said that the Egyptians were also God’s children and it would be inappropriate to gloat. To this day, during the intermediate days of the Passover holiday when singing Hallel, the traditional order of six psalms in praise of God, two of them are omitted so that our joy at being saved is muted somewhat in recognition of the deaths suffered by our enemies.

Frankly, not sure that either Shakar or Haniyah deserve such concern as they certainly have a lot of our blood and that of others as well on their hands. Nevertheless, suffice it to say that they got what they deserved and that the world will be a better place without them.

Now we wait and see what the response, if any, will be from Hizballah and/or Hamas, both of whom take their marching orders from Iran, of course.

But we don’t hear any calls from the nations of the world directed at any of their leaders to practice restraint, as we heard directed at us after Saturday afternoon’s killing of our young people. Do you ever wonder why?

Well, Chris Como, in his syndicated television show, earlier this week explored the conundrum of why when it comes to Israel and our enemies, it is always us asked to practice restraint. Cuomo has a really good analysis of this issue and you can find it here.

It is worth the 7-1/2 minutes it will take to watch it. He doesn’t solve the problem, nobody can. However, the analysis is interesting and the warning that the double standard may start with us but it will eventually consume everyone is instructive. Hope you find it of interest.
Israel’s Five Wars 
By Bret Stephens

The world will soon know the full shape and scale of Israel’s response to Hezbollah for Saturday’s rocket attack on a Druze town in the Golan Heights, which killed 12 children. But it’s not too soon to ask what purpose the expected retaliation will serve in the context of Israel’s five wars.

Five wars? Yes. And they are more about ideas than they are about geography.

The first war — the war Israel is now waging against Hamas and its allies in Gaza and the West Bank, Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Houthis in Yemen and Iran itself — is about security. Israelis want to be able to live safely in their homes without fearing they could be rocketed, pillaged, killed or kidnapped with barely a moment’s warning. The threat of a major escalation on Israel’s northern border has turned entire cities into ghost towns and displaced more than 60,000 Israelis from their homes.

That’s the proportional equivalent of roughly two million Americans forced out of their homes by the threat of terrorism. Those who condemn Israel now for its allegedly disproportionate response to the attacks by Hamas and Hezbollah would be a little more intellectually honest if they asked themselves what they would demand of their own governments if they were in the same situation.

The second war fuels and explains the first. It’s about existence. Israel’s most strident critics insist that the current conflict is about Palestinian existence, about Israel’s alleged refusal to grant a Palestinian homeland. But that’s a historically ignorant claim — and a dishonest one. Israel agreed to a Palestinian Authority in 1993, offered a Palestinian state in 2000 and vacated the Gaza Strip in 2005. When campus protesters at Princeton chanted, “We don’t want no two states, we want ’48,” they weren’t asking for Israel to accept a Palestinian state. They’re demanding Israel’s abolition.

They are also adopting the views of Hamas’s Yahya Sinwar, Hezbollah’s Hassan Nasrallah and Iran’s Ali Khamenei — leaders of the so-called Axis of Resistance, which believes that the only solution in the Middle East is a final one: Israel’s annihilation. The pundits who incessantly fault Israel’s means of defense might at least pause to ask what Hamas would have done to Israeli civilians on Oct. 8, 9 or 10 had Israel’s armed forces not been able to finally stop its slaughter.

The third war is metaphorical. It’s also dangerous and corrosive. It’s Israel’s war for the legitimacy of its actions, a war against the “yes but” thinking that now describes the middle ground of Western opinion on the conflict. That’s not a demand that people turn off their brains when it comes to judging Israel’s behavior. On the contrary, it’s a request that they turn their brains on.

To wit: How exactly do the people who say Israel has “the right to defend itself” propose that it do so against an enemy that entrenches itself beneath civilians in hundreds of miles of tunnels? What’s their strategy for lawful urban warfare against an enemy that fights unlawfully from hospitals and mosques and homes? Despite their notional acceptance of Israel’s right of self-defense, are they really calling for anything more than a unilateral cease-fire? The least the yes-but critics can do is recognize the fact that these questions have no easy answers.

The fourth war is global, ideological — and fundamental. It’s the war against antisemitism. Among the many toxic and defamatory charges leveled against Israel since Oct. 7 is that the war in Gaza has caused a surge in antisemitism, a sly way of charging the Jewish state with being the agent of anti-Jewish hate.

The truth is precisely the opposite: Anti-Semitism is the cause of Oct. 7, not the consequence of it. Mountains of documentation attest to this and predate the creation of the state of Israel: Haj Amin al-Husseini, the mufti of Jerusalem, met Adolf Hitler in 1941 to avow their shared struggle against “the English, the Jews and the Communists.” Today, it’s no surprise to see those who cheer Hamas’s aims are assaulting synagogues in Berlin or Los Angeles. Hatred of Jews will always find a convenient explanation or excuse; Israel is the latest, but hardly the first.

