Saturday, May 21, 2022

I Am Back. The Fading Gold Standard. Meanwhile Durham Digs Deep. Much Much More.

America, China, Russia And The Avalanche Of History
by Niall Ferguson via Bloomberg

The world doesn’t move in cycles or with a grand design. Echoes of the 1970s remind us that one disaster often begets others.
I know I sound like a broken record but what is going on today in a country that once was the "Gold Standard" when it came to free speech and adherence to the guarantees in The Bill of Rights did not just happen.

The overthrow of this nation has been in the planning for decades because our freedoms, our form of government, our success is envied and a threat to those who seek power, not for the benefit of their citizens, but for their own questionable purposes. Socialism is a failure wherever it has been practiced. Meanwhile, our children are being taught about it's universal success.

The end of the Teacher's Union would be one of the greatest accomplishments we could undertake.

Argentina was once the world's most successful/wealthiest country second to America and today it is a wasteland. Their currency is worthless, they cannot feed their people and their oil production is down by a third. If America continues on it's current path it too could become an Argentina given another decade.

Every facet of American life is under attack.  CRT is intended to make citizens despise America, to feel guilty over our greatness.  Open borders is portrayed as a benign empathetic method of allowing the oppressed to find work and a better life. It also is a Trojan Horse for narcotic lords and criminal gangs to penetrate our society and create chaos and engage in wanton killings and the breaking down of law and order.

Soros' funding of district attorneys, who have utter contempt for America's established laws, is another attack on a society built on adherence to law and order and the attacks on our police are simply another way of falsely portraying America as a racially insensitive nation. Facts are constantly distorted and no longer challenged.

One of the greatest threats to America is the radicalization of the mass media. Entertainment and bias supplants the worthy and accurate  reporting of news. Citizens are corrupted by mass media distortions and guile. 

Once again, I associate the election of Obama with the acceleration of America's decline and the corruption of many of our government's premier departments beginning with Justice, The FBI, The IRS etc.. His transformation of America did not embrace the basic precepts of our founding fathers whose brilliance was engrained in our various documents upon which our Republic philosophically rests. He radicalized our nation with concepts that were foreign to our precepts and used his pen and cell phone to operate outside the bounds of our constitution.  The Iran "Deal" is a perfect example of his contempt for The Senate. 

(FBI And DOJ Reportedly Involved In Nasty Scheme Targeting Americans...


Read This Alert >>>)

Obamacare was built upon lies about "keeping your doctor" verbiage and it's cost was based on cloud like spread sheets.

He went around the world demeaning our nation as an apologist president. Worst of all he lacked any meaningful credentials/accomplishments beyond the color of his skin and vapid "coolness."

We are a nation whose citizens are divided, discontented and who have allowed themselves to be duped by deceitful and corrupt leaders. 

And by the way:

Hillary Clinton Did It

Her 2016 campaign manager says she approved a plan to plant a false Russia claim with a reporter.

The Editorial Board 


Feds Took Directives From The Chinese


( The National Institutes of Health (NIH) made a huge admission to federal legislators. At Chinese scientists’ request, the agency withheld the early genome sequences of COVID-19.

NIH Acting Director Lawrence Tabak informed a House Appropriations subcommittee that the data from a facility in Wuhan, China, where the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 initially developed had been eliminated from public view. According to reports, Tabak noted that researchers can still access it via an archaic tape drive.

The admission came after a news article on Jesse D. Bloom, an evolutionary biologist who wanted to dig deep and unearth the truth regarding the Wuhan Lab and the virus. Bloom prepared a scholarly article and gave it to Dr. Anthony Fauci, a top immunologist in the United States, igniting a firestorm.

Bloom observed that several early SARS-CoV-2 genomic sequences cited in a publication from China had suddenly gone without a trace. Sequences, which map the nucleotides that give a virus its unique genetic identity, are crucial for determining when the virus first appeared and how it developed. Their disappearance, according to Bloom, raises the probability that the Chinese government is attempting to conceal proof of the pandemic’s early spread, according to reports.

Media reports said Bloom pieced together evidence and discovered that the NIH had erased the sequences from its collection at the request of Wuhan researchers.

He was now hopeful that Fauci and his supervisor, National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins, might assist him in identifying other missing sequences.

Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-WA) questioned NIH Acting Director Lawrence Tabak during the House hearing on why US health officials would agree with China’s desire to keep the genome sequences hidden, reports say. Tabak acknowledged that communication concerning the sequence archive, or Sequence Read Archive, could have been better. He claimed that the archive did not erase the sequence; it just did not make it available for investigation. He also stated that researchers could still get to the original sequences if they would like.

This isn’t the first Wuhan lab scandal. According to documents previously obtained by investigative media, US health officials indirectly funded so-called “gain of function” research at the Wuhan lab. It included the modification of three bat coronaviruses distinct from COVID-19 and the discovery that when human-type receptors were added to them, they became much more infectious among “humanized” mice. Officials in the United States have disputed that funds were used for “gain of function” research.


The current hires within this administration are the lowest of the low. The employment criteria is based on characteristics that have little to do with competence. Color and twisted sexual nomenclature prevail.

We are more concerned about what bathrooms to enter, which male-woman can swim and how our military is behaviour sensitized while China builds aircraft carriers and steals our technology secrets. 

That corporate managers, who make millions running ICONIC Corporations,  have turned into patsies who become shakedown victims is disheartening:

More Scandalous Details Emerge On BLM Founder’s Irresponsible Spending
More Scandalous Details Emerge On BLM Founders Irresponsible Spending
Here's the Story >>

Frankly, In many ways, I no longer recognize my country and that is what our radical adversaries want.  A disheartened adversary is easily conquered and that is what the Ukraine-Russian War has revealed. 

While I am repeating myself, I will repost this video:

If it comes out of government can it be trusted?

With Just One ‘No’ Vote, House Passes Resolution Condemning Antisemitism
By Dmitriy Shapiro 

The House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed a bipartisan resolution to condemn anti-Semitism on Wednesday.

In a vote of 420-1, the House passed H. Res. 1125, which denounces the rising hostility towards Jews in recent years and a surge in physical violent incidents.

The effort was led by Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) along with Reps. Brad Schneider (D-Ill.), Mario Diaz-Balart (R-Fla.) and Lee Zeldin (R-N.Y.).

In a news release, the resolution’s supporters said that the nationwide rise in anti-Semitic incidents is a result of increased anti-Semitic “propaganda” on social media and the spread of misinformation and lies, including accusations that Jews are responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic; that Jews control the media, government policies and the financial system; and that Jews have dual loyalties and other negative stereotypes.

The resolution did not mention anti-Israel bias or the targeting of Jews for their pro-Israel beliefs and advocacy.

The resolution also calls for a plan of action to combat anti-Semitism through robustly refuting Holocaust denial, calling on social media platforms to address online anti-Semitism, and taking steps to improve the physical security of Jewish institutions and organizations.

“I am so proud that my colleagues united to condemn the rise in anti-Semitism by sending a powerful message that the U.S. House of Representatives will call out this ancient hatred,” said Wasserman Schultz in a statement. “It is fitting we share this message in May, as we celebrate Jewish American Heritage Month, by highlighting the vast achievements Jewish Americans have made to build our more perfect union.

“Critically, this resolution also commits Congress to take concrete steps to combat anti-Semitism and do more to ensure the safety, security, and dignity of American Jews,” she continued. “Anti-Semitism, sadly, is not a relic of the past, but a clear and present danger today. Passage of today’s resolution is a critical step.”

Schneider said that he was grateful to his colleagues for passing the resolution, and that leaders should speak out against anti-Semitism wherever it arises.

“Sadly, in this country, incidents of anti-Semitism are up 34%, 2,717 incidents just last year,” he said. “Congress and America as a whole must stand strong against anti-Semitism.”

Diaz-Balart said that the resolution condemns anti-Semitism in all its forms and would ensure that the U.S. leads the global effort in “educating on the history of anti-Semitism and its horrific consequences.”

“The rising tide of anti-Semitism has resulted in violence in our streets, discrimination in our schools and economy, and hate in our political system. In the past year alone, we have seen an alarming increase of anti-Semitic and anti-Israel violence and hate at home and abroad,” Zeldin said. “Just recently in my home state of New York, three anti-Semitic assaults were committed in less than a week, all within a few miles of each other. This must end now. I’m proud to join colleagues on both sides of the aisle in a much-needed effort to identify, condemn and crush anti-Semitism in all forms.”

Jewish organizations applauded the passage of the resolution.

