‘My Heart Burns’: Thousands Attend Funerals of Three Israeli Fathers Killed in Elad Terror Attack
Every box of raisins is a tragic tale of grapes that could have been wine.
During the pandemic, they say we can have gatherings with up to eight people without issues. I don't even know eight people without issues.
Theme parks can snap a crystal-clear picture of you on a roller coaster going 70 mph, but bank cameras can't get a clear shot of a robber standing still.
The more I get to know people, the more I realize why Noah only let animals on the ark.
Facial recognition software can pick a person out of a crowd but the vending machine at work can't recognize a dollar bill with a bent corner.
When all this pandemic stuff is over, I still plan to wear a mask. It hides the perpetual look of annoyance I have for most people.
I never make the same mistake twice. I do it like, five or six times, you know, to make sure.
My train of thought went off the rails.
I know it's time to clean out my purse when my car assumes it's an extra passenger who isn't wearing a seat belt.
In the 1950s I fell off my bike and hurt my knee. I'm telling you this now because we didn't have social media then.
Some people seem to have aged like fine wine. I aged like milk ... I got sour and chunky.
I still have a full deck, I just shuffle slower.
: A PICTURE SPEAKS A THOUSAND WORDS, many pictures even more. It is not amazing that when politicians see billions of dollars oozing from one's pocket somehow they just gravitate in that direction. When Soros dies he will rule America from th grave through his two sons.How do you wake up low information voters? The majority of Americans wouldn’t know who the unfamiliar face is in every photo until they got to the end and was shown
This is a case of "suspicion confirmed". In case you wondered about the underpinnings of the Democrat party.
So who is really running the DNC? Want to guess? We must stand together against this globalist socialist.
Many don't like Trump's style, but look what he has accomplished, with the media, the deep state against him.
I will take results over style every time. If we lose our country now, it will change forever.
Alexander Soros and Barrack Hussein Obama (in case you didn't recognize him (left).
Eric Holder and .....
One would think, now that Republicans have swapped places with Democrats in terms of who they represent the mass media, which claims to care about the middle class and minorities, would embrace Republicans. After all, Democrats now represent California Technology Fat Cats and have downgraded Blacks and Hispanics, if one traces their policies.
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