You have to know things are going awry when gasoline prices are exploding.
This from a generally reliable source and a fellow memo reader. I have my doubts but serious enough to post.
I wonder if Milley has informed the Chinese?
Two U.S. "SeaWolf" Fast-Attack Subs, show up in San Diego, receive top-secret cargoes, and depart port without crew
disembarking! Nation NewsDesk
An astonishing thing took place recently involving two United States fast-attack submarines, and what happened is an
ominous sign that REAL trouble in the Pacific is much closer than any of us have been told.
On October 20, the USS Jimmy Carter, the single most advanced nuclear-propelled submarine in the US Navy, popped up
near San Diego and headed into port.
Once it was placed at the dock by two tug boats, the crew DID NOT disembark. Instead, the tarps were placed along the
entire dock to prevent anyone from seeing what was taking place, material-handling equipment like fork trucks, went out on the dock, then straight-job trucks with concealed cargo headed out also. Whatever the trucks were carrying was apparently loaded into the submarine.
The trucks and material-handling equipment then departed off the dock, the tarps were taken down, and the submarine
was pulled away from the dock by the same two tugboats, and sent immediately back to sea!
Then, Another!
Three days ago, on October 25, another submarine from the same class, the USS Seawolf (lead boat in its class),
popped-up outside San Diego just like the USS Jimmy Carter five days earlier, was brought to dock by two tugboats and
the entire operation that was done with the USS Jimmy Carter, was done with the Seawolf.
Once whatever was loaded into the sub, the sub was towed away from the dock and put immediately back to sea. The
crew never got off.
The way to tell the difference between the Sea Wolf and the Jimmy Carter, is by the length of the vessel:
It is worth noting that both these submarines are normally based in Washington state. But travel from San Diego to
Washington would add almost a full day to the travel time, and apparently whatever needed to be put on those submarines, needed to happen fast. Fast enough that travel time to Washington made a difference, and San Diego was used instead.
The whole thing is VERY unusual.
I inquired of my former colleagues in the Intelligence community about what was going on. This was staggeringly unusual
in every regard; almost as unusual as those same two submarines being "surged" from Port in Washington State a little
over a month ago, and put to sea with almost no warning.
My former colleagues told me that things are taking place in the western Pacific Ocean (read China) that are far more
serious than anything the general public is being told. In fact, they said things are so serious, the American public is quite
likely to be "blind-sided" by what's coming.
They also told me that, . . . with what was loaded onto those submarines, none of them would want to be a sailor on an
adversary warship, anywhere.
So whatever it is, it's a really big deal. Perhaps even a game-changer.
It is my personal policy not to reveal the movement of US military assets because I do not want to have MY actions in any
way, endanger our military.
In this particular instance, the city of San Diego has webcams that show the beaches and inlets to the general public.
Those cameras caught the two submarines coming in and going out of San Diego.
So the information was kind of already out. I waited several days before reporting any of this so as to give the subs time
to disappear.
Stay frosty, folks. There appear to be serious storm clouds on the global horizon.
If you want one they are available:
“Let’s Go Brandon!” flags are here!!!
Brandon has been doing such a good job recently that we decided to make
him a limited-edition flag to cheer him on.
These Let’s Go Brandon flags are the perfect way to show that you stand
with Brandon, and think he’s doing an amazing job! So root on
Brandon and get your flag before we run out of this limited
Meet the WEAKEST Dems Being Targeted in 2022
They're in big trouble. [READ MORE]
I have said, time and again, I am not ritualistically religious but I do believe mankind needs a higher power to believe in and perhaps this article is on track:
Is a tide forming against radicals, progressives, Democrats?
