Sunday, November 14, 2021

5th Circuit Calls A Halt To Biden Mandates. We Still Have A Congress. Can't Have Capitalism Without Morality/Free Independent Citizens. Coup and More.


By Andrea Widburg, AM THINKER

Despite (or perhaps because of) a long career spent reading judicial decisions, I really hate reading cases. A stellar exception arose on Friday, when the Fifth Circuit issued its decision in BST Holdings, L.L.C. et al. v. OSHA, reaffirming the initial stay it granted when multiple entities and individuals challenged OSHA’s recently issued vaccine mandate. In one brutal paragraph after another, the Court rips apart the mandate, citing law, facts, OSHA precedent, and even a Ron Klain tweet. It’s a tour de force that makes it unlikely that any halfway honest court can or would resuscitate the mandate or that either OSHA or even Congress could try again.



Bob Livingston Alerts

As a young boy, I enjoyed my family's bantam chickens that laid very small eggs and hatched very small chicks. Theirs was a small and miniature world.

One day one of my bantams started sitting on eggs to hatch its chicks. Something happened to her eggs but she continued to sit, so I decided to put a duck egg under her. Duck eggs are at least three times bigger than bantam eggs and take a few days longer to hatch, but she dutifully sat on the egg several days longer. She hatched the duckling and, as you can imagine, it thought that its world was normal and that the bantam hen was its mother.

The duckling eventually grew into a full-sized mallard duck, probably five or six times the size of its bantam mother. The full-grown duck would follow its hen mother around as would normal chicks. It was a funny sight ... but I remember thinking, even as a small boy, that the duck's entire reality was that the bantam hen was his mother and that was the way the world worked. He had no need to consider anything else.

This is the world of the American people today.

Their perceptions of reality control them and they who control their perceptions control the American people.

Our perception of America has always been that she is the mother country and ordained by God, good and just and a beacon of freedom. This is hammered into our psyches from our early days. From pre-school up, we are taught to worship the state.

As adults, sporting events, political rallies and other public venues we attend are often kicked off with the playing and/or singing of The Star Spangled Banner. Before the song begins, people are instructed to rise, men to remove their hats, and people place their hands over their hearts. They don't realize its value as a propaganda tool.

The phony form of patriotism instilled within the population is strong leverage against independent thinking, keeping people ignorant of the treason by our own government in the form of coercion and freedom-killing regulation.

Socialist army

Violent left-wing Marxist social justice warriors — disaffected, deluded by their lot in life, suffering from a hive mind collectivist mentality — are looting constantly and wantonly, now, in cities all across the country, and that's aside from fomenting chaos and disorder, starting fights and destroying property over historical statues and monuments.

Devoid of reason and morality, they are embracing a system — Communism — that has murdered hundreds of millions of people in order to erase vestiges of a culture that fought for liberty and self-determination.

Communism and its parent Socialism have attracted the millennials in droves based on the lie that capitalism is immoral but socialism is moral because it guarantees "equality." This is how we know people literally do not think their own thoughts. This allows cover for the ruling class and their nefarious activities.

It is part of the long-term war on liberty, independent thought and rural America and the attempted destruction of the predominantly white, productive American middle class to be replaced by docile immigrants who will do anything for a piece of the "American dream" illusion.

In the United States, the dismantling of the middle class has become the appointed, full-time task of the largest government alphabet soup agencies and official U.S. policy. The middle class is the globalist's chief nemesis. For as they are the world's greatest producers, Americans also demand equitable reward for their labor and product, placing them in competition for resources and goods with the global elite.

The greatest blows to the middle class were the income tax and free trade agreements like NAFTA and GATT, because socialist economic warfare is the most reliable way to transfer the wealth of middle-class Americans to the elite without awakening their complaint.

Indeed, because of the altruistic propaganda attached to socialism, Americans often believe that those who have wealth should have it confiscated at worst, and "wealth taxed" at best. Further, they believe their own wealth (and thus their own destruction) is necessary to "save the world." This is a big laugh to any sober person.

The system and its paid politicians still repeat high-sounding terms like "freedom of the individual" and "free enterprise," which sedates the madding crowd. The terms "private" and "freedom" no longer mean what they once meant. They are cruel deceptions that fool the mind yearning for human freedom.