Finally, there’s the war within the state of Israel and among the Jewish people worldwide. It’s a war that has been one of the most enduring, and often fatal, features of Jewish history. Its contours were visible during the fight over Israeli judicial reform before Oct. 7, and now in the lawlessness of right-wing Israeli mobs charging into Israeli army bases. It’s also a war between diaspora Jews who recognize that the assault on Israel is ultimately an assault on them, and the “As a Jew” Jews who provide moral cover and comfort to Israel’s enemies. Addressing these divisions is as central to Israel’s long-term security as confronting any other threat.

Israel struck Beirut on Tuesday, targeting the official it blamed for Saturday’s attack.
Whatever Israel does next, it should be calculated to advance the national interests on all these fronts. If that means postponing a fuller response to explain its rationale, necessity and goal, so much the better.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Bari Cogitates. W.H Scrambles .Our Nation Under Threat.


White House, Israel Scramble To Head Off Widening of Mideast War Following Strike Against Hezbollah in Lebanon

Explosion in Beirut, Hezbollah commander responsible for killing children targeted

IDF confirms targeting of Hezbollah the commander responsible for the Majdal Shams massacre in Beirut.

The IDF confirmed that the senior Hezbollah commander responsible for the murder of 12 Israeli children on Saturday was targeted in a UAV strike in Beirut.

The commander was reportedly Hezbollah's second-highest ranking official, Fuad Shukr, who also known as Hajj Mohsin, according to Lebanese reports. Mohsin's fate is currently unknown.

"The IDF carried out a targeted strike in Beirut, on the commander responsible for the murder of the children in Majdal Shams and the killing of numerous additional Israeli civilians. At the moment, there are no changes in the Home Front Command defensive guidelines. If any changes will be made, an update will be released," the IDF stated.

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said following the airstrike that "Hezbollah crossed the red line."

Eyewitnesses reported hearing an explosion in the Lebanese capital Tuesday evening

Sky News Arabic reported that the explosion took place in a Hezbollah stronghold in the southern Beirut suburb of Dahiyeh.

The airstrike comes three days after 12 Druze children were murdered in a Hezbollah rocket attack in Majdal Shams in the Golan Heights.

On Tuesday afternoon, an Israeli man was killed in a Hezbollah rocket attack on the Galilee.
The Conflict in the Middle East Is About One Thing: Iran.
Journalist Haviv Rettig Gur joins Bari Weiss on Honestly as the war between Israel and Hezbollah heats up.
By Bari Weiss
On Saturday afternoon, a Hezbollah rocket fired from southern Lebanon struck a soccer field in the village of Majdal Shams in Israel’s north, killing 12 children.
Mourners surrounded the coffins of people killed in the Golan Heights by a rocket strike from Lebanon on July 27. (Photo by Jalaa MAREY / AFP via Getty Images)
On Saturday afternoon, a Hezbollah rocket fired from southern Lebanon struck a soccer field in the village of Majdal Shams in Israel’s north, killing 12 children.

For the last 10 months, many have warned that Israel is on the brink of a major war with Hezbollah, the Iranian proxy terror group that controls southern Lebanon. But the truth is that Hezbollah has been fighting—and winning—in Israel’s north since October 8. Since that time, Hezbollah has essentially redrawn the northern border of Israel by pummeling the border towns daily with rockets, leaving 225 square miles unlivable for Israelis and displacing around 80,000 Israeli citizens.

Israel—pounded by Iranian proxies from all directions—now faces one of the most perilous moments in recent history. The prospect of an all-out war with Hezbollah, which could very well spread to a larger, more dangerous regional war—perhaps directly with Iran—seems closer than ever.

What will Israel do? Will Israel choose to confront Hezbollah, or will it respond in a more limited way to avoid the regional escalation that the Americans so fear? How does U.S. policy, and the upcoming presidential election, influence Israel’s strategic calculation? Is Kamala Harris equipped to bring calm to the region? Or are Israelis just waiting for Trump to return to office? Is America’s current policy—containment of Iran—backfiring and inadvertently creating a regional crisis? Who will bring more calm: Kamala Harris or Donald Trump? Most importantly, should we be thinking about the war with Gaza and the war with Hezbollah as discrete fights, or are they all part of a broader war that’s already underway between Israel and Iran?

Addressing those questions today is Haviv Rettig Gur. Haviv is a journalist and writer for The Times of Israel, and he is one of the most important and insightful thinkers of our time on Israel and the Middle East.

I sat down to record this conversation with Haviv on Monday. The 24 hours since then have brought major news. On Tuesday evening Israel time, the IDF conducted a targeted airstrike in Beirut against the Hezbollah commander it says is responsible for the murder of the 12 children in Majdal Shams. The commander, Fuad Shukr, is reported to have been third in command of Hezbollah. What this means for rising tensions and the potential for all-out war is still uncertain. But in the minutes after the IDF confirmed the strike, Israel’s Minister of Defense, Yoav Gallant, tweeted “Hezbollah crossed the red line.”

