Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Nothing Better Than A Good Cat Fight? Is Trump's Tweeting Interfering Or Is It Planned? You Decide. Be My Guest!

My buddy!
The Moment Kavanaugh's Foes Overplayed Their Hand
The Democrats and their race cards. Stand back and let the cats fight and are Trump's Tweets interfering? (See 1, 1a, 1b and 1c below.)
Mass Media ignoring Trump's Tweets at their peril.

Progressive radicals love to play their race cards and now they are using them on their own.  Trump was not a racist until he decided to run and become President.  The real racists and anti-Semites are "The Squad" unless their words do not count because the mass media dare not attack them.  After all, by keeping the race pot boiling it brings in revenue to the entertainment game the mass media have chosen to become.

As long as the Democrats want to engage in their private cat fight, hopefully Trump is a clever enough brawler/political pugilist to allow them that option.

Perhaps Trump's Tweets are the technological equivalent of red meat which he calculatingly throws out from time to time.

You decide. (See 2 below.)
The more I read and think about the charge of racist regarding Trump the more I understand his willingness to respond.

First, as some op ed's I have posted note, the term has been used with abandon and no longer carries a punch.  When everyone who disputes what Democrats are selling the charge becomes a watered down cliche.

Secondly,  when one is unwilling to make the same charge against the venomous words that spew from the "four snakes" the charge of racism is more a sign of hypocrisy by those who use it as a weapon.

Finally, when those who attach themselves to the Democrat Party in carrying out their interpretation of what Pelosi allows/embraces then their entire weaponization falls flat.  I am referring to thugs who attack people at public restaurants, who attack photographers documenting their behaviour, who stop speakers on college campuses, who bomb ICE buildings, who employ every fascist tactic and call those who defend our nation names associated with Nazism and Hitler.  These are the ones who are a threat to America. These are the true enemies of our nation and yes, they need to be called out but the mass media are too cowardly to do so and many side with them. Where were they when Kavanaugh and his family were maligned as was Thomas and Bork.

The Democrat pot has been calling the kettle black for decades and the wimpy Republicans have allowed this behaviour to fester and who now cower for fear of being tagged as racists. Feed the bully and you will soon because his meat.

Meanwhile, it is the the self-righteous who hate Trump because he has the guts to fight back who are deranged.   Trump has made every effort to move away from one of the darkest periods in American History - eight years of Obama. If you want to take that as a racist analogy be my guest.

As for Trump, I am beginning to believe he has maneuvered the Democrats into a position of supporting the "Four Snakes" and even Biden has chimed in as the perennial "dufus." He now claims Trump is the most racist president we ever had but where's the proof? Where's the evidence?  The word continues to be thrown around like an overused rag doll.

Biden is the man who is going to unite us. This is the man who served with Obama, the president who attacked police before he had evidence, accusing them of being racists.  Obama is the one who turned citizens against the police and accused a campus cop of racism when it turned out not to be factual. Obama set the stage for the goons who now equate ICE with Nazi's and who attack/accuse them for guarding "concentration camps."

All of what Democrats are doing is right out of Alinsky's Play Book and they have mastered the message and tactics.  The mass media is helping to perpetuate this myth because many among them hate America and want to bring it down. That is why they went into the media business, into the ranks of education and are on school boards.  They know the soft underbelly is where you attack first and you do so from within like cockroaches and termites. They have become the new vermin and the job of eradicating them is too big for Orkin. They must be defeated/exterminated by "We The People" at the voting booths.

1)  Democrats Hold a Terrible Hand of Race Cards

Sometimes name calling can fall flat, as in calling Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh a sexist or misogynist, as Democrats did in his confirmation hearings. In reality he is the first Supreme Court justice to hire an entirely female group of clerks, something even the “Notorious RBG,” hero of the left, hasn’t done.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi is the latest Democrat finding herself holding a bad hand of race cards. Cards dealt by none other than the de facto Speaker of the House Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Here we all thought Pelosi was the face of liberalism, properly progressive on everything from abortion and taxes to global warming and immigration.

Yet, Pelosi is not woke enough for “the squad”, four freshmen representatives representing the communist wing of an already far left Democrat party. I speak of AOC and her socialist sisters, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts.

