Democrats Begin To Implode. Pelosi fed four bullies and not she is having to pay the price.
Democrat in-authenticity - what's new. If Democrats had a currency it would begin with a $3 bill. (See 1 below.)
The Ayatollah and his Guard are totally unreliable and liars yet, we are supposed to do business with them based on trust and Obama's deal. (See 2 and 2a below.)
Every time someone sends me Sowell's comments, even if they are repetitive, I still want to post them. (See 3 below.)
Another Ross Rant. (See 4 below.)
1) Trump’s Democratic rivals don't seem especially forthcoming about who they are.
By Victor Davis Hanson
An epidemic of false identities, massaged résumés, and warped ancestries has broken out among the current Democratic presidential primary candidates.
Senator Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) for years claimed Native American ancestry. An embattled Warren ironically took a DNA test that only proved her critics’ contention that she was no more of Native American heritage than the vast majority of Americans.
Another Democratic candidate, Robert Francis O’Rourke, is a rich white male who grew up in affluence. O’Rourke some time ago adopted the name “Beto,” an abbreviation for the Spanish “Roberto.” The Spanish-speaking, Irish-American O’Rourke, with a wink and nod, has assumed a useful near-Latino identity.
That ruse became a caricature in O’Rourke’s 2018 race for the Texas Senate. The second-generation Cuban-American incumbent, Senator Rafael Edward “Ted” Cruz, was portrayed by the media as the non-Spanish-speaking “white guy” pitted against the more authentic Irish-American Latino “Beto.”
Few would know that New York City mayor Bill de Blasio was actually born with the alliterative European name Warren Wilhelm Jr. With today’s politically correct calibrations of avoiding Northern European nomenclature, the Latinate “de Blasio” apparently ranks higher than the overtly German “Wilhelm.”
It has long been a populist tradition that presidential candidates downplay their financial success or even fabricate a “born in a log cabin” myth of early poverty and adversity. But recently, Democratic candidates have taken that trope to identity-politics extremes.
Former San Antonio mayor Julian Castro emphasizes his common-man Latino roots. But Castro never spoke fluent Spanish. Castro’s parents were solidly middle-class, and he took Latin and Japanese in school.
Senator Cory Booker (D., N.J.) often poses as a spokesman for the African-American inner city and is hoping to gain the nomination on the strength of his minority bona fides. But Booker grew up in the affluent and nearly all-white suburbs of New Jersey, the child of two IBM executives who sent him to Stanford, after which he became a Rhodes Scholar and Yale Law School graduate.
Senator Kamala Harris (D., Calif.) attacked former vice president Joe Biden in a recent debate by claiming that his opposition some 40 years ago to court-mandated busing had endangered her own chance at a good primary-school education. Perhaps. But the city of Berkeley, where Harris briefly lived as a child before migrating to Canada, was well-integrated. A local school district, not a federal court, instituted the busing program she joined. Both of her parents have Ph.D.s, one a former Stanford professor, the other a scientist who often flew the young Harris to India to visit relatives.
Senator Bernie Sanders (D., Vt.) is running again as an unapologetic socialist, waging rhetorical class warfare against the haves on behalf of the have-nots. But while Sanders was often underemployed in his earlier years, after a lifetime of public office he is now a millionaire. He reportedly owns three homes and earned nearly $1 million from book royalties in both 2016 and 2017.
All of these candidates are running hard against President Donald Trump, the assumed wealthier, whiter, and more toxic male in the White House.
Trump may be many things, and he may exaggerate data and fudge facts. But he at least seems authentically Trump. He does not claim to be a poor victim, but instead brags on, or even exaggerates, his billions.
Trump does not downplay his politically incorrect Scottish and German background. Instead, he often emphasizes both to the point of overstatement.
He always appears with his customary comb-over hair, orange tan, long tie, and suit, and he speaks in the same Queens accent whether he is talking to Alabama farmers, West Virginia miners, or Michigan auto workers.
In contrast, Trump’s Democratic rivals do not seem especially forthcoming about who they are. When convenient, they play down their advanced degrees, the success of their parents, their own advantaged upbringings, successful assimilation, and stereotypically bourgeois lives. And based on their attacks on front-runner Biden, they seem to want to distance themselves from anyone upper-middle-class, white, male, heterosexual, Christian, or old.