Listen to my conversation with Haviv click below, or scroll down for an edited transcript:

A Middle East on the Brink

The Free Press

On the devastating July 27 attack:

Bari Weiss: There’s a war that has been largely ignored by the world outside of the Middle East, the war between Hezbollah in Lebanon and Israel. That war took a dramatic and horrible turn this past Saturday. And I want you to tell us what happened.

Haviv Rettig Gur: There was a group of kids playing soccer in an elementary school league that had become very popular among Druze youngsters on the Golan Heights—and they were having a game. And then the rocket exploded right in the middle of them. There were 12 kids killed. Two dozen or so injured. Some severely maimed. And this happened to a community that really is in between all the many different players.

BW: I think a lot of people who hear the word Druze will wonder, what is that? So let’s explain for a brief moment who the Druze are. Are they Arab, Muslim, or Israeli? Who were the people on that soccer field?

HRG: The Druze are historically a religious offshoot from Islam. They have a religious tradition similar in its conception of theology to Kabbalah in Judaism. But the religion was made secret early on, because of oppression in Muslim lands. The Druze have a religious obligation to be loyal to the state that rules where they live. So in Israel the Druze are some of the most loyal soldiers of the IDF. They have reached the second highest rank in the IDF. There’s currently a Druze general serving as a Major General. And in the Golan Heights, because the Golan was captured in 1967 from Syria, the Druze there started out still loyal to the Assad regime. But younger people are feeling more Israeli after the Syrian civil war that began in 2011 shattered the country. Also, Israel helped protect the Druze of southern Syria in the Syrian civil war. So there’s a growing desire among Druze in Israel to be Israeli.

There are probably 10 or 11 villages along the northern border that have to be rebuilt. They’re simply devastated. And now Hezbollah has massacred children. And we have to show the Druze that we respect them. We Jews have that responsibility to respect them as much as ourselves. Now, I think the general feeling in Israel is that there has to be a serious Israeli response.

How the war in the north has been simmering for ten months:

BW: I don’t think many people understand that Hezbollah is an Iranian proxy group that has successfully redrawn the border of Israel at its north. Which is really astonishing. So how have they done that? Basic table stakes here. What does the war in Israel’s north look like? And what has been the fallout from that? 

HRG: On October 8, Hezbollah started firing rockets at northern Israel. And those rocket barrages never stop. They have been going for almost 10 months. They’re always calculated and modulated to be less than what any Israeli response would be. Hezbollah received an order from Iran: exact as much cost as you can from Israel without being destroyed. Iran does not want Hezbollah destroyed. The reason Iran has spent billions upon billions for decades building Hezbollah into the formidable force it is today is so that in a future Iran-Israel war, Hezbollah can open another front against Israel and help save Iran. 

BW: What’s happened to the people that live in these towns along Israel’s northern border?

HRG: Everybody within five kilometers was ordered by the Israeli army to leave the area. Between 60,000 and 80,000 people. Several months ago, the state admitted it has lost track of most of them. It doesn’t actually know where most of them are. They went wherever they could. At the beginning, the state took these people out of their homes and paid for them to stay in hotels. It doesn’t sound terrible. It’s terrible. Schools didn’t open, communities were displaced and taken apart. And these people have not been able to go home. While they have been gone, Hezbollah rocket barrages have destroyed sections, turning them into ghost towns on the northern border. The north is more physically devastated than the communities near the Gaza border.

On possible responses by Israel to the Hezbollah attack: 

BW: After the attack on the soccer field, Netanyahu said Israel will not overlook it. Hezbollah will pay a heavy price that has not been paid before. There have been a lot of statements like this. What do you think Israel’s actually going to do? What are Israel’s options? 

HRG: Everybody is watching for the Israeli response. Israel took 220 Yemeni missile attacks until one actually broke through and killed somebody in Tel Aviv. And then the Israeli response was not for that one rocket that killed someone in Tel Aviv. It was for 220 attacks. And it was a response that had a devastating effect on the main oil export terminal of the Houthi government. What Israel’s response needs to be here—it can’t be just for those kids. It has to be for the entire ten months of bombardment, of the emptying of our north, of the destroying of our towns. One thing that tells me that the Israeli response is going to be significant is that the new president of Iran had a conversation with the French president, Emmanuel Macron, and said to him that if the Israeli response is significant, if there’s a war in Lebanon, then there will be some catastrophic response against Israel—in other words, Iran is starting to swing into action to try to defend Lebanon from what is expected to be a very significant Israeli response. 

