Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Do You Really Want Our Government To Control Speech? Our Two Faced Incompetent, Worthless President. You Decide. Inflation Has Not Peaked.


Homeland Security's "Disinformation Board" is

 Even More Pernicious Than it Seems

The power to decree what is "disinformation" now determines what can and cannot be discussed on the internet. It is now in the hands of trained disinformation agents of the U.S. Security State.

By Glenn Greenwald


Israel National News: Jonathan Pollard - Israel is Heading to Disaster

By Jonathan Pollard

(MAY 5, 2022 / ARUTZ SHEVA) After all the years I spent [in prison], the natural inclination is to try to focus on rebuilding my life. That is what my beloved wife Esther and I tried to do during that one year of grace we were given together here, and that is what I am trying to do now after I lost her.

But the clear knowledge of the disaster that we are leading ourselves to, with the images of the past few months, and in particular the gut-wrenching massacre in Elad, leave me no peace.

I simply cannot remain silent any longer.

For decades, Esther went in my stead to be with the families of fallen IDF soldiers and terror victims during their most difficult moments. I don't understand how she was able to stand it. Ever since her passing, I have been trying to follow in her footsteps, but I am haunted by the faces of relatives who have lost everything, and I tremble with a handshake; a hug at a funeral leaves my body and soul trembling, especially since, like them and like everyone else, I cannot flee the knowledge this loss could have been prevented.

During the 30 years I was in prison, I lived with incredible fear and concern for my life. I had to have eyes in the back of my head. I couldn’t sleep at night, concerned that someone would enter my room and stab either me or my roommate to death. I had to always carry a knife and be prepared to use it without hesitation. I constantly had to witness the horrible deaths of other people - especially my friends, that occurred suddenly and without warning. In prison, the most frustrating thing of all had to do with the fact that the officials in charge of protecting us, were basically scared of the violent prisoners and accommodated them as much as possible.

Put plainly, our administrators wanted peace at any cost, even if it meant that innocent people were murdered without serious consequences to those who attacked them.

We couldn’t even rely upon the guards to protect us because they didn’t want an inmate injured by them taking them to court. I quickly learned that we didn’t have a right to self-defense under any circumstances. People can’t believe me when I tell them that we were always wrong if we tried to defend ourselves. And those who did were always punished excessively in order to make the point that they were no better than their assailants. It was total insanity.

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Our consoling president is a two faced hypocrite. The entire leadership of the radical Democrats are in sync because they have nothing , by way of accomplishments, to offer voters so they act petulant because it plays to the media which loves being in bed with those who make news and keep the entertaining dollars rolling into the corporation coffers who control our lives with biased reporting.

I watched a recent program by Marc Levine exposing the facts about the New York Time's regarding their Station Chiefs reporting  during the Hitler and Stalin years.

The NYT's reporting from Berlin and Moscow where sympathetic to Hitler and Stalin and the Ochs-Sulzberger families were totally aware.  The NYT's ignored the Holocaust and starvation in The Ukraine though other news reporting organizations which were reporting what was actually happening.

The NYT's continues it's questionable history of hypocrisy and false news to this very day.


Radical liberals are using America's court/judicial system to keep Trump's life in turmoil. It has nothing to do with the appropriate use of our legal system.  It is simply thuggish efforts at payback just as the attacks are on SCOTUS Justice's because pathetic liberals are fearful ROE v Wade might be overturned.

Free speech to them is appropriate when it helps them have their way.  If not, they resort to rioting, physical abuse, intimidation and, as they are now doing, harassing public officials, particularly members of law enforcement, who they want defunded so their protests can be more effective.

If in the coming mid year elections the nation does not soundly defeat the Democrat Party and blow them out of control of both the House and Senate it will be a tragically lost opportunity to right the nation's ship of state.


You decide:https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2022/05/if_we_cannot_secure_voting_we_will_perish.html

As for myself, I believe it is beating a dead mule.  Time to move on and win the mid-term elections.


Again, you decide:https://melaniephillips.substack.com/p/a-womans-right-to-intimidate?token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDc5MjYzMywicG9zdF9pZCI6NTQxOTcyODUsIl8iOiI1S0NaaiIsImlhdCI6MTY1MjEyOTg2MiwiZXhwIjoxNjUyMTMzNDYyLCJpc3MiOiJwdWItNzc2NTUiLCJzdWIiOiJwb3N0LXJlYWN0aW9uIn0.NMbLT7HLfbnqzNwphbutitlre_dOax0y4LN2Ohfzvyo&s=r

A woman's right ... to intimidate?