“Jewish Federations praise the bipartisan resolution recognizing the extent to which the continuing scourge of anti-Semitism has impacted our community, and applaud, among other things, the call to increase funding for Nonprofit Security Grants that keep our houses of worship and communal institutions safe,” Elana Broitman, senior vice president for public affairs for the Jewish Federations of North America, said in a statement.

American Jewish Committee CEO David Harris noted how prevalent anti-Semitism is across the political spectrum.

“At a time when violent anti-Semitism is surging across the ideological spectrum, from white supremacy to the denial of Israel’s very right to exist, this resolution outlines tangible steps to keep American Jews safe, both online and in public spaces, and uphold American values of liberty,” Harris said. “Especially critical is the call for leaders to condemn anti-Semitism in all its manifestations—it is too easy to point fingers at others and turn a blind eye to the hatred coming from one’s community or party. This bipartisan resolution models the civil discourse vital to addressing hate in our country.”

Nathan Diament, executive director of public policy for the Orthodox Union, said that Jews have been granted freedom to worship since America’s founding, and while there has been anti-Semitism in various forms, the trajectory has been towards greater equality and inclusion.

“The surge of anti-Semitism in recent years—including violent attacks on synagogues and identifiably Jewish people on the street—has been deeply disturbing,” Diament said in a statement. “Today’s passage of a resolution unequivocally condemning anti-Semitism and calling for concrete actions to combat it is very meaningful and appreciated.”

“Jew hatred is a scourge on our society,” said Ronald Lauder, president of the World Jewish Congress, in a statement. “I applaud the bipartisan majority in Congress who passed this resolution to condemn anti-Semitism and call on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, TikTok and YouTube to immediately help clean up the hatred on their platforms.”

While eight Republicans abstained from voting on the resolution, only one member of Congress outright opposed it, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.).

“I don’t hate anyone based on his or her ethnicity or religion,” Massie wrote in a tweet explaining his vote. “Legitimate government exists, in part, to punish those who commit unprovoked violence against others, but government can’t legislate thought. This bill promoted internet censorship and violations of the First Amendment.”

The explanation didn’t sit well with the Kentucky Jewish Council, who called out Massie in a news release saying that the Jewish community across the state is embarrassed by Massie.

“To suggest there is not a need to combat anti-Semitism is not only offensive, but it’s also simply ignorant,” said Rabbi Shlomo Litvin, chairman of the Kentucky Jewish Council and director of Chabad of the Bluegrass. “To miss an opportunity to do so is regrettable. To be the single voice in opposition is inexcusable.”

The council said that the vote is additionally offensive to the community as Kentucky’s Democratic Party recently refused to call out an anti-Semitic ad used in its 30th District House race.


My Synagogue’s ‘Anti-Semitism Tax’
More than 5% of our budget goes to security against mass shootings and other violence.
By Howard Husock


Is Biden's 'Success' Our Mess?
By Victor Davis Hanson

If an administration deliberately wished to cause havoc on the border, to ensure fuel was nearly unaffordable, to create a crime wave, to spark 1970s hyperinflation, and to rekindle racial tensions, what would it have done differently than what President Joe Biden has done?

So is Biden malicious, incompetent, or a wannabe left-wing ideologue?

When pressed about inflation and fuel price hikes, Biden either blames someone or something else, gets mad at the questioner, or claims former President Donald Trump did it.

His administration apparently believes things are going well and according to plan.

When polls disagree, his team either believes the American people are brainwashed or that they themselves have not supplied sufficient propaganda. So they never pivot or compromise, but rededicate themselves to continued failure.

Why? Apparently, what most in the country see as disasters, Biden envisions as success.

Take the border - or rather its disappearance.

Never in U.S. history has an administration simply canceled immigration laws, opened the border, and welcomed in millions of illegal aliens. All arrive illegally, and without audit, or vaccinations and tests in times of a pandemic.

Cartels now import lethal drugs at will into the United States. We have no idea how many terrorists walk across the border each day.

Almost all the entering millions who break the law are poor, without high school diplomas or English skills, and in dire need of massive federal and state housing, food, education, legal, and health subsidies.

Do the leftists in Washington believe that millions of dependent new residents will look to the Left for decades of support and soon find ways to reciprocate with fealty at the polls? Is that why Democrats brag in unapologetic tribalist fashion about changing the demography of the electorate?

Former President Barack Obama's energy secretary-designate Steven Chu once gaffed in the 2008 campaign when he openly wished that U.S. gas prices would reach European levels.

