Sunday, May 22, 2022


My friend, Star Parker's organization has published this book which I have not, as yet, read.::


What is the state of the black community in America today? In a nation that is tearing itself apart over race, it’s hard to get a straight answer on this. Candor and thoughtfulness are often drowned by hysteria, expediency, and sentimentalism.

CURE, however, believes that having honest conversations on race is central to restoring civility and prosperity to this great country—and that is why we sought out to create a “toolbox” of intellectual resources to aid careful and sound thinking on one of the most fraught issues of our time. 

The State of Black America is a compilation of essays that seeks to restore these sorely needed virtues to the present discourse, assembling a company of scholars who confront our nation’s troubled racial history even as they bear witness to the promise the American heritage contains for blacks. 


The essays in this volume bring clarity to the murky darkness of America’s race debates, reviewing and building upon the latest scholarship on the character, shape, and tendencies of life for black Americans. Together, they tell a story of black America’s astounding success in integrating into mainstream American culture and propose that black patriotism is the key to overcoming what problems remain.


What Does a Presidential Executive Order Actually Mean?

Do you know what a Presidential Executive Order actually does?

Can an Executive Order do anything?

Is it limited at all?

Are the Executive Orders that Presidents declare today legal or constitutional?

Watch Rick on live radio as he explains the legality of the Executive Order.

 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Given an opportunity, the Lebanese reject Iranian oppression but will it happen?


Lebanon Gives Tehran a Double Whammy

By Amir Taheri, GATESTONE  

[A]s official results came in, [Iran’s Supreme Guide Ali] Khamenei and [Major General Esmail Qaani, chief of the Quds Force who is supposed to rule the “Resistance Front” countries as a satrap]… realized that the Lebanese electorate, or at least the 49% who went to the polls, had denied Tehran the “crushing victory” it had hoped for.

That meant a double whammy in two of the four Arab capitals that Ayatollah Ali Yunesi boasts are now under Tehran’s control; the others being Sanaa and Damascus.

What is certain is that a majority of politically active Lebanese seek a new departure for the country.

Numerous direct and indirect messages from Shiites inside Lebanon indicate a growing weariness with a scheme that sees the country, in the words of Tehran’s Kayhan daily, as nothing but a “shield for Islamic Republic” of Iran. Large chunks of the Shiite community have seen the prosperity they had secured since the 1980s melt away as a result of the economic crisis that has plunged 70% of the Lebanese into poverty.

Granting Lebanon urgent relief from its current pains would send a positive message that even a slight distancing of Hezbollah from full control could bear fruits for the average Lebanese. That, in turn, would strengthen the message that Lebanon could do better without a politico-military Trojan Horse in its midst.

There is no doubt that Hezbollah is an illness and the key cause of Lebanon’s sorry state today…. The latest election could signal the start of that process which is bound to be accelerated by positive developments in Iraq and, eventually, in Iran itself.

As official results came in, Iran’s Supreme Guide Ali Khamenei and Major General Esmail Qaani, chief of the Quds Force who is supposed to rule the “Resistance Front” countries as a satrap… realized that the Lebanese electorate, or at least the 49% who went to the polls, had denied Tehran the “crushing victory” it had hoped for. Pictured: Khamenei meets with Hassan Nasrallah, head of Lebanon’s Hezbollah terrorist organization. (Image source:

It was only a couple of weeks ago that the general election in Lebanon made the headlines in Tehran’s official media. “Supreme Guide” Ali Khamenei had labeled the election as “a referendum on the Resistance Front”, a coalition of Iran-controlled groups that have struck roots in Iraq, Syria, north Yemen, Gaza and Lebanon. He had also publicly donated an extra $25 million to the Lebanese branch of Hezbollah to ensure its victory.

Certain about securing a “crushing victory”, partly thanks to the misguided boycott declared by Lebanon’s former Prime Minister Saad Hariri, the Tehran media had started speculations about whom Khamenei might choose as the next president if Lebanon were to replace the current octogenarian incumbent. The matter had been raised in the audience that Khamenei granted to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on a lightning visit to Tehran.

Continue Reading Article


This from a dear friend, fellow memo reader and one who has been involved with weapons and leading troops all his life:



In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control: From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

In 1911, Turkey established gun control: From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated

Germany established gun control in 1938: From 1939 to 1945, a total of 13 million Jews and others who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.

China established gun control in 1935: From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Guatemala established gun control in 1964: From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Uganda established gun control in 1970: From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Cambodia established gun control in 1956: From 1975 to 1977, one million educated people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

56 million defenseless people were rounded up and exterminated in the 20th Century because of gun control.

You won't see this data on the US evening news, or hear politicians disseminating this information.

Guns in the hands of honest citizens save lives and property and, yes, gun control laws adversely affect only the law abiding citizens.

With guns, we are 'citizens'; without them, we are 'subjects'.

