This Summer Camp Teaches Kids to Burn the American Flag
Watch this video from a summer camp for 125 children run by the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, Israel, where they teach kids to burn the American flag.
Posted on the Facebook page of the Palestinian Authority’s Higher Council for Youth and Sports, the July 3, 2019 video upload features Camp Director Ihsan Hattab, who says that the camp’s goal is to provide children with a “patriotic education.”
The camp is being run under the council by the Society for Children with Autism and Learning Disabilities and includes 25 special needs children aged 13-15.
As documented by MEMRI (Middle East Media Research Institute), Yaman, a young boy participating in the program, said that on the first day of the program, they discussed President Trump’s “Deal of the Century” and the following day, they tore up and burned pictures of the American flag and Trump (pictured with horns).
The War Over America’s Past Is Really About Its Future
By Victor Davis Hanson
Posted By Ruth King
The summer season has ripped off the thin scab that covered an American wound, revealing a festering disagreement about the nature and origins of the United States.
The San Francisco Board of Education recently voted to paint over, and thus destroy, a 1,600-square-foot mural of George Washington’s life in San Francisco’s George Washington High School.
Victor Arnautoff, a communist Russian-American artist and Stanford University art professor, had painted “Life of Washington” in 1936, commissioned by the New Deal’s Works Progress Administration. A community task force appointed by the school district had recommended that the board address student and parent objections to the 83-year-old mural, which some viewed as racist for its depiction of black slaves and Native Americans.
Nike pitchman and former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick recently objected to the company’s release of a special Fourth of July sneaker emblazoned with a 13-star Betsy Ross flag. The terrified Nike immediately pulled the shoe off the market.
The New York Times opinion team issued a Fourth of July video about “the myth of America as the greatest nation on earth.” The Times’ journalists conceded that the United States is “just OK.”
During a recent speech to students at a Minnesota high school, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) offered a scathing appraisal of her adopted country, which she depicted as a disappointment whose racism and inequality did not meet her expectations as an idealistic refugee. Omar’s family had fled worn-torn Somalia and spent four-years in a Kenyan refugee camp before reaching Minnesota, where Omar received a subsidized education and ended up a congresswoman.
The U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team won the World Cup earlier this month. Team stalwart Megan Rapinoe refused to put her hand over heart during the playing of the national anthem, boasted that she would never visit the “f—ing White House” and, with others, nonchalantly let the American flag fall to the ground during the victory celebration.
The city council in St. Louis Park, a suburb of Minneapolis, voted to stop reciting the Pledge of Allegiance before its meeting on the rationale that it wished not to offend a “diverse community.”
The list of these public pushbacks at traditional American patriotic customs and rituals could be multiplied. They follow the recent frequent toppling of statues of 19th-century American figures, many of them from the South, and the renaming of streets and buildings to blot out mention of famous men and women from the past now deemed illiberal enemies of the people.
Such theater is the street version of what candidates in the Democratic presidential primary have been saying for months. They want to disband border enforcement, issue blanket amnesties, demand reparations for descendants of slaves, issue formal apologies to groups perceived to be the subjects of discrimination, and rail against American unfairness, inequality, and a racist and sexist past.
In their radical progressive view—shared by billionaires from Silicon Valley, recent immigrants and the new Democratic Party—America was flawed, perhaps fatally, at its origins. Things have not gotten much better in the country’s subsequent 243 years, nor will they get any better—at least not until America as we know it is dismantled and replaced by a new nation predicated on race, class and gender identity-politics agendas.
In this view, an “OK” America is no better than other countries. As Barack Obama once bluntly put it, America is only exceptional in relative terms, given that citizens of Greece and the United Kingdom believe their own countries are just as exceptional. In other words, there is no absolute standard to judge a nation’s excellence.
About half the country disagrees. It insists that America’s sins, past and present, are those of mankind. But only in America were human failings constantly critiqued and addressed.
America does not have be perfect to be good. As the world’s wealthiest democracy, it certainly has given people from all over the world greater security and affluence than any other nation in history—with the largest economy, largest military, greatest energy production and most top-ranked universities in the world.
America alone kept the postwar peace and still preserves free and safe global communications, travel and commerce.
The traditionalists see American history as a unique effort to overcome human weakness, bias and sin. That effort is unmatched by other cultures and nations, and explains why millions of foreign nationals swarm into the United States, both legally and illegally.
These arguments over our past are really over the present—and especially the future.
If progressives and socialists can at last convince the American public that their country was always hopelessly flawed, they can gain power to remake it based on their own interests. These elites see Americans not as unique individuals but as race, class and gender collectives, with shared grievances from the past that must be paid out in the present and the future.
We’ve seen something like this fight before, in 1861—and it didn’t end well.
2) Will Netanyahu bar Ilhan Omar from entering Israel?
On Wednesday, Congresswoman Ilhan Omar announced that she will be visiting Israel and the Palestinian territories in the coming weeks.
Omar will be accompanied by Rep. Rashida Tlaib. The two freshman congresswomen have become a focal point of the Jewish community after expressing numerous controversial comments regarding Israel and several statements that were deemed anitsemitic.
The congresswoman said she would travel to Israel on the same day that she introduced a new “pro-boycott” of Israel resolution in Congress “affirming that all Americans have the right to participate in boycotts in pursuit of civil and human rights at home and abroad, as protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution.”
Omar’s action was in response to the House Foreign Affairs Committee moving forward with five pro-Israel bills, three of which are resolutions with declarative purpose, and two others bills that seek to sanction supporters of Hamas and to make improvements to the defense and security assistance to Israel.
Israel has a law the grants the government authority to ban pro-BDS activists from entering the country. The law has been used sporadically over the past two years.
