Monday, May 2, 2022

Rarity of Truth. Disinformationists and My Thoughts For What They Are Worth. Putin Has Cancer? People Fuming?

Makes sense to me!

'Truth is hard to come by these days making it ever more meaningful when it happens:


Hallelujah! UN official tells the truth about Palestinian violence

God bless Tor Wennesland!

By Barry Shaw, The View from Israel.

This Norwegian UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process told the truth.

This is a rare quality among UN officials when it comes to getting to the heart of why there is no progress to peace with the Palestinians: they always point the finger of blame at Israel, and never at the perpetrators of hate and violence.

Mr. Wennesland is a brave exception.

His report  identified what really happened on the Temple Mount during Ramadan and Passover and pointed to the real perpetrators.

“On 15 April, during the early morning hours, a large number of Palestinians gathered at the Al Aqsa compound. Some Palestinians threw stones, fireworks, and other heavy objects toward Israeli Security Forces. (snip)

Several dozen Palestinians entered a mosque in the compound, with some continuing to throw stones and fireworks toward Israeli security forces.”

Following a standoff with those inside, Israeli police entered the mosque and arrested those barricaded inside, but not without a fight.

"During the clashes,” he reported, "some damage was caused to the structure of the mosque.”

He went on to report that Israeli forces only entered the Al Aqsa Mosque after the rioting Palestinians had barricaded themselves inside.

And Tor Wennesland actually praised the Israeli police, who were only attempting to restore law and order so that thousands of Muslims could peacefully pray atop the Temple Mount as part of their Ramadan rituals, thus confirming what every Israeli watching TV news already knew, that Israeli officials had “reiterated their commitment to upholding the status quo and ensuring that only Muslims would be allowed to pray on the holy esplanade.”

So, no Jews with their "filthy feet" came to "desecrate Islam's holy places,"  as claimed by Mahmoud Abbas in a previous incitement, but instead violent Arab rioters were desecrating their own holy shrines by using the Al Aksa Mosque as a weapons and explosive storage facility to launch attacks on law enforcement officers after pelting Jewish worshipers with dangerous missiles, thereby damaging religious property at the most holy sites for Islam, Judaism and Christianity.

Mr. Wennesland's report includes the fact that when Muslim dawn prayers ended around 6:30 a.m., hundreds of Palestinian youths began throwing rocks and fireworks stored in the Al Aksa Mosque at Jewish worshipers below the Temple Mount praying at the Western Wall.

Many were waving Hamas flags and chanted “Death to the Jews!” There are photographs and video images to prove this to be true. 

And when the police arrived to restore order, they barricaded themselves inside the mosque and began to launch explosive devices at the police outside, setting fire to property and trees. 

Police only entered the mosque to quell the violence and arrest the attackers.

Tor Wennesland's report, together with the evidence, should be sent to the Western media who falsely portrayed the unfolding events to cast Israel in a bad light.

Oe example was CNN's Christiane Amanpour who pointed an accusatory finger at her guest, Israeli Prime Minister, Naftali Bennett, by talking about "the rise of violence" by "settler terrorism," and accusing the Israeli police of "storming Islam's third most holy site," giving her viewers a false and blatantly one-sided narrative shaking her head in denial when the Prime Minister responded by telling her, "There you go again, starting the story in the middle."

Why is it that news purveyors always give Israel a bad rap after we suffer losses from Palestinian terrorists and Hamas rockets?

What can we expect from the mainstream media in America that treats their own law enforcement like dirt promoting the “Defund the Police” rioters?

Why should they show more sympathy for Israeli police trying to quell Arab riots and violence at the most holy place on earth for the three main religions?

But this is the narrative we suffer from in Israel when Israelis are targeted for death by rioters and terrorists and our and our security forces are required to respond.

Have you noticed that when we respond to intense rocket fire we do so “disproportionately," or there is a need to search through the rubble for "war crimes" or "crimes against humanity"?