During WW II, the Japanese decided not to invade America because they knew most Americans were ARMED!

Gun owners in the USA are the largest armed forces in the World!

If you value your freedom, please spread this anti-gun control message to all of your friends.

The purpose of fighting is to win. There is no possible victory in defeat. The sword is more important than the shield and skill is more important than either.




I'm a firm believer in the 2nd Amendment!

If you are too, please forward this. If you're not a believer, please reconsider based on these true facts.

This is history; not what's being shown on TV, sanctioned by our illustrious delusional leaders in Washington .


This attached article by Salena gives me a perfect Segway into what I am about to write.  

This year, at the beach, because of my hip surgery, I was unable to engage in my normal routine. A typical day was get up, do my exercises, down my pills, do my shake and bake breathing routine, then put on sun screen, sit on the deck and read Bill Barr's book.  I generally took a nap, had dinner, maybe watched a movie and did more reading before bed.

On occasion, Lynn and I would get in the car and she would drive me around to explore the expansion of the area to break the monotony.  It was Biker's Week at Murrel's Inlet and that proved  interesting.  There were over 10,000 bikers present. Half of South Carolina's Highway Patrol were on duty.

We wanted to tour Brookgreen Sculpture Gardens again but ran out of time.  For those who have never been to Litchfield Beach, S.C. Google the Gardens and you will  be amazed.

I had plenty of time to muse, ruminate and I developed a few thoughts I would like to express prefatory to Salena's article:

The Democrat Party has morphed into a radical one and the leaders  think very much like those who control China, Russia, Cuba, Argentina, many states in Africa and, of course, Iran.

Frankly, I do not know enough to say that Biden is in control but it does seems he is under the sway of Obama leftovers and  they pretty much pull his strings. It is obvious, to many Democrat politicians,  they are going to be swamped at the polls in November and this is why many have chosen not to run etc,

So why would those who love power, not do anything to retain it, ignore the polls and disregard the mood of the nation? Why would they not want to reverse course so they can retain control of Congress and the Presidency? I believe they are so ideologically driven they are willing to sacrifice a term or two so they can advance radical laws and institute policies that will simply become the beachhead they will expand when they return to power. If you trace the legislative history of progressives (socialists) from  Wilson to the present day they have accomplished their goal over time in virtually every instance. 

America may be a constitutional republic driven by capitalism but, in reality, everything government does is driven by socialistic policies from expanded welfare, control by unelected bureaucrats to growth in government at the expense of our freedom and everything else. Like Asians, radical progressives take the long view and willingly proceed over a life time to accomplish their goals. Republicans always failed to fight, until Reagan and Trump came along, and simply rolled over allowing the radical progressive creep to continue, more or less, unchallenged.  In fact, in many instances, Republicans were willing to consider half a loaf a tremendous victory.

Consequently, we now find we are defending not just a few philosophical intrusions and challenges but are engaged in a total war whose tentacles reach into every vestige of American Society. Lamentably, we are also losing because the radical virus has effectively penetrated and the result is of pandemic proportion.  

Remember an Obama disciple told us never let an opportunity go to waste.  COVID and alleged "police brutality" greased the tracks in ways progressives could never have predicted but they made enormous headway on all fronts, ie. from basic education all the way to challenging the constitution, the SCOTUS make up, our military, our foreign policy, our relationship with true allies like Israel, dependency on China for critical materiel in medicine, basic technology and manufacturing  and the list is endless.

We even shut down an entire economy that was purring ahead at historical levels and allowed ourselves to be told, by our own mass media, we could not attach the word China to the instigator because that "fact" would be racist. 

We have allowed ourselves to be suckered and, as Trump said, he willingly admired the effectiveness of China in getting us to buy in to all this self-destruction.

I believe we need to tell China their U.S.Treasury securities are worthless and a down payment on causing us and the world economic and human suffering and pain. But we will not because we are honorable, fearful and controlled by/subservient to the radical progressives.

 This is why I fear America's finest hours are behind us and we run the risk, as never before, of being surpassed by a system that is totally contrary to our own.  Yes, China and Xi are vulnerable, even over extended but I seriously doubt we are in a position of or psychologically willing to give them that slight push.  I seriously doubt we have the will the Ukrainian's have demonstrated.

We are too busy being led by brilliant idiots who have us focused on self-hate, color over talent, sexual nonsense over factual biology and you know the rest and I have yet to bring up our financial plight which will only worsen as inflation drives interest on the debt higher as more GDP comes under government control.  

While all of this is happening, the issue of uncontrolled borders, illegal immigrants, drug cartels and attacks on our people from radical sources will not only change the character of our nation but sap our will and resources. 

If there is a God he/she/it better stop "wokeness" which is driving us over the cliff because Americans have succumbed to the Siren Song of progressivism and the losers ( read radical Democrats)  are actually winning.

