Thursday, November 4, 2021

My Pamphlet. CRT Is Real. Pa. Moves Further Right. Hispanic Vote Up For Grabs? Cannon Beat Hanson. Op Ed's Reinforce.


Ep. 211 — Don't Raise Fearful Children

What kind of person is more likely to live in fear? Dennis has always spoken about the importance of living a full life and not dwelling in fear, but this episode is about understanding why a person would choose to live in fear. One answer: it probably starts in childhood. He offers one way to avoid raising fearful adults.

The dictatorial policies of King Biden has, in my humble opinion, made a pamphlet I wrote several years ago, even more relevant today, regarding parental education of their children.  I believe it is still available through AMAZON and all proceeds go to The Wounded Warrior Project.
Good for a stocking stuffer.
If you are concerned about our nation's future watch this sad video and think about the fact that this is the next generation that has your back:

"A Conservative Capitalist Offers: Eleven Lessons and a Bonus Lesson for Raising America's Youth Born and Yet To Be Born"

By Dick Berkowitz - Non Expert

"A Conservative Capitalist Offers: Eleven Lessons and a Bonus Lesson for Raising America's Youth Born and Yet To Be Born"

By Dick Berkowitz - Non Expert

I wrote this booklet because I believe a strong country must rest on a solid family unit and that Brokaw's "Greatest Generation" has morphed into "A Confused, Dependent and Compromised Generation." I hope this booklet will provide a guide to alter this trend.


This from a dear friend and fellow memo reader. I could not be more in agreement:

The wheels of justice turn slowly … but under the Barr administration as Attorney General, at least they turned … question is: Will Garland pull the plug on Durham as he gets closer and closer to Hillary as the ultimate culprit?  He has turned out to be a political hack so far with his use of the FBI’s Counter Terrorism Unit to investigate moms and dads protesting school board indoctrination of children on race and Woke placements of predator male students into girl’s locker rooms.

The office of Special Counsel John Durham has confirmed that Igor Danchenko, a key source for British ex-spy Christopher Steele, has been arrested. This is the third arrest by Durham who is moving toward the prosecution stage of his investigation into the origins of the Russian collusion scandal. Durham is variously described as either painfully methodical or positively glacial as a prosecutor.  But he is widely credited with being a dogged and absolutely apolitical prosecutor. Danchenko’s arrest is a seismic development and confirmed Durham is far from done with his investigation.

Washington was recently rocked by the indictment of Michael Sussman, former counsel for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee, for his alleged role in spreading a false Russia conspiracy theory.

Now Danchenko is being charged five counts of making false statements.

Danchenko is widely referenced as the sub-source for former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele for his controversial dossier. That dossier, funded by the Clinton campaign, served as the basis for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants against Trump campaign aide Carter Page.

Danchenko told the FBI that the dossier was “unsubstantiated” and said that Steele asked him to look for any “compromising” information on Trump. Mr. Danchenko worked for the Brookings Institution, a liberal Washington think-tank that often produced reports critical of Trump.

Danchenko is not someone who immediately comes across as an apex defendant — the highest target in an investigation. He was a key source used by others to advance false or unsubstantiated claims against Trump. He is the type of defendant that prosecutors pressure to flip against those who retained him or used him in this effort. In other words, he strikes me as someone who can be used as a building block to apex defendants.

Potential apex targets above him in investigation range from Steele himself to Clinton general counsel Marc Elias to Clinton campaign officials.

There is no indication if Durham has possible evidence of criminal acts by those figures but there is every indication that he is not done by a long shot with this investigation.


According to the mass media CRT is a figment of Republican thinking and does not exist, nor is it  taught. 

According to the mass media and assorted radicals who have taken over the Democrat Party  Republicans and the likes of Erick Erickson , would be better spending their time washing those white sheets:

Everything You Need To Know About Critical Theory

This is a transcript from my radio show. You can subscribe to my premium newsletter for $7/month or $70/year. It’s a great way to stay current and support the show.

We need to discuss critical theory. I'm going to do it as succinctly as I can. I feel very strongly that you need to know what it is. It is important to me that you understand it. The reason it’s important that you understand critical theory is because you will be asked about it. When they say critical theory is not taught in schools, you can respond and say, "Critical theory is a framework." Here’s what you need to know. First, you should subscribe to my premium newsletter for more exclusive content like this.

