The Four Horsewomen of America and the gift that keeps on giving.
Any national political party that allows a "ding bat" to rise within it's ranks and takes over it's tone and agenda must be totally rejected.
This was true when McCarthyism took over as it is now that AOCism has taken over. (See 1 and 1a below.)
The mass media just lets them talk and seldom are they ever asked to answer questions and when they are they just keep walking: https://www.nationalreview.
Other op eds worthy of a read:
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1) The Four Horsewomen of the American Apocalypse
By Michael Copeman
Posted By Ruth King
President Trump is in trouble. Ho hum. For a tweet. Ho hum. About women. Ho hum. He’s been called out as racist. Ho hum. Many Republicans won’t support him. Ho ho!
The women in question of course are four “newbies” (or new Queen Bees) in the hive that is the US Congress. Trouble is, they’re already in trouble. But not with Trump. No, with Nancy Pelosi, the ageing, wealthy, San-Francisco-based doyenne of the Democrats. And she, well, she is the Queen Bee Mother.
Nancy Pelosi is sharp. No one survives in Democrat politics for two generations without being whip smart. You gotta know when to slide into third base with the progressives in your party, and when to stay cautiously on second, hoping that the new batter is about to hit the issue of the day outta the park.
Nancy knows her party has not only swung left recently, it has swung low. Character assassination is now the Democrats’ chosen weapon. Justice Kavanaugh only made it through to the Supreme Court because Christine Blasey Ford’s claimed witness didn’t know a thing about the assault she alleged.
Almost everyone who is male, white, religious (except for one religion), able to earn their own living, and committed to free enterprise, national borders, international peace-keeping and innocent-until-proven-guilty justice is suspect, if not evil.
So, what happened? Well, the Democrats (a seemingly irresistible force) finally came up against an immovable object (Donald J. Trump). In the “play the man/woman” department, The Donald gives as good as he gets and better (or worse, depending on your point of view.). Donald used to be a Democrat, and sometimes it shows. Thus, when Donald put his hand up for president in 2016, and both Dems and Republicans just blew his candidacy away, Donald blew right back at them. He’s still blowing.
This is where those four, relatively young women “of color” come in. The 2018 midterm elections saw all four take up seats in the US Congress. And, what’dy’all know? They didn’t take no, from Mother Hen Pelosi. They started going for Donald’s jugular.
According to them, everything was wrong with America. It is a doomed society — only perhaps salvageable by mass unauthorised immigration from Mexico, Central America and parts further south and payment of perhaps a cool trillion dollars in reparations to anybody who had one or more ancestors who may have been slaves.
Fossil fuel use — including for electricity generation, car, truck and plane travel — should be shut down. Very soon. All education, all healthcare, and all provisions for people who crossed the US border should be free. America’s corporations, and its hardworking citizens, should pay for all this by punitive taxes. Only then can all men, women and persons be free.
Meantime, white males should step back from any role they had in running society. They should take to cabins in the woods, and reflect on how they had brought America from its British colonialist roots within 250 years almost to the brink of the abyss. Only these four youngish women of color can save America. God certainly can’t (unless He was that one God of that religion which shall not be mentioned).
Except many Americans (including Nancy Pelosi) seem to understand that what these rising women in her own Party are offering isn’t salvation, it is an apocalypse.
The Green New Deal would shut down American industry and exports. Unemployment — at six-decade lows under Trump — would skyrocket. Open borders would likely see another ten million poor immigrants within a year. China, Russia, Iran, Syria and North Korea would all take the opportunity of an America-on-its-knees to expand, crush or overtake neighbours, and perhaps set off a nuclear war.
In the meantime, the urban violence and homelessness that blights many formerly shining cities of America would likely worsen. Heavily-armed gangs would soon take over most of Chicago, Detroit, Philly, St Louis, Memphis, New Orleans, Oakland, and much of DC, LA and New York. The lights would go out in many cities, and they might not come back on.
These four women, with their foolish aspirations for a new America, built on victim-identity politics, deliberate dismantling of the free-enterprise economy, and kow-towing to violent, repressive dictators, autocrats and theocracies overseas, are truly the Four Horsewomen of the American Apocalypse.
If polls are to be believed (this time), these four might see off Trump at the 2020 Presidential Election. (He can’t, the polls say, hold crucial swing states this time.). Instead — again if the polls are right — there will likely be a far-left-leaning Democrat president. And she (or perhaps he) will only ask, when the Four say it’s time to jump, “How high?”