How America’s de-escalation policy hinders Israel’s ability to fight:

HRG: Hezbollah has something like 150,000 rockets. There are roughly 200 villages scattered throughout the mountains of south Lebanon. Every rocket is under a home. And those 150,000 rockets are capable of setting Tel Aviv on fire. Hezbollah was built to be what Hamas is, but 10 to 15 times more dangerous. The Israeli army, and the Israeli government, the Israeli political class is looking at the war in Gaza, at how long it’s going to take to degrade Hamas and do long-term reconstruction. And they see that a lot of the Israeli reserve manpower is exhausted. I have two brothers-in-law who are in the war. One of them was gone like 200 days fighting in Gaza. They’re exhausted. So a war in Lebanon, which will be much more difficult than Gaza—Tel Aviv and cities of Israel will face rocket barrages larger than anything Gaza can produce—is something you don’t go into easily, you don’t go into quickly, you don’t go into without a few aces up your sleeve. You don’t go into without clear backing against the larger patron of Hezbollah, who will activate every asset they have in the region, meaning Iran. In other words, you don’t go into it without America. That’s the view of the Israeli leadership. And America has had one overriding priority. And that is not to allow an escalation in the region.

BW: Well, let’s dig into that for just a moment. Because winning requires escalation. So if the official strategy or insistence of the White House is no escalation, just contain the level of fighting, how can Israel win the war? 

HRG: That’s exactly right. If America pressures Israel on hostage negotiations, that doesn’t bring Hamas to the table. It takes Hamas away from the table because they understand that if they wait and let Israel marinate in the American pressure, there’s some significant chance that Israel will cave to some further demand. Every time America acts in this region to lower the level of the war, the enemy looks at that and says the Americans are deeply allergic to escalation. 

Hezbollah has lost something like 400 fighters, including some senior commanders, but Hezbollah doesn’t care. And certainly Hezbollah’s masters in Iran don’t care about those losses. So Hezbollah has been able to sustain this. And Israel has not had the backing of America for the larger war that would cause the kind of damage to Hezbollah and to Iran that would make them guess again.

The same exact thing is true of Yemen. Iran and Hezbollah and the Houthis of Yemen and Hamas believe that they have found a way to destroy us. And it is an analysis that is essentially based on an analysis of our government as risk averse. I think they’re right. 

BW: I think the perception of Bibi in America is that he’s this warmonger. But the criticism of him in Israel is exactly the opposite. In other words, he is incapable of seeing conflicts or wars to their victorious conclusion. 

HRG: He’s incapable of taking the kind of risks, the kind of decisions, and he never has been capable of doing so. He has always chosen the path of least resistance, and he’s doing it now. The Israeli army paused for a long time in Gaza because it couldn’t go into Rafah because the Biden administration was putting pressure on Netanyahu. The primary point that I’m making is that he’s just navigating political pressures he feels and not actually strategizing and thinking seriously about the future. He gives speeches as if he’s doing so, but on the ground, he does not. We have a risk-averse government, and it is restrained to the point where it can be bullied.

The tragedy of an American administration that can only see stability is that it simply cannot imagine any other interest. Iran, under the cover of America’s obsession with stability, is demolishing nations and trying to destroy us. And so we could use that American help. Not American boots on the ground, not American sacrifice, but logistical help, missile shipments, coordination. On April 14, there was this massive missile attack by Iran on Israel in response to the killing of an Iranian general. Iran launched the biggest missile attack in the history of missile attacks. And they were shot down almost in their entirety by a huge alliance of Sunni countries and Israel against Iran. The airspace of Saudi Arabia and other Sunni countries were open to Israel. Jordan actually shot down Iranian drones. All of that was made possible by America. So we need that American help.

How Israel is thinking about Kamala vs. Trump:

BW: How is Israel looking at the present state of American politics? Who does it want to win the election?

HRG: It’s an election. It’s not about Israel, and it’s not about Gaza. You want to end the Gaza war? You want to prevent a war in Lebanon? You want to end the terrible civil war in Yemen and bring the forces to the table in Yemen that have starved 85,000 children to death and devastated that country? You want to fix the Middle East? It’s about Iran and it’s only about Iran. And it will only ever be about Iran. And until you solve Iran, nations will continue to be demolished. And America has to do that.

Everything I have seen from Democrats says they cannot, will not, don’t know how. They don’t have a vocabulary of foreign policy that allows them to seriously take up that challenge.

I wish I could say that the Republicans do. Some Republicans do. Will the Republicans in power in a new Trump administration know how to do any of that? I have no idea.

But on Iran, the Democrats have failed.

There are these quotes from Obama from back in 2015 that lifting sanctions will not cause Iran to become a dominant power in the region. If there’s any power in the region that is dominant in any way today, it’s Iran. So Obama’s own predictions about his own policies have proven completely incorrect.

Everybody’s lives in the Middle East depend on ending the Iranian regime’s crusade that has so far conquered and destroyed or is in some state of demolishing four different Arab countries and wants to destroy my country and says so publicly and will not stop until somebody stops it. And if America doesn’t have a policy on that—and Democrats do not—then America is part of the problem. 
America’s Lab Rats?
By Victor Davis Hanson
American Greatness

Half the country thinks something has gone drastically wrong in America, to the point that it is rapidly becoming unrecognizable. Millions feel they are virtual lab rats in some grand research project conducted by entitled elites who could care less when the experiment blows up.