This is My May Day!


People On Main Street Are Really Struggling As Biden Fiddles With Nicknames 

By Salena Zito

MURRYSVILLE, Pa. — Linda Sutton is filling her car with gas at the Sheetz on U.S. Route 22 in this Westmoreland County suburb. Like everyone else, she has been dealing with rising gas prices for over a year now — but today the cost jumped overnight to $4.69 a gallon, the highest number Ms. Sutton has seen in her lifetime.

“I am a retired teacher and a widow, so I live on a pretty strict budget; no one is giving me a raise to help make up for these costs, so you have to cut back on other things,” she said. “You get to the point where you have to start cutting into your essentials.”

One month ago — according to AAA motor club — the cost for a gallon of regular gas here in Pennsylvania was $4.16; a year ago, it was $3.15. Ms. Sutton says those costs influence how frequently she drives to visit with her son and his family elsewhere in the region.

“My son has a landscaping business in the South Hills, and honestly I don’t know how he is going to continue to handle these costs, because you need gasoline for the truck, for the equipment, to drive from place to place; these costs cut into everything for people who have small businesses,” Ms. Sutton said.

For the first time ever the average price of gas in all 50 states is now over $4, with prices in Pennsylvania going up three consecutive days in a row, clocking in a record high of $4.74.

Experts expect it will hit $5 this week, driving up inflation and driving down the Democratic Party’s chances of having even a mediocre night in November. In the latest CNN and SSRS poll, a significant majority of adults say President Joe Biden’s policies have hurt the economy, while 8 in 10 say the government isn’t doing enough to combat inflation.

And the economy isn’t the only thing hurting Mr. Biden and the Democrats — the latest crisis to hit parents across the country is empty grocery store shelves where baby formula should be stacked.

In a drive last week across Blair, Cambria, Westmoreland and Indiana counties, where dozens of miles often separate the consumer from the closest grocery store, shelves were empty at every single stop.

Imagine being a parent on a budget, down to your last container of formula: You drive to four different grocery stores, two Wal-Marts, a Target and a Rite-Aid, racking up more than 60 miles in pursuit of nourishment for your child. You not only have zero luck finding anything to feed your baby; you have also used up a lot of gas.

Along that drive you likely also saw significant evidence of a drug problem — either in the gaunt, vacant faces on people walking along Main Street or the batch of new treatment centers that have popped up where they’d never been before — and you might begin to wonder: ‘When was the last time anyone in power has seen what’s going on in our communities?’

Meanwhile, it was recently reported the Biden White House spent six months coming up with the nickname “Ultra MAGA” to go after Republican candidates.

The people who run strategy for the White House seem to have forgotten how to place themselves in voters’ shoes and experience everyday problems that impact families and communities. For them it is nothing but political calculation: They went to strategy school, not governing school.

Youngstown State University professor Paul Sracic says Biden has become a sort of anti-Harry Truman: “Where Truman insisted ‘The buck stops here,’ Biden is constantly trying to shift blame onto others; from Putin to ‘ultra-MAGA’ Republicans, Biden is hoping that Americans don’t hold him and his party responsible for things like inflation, the baby milk shortage, or the border crisis.”

Mr. Biden’s calculation, Mr. Sracic says, will not work.

Truman’s phrase was not an offer to take responsibility, but an acknowledgement of reality: When things go well in America, the president gets credit, and when they go wrong, he also gets credit.

“With parents scrambling to track down formula following the collision of supply chain issues and a massive recall, they want answers on how this could happen with such a life-critical product,” said Mr. Sracic.

If you are not convinced this is a very real thing, go spend ten minutes in the baby aisle in any store across the country that has empty shelves; see the crestfallen faces of many working-class and minority parents — who don’t have the wherewithal to purchase cases online from Europe — and it’s hard not to imagine the hopelessness and instability they feel in that moment.

Calling voters names like “ultra MAGA” has rarely worked in American politics; Barack Obama’s crack about “clinging to guns and religion” didn’t cost him Pennsylvania in the 2008 general election, but it did cost him the primary that year. It also eventually eroded his approval ratings in the 2010 midterms, as well as his margin of victory in 2012.

Ask Hillary Clinton how “basket full of deplorables” worked for her in 2016.

Eventually those being denigrated use the name as a badge of honor, explained Mr. Sracic.

What Mr. Biden also doesn’t realize is that the president is always something of a teacher: He needs to explain clearly to the American people what he intends to do to combat the problems that are right in front of them.

“Slogans are not enough, and realism means accepting that the world exists not as we might like it to be,” said Mr. Sracic.

It also means admitting that tough choices have to be made.

But the Biden administration seems paralyzed by the fear of offending any of the core Democratic constituencies, said Mr. Sracic: “The result is a feeling of rudderlessness, that things are spinning out of control. This is not what people voted for in 2020.”


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