Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Poor Polls. If New Jersey Can Happen Why Not The Same In America? Taliban Message- Enjoy Mirth Your Destiny Is Earth. Dumb But Can't Be That Dumb.

Biden really is an old fart:

Joe Biden’s bowels again take center stage in Europe
By Andrea Widburg

The older you get, the harder travel can be on your body. You tire more easily, your joints hurt and, if you’re unlucky, your digestion goes all flipsy-wopsy. Joe Biden is just a few days away from turning 79, which is a respectable age for anyone, especially someone who seems to be decomposing while still alive. Perhaps it’s not surprising, given his age and decrepitude, that Biden’s bowels apparently were a problem during his recent trip abroad. His having an accident while visiting with the Pope lives in the realm of rumor but it’s pretty certain he let loose with a long, melodious fart while talking to Camilla Parker Bowles.

We know that Biden lost control because it appears that the Duchess of Cornwall, rather than considering the subject to be beneath her notice, can’t stop talking about it:

He is supposed to be committed to reducing emissions – but when President Joe Biden produced a little natural gas of his own at the COP26 summit, it was audible enough to make the Duchess of Cornwall blush.

An informed source has told The Mail on Sunday that Camilla was taken aback to hear Biden break wind as they made polite small talk at the global climate change gathering in Glasgow last week.

‘It was long and loud and impossible to ignore,’ the source said. ‘Camilla hasn’t stopped talking about it.’

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Joe Biden’s bowels again take center stage in Europe

And while I cannot reproduce it because of copyright issues, I can tell you that the Daily Mail found the perfect photograph to illustrate the story. Joe Biden stands facing the photographer with the Duchess on his left and Liz Truss on his right. Both women are in profile. On Biden’s face is the exact same expression you’ve seen on your babies’ faces after they filled their diapers and are now feeling a tremendous sense of relief. Meanwhile, despite being in profile, Camilla’s face shows both shock and repulsion while Truss looks as if she’s holding her breath.

The Daily Mail helpfully reminds readers that, back when he was a youthful 77-years-old, Biden appeared to have passed gas while having a live-stream conversation with Pennsylvania’s governor, Tom Wolf:

And of course, a week ago, there was a rumor going around Rome that Biden had soiled himself during a meeting with Pope Francis. Peter McArdle noted that the rumor found some confirmation in the fact that the Vatican did not provide live footage of the meeting, that the meeting ran unusually long, and that Biden may have been wearing a different suit after the meeting than he wore when he arrived.

I had thought to fill this post with puns and double entendres about bowel movements and related activity but I’m not an inveterate punster and the whole post would have ended up being rather crude and silly. I didn’t want to be silly because I think these stories are actually rather serious.

The reality is that human bodies are busy things that excrete lots of stuff all the time. Again, anyone who has ever been around babies and small children knows that one spends a lot of time cleaning up after all that stuff. However, as we grow older, we’re expected to bring our bodies under control. It’s only when we’re very old or very sick that we start reverting to our infantile body habits.

That’s why it matters that, when Biden went abroad, people outside of America gossiped about three things: (1) the rumor that he pooped at the Pope’s; (2) the fact that he fell asleep during the climate conference; and (3) the fact that he farted long and loud in the presence of the Duchess of Cornwall. Combine that with the nonsense that so often emerges whenever Biden opens his mouth, the weird whispers into the microphone, and his flashes of fury at reporters (including friendlies), and the message that the Europeans are getting is clear: The person sitting at the top of the American government is a man in his dotage who is reverting to infantile physical habits.

And of course, it’s not just the Europeans, who ostensibly are our allies. Our enemies, whether in Beijing or Tehran, are getting the same message.

In the old days in Europe, when leadership was hereditary, the most frightening thing that could happen to a nation was to have an infant or an imbecile on the throne (whether the imbecility was from inbreeding or advanced age). With Joe Biden at America’s helm, we are now discovering just how right the Europeans were to fear such a situation.

(Today, my pronouns are "Hold it in, Brandon!" and "Whatever you do, don't breathe through your nose." What are your pronouns?

Image: “Gas Emissions” from Reality Bites by Broc Smith. The words coming out of Biden’s mouth are a slightly abbreviated version of what he actually said: “One of the most important things we can do in this decisive decade — to keep 1.5 degrees in reach — is reduce our methane emissions as quickly as possible.”

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We are currently a leaderless nation but, apparently, our president may no longer be full of crap. That should be comforting both to Americans as well as our fearless leader. However, polls till suggest otherwise. In ten months Biden has achieved undesirable status if polls remain relevant and even close to accurate.

Meanwhile, those who once lived in New Jersey finally decided they were tired of being taxed and many of  those who could decided to get the hell out of New Jersey.  The Governor actually encouraged them to leave when he said, and I paraphrase,  New Jersey is  not the place for those who worry about taxes.

Now that the Biden administration seeks to increase taxes why can't what happened at a state level morph into a flight from the nation. Billionaires are unlikely to be taxed beyond their ability to eat, take vacations, send their kids to college etc. but people who are aggressive, are smart, are risk takers can also conclude they are being taken advantage of for being creative and successful. They can withdraw capital and place it somewhere else where it is both more productive and taxed less. Why are several billionaires buying entire islands, moving to the Caribbean? In fact, the Caribbean could well become the next haven where many corporations open factories. Producing technology does not cost large sums to ship, the climate is pleasant and non-union low cost labor is available. Perhaps, the natives are eager to earn and work a bit more.