Consider: Our military turns over $60 billion in state-of-the-art weapons to terrorists in Kabul and then flees in disgrace?

Terrorist flags fly in place of incinerated Old Glory at the iconic Union Station in Washington as radical students and green card-holding guests deface statues with threats that “Hamas is coming” while spewing hatred toward Jews—and all with impunity?

A wide-open border with 10 million unaudited illegal immigrants?

Once beautiful downtowns resembling Nairobi or Cairo—as paralyzed mayors spend billions without a clue how to remedy the self-created disaster?

Fast food drive-ins priced as if they were near-gourmet restaurants?

In truth, this apparent rapid cultural, economic, and political upheaval is well into its third decade. The disruptions are the results of the long-term effects of globalization and the high-tech revolution that brought enormous wealth into the hands of a tiny utopian elite. Almost overnight, every American household became a consumer of cellular phones and cameras, laptop computers, social media, and Google searches.

We then entered into a virtual, soulless world of hedonism, narcissism, and the cheap, anonymous cruelty of click-bait, cancel culture, doxing, ghosting, blacklisting, and trolling. The toxic COVID lockdown and the DEI racist fixations that followed the George Floyd death only accelerated what had been an ongoing three-decade devolution.

By 2000, a former market of 300 million American consumers was widening to a globalized 7 billion shoppers—at least for those mostly on the two coasts, whose expertise and merchandising were universalized in megaprofit high-tech, finance, investment, media, law, and entertainment.

Americans of the 20th century had never quite seen anything like the mega-global celebrities from Michael Jackson to Taylor Swift, or a Bezos fortune of $170 billion, or the sorts who fly in their Gulfstream private jets to Davos, Sun Valley, and Aspen to lament the ignorance of the backward muscular classes and to plot their noblesse oblige salvation for them.

Indeed, for those reliant on muscular jobs and the production of the material essentials of life—agriculture, fuels, construction, assembly, timber, mining, and services—their livelihoods were often xeroxed abroad. Millions of their jobs were offshored or outsourced to third- and second-world countries with cheaper labor, abundant natural resources, and less overhead that made investment “wiser” and more profitable.

Anointed Americans in the “soft” or informational economy achieved levels of wealth never seen before in history. Meanwhile, Americans in the “hard” or concrete sectors saw stagnation in wages, job losses, and the erosion of middle-class life itself.

That the universities, the media, the administrative state, entertainment, high tech, and the federal government were mostly on the coasts became a geographical force multiplier of the growing economic and cultural divide—perhaps in the manner that the Civil War became not just an ideological conflict but one of definable geography as well.

Red-state and blue-state cultures followed these radical displacements in the global economy. Urban bicoastal America created an ethos and an accompanying narrative that it was blessed, rich, and all-knowing because it had been rightfully rewarded for supposedly being innately smarter, better credentialed, more worldly and—given its wealth—more moral than the losers who fell behind. The new multibillionaires reinvented the Democrat Party into a concord of the hyper-rich and subsidized poor, abandoning the now caricatured working and losing middle classes.

Indeed, a sort of atheistic, reverse-Calvinism arose. The elite left-wing, monied classes were left-wing and monied precisely because of some sort of fated reward for their obvious innate superior virtue and wisdom—even as millions fled from failing blue states to their freer and more prosperous red counterparts.

An entire moral vocabulary of condemnation followed to stigmatize those who supposedly lacked the know-how or morality to appreciate their elite benefactors—clingers, deplorables, irredeemables, hobbits, chumps, dregs, and “crazies,” to use the parlance of Barack Obama, John McCain, Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden. Their targets were the relics of a vanishing America who did quirky things like salute the flag, go to church, believe there were still only two sexes, honor America as always far better than the alternative, and believe they were the muscles that kept the nation fed, fueled, and housed for one more day.

The chief characteristic of the 21st century American revolution’s vast recalibrations in wealth was not just the transition from the muscular to the supposedly cerebral, but from right to left. Look at the Fortune 400. There is a pattern in the rankings—mostly progressives and rich—and the winners’ wealth is usually not created from old sources like transportation, manufacturing, agriculture, or construction.

The real multibillion-dollar fortunes in America are now in tech and investment. The hierarchies that own and manage Amazon, Apple, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Google, JPMorgan, Chase, Microsoft, or Morgan Stanley are now decidedly left-wing Democrats. That 21st century reality marked a radical change from the past. Democrats now typically vastly outraise Republicans in most national campaigns. Their philanthropic foundations dwarf those of their right-wing rivals.

Elite hard-left universities are flush with multibillion-dollar endowments in a manner unimaginable just 40 years ago. And they are no longer merely liberal but overwhelmingly woke and uncompromisingly hard left—with millions of dollars to waste on their unicorn chases of mandated equality and racist “anti-racism.” Hollywood, the media, new and old, and Wall Street are not just far wealthier than ever but far more intolerant and sanctimonious as well.