The fact is that in America we have massive regulation and regimentation. This is necessary, we are told, because it is "in the public interest." We live in a fiction of freedom perpetuated with semantic corruption that has evolved us into economic fascism. Language and words that support a free society have been turned inside out.

With this propaganda reverse, opposition has been neutralized. True words, true meanings of patriotism and freedom have become the farce and illusion that cover fascism.

Free markets are... free!

Dear reader, the only moral system is laissez-faire capitalism; the system in which transactions between private parties are free from government interference.

It was American free-market capitalism that fueled the growth of the U.S. economic engine beginning in the 1800s and raised the standard of living around the globe, before monopoly capitalism began to exert greater and greater control over the U.S. economic system beginning in the mid-1800s and accelerated after the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913.

Sadly, it's not just the progressive left and ignorant millennials that oppose free-market capitalism. In any discussion forum where laissez-faire capitalism is discussed, "conservatives" are quick to make the disclaimer that "we must have some regulation" or, "we can't have unfettered capitalism."

In truth, most so-called conservatives are really closet socialists. This is a testament to the powerful propaganda we are subjected to.

In 1993, C. Bradley Thompson, then assistant professor of political science at Ashland University, described the immorality of socialism and the morality of capitalism as well as anyone I've read. This should be shared with anyone you know — particularly young people who are victims of the public (non)education system — who has bought the lie that capitalism is a failed system and has embraced conventional wisdom and the false paradigm of congressweasels like Bernie Sanders.

He presciently remarked 30 years ago, before the term "social justice" became a bludgeoning tool of the Left, "The return of capitalism will not happen until there is a moral revolution in this country. We must rediscover and then teach our young the virtues associated with being free and independent citizens. Then and only then, will there be social justice in America."

Yours for the truth,

Bob Livingston

Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter®


And while we are on climate change and energy sources.  One day, Fusion may be the answer.

 A coup against "we the people."

This Is A Coup Against The People
November 12, 2021

Howard Galganov


Until Recently, I Believed the LEFT Were Doing all they Could to Sufficiently Destroy the Bedrock of the American Dream, to the Point that Even if Conservative Patriots would Succeed in Taking-Back the House & Senate in Significant Numbers, the LEFT’S Destruction of Capitalism (Freedom) . . .Would Have Become Irreversible.

I Don’t Believe That Anymore . . . Since The Global Conspirators Of A One World Government Don’t Believe That Either.

The LEFT Are Not Incompetent . . . We’re Incompetent – Because We Let Them.

The LEFT’S Goal From The Outset . . . was to Destroy the Very Foundation of our Freedoms, to the Point where we Would Beg them (The Government) for a Semblance of Order & Safety at the Cost of our Liberty.

The LEFT Accomplished Four Major Battle (Political) Strategies . . .

1 – The LEFT Captured Academia (The Education Of Their Future Shock Troops).

2 – The LEFT Took Control of the Media (Propaganda).

3 – The LEFT Control The Rule of Law (Justice).

4 – The LEFT Won Sufficient Control of the Government To Negate the Bi-Congressional/Presidential/Judicial Balance of Power.

Biden is Only an Empty Vessel Manipulated by the Puppeteers for them to Scheme from Behind their Curtain . . . But Unlike the Dunce Biden who is Without Thought or Purpose . . . The Schemers Are A Collective Who Have Invested Several Lifetimes To Get To Where They’re (We’re) At.

What We’re Living With Today Didn’t Just Start Yesterday . . . For Many Millenia, there have Been Global Elitists whose Goal was World Domination, Where in their Sick Egotistical Minds, they Saw & See Themselves as Philosopher Kings, which Thousands of Years Ago was Laid-Out by Plato . . . As Those Who Believe They Possess The Best Philosophical Minds . . . Would Be The Best Rulers For All Of Mankind.

For Several Thousand Years Until Recently . . .  It was Organized Religion & the Realm of Royalty which Ruled Humanity Together, but since and even Before WWI, it has Become the Mega Corporations whose Interests were Solely in Creating Wealth . . . And The Unions Whose Interests Were In Creating Control.