Fellow American, As I travel the country, I talk with many Americans who worry that the next generation is being brainwashed by the racist “Critical Race Theory” agenda of the radical Left. But hear me on this: I can tell you, from firsthand experience, that there is GREAT reason for optimism! Turning Point USA recently launched our Exposing Critical Racism Tour, a no-holds-barred effort to fight back against the racist Left on college campuses. And so far, it has been one of our most successful tours EVER! |
I’m including a few photos of some recent events in this email, because you really need to see the enthusiasm among these young patriots to believe it. THOUSANDS of college students have come out to these events -- even on some of the most Left-wing college campuses in America. We even drew a sizable crowd in Burlington, VT a few days ago! And these students aren’t just coming to be entertained. They’re being equipped with the facts, the arguments, and the encouragement they’ll need to stand up to their college administrations and professors, and to take on the racist ideology of the radical Left wherever they encounter it. Because, as I’ve said many times, if America doesn't kill Critical Race Theory, Critical Race Theory will kill America. |
That’s why we're going right into the belly of the beast by visiting college campuses with the TRUTH. Will you help us continue this vitally important tour with your generous gift right now? Your gift will enable us to fund the travel expenses for my team. It will cover the cost of the promotional work that will bring students in the door. It will help provide transportation for students to off-campus venues when we're not allowed to meet on campus due to draconian COVID restrictions (a challenge we have dealt with a few times already). And it will help fund TPUSA chapters on these campuses and many others, so that conservative students in hostile environments can sustain their camaraderie and support for one another long after the event is over. Many conservatives have written off places like the University of Vermont or the University of Oregon. They say they're too far gone... too steeped in radical Leftism. And that's PRECISELY why we're going there on this tour. For many students, this event may be the only exposure they get on their college campus to the truth about Critical Race Theory. Already, we're seeing just what’s possible when we carry the truth into those dark places. Students’ eyes are being opened. They’re finding their courage. They're fighting back against the poison of Critical Race Theory, socialism, and Marxism and standing up for our pro-America values in some of the most hostile environments in America. |
Thank you for standing with the next generation! For America, Charlie Kirk Founder & CEO Turning Point USA |
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ain't over til it's over!
| School CRT Program Targets Babies? If you want a close look at the madness of critical race theory, look at what’s going on in Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS), Maryland’s largest school system. Little of this is connected to reality, and it’s no wonder parents everywhere are objecting.
We received two sets of records related to the teaching of critical race theory, including a training course with information about a book titled “Antiracist Baby” that introduces the youngest readers to “the concept and power of antiracism,” and says it’s the “perfect gift” for “ages baby to age 3.” The documents also include information from a course titled, “Digital Literacy 3” at Thomas Pyle Middle School. The course’s curriculum includes activities where the children discuss the identification of their gender, religion, and sexual orientation. The course also includes the children using “propaganda” to lead social justice movements.
We received the documents in response to our Maryland Public Information Act request for: All records related to the development and implementation of a “Psychoeducational Lesson” related to a purported “dual pandemic” of Covid- 19/systemic racism in use by the Montgomery County Public Schools. Such records shall include, but not be limited to, email communications between MCPS officials responsible for formulating and implementing the lesson, including but not limited to those communications of Dr. Cheree Price, in addition to all other policy documents regarding its development. In a September 29, 2020, email from MCPS intern Benjamin Mourad in the “Student Well Being and Achievement” office of the Office of Student Support & Engagement, to Elizabeth Rathbone, Coordinator of Student Health and Wellness, Mourad provides a list of trainings offered in the summer of 2020 to MCPS staff. This training includes: - REQ: Restorative Justice Training on Restorative Circles, Mindfulness & Other Restorative Practices
- School-based Critical Staff Member Training
- Counselors as Equity Literate Leaders
- Implementing Culturally Responsive PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports)
In an August 26, 2020, email titled “COVID-19 Update” to MCPS principals, MCPS Associate Superintendent for the Office of Shared Accountability Janet S. Wilson advises the principals that “Non-custodial parents” who request Zoom login information [for access to school and potential Zoom events, like Back-to School Night] should not be granted connection information: Additionally, parents should not login to Zoom classrooms and observe class when the child is not with them. If teachers note a parent logging in separately from their student, they should notify their principal who can seek support from OGC (Office of General Counsel) or Compliance as needed.
To support students at the start of the year, all schools will be required to implement a student psychoeducational lesson during one of the school’s mandatory Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) block before September 18, 2020. This lesson will provide students crisis facts about the dual pandemic (COVID-19 and systemic racism) that is occurring around the country and here in Montgomery County. Wilson then presents the principals with a “website for staff, students and families that highlights ongoing professional learning opportunities for the virtual opening of schools. For staff training opportunities are focused around these key areas:- Technology
- Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment
- Pedagogy
- Social-Emotional Well-Being and Coaching for Engagement/Success
- Accessibility Tools for Instruction and Home
- Equity
- Health and Safety
- Onboarding, Induction, Mentoring, Communication and Collaboration
She further notes: “The professional learning opportunities are grounded in equity and social-emotional learning to ensure that equitable environments are established in the virtual and traditional learning spaces. Professional learning opportunities will be updated throughout the year, so please check back frequently.”
