Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Finally .My View. Videos.

The ACLU finally responds:

ACLU Releases Statement On FBI Raid of Project Veritas and James O’Keefe

James O’Keefe’s New York home was raided by FBI agents 8 days ago on Saturday.

Before the raid on his home, the FBI conducted a raid of two New York addresses of people connected to Project Veritas as part of an investigation on how Ashley Biden’s diary was made public shortly before the 2020 election.

Project Veritas Founder James O’Keefe’s home was also raided by FBI agents as part of this “investigation” into a stolen diary.  The corrupt FBI is investigating stolen diaries now.

Chiropractors Baffled: "30 Second" Stretch Relieves Years Of Back Pain (Watch)
An hour after the FBI raid was conducted, The New York Times contacted one of the Veritas reporters to ask for comment on this confidential investigation.

The New York Times was the first to break the story that O’Keefe’s home was raided. They even reached out for comment, after his home was raided at 6 a.m.

Project Veritas never published pages of Ashley Biden’s diary, however, another conservative website did.

Then on Thursday, five days after the FBI raided James O’Keefe’s home, The New York Times released an exclusive new report on James O’Keefe that included several private documents from Project Veritas.

It took Chris Wray’s FBI less than a week to leak O’Keefe’s documents to their cohorts and comrades at the NY Times.

On Sunday, more than a week after the FBI raids, the ACLU finally released a statement.

The ACLU trashed James O’Keefe and Project Veritas, after all, they are uber-successful right-leaning journalists who get results and create change.  Then they offer a defense of their First Amendment rights.

NOVEMBER 14, 2021 NEW YORK — The following is a statement from Brian Hauss, senior staff attorney with the ACLU’s Speech, Privacy, and Technology Project, in response to reports of an FBI raid on Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe:

“Project Veritas has engaged in disgraceful deceptions, and reasonable observers might not consider their activities to be journalism at all. Nevertheless, the precedent set in this case could have serious consequences for press freedom. Unless the government had good reason to believe that Project Veritas employees were directly involved in the criminal theft of the diary, it should not have subjected them to invasive searches and seizures. We urge the court to appoint a special master to ensure that law enforcement officers review only those materials that were lawfully seized and that are directly relevant to a legitimate criminal investigation.”

It took the ACLU 8 days to bite the bullet and do what is right. It is sad to see how far the once-respected civil rights group has fallen. But at least they released a statement.

via thegatewaypundit
My view of how we got to where we are as a nation under attack: 

Today  radicals and Marxists lamentably hae become the wolf at the door.  How did this come to be? The answer is both simple and complex but the main reason is we let down our guard because we succeeded.  Often, nothing can be more dangerous than success.

Most mass media entities are controlled by large corporations. These corporations basically determine what most Americans hear and see. So why would these corporations spew hate and false information and parade that as factual news? In my opinion, they do so because they make more money from the discord and division they cause/support than were they to report facts. More importantly, these corporations have become so intimidated by radical elements ,that have taken over our society  and thus, they have become even more dangerous.

Among the worst prevaricators are the NewYorkTimes, CNN and MSNBC. Their reporting is not only false and misleading it is also anti-Semitic. That our nation has reached the point where communism, socialism and fascistic views/actions have become acceptable, by an  increasing number of Americans, signifies the radicals have succeeded in nearing  their goal of destroying our once great republic.  

That those opposed to these venomous efforts of distortion have been silenced is further evidence of how dangerous the matter has become.

The intrusion of radical ideas attacking our constitution and what the founding father's envisioned forms the basis of their success. A significant number of professional protesters, disrupters and formal organizations exists and are funded by wealthy elites like Soros.  They are available, paid, armed and supplied and capable of appearing at a moment's notice.  All too often they are  able to overwhelm those opposed through intimidation and societies' abandonment of defending law and order. Their justification is  they are fighting for the underdog, the oppressed and make everything rotate on racial injustice.

The radical's attack on religion is another important way to undercut a society's morality and values and all you have to do is look around and see how effective that has been regarding our own.

Furthermore, they have a variety of effective  technology, including cyber attacks and FACEBOOK, at their disposal. 

The target of these radicals is capitalism because it is not perfect, as if  the empirical misery of socialism is better and yet, corporate America , all too often, succumbs out of fear.  Recently AT& T, Delta and , Coca Cola  boards, among others,  became wusses and began subjecting their white workers to re-education courses as if America was Germany.

We all should be aware of the current  fight to exclude CRT from taking over grade and high school curriculum.

In a previous memo I posted the predictions of Nikita Khrushchev, which, at the time, seemed ludicrous.  They no longer are because his predictions have become reality.

"Getting and spending we have laid waste our power" and China is the emerging challenger.  Ayn Rand and Hayek's writings  have proven prophetic.

The slurs and smears levelled by the elites are all the more toxic because they have always known these sins firsthand as their own.

By Victor Davis Hanson, AM GREATNESS

The Left is addicted to projection—the psycho-political syndrome of attributing all of one’s own sins to one’s opponents. The woke apparently do this out of some Freudian effort to square the circle of their own guilt or sense of privilege, by fobbing off their own fearful realities onto others. It is the atheist version of confession or medieval penance. In addition, in the spirit of “always being on the offense,” wokists know that those who slander do so most successfully when they lodge exactly those charges most familiar and applicable to themselves.

The Privileged Damn Privilege 
There is always a price to pay except in Biden land where there is no cost. 

What progressive liberals and Democrats never understand is "deplorables do not trust government and thus believe the smaller government the better.  The former want big government, more control of "we the people" and spending money which gives them increased  power.

Earlier this year, the Biden administration (with the help of Democrats in Congress) managed to pass the American Rescue Plan into law. Despite the name of this bill, this plan did not “rescue” anyone. Instead, it led to inflation and a litany of other economic problems currently facing the United States.  


                                           How it all began:

                                                     Strong language but clear message:

                                                                               For campers:


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