Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Trump's Endorsement's Seem To Help.Logic? Shut Down Disinformation Board Which Is Patently Unconstitutional. Much More.

This rights a wrong:
Tonight (May 4) All 22 Trump-backed candidates in Ohio and Indiana proved victorious in Tuesday’s primaries, indicating a Trump nod is as mighty as ever.

Does logic ever win?

1 - Eleven teens die each day because of texting while driving. Maybe it's time to raise the age of Smart Phone ownership to 21.
2 - If gun control laws actually worked, Chicago would be Mayberry, USA.
3 - The Second Amendment makes more women equal than the entire feminist movement.

4 - Legal gun owners have 300 million guns and probably a trillion rounds of ammo. Seriously, folks, if we were the problem, you'd know it.

5 - When JFK was killed, nobody blamed the rifle.

6 - The NRA (National Rifle Association) murders 0 people and receives ($$$$ 0) nothing in government funds. Planned Parenthood kills 350,000 babies every year and receives $500,000,000 in tax dollars annually.

7 - I have no problem with vigorous background checks when it comes to firearms. While we're at it, let's do the same when it comes to immigration, voter I.D., and candidates running for office.

8 - Folks keep talking about another Civil War. One side knows how to shoot and probably has a trillion rounds. The other side has crying closets and is confused about which bathroom to use. Now tell me, how do you think that would end?


 Shut Up, the Disinformation Governance Board Explained

The only way to overcome lies is with truth, and the government can’t be the arbiter of what that is.

By Gerard Baker

It’s always exciting for progressives when they create a new government office of something or other. They live for this: another excuse to spend piles of taxpayer dollars; another polysyllabic title and flashy logo; another opportunity to extend the long, comforting arm of the bureaucracy into the business of ordinary citizens who never knew how impoverished their lives were without it.

So there was a tangible buzz of excitement around Washington last week when the Department of Homeland Security proudly inaugurated the Disinformation Governance Board.

Other than its title and the identity of its executive director, there’s not much we know about this exciting-sounding new body. Its job, Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas told a congressional committee last week, is to tackle falsehoods that threaten the national security of the U.S. He made it sound over the weekend as though it is all about preventing human traffickers and smugglers from misrepresenting themselves—all harmless enough.

But we also learned last week that it will be headed by Nina Jankowicz. Her Twitter feed makes her look like a cross between Madame Mao and Bette Midler—a mix of impeccably conformist left-wing views about politics and media misinformation—the Hunter Biden story was Russian disinformation, the Steele Dossier was all true, etc.—with excruciating political parodies of musical-theater numbers. Watching her videos is a little like being an audience member at a Christmas concert in a prisoner-of-war camp.

The institution she heads—let’s call it the DGB, which has a nice ring to it and is close enough alphabetically and in spirit to another three-initialed organization from another country that was tasked with enforcing the official version of the truth—is potentially a vehicle for all kinds of new rules to stop the left’s version of untruths emanating from media and tech firms.

But how might it work? Will it have investigative powers? Will it be given its own enforcement resources? Is it going to solicit referrals from the public? Will operators be available around the clock to answer calls from concerned neighbors about violations of information protocols?

“Hello? Is that the DGB? I think the people next door are watching Fox News again.”

Ms. Jankowicz and her little corner of the proliferating bureaucracy sound so preposterous that they’re easy targets to mock. Mr. Mayorkas tried to clean up some of the mess, insisting free speech was safe.

But our progressive overlords are on the warpath against what they define as misinformation and disinformation, and it’s no laughing matter. You can see it in their hysterical reaction to Elon Musk’s planned acquisition of Twitter. When the site banned various accounts and people on the right it was, we were told, simply a private company, with no special public obligations. Now the prospect of a wider range of voices on the platform is a dagger aimed at the heart of democracy and must be regulated.

“People are dying because of misinformation,” Barack Obama told a Silicon Valley audience last month. You may remember Mr. Obama. He’s been a tireless warrior for years in the twilight struggle for truth in politics. If you have a long enough memory you’ll recall that he was the president who gave a speech in 2009 to promote his signature healthcare measure, in which he attacked critics of the plan for their “scare tactics and fear-mongering.”

Summoning his famous oratorical skills at a crucial moment, he was as determined then as he is now to lay to rest all the misinformation his opponents were peddling: “No matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period.”

We don’t know how many people died because of that piece of misinformation—a whopper of such proportions that even PolitiFact, the self-appointed arbiter of truth and lies, awarded it its coveted “Lie of the Year” title in 2013—five years after rating it “true”—by which time it had become clear that what critics had been saying about ObamaCare was in fact neither scare tactics nor fear-mongering but the truth.

It was certainly a consequential falsehood—one that in 2009-10 helped shore up what little popular support there was for ObamaCare and perhaps persuaded some doubtful Democrats to vote for it.

Yet, even as it was exposed, no one, as far as I recall, was saying the president should be prohibited from contributing to national discussions on a major tech platform.

You don’t promote truth by banning error. You don’t have a monopoly on truth in the first place, and you may discover your “truths” are errors or lies. Even if you’re right, and epistemically 100% certain, it doesn’t give you the authority to ban someone from saying something different.

The only proven effective way to counter bad information is with good information. The only way to overcome lies is with truth.


Hillary is a liar and more.  That was an established fact a long time ago.  The question is whether she will ever meet justice?

Behind those dark glasses is a darker soul and a pair of lying eyes.


Durham unmasks alliance between media, Democrat dirt diggers that triggered false Russia story

Source: Just the News

Special Counsel John Durham has obtained hundreds of emails between Clinton campaign operatives and journalists that spread "unverified derogatory information" about Donald Trump, spawning the false Russia collusion narrative shortly before Election Day 2016. They've now been made public in court filings.