That said, as stupid as I believe Biden is, I also believe Biden is not as stupid as his failures would make him appear.  So who are the idiots manipulating him?  Again, I believe they are Obama holdovers. After 8 years we learned few had ever held real jobs outside government or social/welfare related endeavors. We also learned they were more than capable of petty acts of intimidation, were willing to wreck reputations and engage in questionable acts in agencies like the IRS among others.

Many of their decisions were outside the scope of their authority and their leader set the tone with his I have a cell phone and pen arrogance.
More commentary about those Republicans who greased the tracks for the resident of The Home Of The Whopper Social Infrastructure deal. You decide

Republicans Rescue Biden’s Agenda
Will the infrastructure bill grease the wheels for the Democrats’ $4 trillion spending blowout?
By The Editorial Board

The press is full of triumphant accounts of how Speaker Nancy Pelosi and President Biden saved their party, the country, and maybe the future of mankind by passing the $1 trillion infrastructure bill through the House late Friday night. It’s more accurate to say their divided party was rescued by 13 Republicans who voted with the Democrats.

With their narrow House majority, Democrats couldn’t pass the bill themselves after six left-wing Members voted no. Without those GOP votes, the bill would have failed and Democrats would have suffered another political defeat and more recriminations. Instead, Democratic leaders are moving ahead fast to focus on their $4 trillion entitlement spending and tax bill that is now more likely to pass.

The country needs spending on such public works as roads and bridges, and some projects will offer an economic return on the investment. But this bill throws money at far more than that, with only $110 billion reserved for this traditional infrastructure.

The bill includes tens of billions in public broadband subsidies that will pre-empt private investment. Amtrak gets a $66 billion bailout that should be enough to build a high-speed line in the Northeast corridor but almost certainly won’t because of union and political stipulations. Some $16 billion will go to a national rail network that is unnecessary and bleeds money.

The bill is also a large down payment on the Green New Deal. There’s $7.5 billion for electric-car charging stations that the Transportation Department will allocate. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm gets $21.5 billion for a new Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations, which will pass out subsidies to favored projects. This will be a festival of corporate welfare serving political interests rather than the best return on investment. Think Solyndra, the sequel.

Though the bill doesn’t include a broad tax increase on individuals, it does include $14 billion in new Superfund excise taxes on 42 chemicals, minerals and metallic elements that will be passed along to consumers. The Congressional Budget Office (CB0) found the bill will add $256 billion to the federal deficit over 10 years, plus another $196 billion over the 2021 budget baseline in the government’s contract authority.

The 13 Republicans (see nearby) who voted for this are mostly from swing districts and no doubt want to associate themselves with a bill labeled bipartisan. Nineteen GOP Senators voted for the infrastructure bill, and their boast is that passing the bipartisan bill would make it more difficult for Democrats to pass the partisan budget bill.

“I weakened their hand. They have no leverage now,” New York Rep. Nicole Malliotakis told Axios after she voted for the infrastructure bill. “I voted against AOC and the squad tonight.” She’s referring to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her progressive allies who voted against the public-works bill.

Not so fast. To appease the left, Mr. Biden linked the infrastructure and entitlement bills. Progressives and Mrs. Pelosi extracted a written promise from swing-district Democrats to vote for the budget blowout after CBO publishes its cost estimates for the bill. House Democratic “centrists” have rolled over again, and Ms. Malliotakis has strengthened Mrs. Pelosi’s hand in the House. Her political rationalization now hangs on the willingness of West Virginia’s Joe Manchin to hold the line against the $4 trillion in the Senate.

The 13 Republicans resisted the pleas of Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and whip Steve Scalise. The GOP leaders couldn’t even get the defectors to hold their votes to see if Democrats could pass the bill themselves. Failure would have given them leverage to get something from Democrats in return. That’s what Mrs. Pelosi did when Republicans ran the House and the Freedom Caucus created problems for GOP leaders. Mr. McCarthy has a long way to go to prove that he’s an effective legislative leader.

The silver lining of the infrastructure bill is that some projects will be worthwhile while most of it is one-time spending that will end. Not so the $4 trillion Democratic plan that would create new cradle-to-grave entitlements that are designed to make American families even more dependent on the government. It would corrode the incentive to work and build in new demands for higher taxes, which the middle class will eventually pay.

Voters last week sent a message that they don’t want more taxes and spending amid rising inflation and shortages across the economy. If Democrats pass this monstrosity anyway, the Republicans who voted for the infrastructure bill will share the responsibility.
Now that we left Afghanistan with our tail between our legs the religious nut cases have taken over the country and reports indicate, at a recent wedding, where music was played, the Taliban killed many attending the wedding.

 If you enjoy mirth your destiny may be earth.

Taliban Allegedly Kill Wedding Guests for Playing Music


Soros remains one of the most dangerous men in America.  This billionaire not only has the money but also has the intent to destroy this nation and reconstruct it into one that fits his mold.



Trickle-Down Bidenism
by Victor Davis Hanson via American Greatness

This Biden cadre who engineered these self-induced calamities has no clue about the damage they have done to America.




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