Pelosi has been speaker for six months and Trump is still president, not resigned or impeached, despite two years of promises from CNN, MSNBC, and many members of Congress. Pelosi hasn’t passed the Green New Deal, student loan forgiveness, a 70-plus percent top tax rate, reparations for anyone not a white heterosexual Christian male, or Medicare for all.

Times a wastin’ with the Democrat House is still searching for evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians to steal the election from Hillary Clinton. AOC and her squad are cracking the whip on slow-moving Democrats, drawing the ire of Pelosi and the ruling Democrat elites.

Unable to accept their freshman status and the well-established Congressional pecking order, what better way to light a fire under Pelosi than to call her a racist? Not directly, as Bernie Sanders did to President Trump, recently calling him "racist, sexist, homophobe and religious bigot."

AOC played it a little more subtly saying of Pelosi, "But the persistent singling out ... it got to a point where it was just outright disrespectful ... the explicit singling out of newly elected women of color." Just a long-winded way of calling Pelosi a racist.

This is not a new tactic. Kamala Harris did the same to Joe Biden at the first Democrat primary debate. While not calling him a racist directly, she deftly used her previous experience as a prosecutor to do just that with these words, "I do not believe you are a racist” but….

What goes around comes around. The race card is being thrown back in the faces of those who have played it for decades. The term “racist” has become such a cliché that it no longer carries any weight or meaning. Like the story of the boy who cried wolf, the public tunes out accusations of racism as meaningless and childish name calling.
Instead it is now just a punch to throw your opponent off balance. When policy or economic arguments fall flat, throw out the race card. No one wants to be accused of racism and will immediately go into defensive mode against such charges.

Biden, instead of advancing his agenda and rationale for being the Democrat nominee, whatever that might be, has had to shift to defense, apologizing for his innocuous comments about working legislatively with Senate colleagues who also happened to be segregationists.

How many Democrat Senators proudly worked with former KKK Grand Cyclops Senator Robert Byrd for decades, some even calling him their “mentor” as Hillary Clinton did?

Ironically it was President Trump who came to Nancy Pelosi’s rescue. Speaking to a gaggle of media magpies Trump said, “I'll tell you something about Nancy Pelosi that you know better than I do, she is not a racist. OK? She is not a racist. For them to call her a racist is a disgrace."

That’s statesmanship and grace, but more likely strategic. It’s being the adult in the room, something few in Congress, of either party, can claim to be. Trump could have easily deflected the question, tacitly agreeing with AOC’s accusation.

Will Pelosi return the favor or publicly acknowledge Trump’s rescue? Doubtful, as politics for Democrats is a blood sport and they won’t give an inch, even when called for by the rules of civility.

Trump could have used the opportunity to remind everyone of the racist history of the Democrat Party, from Bull Conner, George Wallace, and Robert Byrd, to their opposition of the Civil Rights Act and support of the KKK.
He could have mentioned how Democrats are wedded to Planned Parenthood, whose founder said, “We don’t want the word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.” Or how Democrat welfare policies have relegated many minority groups to poverty and dependence. And how Trump’s first two years in office are reversing this. How’s all that for a bad hand of race cards for Democrats?

He could have mentioned how Democrats are wedded to Planned Parenthood, whose founder said, “We don’t want the word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.” Or how Democrat welfare policies have relegated many minority groups to poverty and dependence. And how Trump’s first two years in office are reversing this. How’s all that for a bad hand of race cards for Democrats?
Trump is no stranger to the racism charge. Back when he was a New York City mogul, paling around with Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, supporting Democrat candidates and causes, no one ever accused him of being a racist.
Yet as soon as he announced his candidacy for president, promising to “build a wall” and implement many politically conservative policies, he too became a racist.
On cue, Trump is a racist again for tweeting that, “The progressive Congresswomen dubbed the Squad should go back to the ‘corrupt’ and ‘broken and crime infested’ countries from which they came.” The four ladies of the squad represent three different races, making the “you’re a racist!” charge against Trump laughable.
Situational racism is a substitute for logic and debate, just a means of shutting down anyone who you can’t argue with on the merits. From substantive discussion to name calling, it is the refuge of cowards and intellectual lightweights.
And in delicious irony it is boomeranging back on Democrats. Trump, by defending Pelosi, just threw a skunk into the garden party, keeping this issue in the news. Now each of the Democrat candidates will have to weigh in on whether the de facto leader of their party is a racist or not. CNN will hold panel discussions on the topic. Just what Democrats do not want to be talking about.
Now that “the squad” is tossing race cards across the room, how soon until Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are called racists? What goes around comes around.