In an instructional video for teachers on “Teacher Tips for SEL (Social and Emotional Learning) on Covid19/Social Justice,” in which the presenter first instructs teachers how to set up Zoom classes for students and how to adjust a feature in the Zoom chat setting to “alleviate the possibility of students saving and sharing the chat for later.” At the 6:30 mark, the presenter, in a slide titled “Covid-19 and social justice surrounding racism,” directs teachers to use a “scripted response”: We are currently living through a dual pandemic with COVID-19 and the Systemic and Structural racism occurring worldwide. A pandemic is an outbreak of a disease that occurs over a wide geographic area and affects an exceptionally high proportion of the population. As you can see from this slide [featuring a Black Lives Matter protest poster], both are affecting lives of people in our community and around the world. Part of what we will discuss today will surround facts about COVID-19 and the Social Justice Movement in our country. In an October 8, 2020, email to MCPS principals and others about “psychoeducational lessons and curriculum updates,” Wilson reveals that there is a “Social Justice Book club for Grades 4-8.”
In a September 11, 2020, email titled, “Psychoeducational Lesson Drop In support,” MCPS Director of Psychological Services, Dr. Christina Conolly tells MCPS faculty: We have had a lot of staff members who have questions about the implementation of the social justice slides on the lesson. Please be available to coach and/or co-teach with a staff member that may not be at a place on their anti-racism journey to effectively teach that section of the lesson.
A PowerPoint presentation titled “Family Guidance to the Psychoeducational Lesson,” includes the following slides for parents:- “Secondary Slide: Dual Pandemic” includes a depiction of Black Lives Matter protesters along with police officers in Germantown, Maryland kneeling at a George Floyd protest, as well as the headlines, “What It’s Like to be Asian During the Coronavirus Pandemic” and “Why the Coronavirus Looks Different to Black America.”
- “Elementary Slide: Some Facts about Racism and Social Justice” contains a link to a video titled “Antiracist Baby,” based on a book written by Ibram X. Kendi.
- “Teacher’s Notes,” advises teachers that the “Antiracist Baby” book introduces the youngest readers to “the concept and power of antiracism,” and says it’s the “perfect gift” for “ages baby to age 3.”
- A slide titled “Secondary: A Brief Anti-Racism Glossary,” notes “Systems of Oppression identifies inequity by calling attention to the historical and organized patterns of mistreatment. In the United States systems of oppression (like systemic racism) are woven into the very foundation of American culture, society, and laws. (Social Identities and Systems of Oppression, 2019)]
- “Secondary: Common Initial Crisis Reactions,” lists symptoms that secondary school children may experience because of crisis include emotional, cognitive, physical and interpersonal/behavioral symptoms. The category of physical reactions includes “decreased libido” and “hyperarousal.”
- “Can Students opt-out [of the psychoeducational lesson]?” includes the bullet point, “Students cannot opt-out of the lessons,” but parents may request “an alternative method” for their children “due to mental health concerns.”
In a PowerPoint presentation titled the “3rd through 5th Grade Psychoeducational Lesson” a slide labeled “COVID-19 and Social Justice” includes the claim that, “People in African American and Latinx communities have been more likely to get sick from COVID-19 because of how racism and unfairness impacts their lives.” [Emphasis in original]
In a presentation titled “High School Psychoeducational Lesson,” a link is provided to the “Educator and Caregiver Learning Guide from Disrupt Texts” for the book titled “Antiracist Baby.” In the book the authors note, “To White caregivers … Racism is a problem that was invented by White people, and it is the work of White people to dismantle it.” The authors add that it is the responsibility of White caregivers to “study Whiteness,” and advise that, “Indigenous, Black and People of Color are not ‘minorities’ but ‘People of the Global Majority’ (PGM).”