It was not just money that gave the new left-wing oligarchy such clout in the administrative state, Wall Street, tech, the media, the corporate world, and the university. It was the accompanying assurance that, unlike other Americans, the lab rats of the mostly rural or interior parts of the country were exempt. They were to be free to apply their bankrupt agendas—open borders, DEI, globalism, climate change gospels, critical legal theory, modern monetary theory, critical race theory—to distant others. They assumed correctly that they were never really to be subject to the concrete and real-life disasters arising from the implementation of their ideology.

Certainly, guilt over their largess, together with our 21st century secular update of sanctimonious New England puritanism, explain this overweening left-wing new zealotry to change the world, but largely at others’ expense. They are the descendants of Salem, who share the same superstitions and fanaticism to punish all who doubt their purity and wisdom.

So arose the idea among elites of a borderless America, where yearly 2-3 million poor and downtrodden of Latin America, and soon the world at large, could surge into a humane and progressive America—without the ossified and illiberal idea of background checks, or legal “technicalities.”

The arrivals’ abject poverty would remind the bigoted American middle classes of the need to expand their welfare state—as if a lifelong victim of the institutional oppression of Oaxaca, Mexico became a legitimate victim of white capitalist America the very moment he set foot across a now mythical border. Importing massive poverty would remind the middle classes that racism and inequality were still on the rise.

The locus classicus of this self-righteousness and contrition was emblemized when a few dozen illegal aliens were redirected toward tony Martha’s Vineyard. The locals immediately rushed to reveal to us two realities: 1) shower the illegals with food, upscale clothing, and other essentials to virtue signal their universal concern for the downtrodden; and 2) bus them out of the neighborhood as quickly as possible to where they “belonged”—either among the inner-city poor or struggling rural Hispanic communities of the American southwest.

In the abstract, open borders were what any progressive nation should aspire to; in the concrete among the architects of such idealism—not in their backyard.

Following the death of George Floyd, corporations, universities, and administrative state agencies rushed to compete to “level the playing field” by eroding meritocratic criteria such as calcified SAT tests, background checks, resumes, etc., and began hiring by race, gender, and sexual orientation.

Tens of thousands of DEI commissars and their henchmen have now spread far beyond their birthplaces in the university (where elite schools routinely restrict so-called whites [ca. 65–70 percent of the population] to 20–40 percent of incoming classes). At some Ivy League schools and their kindred elite campuses, grades are “adjusted” to ensure 60-80 percent are A’s.

Almost everything in revolutionary America has “evolved” beyond silly notions like “meritocracy” and “standards” and has instead become DEI hot-wired—from the hiring and promotion of airline pilots, selection of actors, management of the Secret Service, and the rank and file of FBI and CIA operatives to admissions to medical school, corporate boardrooms, and advertising.

In response, a dangerous underground cynicism grows commensurately. As in the old Soviet Union, so too here arises our official “truth” beside the subterranean truth that most rely on when an incompetent Secret Service hierarchy allows a shooter to take pot shots at a president’s head, or there is a sharp rise in passenger jet near misses and go-arounds, or students in mass demand exemptions from final schedules or expect amnesties when they storm campus buildings, or major corporations—like Disney, Target, Anheuser Busch, and John Deere—ostentatiously virtue signal.

In sum, we are knee-deep in an authoritarian commissariat that we do not even dare formally acknowledge. DEI, like open borders, was predicated on the idea that the good one percent who ran the country was too good to experience the trickle-down from the commissar system it imposed on others.

Ditto the top-down green revolution. We are to assume that sweaty truckers should have no problem juicing up their battery engines every 300 miles. Hispanics in Bakersfield should appreciate turning down their air conditioning when it hits 115. Lower-middle-class moms should learn the advantages of high-cost electric stoves and ovens once they are forcibly weaned off their cheap but too-hot natural gas appliances.

Meanwhile, the sales of designer Italian cooking platforms, 10,000-square-foot air-conditioned second homes (the Obamas own three), private jets, yachts, and huge limo SUVs have reached record levels. The model is John Kerryism—or the rationale that to help the uneducated, dumber, and less moral people survive global warming, the enlightened need the tools to do it. So, they must avoid messy airports, 9-hour delays due to missed connections, and the stuffy, cramped middle seat on modern commercial jets.

The idea of 100,000-200,000 legal immigrants admitted annually and meritocratically, charter schools in the inner city, beefed-up policing in our major urban areas, nationwide civic education, reemphasis on assimilation, integration, and intermarriage of the melting pot, wide use of nuclear power—all the things that might make the life of the middle class more secure, more prosperous, and more confident—are deemed corny and passé.

Again, what we got in the last quarter century was a shrill elite that subjects their Jacobin theories upon a distant other but has absolutely no intention of ever getting near the very disasters they wrought, much less suffering the collateral damage that was inevitable from their social engineering.