In truth, the Left has always believed the only way to achieve their objectives of discouraging driving, forcing middle-class Americans onto trains and buses, and persuading them to live in urban high-rises rather than drive carbon-spewing cars from spacious suburban ranch-style homes was to encourage high fuel prices.

Is that agenda why Biden, during the current energy crisis, simply canceled new federal oil and gas leases? As diesel hits $7 a gallon in California, why else did he refuse to finish the Keystone XL pipeline or reopen Alaskan oil fields?

Inflation continues officially to exceed 8% per annum. Most consumers feel it is double that when they pay for food, fuel, building materials, houses, or rent - the essential stuff of life.

What did the Biden Administration expect would follow from keeping real interest rates at near zero, while printing trillions of dollars at the moment supplies were short and demand was spiking?

Or did it think inflation more fairly "spreads the wealth"? Does it prompt new necessary attacks on "corporate greed?" Does it demand more federal intervention and socialist policies?

If inflation is "bad" for most, it may not seem so to this left-wing administration.

Violent crime is on its way to 1970s levels. The combination of defunding the police, radical city and county prosecutors who don't charge or lock up criminals, and emptying jails and prisons have ignited a national crime wave.

The Biden Administration shrugs. It offers no new federal help to fund more police or charge freed criminals under applicable federal statutes.

Does it think it is more socially just to let criminals free than incarcerate them?

Does it buy into "critical legal theory" that laws do not reflect ancient ideas of right and wrong, but instead are "constructed" by the privileged to oppress the already oppressed?

Americans are tired of the new woke tribalism. Judging individuals on the basis of their race, gender, or superficial appearance is amoral, and contrary to the entire civil rights movement, and the U.S. Constitution.

It destroys any idea of meritocracy and divides the country artificially into supposed victims and victimizers.

But do the Biden people see it that way?

Or do they promote racial tensions and tribalism, as welcome revolutionary fervor?

In that regard, the Bidenites promote identity politics as a good way to stir up the pot, to demonize supposed oppressors and deify the oppressed - all as a way of retaining political power. For the Left, living in a socialist nation controlled by an elite is far preferable to living in a free and prosperous one answerable only to the people.

The public believes the Biden Administration has failed America, with disastrous results due either to its incompetence, belligerence, or left-wing zealotry.

But Biden and his delusional team seem delighted with what they have wrought.

In sum, what Americans see as an abject catastrophe, they cheer on as a stunning and planned success.

Victor Davis Hanson is a distinguished fellow of the Center for American Greatness. He is a classicist and historian at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, and the author of "The Second World Wars: How the First Global Conflict Was Fought and Won," from Basic Books.
Our generation's Will Rogers:


 Senator Kennedy On Parking Lots & Crackheads


First of all, I’m John Kennedy… not THAT John Kennedy! I am the OTHER John Kennedy, Republican senator representing the great state of Louisiana.

Permit me to tell you what I believe:

America was founded by geniuses, but is now run by idiots.

You can’t fix stupid, but you can vote them out of office

When was the last time you heard of anyone trying to sneak into Russia?

America is so great people who hate it refuse to leave it.

Let me say something about the Biden administration… so far the Biden administration sucks.

I don’t like to brag about the expensive places I’ve been, but this morning I went to the gas station.

Exercise makes you look better naked… but so does alcohol.

Welfare should be a bridge… not a parking lot.

Weakness invites the wolves.

We must arm for peace.

We don’t have a gun control problem, we have an idiot control problem.

If you hate police officers, the next time you are in trouble, call a crack-head.

Here’s a free tip… cops will leave you alone if you don't do stupid things.

We need an election day, not an election month.

You should be able to prove who you say you are when you vote. You need A PICTURE I.D. to do almost anything!!!!!!!

500,000 bodies buried at Arlington National Cemetery is the reason you should and CAN stand for the National Anthem.

The water won’t clear till you get the pigs out of the creek.

Love is the answer, but you should own a gun… just in case.

Here's a legal question:    



s this statutory rape……or just a monumental mistake?


Q&A: John F. Cogan And Kevin Warsh On Their New Blueprint For Recharging The Engine Of American Prosperity
via Questions & Answers

In this Q&A, fellows John F. Cogan and Kevin Warsh describe their recently released paper, “Reinvigorating Economic Governance: Advancing a New Framework for American Prosperity,” published by Hoover Institution Press.









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