Yet at this late date in the American republic, it is hard to find middle-aged presidential candidates without successful business or political backgrounds, much less any who were or are poor — or who are victimized women or ostracized minorities.
No matter. The mantra of the new progressive movement is that racism, misogyny, and class oppression are everywhere — and that no one is better acquainted with such endemic hatred than upscale Democratic candidates, who have supposedly lived through such ordeals.
No wonder such fantasies so often result in farce.
2) Mossad leads IAEA to find radioactive material in violation of nuke deal - report
The IAEA has found signs of radioactive material that would violate the 2015 nuclear deal at an Iranian nuclear site identified to the agency by Israeli intelligence, Channel 13 reported on Thursday.
According to Channel 13, top Israeli sources revealed that the IAEA is sitting on the information and has avoided making it public to date.
In April, Reuters reported that the IAEA had finally visited the secret Iranian nuclear site at Turquzabad revealed in a September 2018 UN speech by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Since then, all parties to the US-Iran nuclear standoff have been waiting for the IAEA’s June announcement of its findings from that visit.
During that visit, the IAEA took samples from the site and it had been expected to announce the results of the samples in June, but then did not mention the issue.
Rather, the IAEA and other parties more recently have been distracted by Iran's open violations of uranium enrichment limits.
Some expectations had been that the IAEA had waited so long to review the site noted by Netanyahu that, by the time it came, Iran had likely already “cleaned” the site of any evidence of nuclear activity which would violate the 2015 nuclear deal.
But there have been instances in the past where the Islamic republic’s cleaning crew was not careful enough and left behind traces which inspectors picked up on.
If the IAEA found evidence of a violation, some believed the whole game could change, with the US gaining a huge advantage to get global pressure for Iran to make more concessions on the nuclear issue.
However, in the current environment of escalations by both sides and open violations from Iran, it is unclear whether the IAEA will reveal the results of its visit and what impact those results would even have under the dynamic circumstances.
Netanyahu revealed the Turquzabad site following a prior revelation in April 2018 of a Mossad operation which appropriated massive amounts of Iran's secret nuclear file from a site at Shirobad.
According to Channel 13, top Israeli sources revealed that the IAEA is sitting on the information and has avoided making it public to date.
In April, Reuters reported that the IAEA had finally visited the secret Iranian nuclear site at Turquzabad revealed in a September 2018 UN speech by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Since then, all parties to the US-Iran nuclear standoff have been waiting for the IAEA’s June announcement of its findings from that visit.
During that visit, the IAEA took samples from the site and it had been expected to announce the results of the samples in June, but then did not mention the issue.
Rather, the IAEA and other parties more recently have been distracted by Iran's open violations of uranium enrichment limits.
Some expectations had been that the IAEA had waited so long to review the site noted by Netanyahu that, by the time it came, Iran had likely already “cleaned” the site of any evidence of nuclear activity which would violate the 2015 nuclear deal.
But there have been instances in the past where the Islamic republic’s cleaning crew was not careful enough and left behind traces which inspectors picked up on.
If the IAEA found evidence of a violation, some believed the whole game could change, with the US gaining a huge advantage to get global pressure for Iran to make more concessions on the nuclear issue.
However, in the current environment of escalations by both sides and open violations from Iran, it is unclear whether the IAEA will reveal the results of its visit and what impact those results would even have under the dynamic circumstances.
Netanyahu revealed the Turquzabad site following a prior revelation in April 2018 of a Mossad operation which appropriated massive amounts of Iran's secret nuclear file from a site at Shirobad.
2a) Netanyahu and Trump discuss Iran, joint security interests
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US President Donald Trump spoke by telephone Wednesday about Iran as well as joint Israeli-American security interests, the same day the U.S. president threatened to "substantially" increase sanctions on Tehran to curb its nuclear activities.
Iran recently started enriching uranium beyond a limit established in a 2015 nuclear agreement with world powers, a deal from which Trump withdrew. Trump has since intensified economic sanctions on Tehran, and tensions have escalated.
