Max weighs in at 9 lbs!

Soon we too may be drinking from this type toilet. OCA's mass media buddies failed to show or describe this;
Most important of all, a possible Israeli breakthrough in pancreatic cancer:
Brent Bozell's book reviewed. (See 1 below.)
Meanwhile, I am reading "The Good Soldier." It is a book about the Iraq War and tells the story of a Battalion and the battles the troops fought and the injuries sustained. It is heart wrenching. I happened to be at a doctor's office and mentioned the book and he said their practice agreed to take military patients even though they know the reimbursement is actually pitiful and he said he sees the injuries they have sustained. I do not recommend the book unless you have a strong stomach and a big heart and are prepared to have a heavy one to boot.
On the way to the doctor's office I happened to be listening to a program about the Moon Shot 50th Anniversary and why the next one and going to Mars is important.
I am a total ignoramus on anything involving stars , The Milky Way, space etc. but I did understand what the Head of NASA had to say.
Going back to The Moon is important because it connects with why we need to go to Mars. Mars is important because we have learned it does have water and that means it can sustain life and we need to explore that fact. Second, Mars, apparently has been bombarded, and Mars could, therefore, be a lodestone of rare minerals that we could mine and exploit.
He also discussed other industrialists who are interested in space and if NASA can link with them the various exploration effort costs would be substantially reduced etc.
He also spoke about the fact that we have been exploring weightlessness which has allowed us to make great discoveries in photosynthesis and an ability to grow human body parts and certain biotechnology developed drugs that cannot be developed on earth. He thinks this century will see many of these events come to fruition. Just amazing.
The "leave it" controversy continues and now the name calling and weaponizing of words is increasing.
Trump obviously knows whatever he says, will be mis-characterized so he touches third rails on purpose and it is part of a strategy that helped him win the presidency.
The issue I have is not that I agree with Trump's method of stirring the pot, which is generally in response to attacks on America, anti-Semitic remarks by others and more importantly against those who despise America etc. My problem is when those he attacks have done the same thing they are seldom castigated.
The"Four Snakes" have been scandalous but you would never know it and when Trump opens his mouth the rebuke heaped on him is unbelievable and more reminiscent of bias and hypocrisy. I am not excusing Trump. I simply attacking him refuse to join in because it is always one sided and I find that to be equally repugnant.
Trump ain't a devil or a racist and "The Four Snakes" ain't saints yet,are anti-Semitic.
While I am on my horse, I want to make a few comments about why I find the "Four Snakes" a purposeful threat. They are not stupid. They are smart/crafty. They know what they are about - which is to tear this nation down and pit Americans against Americans out of hatred of this country and to create chaos.
They judge America based on the fact that we are not perfect rather than based on what we have overcome in relation to all other nations. It is as if I attacked the American medical profession because, though they cured polio but have not cured Alzheimer's or Cancer. Therefore, all doctors are despicable.
We are the greatest nation on earth with some unsolved issues. The "Four Snakes" cannot bring themselves to see/acknowledge this. Consequently, perhaps they do need to take a sabbatical and visit those nations which are better than America. I daresay they will return within the week.
They know by expecting perfection they have allowed themselves the ability to constantly find fault. The self-righteous play that same game. Meanwhile, they never hold themselves to any standard yet, nailing everyone else for not being perfect.
This is the issue Trump has with them and their expressions of hatred and bigotry and he is correct to to bring attention to them and their mis-deeds. (See 2 below.)
This is not a new thought. I posted something akin to this in a previous memo but it is more "fleshed" out and was sent by a dear friend and fellow memo reader who, like myself, is bewildered by deranged thinking that has overtaken the Democrat Party which has decided to walk the plank of extremism in almost every facet of conventional life.
Trump, by declaring himself as suggested, would actually increase the freedom of Americans and release them from their biological birth ties and this would make it far more difficult for
Trump Haters to continue to call "Donna" a dictator. (See 3 below.)
When you have laws and choose not to enforce them nor change them bad things can and often will happen. (See 4 below.)
Several years ago Kim wrote a book about intimidation. She finds Democrats continue to be engaged in acts of intimidation but now some of the victims are a bit more aware and are tending to fight back.