There is, it seems, no humanity for dead Israelis, no war crimes for Palestinian rocket firing terror groups, just as hundreds of dead black kids go unnamed and unmentioned by the mainstream media when they are slaughtered on the streets of Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore and too many other communities in America.

America is caught in a problem that allows the dangerous and deadly to rule the streets. Why should they apply anything different to Israel?

When violence is appeased and excused by the information providers and the blatantly biased, this is where truth and morality go to die.


Radicals , like the tide, roll in one wave after the other. They come in like lurching  tigers ready to pounce once their predecessor has been confronted:. I liken them to the "battery bunny."


The New Disinformationists

By Victor Davis Hanson 

We have seven more months before the midterms. Expect more disinformation ministries, censorious czars, and

hack grandees to emerge.

The Biden Administration feels that it must now use federal resources to attack “disinformation.” So the Department of Homeland Security recently announced the creation of a “disinformation governance board.”

The board’s executive director, Nina Jankowicz, at least has clear qualifications for the post. She previously had spread false rumors on social media that Donald Trump voters would show up at the polls in 2020 armed, and joined the mob’s chorus that Hunter Biden’s laptop was “Russian disinformation.” Perhaps the idea behind her hiring was “it takes one to know one.”

Although the new board’s mandate is unclear, the idea seems to be that Jankowicz and her colleagues will use the federal government’s powers to adjudicate what Americans say as either true or false—and to suppress as “disinformation” anything it doesn’t find useful.

The new war against “disinformation” follows the narratives of the “insurrection” on January 6, the “democracy dies in darkness” return of Donald Trump, and Vladimir Putin as a mastermind gasoline price-spiker. Such narratives are intended to distract us from the Biden disaster and the ongoing assault against constitutional freedom. 

When things turn south for the administration, Barack Obama—a sagging Netflix’s $50-million “idea man”—usually emerges from one of his three mansions in Hawaii, Martha’s Vineyard, or Kalorama to lecture clingers and deplorables on various threats they pose to the anointed. 

His sermons usually project his own transgressions. Recently, Obama went to Stanford University, in the heart of Silicon Valley, to admonish us that new free speech platforms might tolerate incorrect expression that he and the Left smear as “hate speech.” 

But is not Barack Obama ill-suited to lecture anyone on disinformation? Do we remember his Obamacare version of disinformation: “You can keep your doctor; you can keep your plan”? Do we recall “shovel-ready jobs”?

Obama was caught secretly promising Russian leader Dmitry Medvedev that the United States would deal away missile defense in Eastern Europe for Vladimir Putin’s good behavior (“but it’s important for him to give me space”) during his 2012 reelection bid. Was this transparency or another example of how, but for a hot mic, “democracy dies in darkness”? Could Eastern Europeans have used such a discarded anti-missile system today?

Who employed the misinformationist Christopher Steele to slander presidential candidate Donald Trump? Was it James Comey’s FBI? Or Hillary Clinton’s campaign? Or the Democratic National Committee? Or the Perkins Coie legal firm? Or Fusion GPS? Or all combined? And which president was briefed regularly on his administration’s disinformation war against Trump?

For that matter, which media company banned any coverage of the Hunter Biden laptop story? Jeff Bezos’ Washington Post? Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook? Jack Dorsey’s Twitter? 

Or all of them?

Projection is a left-wing trademark. What it accuses in others reveals what it seeks to hide within itself. So when we hear Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas announcing this war on disinformation, we suspect he is our master disinformationist. Is it not his agency that is airlifting illegal aliens in the dead of night to regional airports rather than transparently, in the light of day? Is that “disinformation dies in darkness”?

What happened to the Biden Administration’s furious charges that the mounted border patrol was “whipping” innocent illegal aliens? When a federal investigation cleared the accused, did Mayorkas correct his own administration’s disinformation and apologize?