Brian C Joondeph, MD, is a Denver based physician and freelance writer whose pieces have appeared in American Thinker, Daily Caller and other publications.

1a) Is This the Moment Where the Revolution Eats Its Own?

When we racist, sexist homophobes use the word "catfight," we are merely observing — as you are not allowed to observe — that women fight each other differently from how men fight.

It seems to us deplorables that women fight by calling each other names.  And so, in the catfight last week between Our Nance and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, it ended with Sandy O calling Our Nance a racist.
Of course it did, because that is what Ocasio-Cortez has been carefully taught.  When you are caught in a jam, you play the race card.  What year did Ocasio-Cortez take Playing the Race Card to Bend the Arc of History toward Justice 101 at Boston U, do you think?
But as usual, President Trump spoiled the fun by weighing in and saying Our Nance is not a racist, and that Rep. Omar should fix her homeland before she fixes ours.  Reminds me of how Aussies deal with Brits:
Hey, Nance!  When did you ever weigh in to say that some Republican was a good guy and not a racist?  Go ahead, hon.  Take all the time you want.
Anyway, the good news is that an overwhelming number of Americans, of every race and clime,
"strongly dislike political correctness."  All except one race.  Guess which one!
Progressive activists are the only group that strongly backs political correctness: Only 30 percent see it as a problem.
So what does this group look like?  Compared with the rest of the (nationally representative) polling sample, progressive activists are much more likely to be rich, highly educated — and white.
Who knew?  But Ocasio-Cortez isn't white.  Nor is her Svengali, Saikat Chakrabarti.
Now, last week, Jonah Goldberg wanted us to parse the difference between a good old ethnic politician — such as Our Nance Pelosi, scion of the grand old Italian machine of Baltimore, Md. — and the "categorical" politicians — Ocasio-Cortez, Chakrabarti and Co. — who have amped the old ethnic politics into the totalitarian identity politics of the present moment.  I had a word or two to say on all that here.
Let's just say the Democrats are following the well trod lefty path.  First, the Girondists or the Mensheviks get into power, but that is never enough for the real power-worshipers, the Jacobin Robespierres and the Bolshevik Lenins.  So now, today's young crop of Jacobins are amping up a Reign of Terror and Virtue, playing the race card on Girondist Nance.  And President Trump, chevalier sans peur et sans reproche — kick-ass Texas Ranger to you — has rushed in to protect the poor innocent damsel in distress.
Over at Google, a thousand Googlers have sent a petition to Sundar Pichai begging him to demonetize Breitbart.
You know what I think?  I think the chances are pretty good that the 1,000 Googlers and Ocasio-Cortez and Pichai and Chakrabarti are ignorant idiots.  Because when you get your education these days at Stanford (Pichai), Harvard (Chakrabarti), or Boston U (Ocasio-Cortez), you just get spoon-fed the latest ruling-class ideology.
Back in the day, the ruling class made their sons learn the classics.  The idea was that they would learn something from the blunders of the Greeks and the Romans.  But today's educated class?
See, back in the day, our Founders taught a separation of church and state.  They had had enough of religious wars like the Thirty Years' War.  Modern chaps like Michael Novak have elaborated on the Founders' idea with a notion I call theGreater Separation of Powers.  The idea is that if you keep the political, economic, and moral-cultural sectors of society separate, it keeps the totalitarians from the door.  But the rabid preachers of the Church of Activists want to capture the state and plunder the economic sector for their Green New Deal.
The problem is simple.  Government is force; religion is about right and wrong.  So if you put one guy's religion in charge of government, he gets to force his religion on the rest of us and legislate his morality down our throats.
We solved this problem 200 years ago, right before the train wreck of the French Revolution.  Why are we having to go through it again?
You know why.  It's because the Good Little Boys and Good Little Girls of Google or Harvard and BU have been carefully taught not to know it.
Christopher Chantrill  (@chrischantrill) runs the go-to site on U.S. government finances, usgovernmentspending.com.  

