Sunday, May 29, 2022

Israel Attacks. Recovery Update. Madison Warned Us. Did We Listen? Current Economic Misery Planned?


Israel Launches Devastating Drone Strike on Top-Secret Iran Military Base

Recovery update: Once again I can state hip surgery is preferable to knee surgery. Basically all you do, post preparation, is some simple exercises in bed and walk. I still use my walker but I am at the stage where I also do some house walking with no implement. Monday, May 30, I begin my 5th week and in another week or so should be able to drive and several months from now, if not before, I will take some  tennis lessons to see if I can/should return to the courts.  I might also so to a physical therapist for a check on my stability.  Pain level never was above 5.  I am averse to medicines so I only took a few days of pain narcotics.

Charlie Hope was my surgeon and is one of the best.  Again I thanks all for their good wishes, cards and e mails.

My breathing issues have also begun to clear and, except for my "shake and bake" vest function, I hope to be back to a more or less normal life.  Again, I owe so much to Giff Lorenz, Barry Luskey and Joe De Haven.  All great friends and excellent doctors.


Madison warned us. Did we listen?


As James Madison wrote in Federalist No. 14, "In the first place, it is to be remembered, that the general government is not to be charged with the whole power of making and administering laws. Its jurisdiction is limited to certain enumerated objects, which concern all the members of the republic, but which are not to be attained by the separate provisions of any."

And what are those enumerated powers? Most can be found in Article I of the Constitution.

Briefly they are: power to lay and collect taxes, pay debts and provide for common defense and general welfare, borrow money, regulate commerce with foreign nations, establish uniform rules of naturalization, and uniform laws on bankruptcies, coin money and regulate its value, fix the standard of weights and measures, provide for punishment of counterfeiting, establish post roads and offices, promote progress of science and useful arts by establishing copyright laws, constitute tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court, define and punish piracies and felonies on the high seas, declare war, raise armies, provide and maintain a navy and make rules for government and regulation of the land and naval forces, provide for calling forth the militia and for arming, organizing and disciplining it and to make laws necessary to execute those powers.

There are very few others found in other places of the Constitution.

As Madison wrote, anything the government does beyond those enumerated powers means government is overreaching. And it's this overreach that has finally begun to draw the ire of many—including those who were a part of the Tea Party movement.

Our Founders wanted to limit government because they saw how oppressive it could become. The future they saw and warned against is our present war against government overreach.

Unfortunately, many of today's voting-age Americans have never even read the U.S. Constitution. Apparently, most civics classes in public schools today dwell on other things. So, far too many people have no clue how far their government has overreached and taken away their liberty.

Progressives in media, Big Tech, and politics often insist that the government designed by our Founding Fathers, as expressed in the Constitution, is flawed and outdated.

How should defenders of the Constitution, like you and me, respond?

A few early champions of the Constitution — Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison — have given you the guide: The Federalist Papers.

I'd like to send you our entire 10-lesson course, "The Federalist Papers,"on DVD today with a donation of $100 or more to Hillsdale College.

Click here to order your copy of "The Federalist Papers" today.

But here's the truth: The Constitution gives the three branches of government certain enumerated powers. Those not enumerated are reserved to the states, and to the people.

Very few people truly understand this truth, even though I and other Libertarians have been saying it for many years while enduring ridicule and disdain all the while — including Ron Paul, who is no longer in congress. My critics disparage those of us who speak of the District of Columbia as if it were a sewer. (It is!) And they criticize those who want to eliminate such unconstitutional and intrusive federal agencies as the Department of Education, Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Energy, Housing and Urban Development, etc.

In fact, this belief in self and local governments and States' rights apparently makes those of us in the liberty movement are possible "domestic terrorists" according to the Department of Un-Justice. But we are merely normal, everyday Americans concerned about the course of government. We are not terrorists seeking a building to blow up. This is merely another fear being stoked in order to remove more of our liberties and put more power in the hands of Big Government.

Reverse the government curse

Human liberty can only exist or be restored with an accurate perception of reality. Mind distorting fictions of government must be exposed. To do otherwise is to keep us dependent on an ivory tower mysticism based on lies and the duplicity of politicians and bureaucrats.

Government is a parasite cult, organized, and disguised behind a peculiar language of code words and phrases that wants to control your life and transfer your wealth to itself..

Nothing significant in our lives can or will happen unless and until we challenge our mental processes to investigate the morality and philosophy of government.

We have a great challenge but also a responsibility to free our minds from entangling myths that dominate our thoughts. Remember these so that you can live as free as possible:

Your rights do not come from government. They are not "granted." Your rights are inalienable, and natural.

Individuals are free and self-sovereign. You are in full control of your life and family. You can speak freely on any subject, and worship however your conscience dictates.

There is no money of account, only a credit system created by government. This voodoo can only be understood as we continue to demystify the facts of government credit creation — that it creates fiat "credit" through the Federal Reserve and regulates it through the IRS.

You are controlled by keeping you sick. All so-called medicine in the United States is controlled by the pharmaceuticals. Medical research is about looking and never finding cures because that would interrupt the revenue stream. And they would prosecute anybody who claims to find a cure.

The separation of you from your assets begins with your volunteering private information to the government. Information is to government what blood is to a vampire.

The greatest enemy of government is the individual. In order to defeat government control, the answer is to be an individualist. Ignore the party line. Parties are only interested in building their power base and collecting your money.

Understand that what the government feeds you under the guise of information, you don't need. Search out the alternative media. Read books and publications like The Bob Livingston Letter® that enlighten, and challenge government conformity and conventional wisdom.

Yours for the truth,

Bob Livingston

Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter®


Is the current economic misery all planned and purposeful to achieve the goal of radical progressives and Democrats?