Who should we expect next to lecture the nation on the dangers of “disinformation”? A paroled and once-leftist heartthrob Michael Avanetti? Joe Biden himself on his own supposed ignorance of Hunter’s cronies? CNN and MSNBC on Hunter Biden’s “Russian disinformation” laptop? 

Will Anthony Fauci weigh in on the nonexistence of federal funding for gain-of-function research at Wuhan? Will Robert Mueller reemerge to restate yet again that he never knew anything of the Steele dossier? Will James Comey go back under oath to claim another 245 times he cannot remember? Will John Brennan lie a third time under oath before Congress, James Clapper a second time, or Andrew McCabe mislead a fourth federal investigator? 

What about those 51 former intelligence officials who convinced voters before the election that Hunter’s laptop was “Russian disinformation”? Would Nina Jankowicz rule their letter of expertise “information,” “misinformation,” or “disinformation”? 

Or perhaps we could hear warnings of organized misinformation from those blue-chip “17 Nobel Prize-winning economists” who vouched in a letter that Biden’s massive “Build Back Better” plan would not contribute to inflation that was indeed already ignited and beginning to blow up the economy?

Perhaps ex-felon and FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith could serve on the disinformation board, considering his keen eye for altered federal documents that advance false narratives. Hillary Clinton would also be a good candidate given her expertise in hiring sleuths like Michael Sussman to conjure phony Alfa-Bank stories?

So what are the catalysts for this sudden assault on free speech? Why is the Left now so worried after holding all the reins of power for 15 months? Why their embarrassing new Nineteen Eighty-Four-like Ministry of Information and Truth? And again, why no

First, the looming midterms well may see the greatest repudiation of leftwing politics in the last 100 years. Rarely do hardcore leftists gain the reins of the Senate, House, and presidency. And more rarely are the Democrats foolish enough to go full socialist and emulate failed statist regimes abroad. And yet they have now done both—and have managed to alienate much of the country. 

Rarest of all is to have both a president and vice president who are force multipliers of the disasters that ensue from their policies. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are no JFK, Bill Clinton, or Barack Obama. Instead, they make Jimmy Carter seem Ciceronian in comparison. 

The one cognitively diminished, the other blindly confident in her puerile ignorance, only add to the public anger over their disastrous 15 months. Surging crime, a nonexistent border, historic inflation, sky-high energy prices, record deficits and debt, racial polarization and appeasement, war, and humiliation abroad were all self-inflicted catastrophes, the logical bitter fruit of a diseased socialist tree. So fear of not just losing in November but also losing in humiliating fashion has made the Left more desperate than usual.

Second, leftwing politics are the operational face of a much larger social and cultural revolution that has also sickened the public and alienated the majority of voters—and also is about to “circle back” on its creators.

The media, Silicon Valley, CEOs, deep state, Wall Street, academia, Hollywood, and professional sports represent a vision of the future of America that most voters do not want. The scolding faces of the rich and pampered political, corporate deep state, and celebrity progressive crowd—Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, John Kerry, the Disney crowd, George Soros, Anthony Fauci or James Comey, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, LeBron James, and Colin Kaepernick—grow wearisome and bore the public. 

This erosion of our culture reflects the growing political discontent in insidious ways: the fall-off of Netflix subscribers, the utter corruption of Black Lives Matter, the humiliation of Disney, the rapid collapse of CNN+, the grassroots revolt against critical race theory and transgender tyranny. 

Third, the Democratic Party no longer exists. It is now hard-left, as sanctimonious as it is shrill. Such zealots will not discard their ideology. Rather they would prefer to embrace dogma and stay unpopular than adopt and gain public approval. 

Do not expect a suddenly closed border, an abrupt resumption of the Keystone XL Pipeline, or a tough new federal crime bill. Do anticipate more wild conspiracy theories, more Russian disinformation, and more Pravda-like ministries.

In this context, the emergence of Elon Musk as the Silicon Valley dragon slayer is emblematic of the ongoing left-wing nightmare. 