1b)  Defining Politics Down

Trump’s tweets give Democrats a break from attacking each other.

The Editorial Board

We’re optimists about American democracy in the long run, but nowadays the long run looks longer all the time. The bonfire of inanities in the last two days between Donald Trump and Democrats over who’s the bigger racist, or real anti-Semite, or greater disgrace to the nation is a new low even by recent standards.
Mr. Trump started the bonfire, as he so often does, with a Sunday Twitter barrage telling “‘progressive’ Democrat Congresswomen” who are critical of the U.S. to “go back” to the countries from whence they came. He seemed to be targeting the four hard-left Members of Congress, all minority women, who’ve been brawling with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi over the direction of the Democratic Party.Conservative journalist Brit Hume offered a succinct summary in calling Mr. Trump’s comments “nativist, xenophobic, counterfactual and politically stupid.” Three of the four women were born in the U.S., and “go back” is a taunt immigrants have heard in America for more than two centuries. It was used against Catholics, against the Irish, Germans and Italians, against Chinese and Japanese, and in our day most often against Mexican-Americans. A President of the United States shouldn’t sink to such a crude nativist trope, but then we repeat ourselves. 
As for politically stupid, Mr. Trump rescued Democrats from an intra-party feud that had been escalating for days. A smart opponent would have kept quiet and let it continue. But Mr. Trump intruded into the spotlight and let Democrats unite in denouncing him.
Mrs. Pelosi was suddenly again on comfortable ground denouncing Mr. Trump for “making America white again.” Only days earlier the four progressives had been accusing Mrs. Pelosi of playing dirty by singling out “women of color” for criticism. Mrs. Pelosi now says she’ll hold a House vote condemning Mr. Trump’s comments, trying to associate all Republicans with Mr. Trump’s words.
Monday was consumed with another round of dueling insults with the press corps seeming to echo Democrats in calling Mr. Trump a racist, Mr. Trump denying that he is, and the President’s allies saying Democrats are anti-American. The debasing of the “racist” charge into common political currency is the larger tragedy here because it will carry less weight when it’s used against the white supremacists who really deserve it.
The best political advice for Mr. Trump came from Lindsey Graham, the South Carolina Senator, who said Monday that the President should “aim higher” and focus on the extreme policies of Democrats, not insinuations about their race or national heritage.
Mr. Trump doesn’t seem to understand that Democrats want the 2020 election to be about his words and behavior, rather than the results of his economic policies. They’ll lose a debate over results, but they’ll win if the election is a referendum on character.
Democrats want Mr. Trump to sound as if he’s the one who believes half the country is a “basket of deplorables,” to quote the line that so damaged Hillary Clinton in 2016. They want an atmosphere of chaos and national division so voters who are up for grabs will be so tired after four years that they’ll gamble on a Democrat even if they worry about the candidate’s policies.
It may be hard to believe in this climate of partisan discord and contempt, but most Americans still prefer a politics that is less divisive and aspires to our better angels.