In the imminent Supreme Court ruling on Roe v Wade, more is at stake than women's rights

By Melanie Phillips


Yes, the idea of endorsing truth is a good one but Harvard and the Ivy Leagues only believe in fund raising, growing and ignoring truth because their faculties are predominantly biased. Most university and college administrators are gutless, costly and worthless.


The speech president Lawrence Bacow of Harvard University needs to give

He ought to remind his students that the student newspaper’s endorsement of BDS violates his university’s principle of “veritas.”

Dr. Rachel Fish and Aviva Klompas

As the president of Harvard University, it is important for me to speak to you today about the responsibilities that we carry as members of this institution.

As students, you have earned the right to attend one of the world’s most esteemed universities. The Harvard name evokes intellectual rigor, thoughtful inquiry and the righteous pursuit of truth. Indeed, the telos of our university is veritas—truth. It is etched into our brick archways, and we wear it emblazoned above our hearts each time we don a Harvard shirt.

It is a source of immense pride that this institution produces generational leaders across every conceivable discipline. Our graduates shape the laws, policies, education and character of this nation. To mangle an idiom, what happens at Harvard does not stay at Harvard.

The diploma that you receive is accompanied by both opportunity and responsibility. That is why, in addition to your academic pursuits, we impress upon you our core values. They reflect our hopes for how you will conduct yourselves here on campus, but more importantly, how you will conduct yourselves as citizens of the world.

Respect for the rights, differences and dignity of others, honesty and integrity in all dealings, conscientious pursuit of excellence in one’s work, accountability for actions and conduct in the community, and responsibility for the bonds and bridges that enable all to grow with and learn from one another.

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Hamas, Hezbollah and Palestinians never learn, don't mess with bee hives:


IDF opens largest training drill in Israeli history

"Chariots of Fire" is taking place one year after it was postponed and is set to last the entire month.

As tensions boil over in the West Bank amid a string of deadly terrorist attacks in Israel, the IDF launched the largest exercise in its history on Sunday.

Thousands of soldiers and reservists will take part in the drill, dubbed “Chariots of Fire,” including the air force, navy and regular and reserve forces.

The four-week drill will simulate a multifront and multidimensional war against Israel’s enemies in the air, at sea, on land and on the cyber front.

“There won’t be a unit that doesn’t take part in this drill,” IDF Spokesman Brig.-Gen. Ran Kohav said.

The goal of the drill is to improve the readiness of the entire military and examine the ability of troops to carry out a powerful and prolonged campaign against enemy forces. It will also reveal logistics and firepower issues that soldiers might face in a war.

The drill aims to improve cooperation between the IDF, government ministries, security organizations and civilian bodies, including their capabilities to transition from routine to a full emergency scenario with multiple areas that are constantly evolving.

A “cabinet” was also established to simulate the political echelon that would be an active partner in the decision-making process during war. The cabinet is made up of former reserve officers, including Maj.-Gen. (ret.) Yaakov Amidror and Maj.-Gen. (ret.) Gershon Hacohen.

The drill will also see the implementation of the IDF’s victory concept, emphasizing achieving operational goals at a fast pace, with attacks, defense and multidimensional maneuvering. The military said it would also implement all lessons learned from Operation Guardian of the Walls.

The drill will examine the dilemmas faced by the chief of staff, the General Staff and troops in the battlefield. The exercise will combine two large-scale division exercises of regular and reserve forces from the 162nd Division and the 98th Division.

The drill is unique and unprecedented in scope and will enable the army to maintain a high level of readiness in an ever-changing environment, the IDF said. It aims to improve the military’s capabilities in an intense, multifront and prolonged war on all borders.

Alongside the massive exercise, the military will continue with its operation to thwart terrorist attacks, the IDF said in a statement.

“Along with the exercise, the IDF’s paramount mission is to protect the security of the citizens of the State of Israel,” it said. “IDF forces will continue to carry out offensive activities to thwart terrorism and will work to strengthen the defenses along the Seam Line as part of Operation Break the Wave.”

The IDF believes it is unlikely Hezbollah will attack Israel in the near future, but the northern border remains the most explosive. Both sides have warned that the next conflict would be devastating.

Hezbollah has an estimated arsenal of 130,000-150,000 missiles and rockets, the majority which face Israel’s home front and strategic infrastructure.

A war with the terrorist group would see intensive rocket fire against the home front, and the military, including the IAF, wants to improve its ability to strike targets deep inside enemy territory with the help of ground forces.


Unless inflation has peaked, which I do not believe it has, then the market still has further momentum on the downside in my opinion. I do believe we are in the bottoming process.

When Congress re-altered the inflation index food and energy were deleted, so add another 2% plus to the current figure of 7 plus %.

Biden does not know what to do about inflation he, the Democrat Congress and The Fed caused. The man is utterly incompetent and worthless.



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