As Musk pulls up the shades at Twitter, what are leftists to say: that billionaires should not become media barons, heretofore the pillars of the progressive movement? That suppressing free speech is more popular with the public than liberating expression? That some censorship is better than others?

We have seven more months before the midterms. As the disinformationists see no way out of their self-created Armageddon, expect more disinformation ministries, censorious czars, and hack grandees to emerge from the shadows.

As good Orwellians, they will try to convince us that high gas prices are welcome; negative growth is good; borders are ossified ideas; unaffordable housing aids the economy; inflation can prove useful; a declining stock market is encouraging; crime is a mere construct in the eye of the beholder. 

Anyone who doubts all that will have a rendezvous with Nina Jankowicz. 


Nazi Comparisons


A criminal is wrongfully killed, and “peaceful demonstrations,” which are actually violent riots, break out nationwide. The flag of a radical and violent group is placed next to the national flag on government buildings. Out of fear of being canceled and losing business, individuals and corporations succumb to publicly supporting this violent organization. Mandated behavior is compelled upon threat of arrest by the political elite and leadership. Despite objections from parents, schools begin teaching an alternative “history” and embrace prejudice, anti-Semitism, and sexual permissiveness as part of the school curriculum.

A President overreaches and takes on “emergency powers,” which create an authoritarian regime that demands supportive behavior and calls any criticism “disinformation.” A new agency of the government is created to “fight this disinformation”… an agency that even has access to armed personnel. This new agency is led by a fanatic who is arguably delusional in their own self-perception and fully committed to stopping the dissemination of any information that is not part of the authoritarian narrative. And through it all the media is a willing accomplice, even striking against other media outlets that try to present opposing views.

Sound like a brief recap of the recent past in this country?

The challenge is that this is actually a description of the development of the Nazi regime in Germany almost a century ago.

If this scares you, it should.

What we have recently been experiencing is a direct copy of what brought and kept the Nazis in power and nearly led to the destruction of freedom in the world.

Like the death of George Floyd, Horst Wessel was the spark that Goebbels and Hitler used to motivate “peaceful demonstrations” that were in actuality violent riots funded and planned with the intention of gaining national power through violence and fear. In the same way that the Nazis pressured the German government to fly the Nazi flag next to the German tri-color flag, our State Department has done the same with the acceptance of the BLM flag being flown over federal buildings.

Teaching CRT, the 1619 Project, and values in contradiction to Biblical ethics is not the behavior of only current leftists.  “After the Nazis came to power in 1933, they quickly passed new laws to make public education reflect and teach their nationalist and racial ideologies.” By 1936, 97% of German teachers were members of the National Socialist Teacher’s League and changed the school curricula to reflect Nazi values. Any teacher who disagreed lost their job.

Biden isn’t the first President to take on “emergency powers” to force the populace to follow the mandates of his handlers. Paul von Hindenburg, the President of Germany from 1925 until his death in 1934, under the pressure of his advisors, appointed Hitler the Chancellor of Germany in 1933. He then surrendered even more to Hitler and disbanded the Reichstag, the elected legislature of the German republic.

Yet another parallel is the advanced age and questionable competency of Hindenburg and Biden: Hindenburg was 84 when he seized this power and destroyed democracy in Germany. Even the agenda-driven Wikipedia recognizes how democracy was lost due to President Hindenburg’s seizure through emergency powers. “After the Reichstag Fire Decree, the Enabling Act of 1933 amended the Weimar Constitution to allow Hitler and his government to enact laws (even laws violating the constitution) without going through the Reichstag. Nazi intimidation of the opposition resulted in a vote of 444 to 94

But the latest actions of the DHS and Biden administration in the creation of the Disinformation Governance Board is an even more frightening step towards the fascism of the Nazis a century ago. It is almost identical in purpose and presentation to Joseph Goebbels’ Nazi Ministry of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment, which Goebbels originally wanted to call “The Ministry of Culture and Public Enlightenment”. Its purpose in the Nazi regime was to ensure that all media and education were controlled by the Nazi state, and it had the full support of the Nazi government to enforce its control.