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If you text the word "data" to 33777, Tim Keller has written my favorite takedown of critical theory and he makes it easy for you to understand. Text "data" to 33777. Now, I'm not going to read you what Tim wrote. I'm going to tell you my view of it. A lot of it is shaped by Tim Keller and other theologians. Ligon Duncan, the Chancellor of Reform Theological Seminary, was the first person in America to tell me I needed to pay attention to critical theory. He said it was coming and I needed to get sharp on it. He sent me a lot of resources and then Tim Keller came out with some great information on it. Keller and I have had a number of conversations about this.

Critical theory is a postmodern concept meant to describe power and justice. So, first of all, we need to ask ourselves, what is postmodernism? Modernism is the idea that there can be an objective reality and an objective truth and that everyone can find and grab hold of that truth. It puts factual analysis ahead of emotions. Postmodernism is the opposite. Postmodernism is the belief that there is no truth. You have your truth. I have my truth. It puts emotions and feelings above thinking. That's why you hear so many people these days say "I feel" instead of "I think." That's a sign we're in postmodern times. People put their feelings ahead of their thinking. Postmodernism is very relational. People find people who speak their truth back to them and those people become fans and have an emotional connection to them.

Postmodernism as well believes that reality is constructed not through observation, but through words, and words possess the power to construct reality. So if you and I go outside and we all look up at the sky and there's not a cloud in the sky and I tell you, "The sky is blue," that may be my reality, but that may not be your reality. If you are color blind, that's not your reality. Therefore, I can't tell you what objective reality is because it's not the reality you share with me. Now, this gets to the key point you have to understand about postmodernism. This is the key point. The exception becomes the rule in postmodernism. So on the transgender debate, there are people who are born intersex. They have characteristics of both male and female. They are the exception to the rule. They are in a biological anomaly.

We determine their true sex based on the priority of chromosomes. You can have XYXX, XYXY, XXXY, XXXX. The first two are determinative of the predominant gender of the person. But in rare situations, there are people who can be born as intersex. Postmodernists claim you can't say, “there are only two genders” because look at all of these other people. So, therefore they believe you can choose. They take the exception and they make it the rule. "The police are oppressors in the country. They are all bad." In postmodernism, they take the exception of the bad police officer and they apply it to the whole. That's what we're seeing in society, the exception becomes the rule. That is postmodernism. In modernism, there are rules with exceptions to rules. In postmodernism, the exception becomes the rule

Now, you’ve got to understand all of that to understand that critical theory comes from postmodernism. Emotion trump facts, your lived experience trumps reality, and there is no general rule of life. Critical theory seeks to define power. Now, I'm saying critical theory, very specifically, because there are divisions of critical theory. Critical theory tries to explain power imbalances in the world through a group of intersections or characteristics people have. The one we focus on a lot in conversations is critical race theory, but you have the various intersectional dynamics of people. What is their sexual orientation? Are they cisgender? That is their gender and their biological sex align. Are they Christian or not? Are they White or someone else?

Your race, your sex, your gender, your religion, your lack of a disability or a disability, all of these things combine and the person who is White, male, cisgender, heterosexual, conservative, tall with no disability, you are the most oppressive person with the intersection. You are the most oppressive person, and the person who is none of those things is the most oppressed. Under critical theory, they believe that only the oppressed can see true reality. So those of you who are of the oppressor class, White people, you must be quiet and hear the oppressed person that is the non-White person. What they say is true and you must accept it as true because due to all of your oppressive characteristics, you yourself cannot understand what is real truth.

Reality is shaped under critical theory by something called dominant discourses, and the dominant discourse are those things the oppressors say, what White people say. You're hearing this in the conversations about the Virginia election. White people are saying the election was about education. The non-White voices on MSNBC are saying it's actually about White supremacy. According to critical theory, you White people must shut up and take Joy Reid as Gospel truth because Joy Reid is Black and female, therefore she is not of the oppressor class, she's of the oppressed class, and her truth trump yours. Critical theory is hostile to the idea of free speech because if everyone has free access to speak, the oppressor is always going to prevail under critical theory. The dominant discourse must be shut down.