13x13x1READ MORE

Durham Alerts Judge to Federal Ruling Against Hillary Clinton, DNC

Cliff May believes even Biden is not as stupid as the Iranians think:


Iran’s rulers may be demanding too much even for Biden


You would think yesterday's  (April 4) riots were those of White Supremacists but they could not have been because they were too organized, the signs were so well done and co-incided perfectly with the purposeful leak.  How dare radical leftists steal the thunder from the nut cases on the right.

Now, what does NPR have to say?


Yesterday's leaked draft opinion suggesting the Supreme Court is ready to overturn Roe v. Wade prompted strong emotions and nationwide protests. Stay up to date and make sense of the aftermath with NPR's coverage: 
➡️ The leaked draft is not the Supreme Court's final decision and justices could still change their votes. But here's what could happen if Roe v. Wade is overturned.
➡️ The leak will have wide-ranging ramifications for U.S. politics — from pressure to end the filibuster to more distrust of the confirmation process.
➡️ If Roe is overturned, the decision to provide abortion rights would fall to state governments. Here's how Democrat-led states have been preparing for that possibility.
Patience said John Nolte:

The devastation done to the Woke Gestapo at Disney, Netflix, Twitter, and CNN is glorious proof that raw power is inferior to common sense.

As you know, my mantra since the Woke Terror began has been: Hang in there. This won’t last. I was confident of this for two reasons: 1) Woke is a violation of human nature, and 2) this is still America.

Now, if you spend all your time on social media and consuming cable news, including Fox News, you are not aware America is still America. But once you escape that toxic echo chamber and spend some time in the real world with real people, you will discover that Americans of all stripes are just like you. They just want to be entertained. They don’t care about skin color. They find people whose entire identity is based on what they do with their sex organs obnoxious and tiresome. Oh, and you’d better leave their children the fuck alone.

And because this is still America, the woke cretins are at long last getting what they have coming to them.

Let’s start with CNN…

For more than a decade, I’ve been telling you CNN’s power is a mirage. CNN is not popular. In fact, CNN is a punchline out here in the real world. Mention CNN in a waiting room, and people start to laugh. What artificially props CNN up is a left-wing affirmative action program called “cable TV,” where suckers like you continue to pay a fortune every month to cable channels that hate you. That’s how CNN stays in business. It has nothing to do with merit. I also told you that if CNN was ever forced to survive in a real market economy, it could not survive.

Well, CNN+ was forced to survive in the real market economy and lasted only three weeks. Lol.

CNN is a woke, left-wing propaganda outlet that spreads conspiracy theories and political violence, and it just got punched in the face by America.


The Woke Nazis at Twitter have watched their stock drop from $70 per share in July of last year to $33 per share in February. Why? Because it’s a dishonest company run by childish bullies, and this is still America. The Twitter Era is over, and the smart money knows it. You cannot run a company like Twitter runs Twitter. You can’t blacklist the President of the United States and welcome the Taliban and the President of Russia. You can’t have arbitrary censorship rules that sound like a mean little kid making it up as they go along. You can’t interfere in America’s presidential election using lies about a “hacked” laptop when everyone knew it was real.

Two things are going to happen to Twitter. Either Elon Musk will succeed with his takeover bid and right the free speech ship, or one of Twitter’s competitors will break through. Regardless, Twitter’s era as a growth company is over.


Netflix had it all… Netflix not only invented the idea of streaming TV but Netflix also figured out what it had before anyone else and immediately borrowed billions of dollars to create exactly what it needed: original content no competitor could take away from them.

But what did Netflix go and do? First, it spent those billions of dollars on hundreds of woke shows and movies no one watches. As a Netflix Streaming subscriber going back into the 2000s, it is simply remarkable to open the Netflix portal and gander at a $10 billion pile of shit. Second, Netflix gave that grotesque, sex-obsessed fetishist Ryan Murphy $300 million to create something around a dozen flops. Third, they went after our kids with that indefensible Cuties movie. And now, every Netflix show and movie is gay, transsexual, white guilt, environmental hectoring from smugly unattractive characters—which is why, whenever you look at Netflix’s top ten, it’s ten-year-old box office disappointments like Cleaner (2007) and The Call (2013) always topping Netflix’s original content. The result…?

In the last six months., Netflix’s stock price has tumbled from $671 to $215. The company is also starting to shred subscribers.

The fix is easy… Grow up, Netflix, and behave like a studio instead of a mewling gerbil to The Talent. Produce content people actually want to watch. Although it holds all the cards, Netflix is constantly bending over to please The Talent when The Talent is mostly made up of a bunch of self-involved, self-important babies who wouldn’t know the Real World if it kissed them on the mouth.


Finally, there’s Disney… A company built on the wonderful idea of preserving and protecting the innocence of children while teaching them healthy values to help them grow into well-adjusted adults. That same Disney just pulled the most self-destructive bait-and-switch in history.

This company is so lacking in self-awareness, so out of touch with the real world, it just stormed out of the closet to out itself as a mob of child predators and groomers determined to sexualize five-year-olds through its content and political action.

Disney is now run and staffed by sexual degenerates who will not stop until every single American child has been traumatized into one of them: an unhappy, neurotic, damaged, shallow, bullying, narcissistic freak whose sole identity is defined by their sex life.

The damage Disney has done to its reputation is permanent. The stock price is plummeting. The era of Disney as a growth company has come to an end. Also, thanks to Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), the corporate welfare and sweetheart deals Disney enjoyed have been revoked. No longer can Disney use millions of dollars that should go to taxpayers to defile our children.

All of the above was inevitable, and I promise you there is more to come.

Despite the corporate media’s gaslighting campaign to make you feel outnumbered, you are not. This is still America.


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