Relate: Biden’s New Disinformation Governance Board Is ALREADY Expanding Its Scope

There is nearly no difference between what the Biden administration and Mayorkas are creating and the Nazi agency that was run by Goebbels. The only difference is that Goebbels was an evil genius, and the proposed head of this new agency, Nina Jankowicz, is simply a self serving tool for her masters who has publicly asked the question of “who she has to f*** to be famous and powerful” and posted multiple videos of herself seeking attention. If there’s any comfort to be found here, it may be that she is a failed theater actress without the calculating brilliance of Goebbels.

As a Rabbi, I have always enjoined all people to be extremely careful about ever making any comparison of modern times with the true evil of Hitler, Goebbels, and Nazi Germany. But even the kind-hearted and compassionate person who always wants to see the best in people (a category in which I include myself) must now recognize these parallels and choose to become active in preventing the Nazis of today, known as “progressive Democrats,” from their quest for total power.

For those people who already embrace liberty and have seen and understood the parallels for a while, it is important that each of us become extremely active in stopping the path that the progressive Democrats want to take us down. With our time, energy, and finances, we must combat this agenda that so closely follows the Nazi path. We must financially support organizations like PJ Media, For United Solutions, The Children’s Defense Fund, the ZOA, and all organizations that are at the forefront of fighting against government mandates and censorship. We need to take control of local and federal government offices away from the progressive Democrats by supporting with both our time and money candidates on the NRCC “On the Radar” list. These men and women like Matt Jacobs, Annie Black, Jay Collins and others have been identified as being real contenders to flip seats in the House. Gubernatorial candidates like Lee Zeldin and Ron DeSantis deserve and need support from all of us, no matter where we live in this nation.

And there is one more task that each of us needs to do in order to wrest power away from the would-be Nazis of the 21st century.

Learn and be able to teach the parallels between the development of the Nazi regime and the pathway of the progressive leftist Democrats. Be able to cite the parallels to liberals and Democrats that you know. Most people, including political liberals, are good people who want a nation of peace and ethics. They simply are unaware and don’t know the similarities between the rise of the Nazis and the current situation. Without getting angry, teach them this history. Use the links and citations in this article and other pieces here on PJ Media to enlighten them about the realities and potential dangers facing all of us. Each liberal you affect with this information is a vote against the progressive Democrats and for a unified nation based on the shared values expressed in our Constitution.

It is dangerous for a Rabbi to compare anything and anyone to the Nazis, but if not a Jewish leader, then who can? It is difficult for anyone to stand against authority, but if we do not, where will be in a few years? What country will be left for our children? It is true that if we do not honestly remember history, we will be doomed, God forbid, to repeat it.

My prayer for all of us is that we have the courage and compassion to stand for what is right, be proactive in making a change for the better, and help others to see the necessity to reclaim the values, practices, and mutual respect this country was founded on.


My thoughts:

Democrats are deciding what gender to worry about. Ukraine is fighting a dictator to save their country from Communism and China keeps increasing it's military prowess.  Iran seeks to destroy Israel with nuclear weapons Obama and Biden allowed them to develop by an executive order that purposely avoids the constitution and requires Senate advise and consent. Every American Institution is under attack by radicals both out and within our government which has been successfully invaded by adversaries.

Meanwhile, the Chinese Government seems to have bought the Biden family's loyalty through financial deals with Hunter, who is the family's dispensing conduit.  Durham labors to indict renegade Democrats who aligned themselves with Hillary to defeat Trump by false claims he was in cahoots with Russia and Putin.

This Gordian Knot will eventually be untied and probably will reveal facts but, because of the long delay, the impact will not be significant and my wife's cynicism will be validated, ie. "so what, who cares, what difference does it make.