Here is the key point you must understand, racial reconciliation is impossible in critical theory. Why? Because it's a postmodern view of power, which means there will always be the oppressed and there will always be the oppressors. So when the oppressor finally becomes oppressed, you have new oppressors and the dynamics continually shift. The critical theorists say, "That's not true. Once we have a power balance by the White people giving up their power, there will be no oppression." That's what they say. They can't explain why. So critical theory is a postmodern framework used to see the world. When we say critical theory is taught in school, we are saying it's how history is taught. History is now viewed not as a factual pattern of what happened, but as a history of oppressors and oppressed.

Black kids are taught that they are oppressed and White kids are taught that they are oppressors. White kids are taught they must be silent and only listen to the Black voices because since they're oppressors they have no real grasp of reality. So when they shove the microphone in your face and they tell you, "Tell me what critical theory is," you say, "Critical theory is not a thing per se. Critical theory is a framework by which they're teaching education. The critical theory framework is postmodernism and it means there is no real reality and we must revise history in light of the oppressed and the oppressor. We are not allowed to have real truth. Everyone has their own truth. And that means there can be no objective reality."

Last point for you people of faith, there are efforts to bring critical theory into the church. You cannot bring critical theory into the church and maintain real Christianity. Why? Because Jesus Christ says, "I am the way and the truth and the life." That means there must be an objective truth because God is real. So anyone who brings critical theory in is telling you to subvert the actual truth of Christ for some person's truth, and that gets you to idol worship. You don't want to do that.


Further right for Pennsylvania:

Pennsylvania leapt further right on election night

By Salena Zito

ERIE, Pennsylvania — Voters in the Keystone State, as in Virginia, took Tuesday's election as an opportunity to rebut Democrats' overreach. Driven by the loudest voices in their national party toward issues of social justice, "intersectionality," and "climate justice," Democrats suffered for ignoring everyday issues such as inflation, crime, and education.
With mail ballots still pending, Republicans are poised to sweep all four of Pennsylvania's statewide judicial elections. They also made gains in municipal races.

Click here for the full story.

A senior Hamas delegation that visited Iran in October and met with Supreme Leader Khamenei is the latest sign of the close partnership between the Sunni Palestinian terror organization and the Shi’ite Islamic Republic.

Hamas has an important role in Iran’s scheme to surround Israel with Islamist, heavily armed forces, said Col. (res.) David Hacham, a former Arab-affairs adviser to seven Israeli defense ministers, and a senior research associate at the Miryam Institute. However, Hacham told the Investigative Project on Terrorism, there isn’t a clear consensus within Hamas over just how far it should align with Tehran’s play book.


By Thomas Lifson, AM THINKER

It’s been an article of faith for Democrats that the rising share of Hispanic voters will empower Democrats will dominate future elections. Almost two decades ago, John Judis and Ruy Teixeira wrote The Emerging Democratic Majority, whose prophecy of Democrat demographic dominance driven in large part by Hispanic immigration (legal and illegal) inspired Biden’s open border policy now flooding us with a tsunami-like human wave.

But the problem for the donkeys is that Hispanic voters are not reacting as predicted by those who think minority status automatically means consciousness of being an oppressed victim in  need of rescue by the statists. In 2020, Biden only got 61 percent of the Hispanic vote, while, Trump increased his share 8 points over 2016. That trend line of Hispanics migrating over to the GOP appears to have continued with the election last Tuesday.



PHD Ellen Cannon warned about this in a meeting we attended at Rollins College some 20 years ago and her warnings have proven unbelievably accurate:

Victor Davis Hanson: America's Been Infiltrated By 'Bolsheviks'
interview with Victor Davis Hanson via The Washington Times

(16:03) Hoover Institution fellow Victor Davis Hanson talks about anti-American forces that aren't simply protesting outside the government buildings, but they've infiltrated within the systems and organizations they once protested against, and that makes them all the more dangerous to America's constitution, to America's democratic-republic, and to liberty-loving American citizens.


And the noose tightens:

Ghislaine Maxwell Appears for Last Pretrial Hearing Before Court Case Begins

( – Although Jeffrey Epstein will never face judgment on his 2019 charges of sex trafficking of a minor and conspiracy, one of his alleged accomplices will stand trial. Police arrested Ghislaine Maxwell in July 2020 for reportedly recruiting underage girls for the accused sex offender and participating in their sexual assault. At her pre-trial hearing in New York on November 1, presiding Judge Alison Nathan ruled Maxwell’s accusers could remain anonymous during testimony.