Kim was gracious enough to come to Savannah and discussed her excellent book which focused on Obama's IRS' intimidation ploy.
As I said said hundred of times, Democrats are driven ya desire to win at any cost and will stop at nothing, least of all intimidation.
Hell, now they have begun to aim their intimidation guns on their own. (See 5 below.)
By Craig Shirley
When not falling asleep in high school physics, I remember the teacher once saying that power could neither be destroyed nor created; it could only be transferred from one system to another, from one individual to another. It made enormous sense to me.
Ever since the rise of the Media State in the 1960s, liberals have, for almost fifty years, decided who and what could be reported on, reviewed, attacked, demolished, whatever. They were the self-appointed gatekeepers to their “facts” and you were either onboard, were destroyed--or worse, ignored.
Forget Sherman Anti-Trust. Forget interlocking directorates. The national liberal Media State has been conspiring against conservatives and conservatism for years, against Americanism and against tradition--often quite out in the open, despite the illegality of their behavior; secure in their tiny fig leaf claiming the First Amendment.
Call the liberal Media State mistaken? They don’t care. Call them biased? Call them unethical? They don’t care. But steal their power?
Then they whimper and cry and yell like little punished children.
This is the genius of Brent Bozell’s Media Research Center and his new book, Unmasked. Ostensibly about the rampant and corrupt media bias against the 45th president of the United States, it is also a hard demonstration of how Bozell has appropriated the power of the Fifth Column inside the Fourth Estate.
Case in point is the sad story of the now pitiful Washington Post. Years ago, the Post was an afterthought, a third rate rag when compared to the mighty New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Chicago Tribune and even the old Washington Globe and Washington Star. But times change.
The Post rose up as Richard Nixon’s power was cut down, using single sources and half-truths to topple Nixon. And as the Post grew, the more abusive it became, the more arrogant it became. Time magazine’s Hugh Sidey dismissed their ilk as “The Beautiful People.” It was not a compliment. And as Irish political conservative Edmund Burke once stated, "The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse."
The paper ruled with an iron fist and no one dared challenge its authority. They abused their power.
Until Reagan.
Ronald Reagan didn’t care a whit for the power of the Media State, and got his message out to the American people through his syndicated radio addresses on hundreds of broadcast properties, through his syndicated column to 500 small and mid-sized newspapers and through his effective use of the bully pulpit. Presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter tried to accommodate the Washington Post. Reagan simply “went over their heads.” Meanwhile, Nancy Reagan would tell jokes at the expense of the Post. Early on, the Reagans went through the motions of courting the liberal Post, but that was just window dressing.
Reagan didn’t stop there. Ever the individualist, he despised the idea of information being held in the hands of a few, so he refused to renew the so-called Fairness Doctrine, which regulated radio to prevent conservative ideas from flourishing.
This gave birth to Rush Limbaugh and later, Sean Hannity, original Reaganites Laura Ingraham and Mark Levin, Larry O’Connor, and hundreds of others.
But these new radio shows needed fresh material each day and Bozell’s Media Research Center provided them with plenty of factual content; studies, transcripts, stories and the like, all exposing the abject liberalism of the Post and others of the Media State. The assault was on, and the power of the Media State was slowly but inevitably draining away.
Bozell’s MRC has been making the effective fight now for over 30 years. Bit by bit, brick by brick, page by page, exposing lie by lie, he has torn down the walls of the Media State. Big Media is no longer BIG MEDIA. At the center of American conservatism is a deep, philosophical opposition to big, corrupting power, whether it was the British Empire or it is big abortion, big government or the big liberal Media State.
They haven’t given up, but consider this: Ronald Reagan got elected and yet never received the endorsement of the Washington Post. During his eight years of battling the mighty Soviet Union, the Post nary took the side of the anticommunist Reagan, but often took the side of the Kremlin. And against the wishes and desires of the Washington Post, Reagan put the neck of the commies under the heel of his cowboy boot, applied pressure, crushing the life out of them.
Same with Donald Trump. He also won without a fair shake from the Post. He’s enacted his policies without the support of the Post.