"While this is happening, the Biden administration is seeking to establish a department within an existing agency to determine the meaning of words which will radically alter the 1st Amendment.  Instead of Webster's Dictionary, our government is creating the Biden Dictionary so meaning of words will conform more in keeping with what government wants us to think because Democrats cannot control 'we the people" if we think for ourselves.

Old Ben probably had it right when he said we have a republic if we can keep it and we have, apparently, lost the opportunity because we were too busy flirting with fascists and rejecting what has worked for over 2 centuries because color and lives became more important than and supplanted the wisdom of our constitution.

In my above description of the current scene, no doubt, I cut some corners but I believe I laid out the essence of what has occurred. Intellectually. The David Hanson's of the world have and or will do it better but this is my view in my words using The Webster Dictionary before it is outlawed by frightened Democrats who love power more than country.

Now how did we get into this pickle? Well, that too is a complex and a long story which stretches out over several centuries but we allowed radicals to convince us we could do better if we sought equity rather than equality and we allowed discontented radicals to burrow their way into our society using our "God Given Freedoms" and were enjoying until the grass, not "Mary Jane" variety, appeared greener on the other side and we fell for this BS because bad things , which we did not do, happened to black people decades ago.

We also allowed an independent people, a society responsible for its own actions, to become dependent on a growing/omnipotent government and we abdicated the dictates of self rule.  In essence, we screwed up just about everything, because we lowered our guard and allowed malcontents to burrow their way in, they sold us  a bill of goods and we were too enamored with their mesmerizing nonsense. In other words, we got suckered because of intimidation and racial guilt.

So where do we go from here is anyone's guess? Being cynical and pessimistic, I am not overly hopeful. We no longer are as educated as we, perhaps, need to be and we are a very divided nation. Consequently, I believe discord will likely drive our decisions rather than rational reasoning.

As they say, for a want of a nail a nation was lost.


More Biden cupidity and stupidity:


Foil the Financiers of Iran’s Terrorism

The Biden administration believes Tehran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps is a terrorist organization. So why lift sanctions on banks that help fund it?

By Richard Goldberg

Signals out of the White House suggest President Biden won’t give in to Iran’s demand that the U.S. remove Tehran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps from the State Department list of terrorist organizations as a condition for a nuclear deal. But if Mr. Biden believes the IRGC is a terrorist organization, he must go further and withdraw his administration’s offer to lift terrorism sanctions on the group’s top financiers.

When news broke in March that Mr. Biden was considering Iran’s request to take the IRGC off the Foreign Terrorist Organization list, the White House faced outcries from Congress, allies in the Middle East, former U.S. officials and Gold Star Families whose loved ones were killed by the IRGC in Iraq. NBC’s Andrea Mitchell asked Secretary of State Antony Blinken if the IRGC is a terrorist organization. “They are,” Mr. Blinken replied.

The next day at the Senate Armed Services Committee, Gen. Mark Milley faced the same question. “In my personal opinion, I believe the IRGC Quds Force to be a terrorist organization, and I do not support them being delisted from the foreign terrorist organization list,” the Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman said. The Quds Force is one of several branches of the IRGC.

A State Department spokeswoman added last month that “the president shares the chairman’s view that IRGC Quds Forces are terrorists.” A senior administration official told the Washington Post’s David Ignatius that the president “doesn’t intend to concede on the terrorist designation, even though this may be a dealbreaker,” in Mr. Ignatius’s paraphrase.

These sound like clear statements that the IRGC belongs on the list, though they leave open the possibility of a related concession with a similar effect: The administration may remove the IRGC in its entirety from the terror list and replace it with the narrower designation of the IRGC Quds Force—giving a pass to the vast IRGC-controlled business empire that subsidizes Quds Force operations. Either way, given IRGC plots to assassinate current and former U.S. officials, Mr. Biden owes Congress an explanation why he is offering to inject the Quds Force with billions of dollars by lifting terrorism sanctions on the institutions that illicitly fund the organization.

