Saturday, November 6, 2021

Wifey Solution, Ten Months In! The Dictator. Defund Then No Fun. Read And You Decide.

Wifey solution:

In ten months the following has occurred and not in any particular order:

a) Milley concluded his Commander in Chief was a nut case so he spilled the beans to the Chinese. Milley still there.

b) Supply chain might ruin Christmas gifts and retail shopping but Sec. of Transportation on maternity leave.  Pete still there.

c) President concludes we are too energy independent so closes government leasing, shuts down pipeline, employed oil workers lose good paying jobs and Biden begs OPEC to ship more oil.  Biden still there.

d) Biden not pleased with Trump's border wall progress so stops their completion and floods nation with illegal immigrants, allows drug cartels to increase their ill gotten gains, as drug shipments explode and Biden  offers compensation to illegal "invaders" for emotional pain due to their separation but denies he is doing so. Biden lies continue.

e) Biden wants end of Afghanistan War so , against judgement of Pentagon, abruptly leaves, deserts Americans and Afghanistan's who helped us and 13 Americans are killed along with stray missile that killed more civilian  innocents.  American and  Afghan hostages still there in hiding. 

 f) Biden concludes too many Americans are stressed from Covid so pays them to stay home and keep masking.  Food and energy prices start escalating. Inflation still there and going higher.

g) Biden wants renegade N Korean leader, Iranian Ayatollah and Putin to stop what they are doing.  Biden gets dissed.

h) In only 10 months  we have learned that Black Lives Matter, Whitey is a racist, police departments should be defunded, anyone can steal up to $800 if they so choose, no need to respect laws or pay bail, politicians can do whatever they wish but citizens must obey rules etc.

Radicals have taken over  The Democrat Party and begun a series of offensive demands ending with telling the world America is systemically racist,. The New York Times wants to change acceptable curriculum saying pretty much the same and radical Democrats tell anyone who disagrees they are racists. This garbage/hatred still continues.

i) President mandates mask wearing resulting in rejection by many effected. The numbers of police, fire personnel and other essential employed persons continue to decline. Progressives still wonder why crime and homicides increases.

j) Fauci continues to send confusing advice and e mails reveal he was aware of China's involvement in not only causing Covid but hiding the facts surrounding  same.  Fauci still there.

 k) All of the above culminates in "deplorable and Neanderthal" Americans voting and rejecting the idea that parents have no involvement in what their children are taught. Message to Democrats loud and clear but they seem not to get it. Tone deafness continues.

President Joe Biden, said in  January 26, 2021:

I have this strange notion, we are a democracy... if you can't get the votes... you can't [legislate] by executive order unless you're a dictator.

Despite this quote... Biden's signed 63 executive orders, 37 presidential memoranda, 122 proclamations, and 23 notices since Inauguration Day.

And if he hasn't been able to use these questionable tactics, he's found other workarounds.
For example, he recently instructed the Department of Labor to force employees around the country to get vaccinated.

(But did you know... immigrants illegally crossing from Mexico to the U.S. had no vaccine requirement?)

Many Americans are starting to catch on...
In fact, when asked by the Trafalgar Group whether Biden had the constitutional authority to force private businesses to require vaccine mandates for employees, 58.6% said no!

And roughly the same percent admit they're worried this could set a precedent a future president might abuse even worse.

Which is why one government insider is stepping forward with an urgent warning about what Biden's REALLY up to...
And the critical steps you need to take to protect yourself and your family today.

I urge you to check out this important warning immediately, right here.
A.J. Wiederman
Senior Researcher, Stansberry Research


Minneapolis Wants To Kick Its Police Dept to the Curb and It Has Some Residents Terrified

Minneapolis Wants To Kick Its Police Dept to the Curb and It Has Some Residents Terrified
Ben Hovland /

How can anyone soon forget the violent chaos that erupted in Democrat-run Minneapolis following the death of George Floyd? The city became a landmark for all things liberal as then-President Donald Trump condemned both the city and the state for encouraging citizens to act out in rebellion. Things may have quieted down in the Twin Cities, but there’s no escaping the storm’s impending aftermath that has some residents terrified.

It all began with the unfathomable notion of defunding police departments so they can no longer be menaces that go around hurting people. Cops do far more harm than they do good. Even after having a fairly good while to stew on the silly notion, Minneapolis still wants to follow through with that thought, and in a big way.

If Minneapolis lawmakers get their way, their liberal kingdom shall hereto forth have no police department to unjustly ruin the daily lives of its citizens. They aren’t just wanting to cut back funding, they’re planning on giving the entire force pink slips. The force will be replaced by a newly formed “Department of Justice.” How friggin’ quaint would that be?

Here’s how things have been going in the town. A guy named Marques Armstrong was getting ready for work one morning and had just climbed out of the shower when he heard gunshots coming from his backyard. Instinctively, he hit the ground before running in to check on his wife and daughter who were still sleeping. Out of a window, he saw a car speeding away.

As anyone would do, Armstrong called the cops, who for the most part weren’t very interested. Things of this nature are common in the predominantly Black north end of town and have only worsened since the police stopped cracking down. So even though the police force still exists, for now, they aren’t doing their jobs anyway. 

Armstrong summed the scenario up by saying, “Everybody says we want the police to be held accountable and we want fair policing, but no one has said we need to get rid of the police.” Armstrong, who owns a clothing store and a mental health practice, also considers himself a Black activist who wants to see his community improve. At the same time, he understands the necessity of law enforcement for this to happen.

“There needs to be a huge overhaul from the ground up, but we need some form of community safety because over here shots are ringing out day and night,” he said.

Residents in the hardest crime hit area of the city say a lack of law enforcement is going to leave them more vulnerable to becoming victims of what’s already been allowed to reach almost uncontrollable levels. It was the spoiled elite white liberals who were screaming to get rid of the police department, but they aren’t the ones dealing with crime every minute of the day and night. All the residents in the north end ever asked for was to be treated fairly and with respect.

Money from both sides of the fence has been pouring into the pockets of lawmakers to assist them in picking one side of the issue or the other. The thought is that whatever the outcome, it’s going to have an impact elsewhere. Other liberal states and cities will either scrap similar ideas or run full speed ahead with them.

Despite the opposition, Minnesota and the city of Minneapolis remain the definition of liberalism. As such, the city will likely earn its place as a shining beacon on the hill of lawlessness as it falls and crumbles from within. It’ll all be due to what can only be referred to as sheer stupidity. But, look who we’re dealing with here ---


Read and decide for yourself:

Dems Race Baiting Finally Backfires 

Katie Pavlich


Schlichter: The Majority of Virginians Are 'White Supremacists' 

Kurt Schlichter


James Carville Hailed for Criticizing Democrat Wokeness Today, But He
Was Promoting It One Week Ago

Brad Slager


Take the Circus—And the NEA—Out of the Classroom

Angela Petrie


Poll Reveals Disarray and Disunity isn't Only Problem for Democrats When it Comes to Biden Agenda Items 

Rebecca Downs


Tulsi Gabbard Tells Fellow Democrats to 'Stop Trying to Divide Us' by Race

Landon Mion


White House Says Calling Administration's Vaccine Requirement a
'Mandate' is 'Misinformation'

Landon Mion





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