Today, a conservative author can write a bestseller, not needing a review or endorsement by the Media State, especially the laughable and threadbare Book Review Section of the Washington Post. A boost from Bozell’s many media iterations is a thousand times more important to the success of a conservative book than a review in the Post.
One can now produce a successful press conference in Washington without the presence of the Post or NBC, but with the redoubtable Washington Times, Washington Examiner, Breitbart. TownHall, the Daily Signal, Daily Caller, Newsmax, Fox and One America and talk radio to millions.
Bozell was not a “Johnny Come Lately” to the party. His father, L. Brent Bozell II, was one of the most important writers and thinkers in the early days of the conservative movement, and together with his college roommate, William F. Buckley, they waged war for American conservatism, especially with the stirrings of National Review. Brent himself was part of the first wave of Reaganites beginning in the 1970’s, storming the barricades of the Media State.
The trick to taking on the establishment elite of the Media State is courage, tenacity, facts and, a sense of humor. Bozell has all these qualities and more, which makes his and co-author Tim Graham’s new book, Unmasked, so enjoyable.
“The measure of a man is what he does with power," posited Athenian philosopher Plato.
Today, few care what the Washington Post writes or reports. It is a fallen empire, despite the welfare provided by billionaire liberal, Jeff Bezos of Amazon infamy. Amazon, of course, is clearly in violation of Sherman Anti-Trust, but you will never see this reported by his cowardly pets at the piteous Washington Post.
Same goes for NBC and other raggedy and pathetic ragamuffins of the Media State. They remind one of a bunch of filthy hobos, during the Great Depression, hovering around a small fire, in the dark wind, trying to keep warm, mournfully singing, “Once I built a railroad, made it run, made it race against time. Once I built a railroad, now it’s done, brother can you spare a dime…”
It was Brent Bozell---and other courageous conservatives---who put the Media State in the dock, found it guilty, and sentenced them to a lifetime of powerless irrelevancy: The worst sentence of all for a liberal in the Media State.
Bozell has stolen their power.
Craig Shirley is a Reagan biographer, presidential historian and New York Times bestselling author.
Here is a suggestion to break the left’s ridiculous gender ideology and denial of biological reality.
President Trump should make a declaration that he is identifying as a woman. The left will have to admit the absurdity of their gender ideology or accept and celebrate “Donna Trump” as the first woman President, thus beating Hillary, Liz Warren, Amy Klobuchar, Kamala Harris and Kirsten Gillibrand to the glorious goal of one of their “female firsts”.
Furthermore, if he remains married to Melania he would also be the first gay president and the first lesbian president. He would also be the first lesbian president married to an immigrant! What a most glorious event for the democrats to celebrate.
God, I love it when a plan comes together!!!!!!
Trump Has Regrets
The ‘send her back’ chant at his rally was an ugly political moment.
Donald Trump rarely admits a mistake, much less an overstatement, so we’ll take the regret he expressed Thursday at the chant of “send her back” during his Wednesday rally as the moral equivalent of an apology. Let’s hope his supporters get the message, and that Mr. Trump stops egging them on.
The crowd in North Carolina broke into chants of “send her back” after Mr. Trump lambasted Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar for hating America. Mr. Trump had used the words “go back” in a tweet earlier in the week, and the crowd’s chant shows how easily an ill-thought presidential comment can inspire ugly expressions of mass psychology.
The best that can be said is that the chant echoed the 2016 calls of “lock her up” regarding Hillary Clinton, and it may have begun in that raucous partisan spirit. But Wednesday’s chant was meaner in targeting Ms. Omar not merely for what she has said but as a naturalized citizen who should be banished from the U.S. The impulse is raw nativism.
Mr. Trump isn’t the first President to indulge in such group-targeted demagoguery. FDR railed in his 1932 campaign against “the Ishmaels and the Insulls, whose hand is against every man’s.” That was an anti-Semitic jibe against disgraced Chicago utilities magnate Samuel Insull, and the press corps at the time cheered Roosevelt on.
This time the chant was widely denounced, and not merely by the anti-Trump chorus. Mark Walker, a North Carolina Republican who was at the rally, tweeted afterward: “Though it was brief, I struggled with the ‘send her back’ chant tonight referencing Rep. Omar. Her history, words & actions reveal her great disdain for both America & Israel. That should be our focus and not phrasing that’s painful to our friends in the minority communities.”
