Monday, July 8, 2019

Obama and Betsy's Flag. Where Was Sarah? How I believe One Responds To Inane Accusations Lacking Specifics . Jared The unknown.

Obama's Inauguration With Betsy Flags.

A friend and fellow memo reader's photograph looking west from Sedona.
You will not hear much about the from the mass media. (See 1 below.)
Sunday, Dana Perino was interviewing Sen. Bennett from Colorad He bills himself as a centrist candidate and he ran all over her spouting accusations about Trump that were outlandish. I kept hoping  Sarah Huckabee had been interviewing him because she would have smacked him down.

Democrats have memorized from a playbook and they spout out as if they were a recording.  Bennett talked about Trump the dictator never offering evidence, how Trump was against free speech never offering evidence, how the current economy was  an extension of what Obama started.  Bennett went on and on about Trump's inhumane immigration policies and Dana never rebutted, how the 4th of July parade was a self-aggrandizement endeavor and no response.

It made my blood boil and I dashed off an e mail while the interview was going on giving Dana some taking points but to no avail.

It is amazing how unanswered accusations, that have little merit,  make for great soundbites are allowed to happen day after day and go totally unanswered and  build up like mold .

Far too many conservatives just become pansies and allow themselves to be walked over.  They need to sit down with Newt and learn a thing or two.

It is way past time for conservatives to speak in unison.  Radical liberals have Alinsky's play book as their guide and the key ingredient is to blame your opponent for exactly what you are doing. Hillary is a master at this game.

Conservatives have to go back to Newt's ten ideas, for which he was vilified at the time, and which,in retrospect were so reasonable and common sense driven but the radicals, including Time Magazine, portrayed him as "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas."These same radicals have now turned their guns on Trump. These are the guns they would outlaw for use by others.

I remember the McCarthy Hearings when he would bellow out a big lie.  Like a cloud, how do you grab hold of a cloud and refute it?  Not easy. Radicals have perfected the "big lie" technique and know that, by repeating it incessantly, it transforms into a factoid.  This is what the mas media does all the time.  The "little no nothing darlings" get in line and belch out the same garbage.

Why are they effective.  Several reasons:

a) Conservatives are intimidated and allow radical charges/lies to go unanswered. Who wants to be called a racist in today's atmosphere?

b) The radical's have an audience of uninformed buffoons who buy into everything they hear.  How do you convince the uninformed?

c) Americans have become so ill informed about he precepts upon which our nation was founded we have become what we were warned against.

This is an LTE I wrote that lays out some of thinking. (See 2 below.)
This is one of my liberal friend's response to a recent memo followed by my own.

This is what I mean about responding to programmed  prattle lacking substances.(See 3 below.)
One of the brighter minds is that of Shelby Steele. Shelby is black and a member of the  Hoover Institute. He had an op-ed he wrote about a year ago re-posted in Monday's WSJ's special section entitled: " WSJ 130."   The op-ed was entitled "The Exhaustion of American Liberalism."  I commend it to your reading. (See 4 below.)


For those who believe Snopes, get a load of this:

Snopes Admits Obama Built Cages for Immigrant Children

Jared Kushner's Bahrain conference was the sideshow --- and he executed it so well, most failed to grasp its realized goal

Zev Chafets

By Zev Chafets

           From: MARTIN SCHNEER

Donald Trump's son-in-law and advisor Jared Kushner has been in Bahrain, rolling out the economic part of Trump's Deal of the Century peace plan for solving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. That conference is an exercise in orchestrated futility; the more important event is an unprecedented trilateral conference being held in Jerusalem.

The Palestinians boycotted Kushner's exercise, having made it plain that they will refuse any American offer of financial aid without agreement for a Palestinian state. The Trump administration has no intention of doing that. Indeed, the Bahrain conference was designed to elicit a Palestinian rejection, at which point the U.S. can give Israel the go-ahead for its plans to annex parts of the West Bank and permanently thwart Palestinian statehood.
While the Bahrain show played out, the real Deal of the Century was being discussed in Jerusalem, by the national security advisers of the U.S., Russia and Israel. Ostensibly the Jerusalem conference was convened to discuss the situation in Syria and Iran's role there. But its tacit agenda was broader.

It is part of a process in which the U.S. and Russia are attempting to divide the Middle East into spheres of influence. It has come about because the West's two superpowers have interests in the region that seem best served by cooperation.

There are certainly grounds for a deal. Russia already dominates Syria and would like to stay there permanently. The U.S. has no aspirations there beyond keeping the peace and protecting Israel. This shouldn't be hard for Russia to agree to.

"We pay special attention to ensuring Israel's security," Nikolai Patrushev, Secretary of Russia's Security Council, said in a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. "It is a special interest of ours because here, in Israel, live about two million of our countrymen." That's a good start.

A long-term Russian presence in Damascus would automatically give it a bigger role in the region. Lebanon is an extension of Syria. And Iraq, already fractured, lends itself to easy division, between the Kurdish pro-American north and the rest of the country. These nations, left to their own devices, have produced leaders like Saddam Hussein, the Assad family, Hezbollah's Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah and ISIS chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

In a new order, Russia would agree to refrain from dabbling in the affairs of U.S. dependents, like Egypt (which has recently been flirting with Moscow) or Jordan. It would also stop trying to sell Turkey advanced weapons systems (the U.S. is fighting to block the sale of Russian S-400 missile system to Turkey).