A government official told The Jerusalem Post on Thursday that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s National Security Council was reviewing the issue and would offer him recommendations on how to respond.
According to the dry law, Omar, whose legislation explicitly calls for the boycott of Israel, could be denied entry to Israel. However, due to her status as a US congresswoman, Israel is unlikely to use the legislation which if done, could spark an international crisis.
Omar will be accompanied by Rep. Rashida Tlaib. The two freshman congresswomen have become a focal point of the Jewish community after expressing numerous controversial comments regarding Israel and several statements that were deemed anitsemitic.
The congresswoman said she would travel to Israel on the same day that she introduced a new “pro-boycott” of Israel resolution in Congress “affirming that all Americans have the right to participate in boycotts in pursuit of civil and human rights at home and abroad, as protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution.”
Omar’s action was in response to the House Foreign Affairs Committee moving forward with five pro-Israel bills, three of which are resolutions with declarative purpose, and two others bills that seek to sanction supporters of Hamas and to make improvements to the defense and security assistance to Israel.
Israel has a law the grants the government authority to ban pro-BDS activists from entering the country. The law has been used sporadically over the past two years.
A government official told The Jerusalem Post on Thursday that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s National Security Council was reviewing the issue and would offer him recommendations on how to respond.
According to the dry law, Omar, whose legislation explicitly calls for the boycott of Israel, could be denied entry to Israel. However, due to her status as a US congresswoman, Israel is unlikely to use the legislation which if done, could spark an international crisis.
Yisrael Beiteinu MK Eli Avidar, who is a former diplomat, reacted to Omar's decision to come to Israel. He said, “Congresswoman Ilhan Omar is coming to Israel to try to improve her relations with Israel supporters in the democratic party. It will not work. She should instead come and meet with former MK Hanin Zoabi and learn how politics based on hate marginalizes you and leaves you forgotten.”
Mainstream media tries their best silence Ben Carson. But they can’t hide this…
Furious Ben Carson Breaks Silence, ENDS Major Trump LIE
Mainstream media tries their best silence Ben Carson. But they can’t hide this…
As countless Democrats and even some Republicans accuse President Trump of being a racist for telling four anti-American, anti-Semitic progressive women — who he labels as the “Squad” — to “go back” to where they “came from” if they don’t love this country, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson has taken a stand for the President.
“I have an advantage of knowing the president very well, and he’s not a racist and his comments are not racist,” Ben Carson stated. “But he loves the country very much and, you know, he has a feeling that those who represent the country should love it as well.”
The president caused massive controversy on twitter when took aim at Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), and Ilhan Omar (D-MN) for disrespecting the country.
“So interesting to see ‘Progressive’ Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run,” Trump wrote on twitter. “Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime-infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done.”
To those who insisted Trump’s tweet was racist, Ben Carson stated that Trump’s policies have benefited minorities by giving them employment opportunities and affordable housing. “Look at his policies, you know, under this president you see the rising tide lifting all boats. You see low unemployment … record-low for blacks, for Hispanics … for all the demographics of our nation,” he stated.
Ben Carson alluded to Trump’s support for “opportunity zones,” which he suggested has been extremely beneficial to minorities.
“What’s happening in some of these places is just astonishing. And talking to some of those people there … they say I didn´t think this could ever happen,” stated Carson. “And just a couple of weeks ago, the president signed an executive order establishing a council on eliminating the barriers to affordable housing. Who’s going to benefit from that? So when you have somebody who’s spending this much time and this much effort, trying to elevate those who are vulnerable and who are suffering in our society — I think we should pay a lot more attention to what they are doing than what anybody is saying.”
“I have to look at my own situation, born and growing up in dire poverty with a lot negativity around me, but also, recognizing that I lived in a place where, you know, through the help of my mother, who helped me to realize that I wasn’t a victim, that I had access to all kinds of things,” stated Carson. “And [I] was able to go on, become a neurosurgeon, now a cabinet member, and these are things that we want people to recognize in our nation and that’s why we want to create opportunities for them.”
“All the policies that we’re now espousing deal with creating self-sufficiency in people and in those people who cannot become self-sufficient, making sure that we take care of them in the most efficient and effective manner.
3a) Shocked Over President
Obama's 'White
Nationalist' Statements
About Illegal Immigration
ByKatie Pavlich
While watching the Democrat media complex's coverage of the ongoing crisis at the southern border with Mexico, one is likely get the perception that the problem started under President Trump and the way he's handling it is unprecedented, racist and fueled by xenophobia.
3a) Shocked Over President
Obama's 'White
Nationalist' Statements
About Illegal Immigration
ByKatie Pavlich
While watching the Democrat media complex's coverage of the ongoing crisis at the southern border with Mexico, one is likely get the perception that the problem started under President Trump and the way he's handling it is unprecedented, racist and fueled by xenophobia.
But the truth is, this crisis started in 2014 when President Barack Obama ran the White House. At Townhall, we've been reporting on it for years.
"It's just chain-link cells so we have aliens sleeping all over the floor and they told us to probably expect another thousand over the next week, week and a half," another Border Patrol agent tells Townhall. "We have these huge chain link cages, 20-feet tall with razor wire around them, this is inside a warehouse. They are probably 50 by 100 [feet] and there's probably 10 or 11 of these big cages like that and so there's probably 100-200 aliens in each cell, or cage and there's just park benches right down the middle, two rows of park benches and then they give them these little rubber mats, a little foam pad to lay on. We don't have enough blankets so they're issuing out those foil blankets, it's like a piece of tin foil and that's all they get. There are so many people crammed. The smell is just horrendous, horrendous."
To prove this point, Campus Reform's Cabot Phillips caught up with students to ask about President Obama's statements on the issue. A number of them called his comments "white nationalist" speech and then admitted they thought the statements were made by President Trump.
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