By mid-Thursday Mr. Trump had thought better of it himself. “I was not happy with it. I disagree with it. But again, I didn’t say that, they did,” Mr. Trump said. That absolves himself of his tweets that expressed similar sentiments about Rep. Omar and three colleagues, but Mr. Trump added that he will “certainly try” to prevent the chant from breaking out again.
Who knows why Mr. Trump thought better of the chant a day later, but we’re glad he did. The 2020 campaign is shaping up to be vicious even by recent political standards, and mass antipathy is hard to control once it’s unleashed. Americans will hold Mr. Trump and Republicans responsible if yahoos take Mr. Trump’s words as a license for violence.
As Mr. Walker points out, there’s plenty to criticize the Democrats for on their views and rhetoric without denigrating immigrants or classes of people. By all means call a policy socialist if that’s what it is. But “send her back” isn’t worthy of Trump supporters or the great America they want.
3) When one tries to “reason” with a lefty Democrat, remember you are dealing with a person who believes that a man can be a woman and a woman can be a man and that such a delusion should be encouraged, not discouraged. Discouragement of the delusion is considered immoral and bigoted. Thus, our society has unnecessary dilemmas concerning bathrooms, athletic competition at all levels, and “pronoun” controversies subjecting ourselves to all manner of laws, rules, regulation and more needless government control.
Here is a suggestion to break the left’s ridiculous gender ideology and denial of biological reality.
President Trump should make a declaration that he is identifying as a woman. The left will have to admit the absurdity of their gender ideology or accept and celebrate “Donna Trump” as the first woman President, thus beating Hillary, Liz Warren, Amy Klobuchar, Kamala Harris and Kirsten Gillibrand to the glorious goal of one of their “female firsts”.
Furthermore, if he remains married to Melania he would also be the first gay president and the first lesbian president. He would also be the first lesbian president married to an immigrant! What a most glorious event for the democrats to celebrate.
God, I love it when a plan comes together!!!!!!
Wouldn't it have been interesting if, at some point during the past two years, if someone had asked, "Oh, by the way, has anyone in Washington, D.C., ever heard of the McCarran-Walter Act Of 1952?"
It has been a law for almost 65 years. Here are the historic facts that would seem to indicate that many, if not most, of the people we elect, to work for us in Washington, do not have the slightest idea of what laws already exist in OUR country.
After several terrorist incidents were carried out in the United States, Donald Trump was severely criticized and sued for suggesting that the U.S. should limit or temporarily suspend the immigration of certain ethnic groups, nationalities, and even people of certain religions (Muslims). The criticisms condemned such a suggestion as, among other things, being un-American, dumb, stupid, reckless, dangerous, and racist. Congressmen and senators swore that they would never allow such legislation, and our former president called such a prohibition on immigration unconstitutional.
As Gomer Pyle would say, "Well, surprise, surprise!", It seems that the selective immigration ban is already law and has been applied on several occasions.
Known as the [ McCarran-Walter Act ], the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 allows for the: “...suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by the president, whenever the president finds that the entry of aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States. The president may, by proclamation and for such a period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens, immigrants or non- immigrants, or impose any restrictions on the entry of aliens he may deem to be appropriate.”
Who was president when this was passed ?
Harry Truman
Who do you suppose last used this process?
Jimmy Carter
Carter used it 40 years ago, in 1979 to keep Iranians out of the United States. But Carter actually did more. He made ALL Iranian students, already in the United States, check in with the government, then he deported a bunch of them. In addition, several thousand were found in violation of their visas and a total of 15,000 Iranians were forced to leave the USA in 1979.
So, what do you say about all of the criticism that Donald Trump received from the Democratic senators, representatives, and the Obama Administration???
Additionally, it is important to note that the McCarran-Walter Act also requires that an "applicant for immigration must be of good moral character and in agreement with the principles of our Constitution." (One could surmise that since the Quran forbids Muslims to swear allegiance to the U.S. Constitution, technically, ALL Muslims should be or could be refused immigration to OUR country.)