And Now We Have The Confluence Of Both – Wealth & Control Equals Power.

While We Debate The Constitutionality Of The Actions Of The LEFT, The LEFT Doesn’t Give a Rat’s Ass what we Debate Between Ourselves, since the LEFT has Inculcated all Manner of Society with its Agents of Change . . . The LEFT Does What It Wants To Do, while Bought & Paid-For Faux-Conservative Simply Bluster & Complain in the Likes of Lindsey Graham.

I Suspect there are as Many Republicans who have Been Indoctrinated (Bought & Paid-For) by the Mega-Captains of Industries & the Unions of Power, who call themselves Conservatives, much Like Liz Cheney, Mitch McConnell, Adam Kinzinger, Lindsey Graham – Etc, as if they are True Conservatives at all Levels of Government & Public Society, which they are Not.

I Fear . . . As I Deeply Suspect The LEFTIST Handlers Fear, that if their Job is Complete or Not, by National Congressional Election Day (November 8, 2022), the Hemorrhaging Will Stop Because of Trump’s Conservative Strategy – To Drain The Republican Congressional Swamp Of Pretend Conservatives From The House and the Senate . . .

It Will Set-Up The Return Of A Very Angry President Trump In 2024.

I Fear The LEFT Is Planning A Circumstance To Cancel The 2022 Election Knowing That Their Defeat Is Imminent.

1 – The Left are Purging all Known Conservatives from Any Influence Within the Military.

2 – Federal Agencies Including & Perhaps Mostly the FBI & IRS are Being Politicized to Do the Dirty-Work of the LEFT.

3 – The Justice Department is No Longer Independent and has Become an Active Arm of the Democrat Party, which is a Continuation of the Obama Justice Department, which was Run by Eric Holder and is Now Run by Merrick Garland in the Same Vein.

4 – In Spite of the Dire Consequences Caused by Black Lives Matter, Antifa & Defund the Police . . . Where’s the Voice & Outrage of the Republicans . . . as Things go from Bad to Worse?

5 – More than 75-Million Americans who Voted for Donald Trump in 2020, are being Deemed through the Media and the FBI as Domestic Terrorists.

6 – The January 6, 2021 Capitol-Hill Riot, which was NOT an Insurrection by any Measure, which Very Probably was Inspired, Aided & Abetted with Federal Help to Create the Right Political Conditions for the LEFT to Pursue a Non-Existent Crusade Against All People & School Children Parents Included, who Dare Question Authority . . . As Domestic Terrorists.

7 – The Draconian Method & Unconstitutional Arrest & Imprisonment of People NOT Charged with an Insurrection, Much Less Anything More than Illegal Entry & Vandalism, is Counter to Everything the Constitution of the United States of America Stands-For . . . No One In America Is Guilty Until Proven Innocent.

The Question No One Can Answer . . . How Far Will The LEFT Descend To Stop The People’s Charge For Freedom?

No Matter What The LEFT Does Between Now & 2022 . . . Trump Will Stop & Reverse In 2024 – Once The LEFT Loses Congress.

By Howard Galganov
There was an article in the WSJ recently pointing out the serious decline in religious attendance attributable to COVID. Religious affiliation has been in decline for decades and though, as I have indicated on numerous occasions, I am not ritualistically religious, I believe religion and democracy are seriously linked.

I further believe the rise in crime and murders is directly connected to the decline in religion and thus, societal morals. I also believe mass entertainment ( movies) and video games have made human life less valuable as well..  Drugs have also contributed to the breakdown in an attitude toward human worth and this, ironically, comes at a time when more people are seeking to eat healthier, exercise more etc.

Attendance, worship in a higher being , I continue to believe, are critical to sustaining a society that believes in law and order and respects the sanctity of mankind.

As America is bombarded by more socialism and communist ideology we will drift further into chaos.
Obama shows what an arrogant, double talk hypocrite and self absorbed person he is once again:

Barack Obama Launches SICK Attack At Trump... Tries To Hurt Him

Barack Obama Launches SICK Attack At Trump... Tries To Hurt Him


Read This Alert >>>


Democrat's Disgusting Comment Caught on Camera

Watch and decide. Has he no shame? >>> Click HERE!



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