The ruling allows alleged victims, some of whom were as young as 14 during their assaults, to use either “pseudonyms or just a first name” in front of the jury. In previous pre-trial proceedings, the judge disallowed the defense to show the prosecution went out of its jurisdiction to collect evidence. In addition, Nathan previously ruled the prosecution could refer to the accusers as victims and minor victims. These decisions are setbacks for Maxwell’s attorneys and will likely affect how they defend their client.

The accused maintains her innocence by insisting she hasn’t “committed a crime.” The prosecuting attorney did not offer a plea deal, and opening statements will begin on November 29, when a jury of her peers will decide the defendant’s fate.


Did the Democrat disaster begin with Kaepernick,AOC,Obama, all three and/or more? You decide.

As for myself, it began with President Wilson, gathered speed with FDR and like Red Riding Hood's wolf will always be knocking at the door because liberals,like nymphomaniacs, are never sated.


Noem says no way Joe. 

Governor Noem is fed up with Biden doing THIS to Americans >>> Click HERE!

How do you ban something that does not exist?

Dear Patriot,

All over the nation, we are seeing schools begin to teach some rather strange and outright hateful ideas to our children. In most cases, it comes to us in the form of what is known as critical race theory or CRT. 

If you haven’t heard of the theory, it is basically the idea that all white people, as the human race historically in power, are inherently racist to the core. In fact, the theory teaches that all whites, even the youngest and most innocent of children, are evil for simply having a light skin complexion. 

As such, it teaches that white people need to constantly check their ‘privilege’ and seek to undo their whiteness. As a result, we have children coming home from school ashamed to be white and hating their God-given color. It’s racism, plain and simple. 

But plenty of people think it belongs in our schools to be spread around the world. Do you agree? Or do you think CRT should be banned? 

Let us know today by taking this quick and anonymous poll

Keep Fighting For Freedom!


I end this memo by posting several Op Ed's from the WSJ that highlight my own thoughts and what I have been stressing for decades:

The Biden Democrats Lose It

The progressives’ disastrous overreach fosters an emerging Republican coalition.

By Daniel Henninger

That was one sweet night.

Out of the gate, Glenn Youngkin led Terry McAuliffe. An image for the political ages was the McAuliffe campaign headquarters emptying and workmen removing Terry’s lectern from the stage—before the election was called.

Then the hold-on-a-second result emerged. New Jersey Republican Jack Ciattarelli was tied with incumbent Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy. And stayed tied. With 60% reporting. With 86% in.

If the Youngkin win in Virginia was an earthquake, that New Jersey governor’s result—win or barely lose—is a volcano.

Regular readers of this column will be able to guess why I found Tuesday night sooo sweet. Let me count the ways. The Atlanta Braves won the World Series.

In April Baseball Commissioner Rob Manfred pulled the All-Star Game out of Atlanta, feigning indignation over the Republican Georgia Legislature’s voting-reform law. That’s the same Commissioner Manfred who forced the Cleveland Indians to drop their mascot, Chief Wahoo, and change the team’s name to the Guardians. How sweet it was to sit home doing the tomahawk chop and chant with countless Braves fans.

And don’t think that Atlanta baseball incident has nothing to do with these elections. The takeaway from Tuesday’s voting is that the Democratic Party’s progressives are a clear and present danger—to their party and to everyone else. Because of progressive overreach, incompetence and intolerance, the Republican Party now owns at least three important security issues—economic security, education security and civil security, a k a “law and order.”

Those security fundamentals could be the building blocks of an emerging post-pandemic Republican coalition of suburbs, rural counties and minority voters whose concerns don’t align with the increasingly manifest impracticality of progressive ideas.

We will be learning for years the political and social implications of the pandemic. What we know is that Covid-19 closed the economy and closed the schools for beyond a year. Add in the George Floyd protests in the summer of 2020 that produced an unprecedented cultural upheaval over systemic racism and what effectively became a national sit-down strike by urban police departments.

It is obvious from the results that these accumulated national and personal insecurities affected Tuesday’s elections.

Clearly, voters think something has gone wrong with the U.S. economy—inflation, shortages of both goods and workers, and the Democratic Party trying to spend more than $6 trillion, all paid for by Joe Biden whispering “pay your fair share.” He sounds like he’s talking to all of us.