Or, to put it another way, they were to be our few genius white-coated researchers while we were their many expendable lab rats.
Opinion: I’m a civil rights attorney, here’s the truth about Kamala Harris’s appalling record
Opinion by Harmeet K. Dhillon, opinion contributor •

Vice President Kamala Harris claimed the mantle of a civil rights champion as part of her presidential campaign origin fable. But her record tells a darker tale. At every step of her career, Harris has proven that the most dangerous place for a constitutional norm to be is standing between Harris and her political ambitions. 

Let’s start with her time as San Francisco district attorney, a position she won by running against her boss, a progressive D.A., by claiming to be a tough-on-crime prosecutor. Having fooled the voting public and secured the position, she immediately began to tack left, declaring four months into the job that she would refuse to seek the death penalty against the murderer of policeman Isaac Espinoza, who was 29, with a young family when he was gunned down in cold blood.

Although she likes to portray herself as the “top cop” of California, cops despised her from that moment on. Harris received the dishonor of being named the “most progressive DA” in California – in other words, Kamala Harris was the most far-left prosecutor in the most liberal state. Harris’ sanctuary city policies enabled Edwin Ramos, for example, to murder a father and his two sons. 

Understanding Kamala Harris' Economic Message In This Campaign
As D.A., Harris was the worst of both worlds: A soft-on-crime progressive prosecutor who failed to keep her city safe, and who looked the other way when it came to ethics and public integrity. In 2010, Harris’s lead drug prosecutor alerted supervisors of evidence that one of their top technicians was an unreliable witness, including a prior criminal conviction.

Despite a binding Supreme Court case, Brady v. Maryland, mandating prosecutors turn over such information to the defense, Harris’s office concealed it. Once discovered, this flagrant constitutional violation led to the dismissal of over 600 drug cases.  

Narrowly elected to attorney general in 2010, Harris proceeded to double down on ignoring constitutional rights when expedient. 

In 2011, the Supreme Court ordered California to reduce its inmate population because of prison overcrowding. In 2015, after four years and two separate court orders mandating action, California was still non-compliant. During litigation leading to the second order, Harris’s deputies argued that if the state was forced to release these inmates early, prisons would lose a crucial part of its captive labor force because the prisoners earned wages between 8 and 37 cents per hour.

They reasoned that implementing the federal court’s proposed order would “severely impact fire camp participation—a dangerous outcome while California is in the middle of a difficult fire season and severe drought.” 

Legal scholars and commentators were astounded. Erwin Chemerinsky, now dean of UC Berkeley Law School, compared Harris’ defiance of federal court mandates to 1950s southern governors ignoring desegregation orders. The Atlantic wrote that Harris’ filings were “unworthy of a first-year associate, much less the chief lawyer of our nation’s most populous state.”

When confronted with these critiques, Harris claimed she was shocked by her office’s arguments. She either had no clue what was happening in the biggest civil rights case her office was handling, or she simply lied and threw her deputies under the bus to distance herself from a backlash. Incompetent, or mendacious?  

In the case of my client, Trilochan Singh Oberoi, an observant Sikh with a military background who sought a job as a prison guard but was denied on religious grounds, Harris caused her office to filibuster for four years. She argued against the applicability of well-settled religious liberty norms, before finally caving in and settling the case for attorney fees, back pay and a job after a national coalition of civil rights groups across the political spectrum joined hands to demand justice.  

Harris went on to distort California charity regulations by stretching non-profit donor reporting laws to force charities to out their donors. This policy chilled nonprofit donations as proponents of cancel culture used public disclosures to blacklist, boycott and pressure donors. The Supreme Court struck down Harris’s policy as an unconstitutional First Amendment violation in Americans for Prosperity v. Bonta.

In doing so, the court reaffirmed its landmark decision in NAACP v. Alabama that the First Amendment protects the civil right of private association. Harris was unfazed, having already moved on. 

During her ill-fated 2019 presidential campaign, Harris continued to demonstrate flippant disregard for the Constitution. At a townhall, she stated that if elected, she would “give the United States Congress 100 days to get their act together and” pass gun control legislation. “And if they fail to do it, then” she would “take executive action.” That is, if the legislative branch failed to enact policies she wanted, she would usurp its Constitutional authority and enact such policies by fiat, Constitution be damned.

Kamala Harris was no defender of civil rights when she exercised executive power as a district attorney and state attorney general. As president, Harris has already promised to ignore the Constitutional separation of powers and enact whatever policies she damn well pleases, just as she ignored Brady, Title VII, prisoner’s rights and due process. She’s shown us who she is all along, and voters should pay heed. 

Harmeet K. Dhillon is DLG founder and managing partner and Trump campaign and personal Trump lawyer.

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US Defense Chief Says ‘We Will Help Israel’ if Attacked as Washington Scrambles to Stave Off Hezbollah War

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin testifies before a House Appropriations Defense Subcommittee hearing on US President Joe Biden’s proposed budget request for the Department of Defense on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, US, April 17, 2024. Photo: REUTERS/Ken Cedeno

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin vowed on Tuesday that the United States will come to Israel’s defense if the Jewish state is attacked by Hezbollah, the powerful Iran-backed terrorist organization based in Lebanon.