Our Economic Misery Isn’t an Accident, It’s the Plan

The Left doesn’t want you to be able to drive, buy a home, or enjoy a burger.

By Daniel Greenfield, FPM

Americans can’t afford to buy a used car or even gas because the Left doesn’t want them to drive. They can’t buy homes because the Left wants to destroy the suburbs and force everyone to live in megacities. They have trouble buying meat because the Left wants them to eat soy.

The same is true for the whole exercise in planned economic misery that we’re experiencing.

Take Hoover’s “A chicken in every pot and a car in every garage” and reverse it. That’s the goal. What we’re living through is not an unintentional accident: it’s the American Holodomor.

The Left doesn’t want you to be able to drive, buy a home, or enjoy a burger.

Naive Republicans will say that, “Biden is not paying enough attention to the border” or “Biden is not paying enough attention to inflation”.

That’s like saying Jack the Ripper wasn’t paying enough attention to cutting up prostitutes.

2 million illegal aliens are expected to invade America because the Biden administration is paying a whole lot of attention to keeping the border open. That’s why it’s busy fighting in court to dump Title 42 so that every illegal alien who crosses the border will be sure to come here.

When an administration makes increasing the flow of illegal aliens a core legal priority for the DOJ, that means it’s paying a whole lot of attention to it. Much like Jack paid a lot of attention to ladies of the evening. The Biden administration doesn’t believe that there should be a border.

That’s why the border is open wider than Biden’s brain on a Tuesday night.

There are predictions that gas will hit $6 a gallon nationwide by the summer because the Biden administration has worked hard to raise energy prices and create artificial shortages. Biden’s people just got through once again sabotaging oil and gas leases because they want higher energy prices. $6 a gallon is not the result of political inattentiveness, that is the plan.

Inflation isn’t an unintentional accident either. The Left spends like drunken sailors to feed its agenda, but also because spending is an innate good in the Cloward-Piven sense. Devalue money and you wipe out the middle class. Then you can reboot the economy on new terms.

Biden wasted trillions of dollars and is busy blaming “corporate greed” for high prices.

Meanwhile, inflation is doing what it’s meant to do, wiping out savings, and triggering retaliatory interest rate hikes to “cool down” the economy. The middle class ends up poorer and more vulnerable, government dependency rises and social mobility falls. Socialism starts looking better every day. That’s how it worked in the twentieth century and still works today.

All of this is terrible for Biden’s poll numbers, but that’s only a problem for Hunter Biden and whatever Chinese, Ukrainian or American oligarchs are paying his crack bills this week..

Picking a dementia patient for the presidency was always a suicide mission. Republicans are somewhat right in that Biden really isn’t paying attention to the economy or much of anything else. On a good day he can mumble his way through a teleprompter and then go back down to the basement for some ice cream. It’s the radical leftists around him who call the shots.

Putting Senator Elizabeth Warren in the White House would have led to the same programs, but the blame would have been directed at the Left. This way, the Left gets its agendas through while the blame falls on the most out-of-it leader of a major world power since King George III.

The Left is wearing Biden like a skin suit and will casually discard him when it’s done. That’s why the media is suddenly interested in that “Russian disinformation” about Hunter’s laptop.

Biden was dumb enough to think he had finally made it, when he was just the Left’s fall guy.

And while he may be incapable of paying attention to anything, his administration is cheering every price increase. The worse life gets for us, the closer the Left gets to its core agendas.

High gas prices aren’t “Putin’s price hike”, but they’re not even “Biden’s price hike”, they’re the “Left’s price hike”. Car and gas prices are meant to squeeze Americans out of car ownership. It’s such an unsubtle ploy that administration members will actually boast about it. And then they’ll urge Americans to buy $60,000 electric cars that they know people can’t afford.

The utterly blatant goal is to eliminate millions of cars by making it too expensive to drive.

And Democrats are working on this on multiple ends, from environmental and safety regulations, to raising gas prices, to artificial car shortages. Even those who can afford an electric car or get a government subsidized one will be kept off the road by high power rates.

Home prices? The Left has spent generations trying to kill the suburbs and the housing market. Much as it’s worked very hard to wipe out private sector medicine by using the stresses of the system against it. Making the private market for a good or service completely inaccessible for the vast majority of people paves the way for nationalizing it. The Left does not want people living in smaller communities. It has plainly said that everyone should have to live in cities.

Taking out the home and car markets are both means of limiting mobility and forcibly concentrating populations in dense urban clusters under their panopticons. These are the same strategies used by the Soviet Union and Communist China. And have the same intended end.

Food prices? The Left has been equally adamant that ordinary people must stop eating meat. Replacing traditional staples like bread and meat, milk and eggs, is another agenda item and was once again pursued through a combination of regulations, environmental, safety and animal rights measures, and more artificial shortages that are meant to transform the American diet.

You won’t be able to eat, drive or have a home to live in… and you will be told to be happy.

Or else.

This is not a conspiracy theory. The only assumption being made here is that the Left is achieving its stated goals as the result of a plan rather than a series of accidental coincidences.

Too many Republicans are failing to hold the Left accountable by refusing to state what is going on. Hanlon’s Razor, “never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity” is fine when it’s not being applied to an ideology that is achieving its objectives through its actions.

That’s not a conspiracy theory, it’s policy.

Pasting Biden’s “I Did It” stickers on gas pumps is fine, but he’s completely expendable.

If Americans don’t understand that our misery isn’t an accident or incompetence, but part of a plan then the downward cycle will continue to play out with increasingly worse outcomes.

Until the Left finally gets what it wants. And then the rest of us won’t have anything left.

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.



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