Earth to Joe: The residents of New Jersey already pay their fair share—and more. A few weeks ago, Gov. Murphy, who proudly said “we are not going to be the low-cost state to live or work in,” announced out of nowhere that he would not raise taxes in a second term. Mr. Ciattarelli, like Mr. Youngkin in Virginia, ran on taxes and repairing the state’s economy.

Republicans also have a chance to own the issue of education security—the assumption by most parents that their kids go to school to learn. No longer.

One of the last political surrogates to appear for Mr. McAuliffe was teachers union president Randi Weingarten. The unmissable message: the unions own the Democratic Party. They are its bedrock base. That’s why Mr. McAuliffe wouldn’t voice a peep of support for the state’s distraught parents.

The racializing of curriculums in Loudoun County, Va., rightly got the attention, but education was a huge issue during the pandemic in New Jersey’s suburbs, where the unions shut the public schools and kept them shut for a year. Parents, naturally, got no support from Gov. Murphy. The suburbs just voted for Mr. Ciattarelli.

Charters, school choice and vouchers offer parents what the unions won’t give them—a secure K-12 education for their kids. Democrats have abdicated this issue to Republicans.

Republicans historically have owned the law-and-order issue because the Democrats don’t want it. More recently, progressive mayors and prosecutors—in New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle and Portland, Ore.—have made it an explicit policy not to enforce established law and order. Result: rampant disorder.

Voters in Minneapolis, ground zero for the new disorder, just voted by 57% not to replace their police department with a poorly defined alternative. This comes after a year of the firing or resignations of urban police chiefs, many African-Americans.

In New York City, Democrat Eric Adams will become mayor only because voters in the city’s most crime-beset neighborhoods in Brooklyn, the Bronx, Harlem and Queens voted for him in the Democratic primary. New York’s Google gentry—like the metropolitan sophisticates in other cities—voted overwhelmingly for two progressives. Tuesday Manhattanites also elected a progressive prosecutor. Good luck, Mr. Adams.

The question of the moment is whether Messrs. Youngkin and Ciattarelli offer a GOP template for the future. But what about the Democrats’ template—Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, AOC, unfocused but limitless spending, new taxes and constant cultural disruption? Right now, that template looks cracked.


The Big ‘Racist’ Fail in Virginia

Voters called ‘white supremacists’ elected a black Lt. Governor.

By The Editorial Board

One salutary result from Glenn Youngkin’s victory in Virginia Tuesday is the failure of Democratic racial demagoguery. Throughout the campaign Democrats and their media allies assailed Mr. Youngkin and his supporters as closet white supremacists. MSNBC’s Joy Reid said the issue of education and critical race theory is “code for white parents don’t like the idea of teaching about race.”

On PBS the Washington Post’s Jonathan Capehart said that if Mr. Youngkin won it would be because Republicans decided that “tap-dancing with white supremacy is their way back into power.” Terry McAuliffe was especially nasty as he closed his campaign this weekend, saying of his rival: “He’s run a racist campaign from start to finish.”

So what did all these racist Virginia voters do Tuesday night? In addition to electing Mr. Youngkin as Governor, they elected Winsome Sears as Lt. Governor. She will be the first African-American woman to be elected to statewide office in Virginia history. These same “racists” appear to have rejected Mark Herring, a Democrat who admitted he’d appeared in blackface. Instead they chose Jason Miyares, who will be Virginia’s first Latino attorney general.

If the press were doing its job, it would have alerted Virginians to what was really going on. Especially after the Lincoln Project admitted it had sent five people with tiki torches—meant to evoke the ugly, white nationalist march in Charlottesville in 2017—to be photographed outside Mr. Youngkin’s campaign bus. If there are white supremacists with Mr. Youngkin as the Lincoln Project claims, why did it have to send five phony ones there for their smear?

In the end, voters shrugged off the racism accusations much the way Mr. Youngkin did. Despite what Democrats say, voters know their neighbors, and they don’t see a racist society or country. Most Americans don’t want the racial divisions that Democrats keep fomenting for political gain.


Lessons of the Progressive Fall

Voters warn Democrats to walk away from the Sanders-Pelosi agenda.

By The Editorial Board

Democrats were reeling Wednesday from an election that repudiated the progressive agenda nationwide. They now have a chance to pull out of their tailspin to avert another disaster in 2022, but the early response suggests they might prefer another crash landing.