Democrats Do Intimidation
They use their House majority to threaten nonprofits and private companies
By Kimberley Strassel
House Democrats are setting records with their abuses of power, which means they aren’t stopping at just the Trump administration. Witness their new targeting of free-market nonprofits and businesses, straight out of the intimidation playbook.
Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Frank Pallone Jr. a month ago sent a letter to five separate entities. The recipients included two nonprofits, Americans for Prosperity and the American Legislative Exchange Council; a trade association, American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers; an oil company, Marathon Petroleum ; and a coalition, Energy4US, that includes dozens of union locals and business groups. The letters—sent without notifying GOP committee members—didn’t mince words.
Mr. Pallone explained he was investigating the administration’s move to reform Barack Obama’s auto-efficiency standards. A change to these rules was a given on day one of the Trump presidency. Yet Mr. Pallone insists they were the result of a “covert lobbying and social media campaign.” His evidence was a December 2018 New York Times investigation, which sought to describe a straightforward policy push as a sinister, secret plot orchestrated by (who else?) the libertarian billionaire Koch brothers.
Mr. Pallone then got down to his unconstitutional demands. He insisted that these private entities turn over “all documents exchanged and communications” about the rule with any employee, current or former, of key federal departments and the office of the president. The groups were also ordered to hand over documents and communications they’d exchanged with each other. Mr. Pallone further demanded groups like AFP detail all of their efforts, “whether directly or indirectly,” in “lobbying” or “social media efforts” related to the reform. He gave them two weeks to sign up for his colonoscopy.
Democrats first experimented with these brutish tactics in 2013, when they ran the Senate. Illinois’s Dick Durbin blasted out a letter to 300 organizations, demanding to know if they were affiliated with or contributed to ALEC, whose free-market work he loathes. The stunt earned Mr. Durbin a rebuke from editorial boards across the country; his hometown Chicago Tribune scored him for using the “power of his high federal office as a cudgel against his enemies.” Yet it didn’t stop other Democrats, from Rhode Island Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse to Arizona Rep. Raul Grijalva, from building on these threats against conservative groups and efforts to sic government offices on them. See the IRS.
The good news is that at least nonprofits now understand the left’s strategy—to scare them (and those who affiliate with them) out of free-market or conservative advocacy. And they aren’t rolling over for it. That’s evidenced by two impressive letters that landed back recently on Mr. Pallone’s desk, which I’ve seen, one from AFP (which does receive Koch funding) and one from ALEC.
Mark Holden, a member of AFP’s board, pointed out to Mr. Pallone that the sum total of the Times’s crack evidence of AFP’s involvement in a plot was that one of AFP’s 3.2 million members “spoke in favor” of the reform at a public meeting in Michigan. Mr. Holden, in a spirit of helpfulness, revealed that AFP had also submitted a comment in favor of the rulemaking—one of 600,000. The rest of the letter served as a tutorial for Mr. Pallone on the First Amendment and its longstanding protection of free association and speech. AFP is not turning over documents.
Nor is ALEC. Its own letter, penned by Washington attorney Cleta Mitchell, pointed Mr. Pallone to a very public record showing ALEC’s support for a model policy to reform fuel-efficiency standards. She kindly included links to several readily available tweets highlighting ALEC’s noncovert position. She drolly noted that her own investigation turned up nothing in committee rules that authorized Mr. Pallone to snoop into “the activities, programs, or internal operations of a non-governmental, private sector organization’s policy development activities.”
The question is whether companies and trade groups will show the same fortitude against this and future harassment. The business sector has generally rolled over to such intimidation, hoping to avoid bad headlines or public opprobrium. But caving in doesn’t stop the bullying; it only encourages more. At least so far, the other three targets don’t appear to have acceded to the Pallone demands.
House Democrats are losing the debate about auto efficiency as the public passes on electric cars, so they’ve moved to shutting down the other side. This is the modus operandi of the progressive left. Mr. Trump wants to make the 2020 election about socialism, but it’s just as important to focus on the thuggish tactics and authoritarianism that accompany Democrats’ march toward that philosophy. Progressives now feel entitled to abuse individual rights without constraint. Imagine that attitude in the White House.
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