“We would like to see things resolved in a diplomatic fashion,” Austin told reporters after meetings in Manila with senior Philippine officials. “If Israel is attacked, yes, we will we help Israel defend itself. We’ve been clear about that from the very beginning.”

Austin’s comment came as tensions continued to escalate between Israel and Hezbollah. Israel on Tuesday targeted Fuad Shukr, a senior Hezbollah commander, with an air strike in Beirut, Lebanon on Tuesday and reportedly believes it killed the long-time terrorist leader. The Algemeiner could not independently confirm Shukr’s current status.

The Israeli strike was a response to a Hezbollah rocket attack over the weekend on a soccer field in Majdal Shams, a small Druze town in the Golan Heights, a strategic region on Israel’s northern border previously controlled by Syria. The attack from southern Lebanon, where Hezbollah exerts major political and military influence, killed 12 children. The Jewish state vowed that Hezbollah would pay a “heavy price” for the strike.

Although many observers have expressed fear that the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah could soon spiral out of control, Austin argued that a full-scale war was not inevitable.

“I don’t believe that a fight is inevitable,” Austin told reporters.

Austin’s comments echoed sentiments from the White House, which said that the likelihood of an all-out war between Israel and Hezbollah is “exaggerated.” National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby told reporters on Monday that the Biden administration is “confident” that such a conflict full-scale war between the Jewish state and the Iran-backed terrorist group will be avoided.

Nonetheless, Hezbollah has indicated that it will retaliate after Israel’s defensive strike on Tuesday. The terrorist group has thus far reportedly rejected requests from international envoys not to respond to the Israeli operation.

“International envoys are indirectly raising with us the idea that we should not respond to the expected aggression under the pretext of the need to avoid escalation and sliding towards a comprehensive war,” a Hezbollah official said, according to Reuters. The official added that Hezbollah had “informed them of our explicit rejection of this request” and would respond.

Hezbollah has pummeled northern Israeli communities with a barrage of missiles, rockets, and drones in the months following the Oct. 7 massacre across southern Israel perpetrated by Hamas, another Iran-backed terrorist group. Estimates suggest that Hezbollah, an Iranian-proxy terrorist organization, has fired between 100-200 missiles into northern Israel nearly every day since Oct. 7.

More than 80,000 Israelis have been forced to evacuate Israel’s north in October due to the unrelenting attacks. The majority of those spent the past nine months residing in hotels in other areas of Israel.

Nevertheless, the US State Department said it’s working to find a diplomatic solution to avoid further escalation.

“We’re continuing to work toward a diplomatic resolution that would allow Israeli and Lebanese civilians to return to their homes and live in peace and security. We certainly want to avoid any kind of escalation,” State Department deputy spokesperson Vedant Patel told a press briefing on Tuesday.

Patel added that American support for the Jewish state will remain “ironclad.”

“Israel has every right to defend itself,” Patel said, noting that the Jewish state “certainly faces threats like no other country does in that region of the world.”

During his address to a joint session of the US Congress last week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stressed that although he would prefer to reach a diplomatic resolution to the conflict with Lebanese Hezbollah, the Jewish state is willing to use force to defend itself.

“We prefer to achieve this diplomatically. But let me be clear: Israel will do whatever it must do to restore security to our northern border and return our people safely to their homes,” Netanyahu said.
The more I listen to even the new SSA Chief, the more I believe Biden and Comey arranged for Trump's assassination just as  the CIA did regarding Jack Kennedy.  

There is a very deep black state that lies and operates beneath our political establishment that functions and has been covering their tracks ever since Viet Nam.

How was it that Jack Ruby was able to slip into the Dallas Police department with a gun and kill the only alleged witness who was the one who shot Kennedy and then be killed himself after the act?

We know the Sec. of State's brother, in charge of the CIA, at the time, had his concerns abut Kennedy and his involvement with America's Mafia and corrupt labor crowd and was compromised because of his various amorous involvement with MM and a Russian spy etc.  We also know, Kennedy flubbed an assassination attempt on Castro's life using some kind of explosive cigar etc.

We also know MLK's killer obtained a rifle and Bobby Kennedy was up to his arm pits investigating corrupt unions and was also assassinated and none of the actual investigation documents have been released but still withheld by the current administration long after they were due to be released.

I do no trust my government and why should I when the enormous bureaucracy is filled with those who never admit their failures, no one is ever held accountable for their obvious failures and now we have the most recent such episode that follows a similar matter. 

Furthermore,  I have yet to mention many Clinton connections of mysterious deaths, the latest being the hanging in the New York jail of the sex king who had the black book on all the sex participants in high political and other societal positions.

Call me gullible. I ain't stupid as the elitist radical lefties say we "deplorables" are according to their unprecedented attacks on those with whom they hate , disagree and feel threatened.

We have been warned for decades by various insightful authors all of this would be coming our way and now it consumes and divides our vulnerable and divided nation.