“The two leaders discussed cooperation between the United States and Israel in advancing shared national security interests, including efforts to prevent Iran’s malign actions in the region,” Deputy Press Secretary Judd Deere told reporters on Thursday.
Netanyahu’s office added that the prime minister expressed appreciation that Trump planned to increased sanctions against Iran.
The two men spoke as tensions have risen between Tehran and the US, as well as with the UK and Europe .
Three Iranian vessels tried to block a BP-operated tanker passing through the Strait of Hormuz but backed off when confronted by a Royal Navy warship, the UK government said on Thursday.
Iran recently started enriching uranium beyond a limit established in a 2015 nuclear agreement with world powers, a deal from which Trump withdrew. Trump has since intensified economic sanctions on Tehran, and tensions have escalated.
“The two leaders discussed cooperation between the United States and Israel in advancing shared national security interests, including efforts to prevent Iran’s malign actions in the region,” Deputy Press Secretary Judd Deere told reporters on Thursday.
Netanyahu’s office added that the prime minister expressed appreciation that Trump planned to increased sanctions against Iran.
The two men spoke as tensions have risen between Tehran and the US, as well as with the UK and Europe .
Three Iranian vessels tried to block a BP-operated tanker passing through the Strait of Hormuz but backed off when confronted by a Royal Navy warship, the UK government said on Thursday.
I spoke with US President Donald Trump. We discussed regional developments and security issues. Foremost among them was Iran. I thanked President Trump for his intention to increase sanctions against Iran.— Benjamin Netanyahu (@netanyahu) July 11, 2019
Also on Thursday, a senior Iranian parliamentarian said that if European countries do not meet their commitments under a nuclear deal then Iran will "strongly" take more steps to reduce its own obligations, according to the semi-official Fars news agency.
U.S. President Donald Trump withdrew from the 2015 deal last year and reimposed sanctions to pressure Iran to negotiate further on its nuclear program as well as on its ballistic missiles and regional policy.
Iran threatened on Monday to restart deactivated centrifuges and ramp up uranium enrichment to 20% purity, a move that would go far beyond the small steps Iran has taken in the past week to nudge stocks of fissile material just beyond limits in the pact.
"In the event that Europe does not act on its commitments during the 60-day time span which we are currently in, Iran will take the third step strongly,” Mojtaba Zolnour, the chairman of parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy commission, said, according to Fars.
Installing new centrifuges are possible steps, Zolnour said.
Separately, Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Thursday there would be no negotiations with the United States as long as sanctions are in place.
"We never left the negotiating table… (the Americans) decided to leave the negotiating table and now they make a false claim in order to deceive that they are ready for negotiations," Zarif said, according to the IRIB news agency. "We will not negotiate with those who are taking part in economic terrorism against our people. They must stop this."
3)Never tire of reading Mr.Sowell's opinions on important issues. Other than the Bible, I cannot find TRUTH in this world expressed as well as Mr. Sowell does.
Sowell's wisdom is timeless.
Thomas Sowell has a skill of making a great deal of sense in few words.
“Elections should be held on April 16th — the day after we pay our income taxes. That is one of the few things that might discourage politicians from being big spenders.”
“If we cannot afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, and pharmaceutical drugs now, how can we afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, and pharmaceutical drugs in addition to a new federal bureaucracy to administer a government-run medical system ?”
“The first time I traveled across the Atlantic Ocean, as the plane flew into the skies over London, I was struck by the thought that, in these skies, a thousand British fighter pilots fought off Hitler’s air force and saved both Britain and Western civilization. But how many students today will have any idea of such things, with history being neglected in favor of politically correct rhetoric ?”
“The most fundamental fact about the ideas of the political Left is that they do not work. Therefore, we should not be surprised to find the Left concentrated in institutions where ideas do not have to work in order to survive: academia.”
India has an opportunity to become the alternative to China, but they seem to have blown it. They continue to have very restrictive labor and other regulations, and still have constrains on foreign investment, which is holding back their potential growth. They have the skilled labor force and cheap labor to have become the alternative to China, but they have never invested in the necessary infrastructure needed to transport goods from factory to ships in an efficient manner like the Chinese have done. India could lift its poverty population out of poverty the way China has if it makes similar investments. They are the US best chance to have a counter to China for geopolitical influence and military capability in Southeast Asia. While Modi has an opportunity to take bold steps now after his big election victory, he has not yet seized the chance despite his rhetoric.