When America’s Founding Fathers looked into their nascent country’s future, none of them saw this coming. They saw a risk of armed attack from without. Hence, the (now vexing) Second Amendment. They saw a risk of one large state (New York at that time) dominating the others. Hence, the gerrymandered Senate and the Electoral College. They even saw the risk of some crisis degrading the new US dollar’s value. Hence, the multiple Federal Reserve banks. What they never envisioned was that four youngish congresswomen might one day seek to undo from within all the boundless promise of a free and fearless America.
Two and a half centuries later. Here we are. The Four Horsewomen of the American Apocalypse have grabbed their scythes, mounted their ghostly steeds, and are ready to ride. Will it be tonight? Next year? Or very soon after?
The Devil may have gone down to Georgia a while back. But now he is licking his lips.
1a) AOC Is the Gift That Keeps Giving
ICE isn’t enough. She wants to do away with the Department of Homeland Security.
By Karl Rove
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez doesn’t think much of the agencies that keep America safe. New Yorker editor David Remnick recently asked about her call to abolish U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Couldn’t ICE be reformed? No, replied the freshman Democrat. “The core structure of ICE” and “the entire Department of Homeland Security” are “large threats to American civil liberties.”
Mr. Remnick asked: “Would you get rid of Homeland Security, too?” Ms. Ocasio-Cortez replied, “I think so, I think so.” She called the department’s formation one of the George W. Bush administration’s “egregious mistakes,” described her call for its abolition as “a very qualified and supported position,” and added: “We never should have created DHS.”
The idea of abolishing the Department of Homeland Security is moronic, stupid, naive and dumb. Should the U.S. really shut down the agency in charge of air-transportation security, so hijackers armed with box cutters or bombs can board planes? Do Americans want our borders to be left unprotected against illegal aliens, traffickers, drugs and terrorists? Would America be safer or more free without capabilities like disaster emergency services, terrorism-prevention fusion centers, biological-warfare defense, the Coast Guard, programs to stop domestic deployment of weapons of mass destruction, and protective services for government facilities? All these are Homeland Security functions.
If Ms. Ocasio-Cortez doesn’t believe the department is needed to keep America safe, I told Fox News Channel’s Martha MacCallum last week, the congresswoman should talk to the Democratic chairmen of the House Homeland Security and Intelligence committees. She should talk to the police department of the city she represents. The NYPD will tell her the Department of Homeland Security has helped foil terrorist plots against the Big Apple.
If AOC remained intent on abolishing the department, I suggested she visit with constituents who lost a loved one on 9/11. Ask if they believe Homeland Security should be abolished so that other American families might suffer the pain they have. The department’s creation was a great bipartisan accomplishment, I told Ms. MacCallum—a new way to meet the 21st century’s challenges. Those challenges haven’t gone away, whatever Ms. Ocasio-Cortez thinks.
Shortly after this exchange on Fox, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez appeared on Twitter to say that 132 representatives voted against creating the department in 2002. Calling it “ill-conceived,” she wrote that “discussing reorganization shouldn’t be out of the question” and “it’s really not that radical.”
Except that she hadn’t said she advocated “reorganization.” She called for abolishing the department.
I responded on Twitter, reminding her that more than twice as many representatives—295—voted to create the department and that the Senate vote was 90-9. I pointed out her transparent flip-flop and suggested that upon sober reflection, even she might have decided it was nutty to get rid of the department. If she hadn’t really changed her mind, I challenged her to show us her bill to undo what she called an “egregious mistake.” Then we could all see how many co-sponsors her “very qualified and supported position” drew.
Crickets. No response. There’s nothing she can say that makes her look good. But the incident shows that the draft of the Green New Deal she issued in February wasn’t an aberration. That’s the draft with references to cow flatulence, unspecified constraints on commercial air travel, and a collection of left-wing nostrums to transform America into a new Venezuela. Her chief of staff told the truth last week: The Green New Deal isn’t mainly about climate—it’s about making America socialist.
Rep. Ocasio-Cortez is not a serious legislator but an unusually shallow poseur, the product of social-media culture. She offers slogans cribbed from the latest socialist bull session; wild utterances that receive enthusiastic nods from “woke” Democrats and looks of astonishment from much of Middle America.
There are reasons why AOC, “The Squad” of her running buddies on the House’s far-left fringe, and their operatives are characterizing some less-liberal Democratic representatives as akin to 1940s Southern segregationists, threatening them with primary challenges, and even castigating Speaker Nancy Pelosi as a racist. They’re convinced the shock value of their attacks and radical ideas will give their movement dominance over the Democratic Party and the country.
For now, they’re drowning out the Democratic presidential candidates. As these young representatives become the face of their party, they define it with their wackiness. Donald Trump knows this, and he will take full advantage of their gift.
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