In a September 15, 2020, email exchange with the subject line “Message about SEL (Social and Emotional Learning) and Psychoeducational lesson,” Wilson and other officials discuss parents wanting their children to opt-out of Black Lives Matter lessons.
Wilson writes: “I want to put on your radar that this [opting out] may be related to the anti-racist curriculum initiatives.”
MCPS Area Associate Superintendent Cheryl Dyson, replies: “Agree, Janet and Diane. I’ve heard directly from principals and directors. Some principals have parents who want their child to opt-out from the Black Lives Matter lesson.”
Area Assoc. Superintendent Diane Morris then responds: “Yes, I think so.”
The next reply, from MCPS Chief of Engagement, Innovation, and Operations Derek Turner, is entirely redacted, as is a “high importance” reply by MCPS Admin. Services Manager Felicia Yorro.
The new records include a draft activity assignment titled “Personal Identity Character Sketch” in which students were told to “focus on the intersectionality of your culture and another way that you identify yourself (your race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, class or another identity factor not listed here).” The assignment was adapted from the book “Courageous Conversations.”
A slide titled, “Five Approaches to Social Justice Activism” includes the section “Food, Festivals & Fun:” Activism at this stage is based on cultural events and “celebrating diversity,” usually through cross-cultural programs and activities. Events tend to focus on surface-level cultural awareness, and often actually contribute to the stereotypes they are meant to challenge. People at the Food, Folks, and Fun stage might host an International Fair, a Multicultural Night, or a Diversity Fashion Show. Although these events have the potential to bring people together across difference, they do not have the potential to address injustices such as racism, sexism, classism, or homophobia.
The handout further notes that, “charitable giving” to such organizations as Amnesty International is a route people often choose “that will ease their own conscience, but don’t want to associate in any deeper way with a particular cause.” The handout also discusses volunteerism and is critical of “savior syndrome,” which it defines as when, “wealthy kids are sent into poor neighborhoods to do service-learning, but never discuss how their relative wealth is connected with the relative poverty of the people inhabiting those neighborhoods.” [Emphasis in original]
A draft presentation created by Montgomery County Public Schools Secondary Literacy Instruction is titled “Digital Literacy 3, Quarter 2: When Justice Isn’t Served” and features a “No Justice No Peace” logo, and features the following slides:- “Scenarios of Injustice” describes a group activity where the students, “Work together with your group to determine how you would address your scenario of injustice,” and “Everyone must prepare to present your ideas to the class.”
- This activity includes a section where students are provided with a “Scenario of Injustice” to discuss and write down ideas about. In this scenario, students are told that they witnessed two men – one black and one white – fighting in a parking lot. Police arrive and separate the men -forcing the black man to the ground, handcuffing and putting him in the police car. The police question the white man who, “shakes hands with the policemen and walks away.”
The “Digital Literacy 3, Quarter 1” presentation features several “Graphic Organizers:”- Under the heading “Common Task, Gender Roles Reflection Graphic Organizer,” is a draft slide titled, “Reflecting on Gender Roles in My Life,” in which students are asked to “Describe when and how you first recognized your gender as part of your identity. It could have been in a positive, negative or neutral way.” It further asks the children to “Briefly describe how you felt about being a member of your gender group(s) in different aspects and stages of your life.”
- Under the heading “Race Reflection Graphic Organizer” is a draft slide titled, “Reflecting on Race In My Life” that asks students to, “Describe when and how you first recognized race. It could have been in a positive, negative or neutral way.” Students are further asked about the race of their family members: “Are your parents the same race? Are your brothers and sisters? What about your extended family-uncles, aunts, etc?”
- The “Religion Reflection Graphic Organizer” features a draft slide titled, “Reflecting on Religion in My Life,” and asks students to “Describe when and how you first recognized your religion. It could have been in a positive, negative or neutral way.” It further asks “Did you feel threatened, minoritized or privileged in this moment? Why?” and “Where do you go to worship?” and “Did your belief become stronger as you became older?”
- The “Sexual Orientation Reflection Graphic Organizer” slide titled “Reflecting on Sexual Orientation in My Life” asks the children to “Describe when and how you first recognized your sexual orientation.”
A presentation titled “Social Justice Movement: Making a Difference” includes: - A set of slides that prompt students to “Create a timeline for your chosen social justice movement …” In this activity, the students are taught that a “catalyst” is “something that quickly causes change or action: such as “art, music, speeches, events, laws, movies, court cases, pop culture, propaganda, and literature.”