Powell has pretty much said there is a rate cut in July. Unemployment is up .1 to 3.7%. Watch next month. If it creeps up further to 3.9% over the next two months, then get very concerned. That would be a classic sign of a real slowdown ahead-an increase of 25 BPs in a three month period. It is why the Fed will very likely cut 25BP in July, and then if unemployment rises further in July, they might cut another 50BP in September to try to forestall further increases in unemployment. They probably should have done a cut in June to have an impact by fall as there is always a lag of several months between a Fed cut and impact.
The essential collapse of Deutsche Bank highlights what I have been harping on for many months-the European banking system is weak, and in no condition to really help the EU in a major eco0nomic recovery. The system is still burdened by zombie loans and no real ability to compete with London and New York for capital markets expertise and power. The major US banks are now in a position to take a more powerful position in world banking and investment banking. Brexit will not change that and will likely create even more opportunity for US banks to prevail. None of this is helpful to the EU being able to really compete with the US economy, nor to have a strong recovery without strong banks who can lend aggressively into supporting a recovery.
The next several days will be very important to determine where the Iran situation goes. They tried and failed to attack a British ship. They will try again. Macron says he is going to attempt to work out a new deal. It is doubtful this will work, but it highlights that the EU still does not get it, and is willing to do an Obama appeasement replay just to avoid a possible war scenario. Neville Chamberlain comes to mind. They never seem to learn. Whatever they do, Trump is not going to go along, and the sanctions will continue to wreck the Iran economy. Iran is becoming Venezuela rapidly. Medicine and food shortages are starting to appear. There is nothing the EU can really do to replace the tens of billions of trade and income to Iran that the US sanctions have stopped from allowing. Iran is not about to give up its missile program, nor its nuclear capabilities program, which is very much alive despite the Obama agreement. Iran knows the Europeans are weak, and Russia and China will continue to help them to some degree. The level of Chinese help is an important factor to Iran. It will be a true test of the Obama agreement to see if the EU is willing to reinstall the sanctions that were supposed to snap back in the event they do exactly what they are now doing. I have no knowledge of this, but I am guessing the cyber attack we launched in response to the drone was a strong response, and was the real reason for calling off the military strikes. Trump looked measured, but was able to attack them in a secret way to make it clear there was a real price to pay, and much more to come next time. Iran seems to have the message, and is now trying to intimidate the EU instead. My bet is the US will keep the EU from doing another stupid deal to appease, and the chance of a real shooting war keeps escalating. Iran could not survive a full out attack from the US and Israel combined, with further help from Saudis and the UAE. At that point it is likely the Brits might also join in. It will be interesting to see what they do if Iran tries, or actually seizes on of its ships. Israel might encourage a war since it will be a real chance to potentially wipe out Hezbollah with US help. If that were to happen then Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen all get resolved, and the entire Mideast geopolitics changes. If not now, then it will only get worse until it blows up. Meantime, we have time to plan and prepare, and send in the troops and weapons we, Israel and the Saudis need. Obama created this crisis, and now it needs to be cleaned up.
What many and the press, and all the Dems seem to miss about the Trump foreign policies is China, N Korea, Russia and Iran are existential threats that were allowed to grow and become far more dangerous under the Obama policies of appease and ignore. N Korea was allowed to build their nuke and missile program under a “strategic patience” policy-translation-do nothing. Russia was left to move into Syria with no repercussions. China was allowed to steal massive amounts of technology and to build a war machine, and Iran was allowed to build it nuclear knowledge and weapons design in exchange for getting $150 billion to finance Hezbollah and Hamas, and waiting ten years to build a bomb. Russia was allowed to wage cyber war against us and the EU with tight restraints on NSA which left us unable to strike back. Trump reversed that. Russia was also able to save Assad and allow Iran into Syria with no consequences, setting up the Mideast crisis we now have and creating the rocket threat to Israel. It also resulted in 700,000 dead Syrians. Near the end of the Obama term it was clear he and Putin were not even on speaking terms. And now the left and the press attack Trump for trying to have a dialogue like adults, as though the Obama approach was working so well.