In 2018 the Treasury Department imposed terrorism sanctions on Iran’s Bank Melli and its financial and corporate subsidiaries and partners “for assisting in, sponsoring, or providing financial, material, or technological support” for the Quds Force. The department also imposed sanctions on Bank Tejarat for its financial support of Mahan Air, the force’s preferred airline for support to terror operations.

Less than a year later, the Treasury revealed that the Quds Force had been using the Central Bank of Iran to receive “the vast majority of its foreign currency” since at least 2016. The bank also “facilitated the transfer of several billion U.S. dollars and euros to the IRGC-QF” between 2018 and early 2019. The department imposed terrorism sanctions on both the Central Bank of Iran and Iran’s sovereign-wealth fund, the National Development Fund, which Treasury described as a “slush fund for the IRGC-QF.”

U.S. sanctions officials didn’t stop digging. In 2020, the Treasury imposed terrorism sanctions on Iran’s Ministry of Petroleum, national oil company, tanker company, petrochemical company and other energy entities, citing tens of millions of dollars they directed to the Quds Force.

The Biden administration hasn’t presented any evidence that the Central Bank of Iran, the National Iranian Oil Co. or other banks and companies halted their support to the IRGC or Quds Force. The White House knows these entities fund terrorism but still wants to lift sanctions. The result? Making it easier for a terrorist organization to access and move money—putting U.S. forces, interests and allies in jeopardy.

Mr. Biden’s chief Iran negotiator, Robert Malley, already offered in April 2021 to lift U.S. terrorism sanctions targeting Iran’s central bank and the country’s financial and energy sectors. His argument is that the sanctions were imposed illegitimately—that the Trump administration labeled institutions terrorist entities simply to make it harder for a future administration to lift sanctions as part of a possible nuclear deal. The Obama administration, however, claimed that the U.S. retained the right to impose terrorism sanctions on Iran even under its 2015 nuclear accord.

Lawmakers must intervene. In 2017, while the U.S. was still participating in the Iran deal, Congress nearly unanimously passed a law mandating terrorism sanctions on the IRGC and its affiliates. They should do so again—and prohibit Mr. Biden from lifting sanctions on Iranian institutions financing a terrorist organization’s plots against Americans.

Legislation should also threaten sanctions against directors of the Swift financial network if they reconnect terror-sponsoring Iranian banks, including the central bank, to their system.

If the “IRGC Quds Forces are terrorists,” as Mr. Biden insists, the U.S. should stop at nothing to deny them the resources to sponsor terrorism.

Mr. Goldberg is a senior adviser at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. He served as White House National Security Council director for countering Iranian weapons of mass destruction, 2019-20.


Putin has cancer?

Report: Putin to get cancer surgery

Headline: UNDER THE KNIFE Putin ‘to undergo cancer operation and hand power to hardline ex-spy chief’, says ‘Kremlin insider’ in shock claim

The First take: For the past week, speculation about Vladimir Putin's health and the possibility he has cancer has been increasing. This former insider's view seems to have more credibility than most. Stay tuned.




Hair splitting?


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People are fuming over Joe Biden laughing off these very real problems

Democrats' future in November is even worse than expected

Democrats' future in November is even worse than expecte

In the run-up to this year's midterm elections, a new survey finds Republicans to have an advantage, even among those more normally associated with the Democratic Party.

When asked which political party they would vote for in their district, 52% of Latino voters indicated they would vote for a Republican, while 39% said they would vote for a Democrat.

Democrats also lag behind among voters under 45 years old, with 50% indicating they would vote for a Republican and 40% saying they would vote for a Democrat.

Latinos have generally favored Democrats, but recent data shows that the demographic has begun to drift away from the party in recent years. Younger voters have also tended to vote Democratic in the past.

This is all very bad news for Democrats as November inches closer.





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