And Moscow would stand aside as the U.S. puts together a coalition to counter Iranian aggression in the Gulf. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is in Saudi Arabia this week, shoring up that project. If it leads to the overthrow of the current regime in Iran (an aim which Trump denies), Russia could expect to share influence there.

An American-Russian understanding in the Middle East will require diplomacy beyond the region. National Security Advisor John Bolton made this clear after his first meeting in Jerusalem with his Russian counterpart, Patrushev. "We and our teams covered Ukraine, arms control, Venezuela and other issues," Bolton tweeted.

These are some of the potential bargaining chips. Venezuela, where Russia has been active recently, falls under the Monroe Doctrine that asserts U.S. primacy in the Western Hemisphere. The U.S. also opposes Russian territorial claims in Crimea and the eastern part of Ukraine.

Around this table, Israel serves as a broker between Putin and Trump. This is a role Netanyahu has cultivated for more than two years. His goal is to make sure that any regional deal fits Israel's interests. These include permanent security control over the West Bank and sovereignty over Jerusalem (the tripartite meeting itself is a step in that direction), coordination with Russia on its military presence in Syria, and continued American pressure on Iran.
After World War I, the victors - Great Britain and France - divvied up the Ottoman Empire's holdings in the Middle East. A hundred years later, the circumstances and the big powers are different, but the principle is the same. The region is too important to leave to fanatic, unstable or failed regimes. A new order, under joint U.S.-Russian auspices, is desirable if it can be agreed upon. That's what was really being explored in Jerusalem. Bahrain was just a sideshow.

2) Socialism rears its head and the young are feasting.

Grass is always greener on the other side, even when brown. 
Social justice warriors are generally full of themselves. They claim to be on the side of the righteous.  The basic problem, the new crop are also the same old hypocrites whose actual accomplishments are minimal but the degree of fury they stir is monumental. They seek chaos more than calm, their ideas are bizarre but generally strike a receptive chord among the passionate.
Witness the masked Oregon Antifa crowd fighting for the rights of fascists while pummeling a defenseless photographer.  Where were the police protecting his freedom?  They were hiding behind their shields under orders from the city's radical mayor.
This is the new America  Democrats want to establish and why the more radical among their candidates have gained appeal.
If we take a look at some of their top candidates what do we see? Biden learned one thing from Obama -  how to go on an apology tour. He is and always has been a political chameleon. Trump, at least, is his own man. Un-orthodox  but comfortable in his own skin and willing to fight for what be believes.  Biden is ready to fight for what he thinks you want him to believe. Thank God, Biden has all his fingers so he can tell which way the wind is blowing.

Meanwhile, Pocahontas and Bernie want an economy that serves everyone equally.  They obviously do not understand this would  require everyone be genetically the same. Yet, they advocate and embrace the call for diversity and open borders. To them no one is an individual with singular God given characteristics. We are all robots under the control of government.

If truth be told, they are full of questionable rhetoric and inconsistent ideas yet, believe this qualifies them to go toe to toe with China, Russia, Iran and N Korea etc.

If that is what Americans wants they have plenty to choose from but if you want to try making America better at what made us great we "deplorables" better get to the voting booth again because we are the ones under attack.

How many times can we ask God to Save America?
3) Re: Trump's Speech Sucked The Radical Democrats In And Cut Them off At Their legs. He Sees Another America. Time Will Tell. Rolland Golden



10:51 AM (28 minutes ago)
to me
Yeah we're not being shoved around as we kiss ass with every dictator.


J----: "Again rather than make a statement and let it go at that explain and name.

If one's tactic is to prune feathers and leave penalties on that is a good cop bad cop approach but if 
you see it as kissing ass you are free to interpret tactics as you wish.  Meanwhile China, N Korea Russia
 and Iran are suffering more from Trump's actions and less from  his words words so seems to be the 
correct course unless you want him to go to war, which, by now everyone thought he would have done
Guess the Trump Haters blew it once again in terms of what they predicted. 

He has bent over backwards to take a different approach since everyone else's has not worked. 

As for Obama, no he did not kiss anyone's ass because he was too busy scraping in bows before Saudi 
Kings, shoveling cash at night to pay off Iran and totally telling Medved he would be easier once re-
elected so Putin could manipulate him. as he did when it came time for our 2016 election.  Obama did 
not even know what to do about China so they simply weaponized islands and claimed sea dominance 
of large swaths of the China Sea.  

Got any response to facts?  Me
4)The Exhaustion Of American Liberalism White guilt gave us a mock politics based on the pretense of
 moral authority.
 March 5, 2017 By Shelby Steele

Today’s liberalism is an anachronism. It has no understanding, really, of what poverty is and how it has
 to be overcome. It has no grip whatever on what American exceptionalism is and what it means at
home and especially abroad. Instead it remains defined by an America of 1965—an America newly
opening itself to its sins, an America of genuine goodwill, yet lacking in self-knowledge. This liberalism
 came into being not as an ideology but as an identity. It offered Americans moral esteem against the
specter of American shame. This made for a liberalism devoted to the idea of American shamefulness.
Without an ugly America to loathe, there is no automatic esteem to receive. Thus liberalism’s
unrelenting current of anti-Americanism. Let’s stipulate that, given our history, this liberalism is
understandable. But American liberalism never acknowledged  it was about white esteem rather
 than minority accomplishment. Four thousand shootings in Chicago last year, and the mayor
 announces that his will be a sanctuary city. This is moral esteem over reality; the self-congratulation
 of idealism. Liberalism is exhausted because it has become a corruption.

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