1c) Trump’s Foes Are Crazier Than He Is
Both parties have lost their heads, but radical left-wing policies are worse than intemperate tweets.
By Bobby Jindal
The political world has gone absolutely crazy. America has seen event after event that broke every precedent and seemed to set a new standard that couldn’t be surpassed—until it quickly was. Perhaps it started with the 1992 presidential campaign, when Bill Clinton brazenly refused to quit in the face of sex scandals that would normally end a career. This was followed by his impeachment, the 5-4 ruling in Bush v. Gore,Jim Jeffords flipping parties and the Senate, Chief Justice John Roberts changing his vote to secure a 5-4 ruling that saved ObamaCare, and Justice Anthony Kennedy’s 5-4 opinion establishing same-sex marriage nationwide. All these were remarkable, once-in-a-generation events. Yet American politics descended into a new level of crazy during the 2016 presidential campaign.
Politics seem more chaotic, polarized and extreme than ever. There is seemingly no time to rest between the Kavanaugh hearings, the border crisis, multiple trade wars, efforts to repeal ObamaCare, debates around foreign interference in elections, and the ever-present threat of another government shutdown or debt-ceiling cliff. The people in charge often look nothing like responsible adults.
Liberals, including the mainstream media, still can’t believe that Donald Trump emerged victorious from a crowded Republican primary, much less beat Hillary Clinton, who personified the political establishment. Hers was the perfect résumé: Ivy League-educated attorney, first lady, U.S. senator and secretary of state. She was safe and predictable; boringness was a virtue in contrast with the bombastic New York developer who had never before mounted a serious run for office. She was a Democrat comfortable speaking to and being paid by Goldman Sachs and other big corporations. She offered to shatter the glass ceiling without threatening the profitable status quo of media, business and government elites
Mr. Trump’s penchant for personal attacks and undisciplined tweets drives even some of his supporters crazy. They wonder if he is his own worst enemy and hope he doesn’t sabotage his success. Yet many more supporters wanted a disruptive force and view his unorthodox behavior as a positive feature rather than an unfortunate price to pay for conservative judges and lower taxes. Both groups agree the craziness on the Republican side lies in the president’s personality and ego and not in his policies, which are working well in many cases.
As president, Mr. Trump has taken fairly orthodox Republican positions on a variety of policy areas: supporting Israel, cutting corporate and individual taxes, reducing the burden of regulation, opposing federal funding for abortion, appointing originalists to the courts, increasing military spending, and trying to repeal ObamaCare. He has departed from his predecessors in these areas mainly by being more determined in implementing his policies. Democrats are angry that he hasn’t played the usual establishment game by betraying his voters after taking office.
When the president strays from the Republican playbook, such as in acting on his long-held isolationist and protectionist instincts, he often receives some support from across the aisle. His transactional approach to foreign policy, along with his emphasis on personal rapport with foreign leaders, is disconcerting to many traditionalists, but hardly the basis for most Democratic voters’ rage.
The craziness on the Democratic side lies in its leaders’ policies and the plan they want to impose on America. The party’s inability to condemn anti-Semitism with a unified voice and the current debate on whether America owes reparations to African-Americans and Native Americans are the tip of the iceberg. Democrats like Elizabeth Warren favor a steep wealth tax, even as Europe is largely abandoning such schemes. Others want to abolish the Electoral College and pack the Supreme Court.
Whereas President Obama realized fully government-run health-care was too radical for the American people, many in his party now believe the problem with ObamaCare was that it forced too few people off plans they liked. The misnamed Medicare for All would cost more than $30 trillion and force almost 200 million Americans off private health insurance. Howard Schultz and Michael Bloomberg, previously lauded as progressive billionaires, are now seen by Democratic activists as compromised for daring to question such fiscal insanity.
The Green New Deal dwarfs Medicare for All in potential cost and damage to the economy. Its supporters aim to do more than merely eliminate the use of oil, gas, coal and nuclear power—they aspire to rid the country of commercial airline travel and flatulent cows, retrofit every building, and provide a universal federal guarantee of economic security even to those “unwilling to work.” “Socialism” has gone from an epithet used by Republicans to discredit Democrats to a title some of them wear proudly. Beto O’Rourke has been labeled a centrist in the presidential primary and is unacceptable to many progressive activists in part due to his previously unremarkable claim to be a “capitalist.”
Most Americans aren’t eager to embrace either party’s craziness, but sensible swing voters should prefer the Republican version. The disruptive force of nature currently occupying the White House will eventually pass from the scene, and his unique mannerisms with him. The damage being done to the Democratic Party is much more substantial and will last longer. While Mrs. Clinton made the mistake of telling voters how she actually felt when she labeled Trump supporters “deplorables,” the Democratic Party is now embracing policies that vividly show how little they value these same blue-collar and rural workers, people of faith and gun owners. Now that’s crazy.
Mr. Jindal served as governor of Louisiana, 2008-16, and was a candidate for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination.
2) Let’s begin with some items that are not exactly news bulletins: President Donald Trump does not communicate conservatism in the fashion of a William F. Buckley or a Charles Krauthammer. He prefers the punches of a brawler to the scalpel of a surgeon as he takes aim at critics. This style is precisely why he won, and it may figure prominently in his re-election.

Whether against his 2016 primary opponents, the constant media condemnation since he took office, or specific attacks that arise day-by-day, he has grabbed any tool in the box, not to merely disagree with his opponents, but to slap them around, to make them think twice about doing it again. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. But it will not change.