A presentation titled: “Researching Important Leaders and Organizations” includes:- A slide titled “Social Justice Leaders” that includes a picture of a Black Lives Matter protester with an upraised fist and long-time Communist Party USA member Angela Davis.
This material details how extremist race politics and CRT are being used to target children for political ends. Politics should immediately be removed from the curriculum of Montgomery County Schools. These CRT-laden teachings have no place in any American classroom.
Judicial Watch Tells Court FBI May Have Violated Law in 1/6 Probes
The FBI and Justice Department are playing games with the truth regarding their actions on January 6, in particular their collecting personal, private information about American citizens.
In the latest move, we filed a response to Justice’s effort to block our request for records of communication between the FBI and several financial institutions about the reported transfer of financial transaction records of people in DC, Maryland and Virginia on January 5 and January 6, 2021.
This comes in our lawsuit against the FBI (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:21-cv-01216)) for: All records of communication between the FBI and any financial institution, including but not limited to Bank of America, Citibank, Chase Manhattan Bank, Discover, and/or American Express, in which the FBI sought transaction data for those financial institutions’ debit and credit card account holders who made purchases in Washington, DC, Maryland and/or Virginia on January 5, 2021 and/or January 6, 2021. In its motion for summary judgment, the Justice Department, despite previously admitting to the existence of these records, refused to “confirm or deny the existence of records” about this surveillance of American citizens.
We argue in response that the Justice Department should not be allowed to shield “improper activity:” In this case, the FBI appears to have conducted an improper, broad sweep of financial records, not just those of persons it had reason to believe were involved in the events of January 6, but many more Americans. Detailed media reports not only indicate that the FBI sought financial records, but also set forth in detail the specific criteria and scope of the records obtained. Bank of America reportedly “actively but secretly engaged in the hunt for extremists in cooperation with the government” and, following the events of January 6, gave the FBI financial records of their customers who fit the following profile: - Customers confirmed as transacting, either through bank account debit card or credit card purchases in Washington, D.C. between 1/5 and 1/6.
- Purchases made for Hotel/Airbnb RSVPs in DC, VA, and MD after 1/6.
- Any purchase of weapons or at a weapons-related merchant between 1/7 and their upcoming suspected stay in D.C. area around Inauguration Day.
- Airline related purchases since 1/6.
Our suit shows how the FBI is corruptly trying to hide that it used the January 6 incident as an excuse to conduct unlawful surveillance of the American people’s bank transactions.
Until next week,
Finally, “Mayor Pete” Buttigieg is back to work, but what does he have to say about the state of supply-chain issues that the United States... Read More » +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
The Battle over Patents By Stephen Haber and Naomi Lamoreaux via Defining IdeasStephen Haber and Naomi Lamoreaux write that although critics of the patent system argue that it interferes with free enterprise, the facts demonstrate that it hasn’t prevented the United States from embarking on a Second Industrial Revolution that led to advances in electricity, steel, telecommunications, and automobiles. Haber and Lamoreaux explain how every firm in a supply chain battles over surplus of product, fighting with every tool at their disposal, including lobbying to change the laws that govern patents. Thus, the principle of self-interest of human beings plays out in the arenas of law and politics, just as it does in the economic marketplace. Furthermore, the authors maintain that patent protections ultimately provide incentives for innovation because such rules allow technologically creative people to profit from their inventions and prohibit others to free-ride on ideas that are not their own. +++ |
Victor Davis Hanson Diagnoses the Dying Citizen Featuring Victor Davis Hanson and Peter Robinson via Uncommon KnowledgeVictor Davis Hanson is a classicist and historian at the Hoover Institution. His new book is The Dying Citizen: How Progressive Elites, Tribalism, and Globalization Are Destroying the Idea of America. As is typical whenever Hanson joins Uncommon Knowledge, this interview covers a wide spectrum of topics and references, including the Acts of the Apostles, immigration, Jim Crow laws, primary tribal identities, the suburban everyman, the shrinking middle class, and JFK’s “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech. It’s a bracing conversation with a scholar who has an incredible breadth of interests and knowledge. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
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