The GOP sweep in Virginia was the biggest electoral news, with a voter swing of 12 points in a state that Joe Biden won by 10. But the bigger shock was New Jersey, where Jack Ciattarelli, the underfinanced Republican, nearly defeated incumbent Gov. Phil Murphy. The swing there was 16 points and the down-ballot carnage for Democrats was considerable.

Those were the big races, but voters rejected progressive politicians and the anti-police movement from coast to coast. (See nearby.) Voters registered their unhappiness with the woke agenda, the Democratic leap to the left in Washington, and the negative economic and social results.

Glenn Youngkin’s victory in the Virginia Governor’s race was notable as a template for how Republicans can win back the suburbs after their alienation from the GOP during the Trump Presidency. A businessman and first-time candidate, Mr. Youngkin defied the historical trend by winning a state that has been trending Democratic.

The GOP hadn’t won a statewide Virginia race in more than a decade. The GOP won back enough of the suburban vote around Washington, D.C., Richmond and Virginia Beach to sweep the top three statewide offices and win back the House of Delegates.

would be to drop the Bernie Sanders agenda, settle for the Senate infrastructure bill, and recalibrate to win some bipartisan victories. The Virginia defeat gives Mr. Biden the opening he needs to finally say no to the left. It may be the only way to salvage his Presidency. Mr. Manchin and the swing-district House Democrats would do their party a favor by withdrawing support for the Sanders-Pelosi entitlement blowout.

As for the GOP, the Youngkin strategy won’t be replicable everywhere. But it does show a path to regaining support in the suburbs that was lost under Mr. Trump. The GOP in the Trump years won a larger share of the vote in shrinking parts of the country, but a smaller share in the rising areas. Much of this was due to Mr. Trump’s persona and polarizing style that alienated college-educated voters and women.

Mr. Youngkin triangulated the Trump dilemma with skill. He didn’t attack the former President but he also didn’t invite him to campaign with him. Mr. McAuliffe tried to wrap Mr. Trump around the Republican but it didn’t work because Mr. Youngkin was so un-Trump-like. He could talk about some of the same cultural issues, such as critical race theory in schools, but without playing into the hands of the Democrats who want to portray all Republicans as racists.

Mr. Trump, naturally, tried to take credit for Mr. Youngkin’s victory in statements on Tuesday night. But he was jumping in front of the victory parade. The former President would have hurt Mr. Youngkin had he campaigned for him. The message from Virginia is that voters don’t want the agenda of the progressive left, and they’ll listen to a Republican who forthrightly addresses problems they care about while talking like a normal human being.

What the above Op Ed's reinforce are:

a) Don't raise voter expectations and then fail to deliver and worse what you deliver is the obverse of what they heard you say.

b) Playing the race card might work initially but it gets tiresome when there is no true substance to it because most voters are fair minded and see through a repeated fraud.

c) America is a centrist nation basically and taking voters out on the fringe is a dangerous strategy because deep down most Americans have benefited from  capitalism Yes, even a poorer American has more than most world poor and opportunities abound fort hose willing to put forth the effort.

d) The American voter has a short attention span but refuses to remain stupid for a long period. He also may be myopic but eventually he sees through a rancid bill of goods .

e) It is possible, in time, American voters will succumb to the threats/reality of a poor education, CRT and other nonsense radical Democrats keep taunting them with but, for the time being, they are capable of keeping their perspective intact

f). The AOC's and their ilk are like shooting stars the mass media use to sell papers and trap advertisers but they flash out because they lack substance and what they are selling does not hold water.

It is the: " fool me once shame on you story.."   No one likes to be made a fool.

Levi's became popular because they are durable and steady. It is a chicken and egg kind of thing.

g) I suspect many voters feel Biden cheated them  and continues to do so and they are not happy.  The best way to show their displeasure is through the ballot box.

I have said before and repeat , democracies may  out of synch with the way the world now works.. Everything comes at you faster and therefore  time becomes more precious. Particularly is this the case when our adversarial nations are ruled by dictators and have longevity going for them. There is something to be said for consistency if only because it can facilitate planning.

One flower does not make a Spring. It is imperative Republicans learn the lessons of this past week. The arrogant mass media, hypocritical Democrats, blind progressives and common radicals never learn. They are too busy doing the same thing while expecting different results.  I play tennis with several and they always  resort to employing the same shots.


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