Harris may have permanently shot herself. Her plan to pay blacks, not including any whites, $100 billion of white taxpayer money to buy houses, another form of reparations, and her now saying busing should be back, will push independents off the Harris bandwagon. Her housing plan is patently illegal as it is totally discriminatory, so it cannot ever happen, but it cons blacks to vote for her. How come she is not attacked for sleeping her way to the top with Willie Brown getting her every job she has held. I guess when a woman does it, then it is deemed OK. Bernie is falling and Biden is showing himself to be a not smart old man. Trump is also out raising all the Dems combined, and they have to spend a lot to win the nomination. Trump will have $1 billion to spend, and the Dems not close. The more the Dems go left, the more moderates realize their wealth and lifestyle, and freedom of speech are at risk, and the more they get ramped up to go vote Republican. I have noted that since the debates many people are now really scared off by where the Dems are going. The Dems destroyed themselves with the debates. Combined with the continuing strong economy, Trump’s approval went up higher than where Obama was, despite all the impeachment talk and daily attacks by the press. If Trump had a better personal style he would be reelected by a massive landslide. We are soon to hear the IG and AG reports on the dossier, and the conspiracy to get Trump, etc, and that will come just as the stories about Bill C and other Dems went to Epstein’s island to play with teen age girls. These coming attractions are why the Dems are desperately trying to change the press attention to Trump tax returns and obstruction. If the economy holds, Trump wins big.
It is very logical to ask who is a citizen – not asking is just setting it up for the Dems to take in tens of thousands of illegals into Dem cities and counties, and count them as part of the local population, to shift the seats in Congress. That is what this and the border mess are really all about. It is all tied together. The decision by Roberts was terrible because it means any court can question the motives or reasoning of a regulator or cabinet secretary or president about why any regulation is valid or not. It will lead to dozens of lawsuits on any sort of reg anyone objects to, and not just in federal courts. His reasoning was political and a long term disaster for any administration for generations. It was as politically contorted as his Obamacare “it is a tax” ruling.
An important, but barely noticed event happened recently. Dov Hikind, a very influential Dem Jewish assemblyman in NY State, just came out and said he is voting GOP from now on due to the leftward and anti- Semitic comments of the Dem party of which he was a dedicated member. If they are losing important Jewish influencers like Hikind, then the Dems are going to have trouble with more of the Jewish vote as others may start to rethink their loyalty to the Dems, which is an important part of their base and contributors, especially in FL. I have a lot of wealthy and influential Jewish friends who now are going to vote GOP for these same reasons. The rise of anti-Israel, anti-Semitic and socialist views in the Dem party are having an impact and making some rethink their politics. They may really dislike Trump the person, but his policies win out. If black unemployment stays at record lows, Dems are also losing part of that vote. They need both to win in 2020. There is also a very credible story now around that the bartender from the Bronx is going to try to unseat Schumer when he is next up for election. She will lose, but he is concerned. This is part of the playbook to slowly gain control of DC for the far left group that essentially hired her to run for office. Social media has changed all the dynamics of elections, and 2020 will be the first election where social media has a major impact. Trump
Pay attention to what just happened in Hong Kong. The protestors won and forced a backdown. They also made sure mainland Chinese see the protests, which will now get that word back home. Xi may be pushing his George Orwell surveillance and controls too far, and in a time of social media, he may be faced with more pushback from his citizens. This is one more reason he needs to do a deal with Trump. A slowing economy, many companies moving out, and massive over leverage creating increasing bankruptcies, and that is the sort of thing that can cause people to protest and become dissatisfied. I believe this may be the turning point, and beginning of a pushback by citizens in mainland China which over a few years can create real problems for the regime. We will see where this goes.
What really happened in the DR. The resort owners use dispensers for drinks from the mini-bar in the all-inclusive resorts which these all are. In order to cut costs of liquor, they added ethanol to the bottles in replacement of half the liquor. That is from a permanent resident of DR who is close friends with a US doc I play tennis with, who spends a lot of time down there.
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