Saturday, November 20, 2021

BRRRR. Salena On Kyrsten. Democrats Washed Down The Sewers and Toilets Where They Belong.

BRRRRRR. Chill It.

Artic Sea Ice currently second-highest in 15 years and growing

ELECTROVERSE    (Documenting earth changes during the next GSM and Pole Shift)

Arctic sea ice data is in plain view of the world’s media, yet outlets would still rather quote activist-scientists than show an unambiguous chart. Articles of “catastrophic ice melt” still pepper the global news feeds, even as signs point to a cyclical shift in the northern polar region.

I’m being consciously naive here. I’m fully aware that the media’s job isn’t to inform; rather, it exists to propagandize and to push the agendas and narratives of its backers. Still, I can’t help but wonder, when a placard-brandishing climate alarmist yells “the end is nigh!”, who exactly is it that they’ve put their trust in? Who told them that the sky is falling? I ask because you do need to be informed of the ‘climate crisis’ in order to discern it — your own senses aren’t enough. People aren’t opening their front doors in the morning to an ‘existential emergency’, they aren’t retreating back inside, calling their bosses and saying “I wont be coming in today, you know… ’cause of the climate”. This is supposed to be ‘catastrophic global warming‘, remember? Not ‘random, cherry-picked extreme weather events’? For what is billed as a ‘worldly cataclysm’, this warming sure is illusive, periodic and localized.

The power of propaganda, I guess.

The blind acceptance of sheep.

   The Changing Jet Stream

The poster child for AGW is of course the Arctic. For years, dire tipping point deadlines of an “ice free Arctic” have been prophesied by pedestalled climate ‘experts’, and for years, dire tipping point deadlines have uneventfully passed us all by.

See: Decades Of Failed Tipping Point Prophesies

And: Years Of Failed Arctic Sea Ice Predictions

In a further blow to the credibility of the climate ambulance chasers, there is, as of Nov 17, significantly more ice in the Arctic than there has been in recent years — the difference is stark.

This week, Arctic sea ice is approaching 10,000,000 km2 — the second highest ice extent of any of the last 15 years. Furthermore, the years 2008 and 2005 are on course to be eclipsed in the coming days/weeks, as are many from the early-2000s and mid/late-1990s — this means that 2021 will soon claim the title of ‘the highest Arctic sea ice extent of the past two decades’ (since 2001).

In addition, extent is now comfortably above the 2011-2020 average, and, by next week, is expected to have taken out the 2001-2010 average, too, according to NSIDC data.

Also worth noting is that ‘extent’ is actually highly variable and susceptible to changing wind patterns, etc. A more reliable metric to use when trying to determine the health of an ice sheet is its thickness or volume.

According to the latest data from the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI), Arctic sea ice ‘volume’ has been on something of a tear in recent weeks — it is now tracking above all recent years (black line on the below chart), and shows no signs of abating:


Here’s a closer look:


“Cold and snow came early to much of the Arctic this year,” reports This reality, as hinted at above, is a big shift from recent years, and I believe it could indicate a more permanent ‘trend change’ as low solar activity’s impact on Earth’s climate continues to ‘snowball’.

Only time will tell on that front, but backing up my contention is the fact that the South Pole also just witnessed a historically cold winter. As reported last month: “Between the months of April and September, the South Pole averaged a temperature of -61.1C (-78F). Simply put, this was the region’s coldest 6-month spell ever recorded, and it comfortably usurped the previous coldest ‘coreless winter‘ on record: the -60.6C (-77F) from 1976 (solar minimum of weak cycle 20).”

Unsurprisingly, the mainstream media remains silent on all of this.

It doesn’t fit the narrative, and so it isn’t reported on — this isn’t how journalism (and indeed science) is supposed to work.

In the absence of open debate, questioning and accountability, authoritarian forces rise.



In an event thought to be related to the exceptional chill being felt in northern latitudes this autumn, a number of snowy or Arctic owls have been spotted in The Principality of Asturias–a region of northwest Spain.

Biologist Arancha Marcotegi, from Birdwatch Asturias, has confirmed the presence of at least three of these arctic specimens.

Marcotegi explains that the birds’ usual habitat is tundra –-a polar region of low vegetation– and that he does not believe that they will last very long in in Spain, no matter how harsh this coming winter may be.

Another biologist, Nicolás López, head of species conservation at BirdLife, explains that the southernmost latitudes that snowy owls can frequent “never goes beyond the north of the United Kingdom or Scandinavia”.

It is unprecedented to find them this far south.

The theories of how the birds actually got to Spain are numerous. Among the scenarios is that the birds, not being the best migrators, took rest on a boat which wound-up taking them to Asturias. Another theory among experts, and as reported by, is that, yes, you guessed it, that big bad wolf “climate change” is to blame. López says that global warming may gave caused the “extreme phenomena of more iciness in their areas” meaning the birds traveled south to find food.


I’m starting to think that whenever a phenomena occurs in nature that ‘experts’ don’t quite understand, ‘climate change’ is the go-to. The scapegoat. If the theory wasn’t so pervasive and destructive, it would actually be quite funny.

Enjoy your weekend. Stay free.


The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING, in line with the great conjunctionhistorically low solar activitycloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among other forcings).

Both NOAA and NASA appear to agree, if you read between the lines, with NOAA saying we’re entering a ‘full-blown’ Grand Solar Minimum in the late-2020s, and NASA seeing this upcoming solar cycle (25) as “the weakest of the past 200 years”, with the agency correlating previous solar shutdowns to prolonged periods of global cooling here.

Furthermore, we can’t ignore the slew of new scientific papers stating the immense impact The Beaufort Gyre could have on the Gulf Stream, and therefore the climate overall.



My latest dispatch: A different look at Kyrsten Sinema

By Salena Zito

“I remember we called her a Prada-socialist in one of our TV ads. You know what? It wasn’t true. In the end result, that’s just not who Kyrsten Sinema is,” Republican strategist Brian Murray admitted.

Click here for the full story.
In a recent memo, I wrote  a backlash tide could be forming and with the radical left's reaction to the Rittenhouse Jury's verdict I would think Democrats are continuing to shoot themselves in the feet.  I suspect American's are discouraged by the constant leftist efforts to continue down the discord, divisive , race bating road. 

I suspect American's are fed up with the way the mass media continues to distort facts and report whatever bias they are hugging at the moment.  I suspect Americans are sick and tired of the Democrat Party's unwillingness to think only of themselves and not the nation. I suspect American's are fed up with the current Attorney General doing Biden's bidding and the corrupt FBI breaking the law.  I suspect American's are tired of being told they can have no involvement in how their children are indoctrinated by arrogant Board's of Education, renegade unions and Marxist teachers. 

I suspect most Americans are disgusted  with this Administration's handling of the nation's economy, withdrawal from Afghanistan and the porous borders that allow our nation to be flooded by drug cartels, sex traffickers and assorted criminals. 

Most of all, I suspect Americans, based on polling, have had enough of the Biden Harris team and regret ever having heard their names.  

Time will tell but I suspect the tide is going  to wash a lot of Democrats out of office and down the sewers and toilets where they belong and can take up their  new residences.

Always knew he was full of hot air.




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