That makes it important for supposedly smart people to try to figure out what’s going on—not just when the president launches a pre-dawn posting raid, but when the reactions miss the mark entirely.

Anyone who has paid casual attention to Donald Trump has noticed that if he goes after someone, his content can contain a mixture of laser focus and schoolyard taunt. This is what led to “Lyin’ Ted,” “Sleepy Joe” and “I like people who weren’t captured.” It yielded deprecating references to Marco Rubio’s height, Carly Fiorina’s face and Nancy Pelosi’s mental stability. This is what he does. Everyone is free to love it, hate it, tolerate it or ignore it, but after four years of Trump as candidate and president, there is no longer any excuse for mis-characterizing it.

We all know we live in a time of weaponized discourse. Everybody leaps to Defcon 1 for maximum effect in this era of cable news snippets and viral moments. Trump, in his way, has mastered the art of maximizing the effectiveness of such communication without repelling his base, because the base knows that his brawler style is just that—a style, a method, a way to make a point.

The point of the “Go back where they came from” Twitter salvo was to highlight the loyalties of the congresswomen currently enjoying the affectionate label “the Squad.” The Trump assertion is that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wants to fight for illegal immigrants over the larger interests of the country, with accompanying observations about Rep. Ilhan Omar’s focus on Somali refugees and Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s Palestinian roots, with trails leading from those specifics to an overall view of America that he finds annoyingly derisive. 

His suggestion was not the banishment squealed about by dishonest media outlets. His offer was to apply their chosen solutions among the populations he feels they are fighting for, presumably to learn how undesirable those strategies would be in America, and then to return, presumably chastened.

This is classic Trump. “The Squad” knows it. The media knows it. The nervous Republicans being badgered to condemn him know it.

Yet still, we are buried in reflex cries of racism, with accompanying analysis that this time he has really hurt himself. The first is baseless, the second merely dumb.

I expect Democrats to launch the racism charge; it’s all they seem to have. I suppose I should expect no better from a media culture sworn to destroy him. But as news networks hemmed over whether to say “critics called the tweets racist” (which is true) or “the tweets were racist” (which is malicious mind-reading), there was insufficient attention to whether there was a reason to believe it.

There is none. This is a president that loves supporters of all races, and goes after critics of all races. His battles are about politics, policy and core beliefs. Those who support him could not care less about the sloppy assertion that these particular critics came from other countries (true of only Omar). But amid a crowded and sometimes incoherent rush of 2020 presidential hopefuls, the left has clearly chosen to maximize this moment as further evidence that Trump is cut from the cloth of the Klan and the Third Reich.

It is all meaningless noise.

Squad member Rep. Ayana Pressley led off a Monday news conference by calling the Trump tactic a “distraction,” issuing a call not to “take the bait.” It is hard to imagine a grander exercise in bait-swallowing than a four-woman news conference airing every grievance they could wedge into a half-hour of free TV.

During their spotlight moment, we heard Pressley refuse to acknowledge the Trump presidency, calling him merely “the occupant of the White House.” Rep. Omar recoiled at “the garbage coming out of his mouth.” Please, someone, tell me again, how he is so mean to them.

The left calls him Hitler, accuses him of rape and attacks his family. He swings back in his chosen fashion, but the outrage is reserved only for his tactics. Lather, rinse repeat. No minds are changed. Trump will not lose his base over this, and the Democrats will not realize new waves of support. The postures of both sides are baked into the casserole we will chew on until November of next year.

So since neither the president nor his detractors are likely to divert from familiar habits, all of us left to witness the spectacle should at least know what is happening, and what is not. In this moment, Trump is resorting to a maneuver he had used to great effect in battles in both the private and public sector, while his enemies default to their comfort zone as well--  tilting at the latest windmill in an attempt to finally, at long last, convince America that he is illegitimate at best, and a racist dictator at worst.

But as anyone paying attention will notice if they have eyes to see, Trump does not choose targets by race, but by the positions they take in opposition to his agenda. Those standing in his way may feel the heat of a thousand tweets, and some of them may contain factual hiccups and indelicate words. But the notion that they are born of racial animus is a concoction crafted by desperate foes. 

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