Saturday, October 13, 2018

The Democrat Party Seems To Be Totally Under Soros' Philosophical and Possibly Financial Control.

Even the most radical progressive has to admit there is a significant benefit to claiming you are a member of The Democrat Party and, no doubt, those who are brainless are particularly comforted.  No matter what asinine comment they make, no matter what outrageous act they engage in they know they will be supported by the mass media. Yes, virtually everything Democrats say and do will be "koshered" by the mass media.

There is also a downside to this positive. What is it?  Well, eventually you begin to believe you are self- righteous and can drink your own bath water, as I like to say. Your sense of balance becomes distorted because always being right, always being supported in whatever endeavor, eventually builds and this accumulating circumstance also removes you from reality. You begin to believe if you say it, it is so. You begin to believe you are omnipotent. If you are a politician, and have power, you begin to pass worthless, even dangerous and destructive,  legislation  that aligns with your distorted dictates. You prefer socialism over capitalism. You prefer entitlements over work.  You worship PC'ism over God. You believe Hollywood hypocrisy and values are preferable to what made our nation great - our Constitution and our adherence to the rule of law.

Everything you do is done, in the often mistaken belief, you have become "Spartacus" you are "Horatio" at the bridge fighting off  Republican dragons, protecting women,  defending those of color and different ethnicity against blatant prejudice. Because you attack those who believe they have a right to bear arms, dine out without being disturbed, run for public office because they have different views, a different solution, because they are patriotic, and profess to be Christian you are virtuous and they are "deplorables."

Yes, ipso facto, because you say it, you believe it becomes so.  Being so allows you the right to march and protest, to smear and destroy, to engage in incivility. To cast aside eons of legal concepts that protect the lonely individual from the awesome power of the state  I even remember there once was a conservative who also thought "extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice." Well, he was wrong and Democrats, who were of  a different breed along with many other conservative minded, rejected this, otherwise, good man. These conservatives went on to press for and pass Civil Rights Legislation in keeping with the passion of one from their own ranks, ie. a tall. gawky man named Lincoln. They met resistance from their political counterparts.

Over time, Democrats were able to convince those whose rights were upheld they owed their blessings to them not Republicans. Republicans became victims of this distortion because they were not good at marketing and thus, the tables were turned. Once again, the mass media came to the rescue.  By then the lie had become ingrained in the minds of the self-acclaimed "virtuous."

The recent Kavanaugh hearings exposed just how far "unwashed" Americans have allowed themselves to embrace concepts foreign to our former beliefs. Because unsupported accusations were spoken by an aggrieved women they were deemed believable. Because smearing one's character and family was embraced and allowed to replace decades of accomplishments these allegations were elevated to an undeserved status.  Fear of loss of power drove irrational behaviour to become preferable to reasoning and fact.  Once again, enraged feminists, supported by the mass media, who rode into the arena as unquestioning allies circling the wagons,  encouraged the "hypocrite's" impassioned stance.

In truth, the nominee for The SCOTUS was simply a fig leaf because the real attacks were meant for President Trump, the illegitimate president whose victory remains  a chicken bone in the throat of the "virtuous" and their feathered "quacks" in the mass media.

In November we will learn how this sordid tale ends.  Will the "virtuous radicals" triumph and then go on to "impeach" the choice of the "deplorables?" Will the"deplorables" garner enough votes to continue to reverse the nation's fortunes in their effort to "Make America Great Again?"

Stay tuned because, whether you understand this or not, your Republic's survival is at stake.
Our TV Reporter grandson just sent this to me.  He is covering his first Trump Rally in Kentucky.

And one of the most literate videos you will hear.  The Democrats assem to have become totally under the dominance of Soros and his kind.  FACEBOOK:

This from a dear friend, a fellow memo reader and a very bright conservative. (See 1 below.)
1)It is time for our nation to rethink and re-purpose our welfare system. When LBJ instituted the “Great Society:” program, he identified it as more than a support system for basic nutrition but as a platform to permit citizens to exit poverty.

Well, it hasn’t worked that way. In fact welfare payments in 1956 averaged approximately $3,000 per person, and adjusted for inflation, in 2016 exceeded $30,000 per person.

And, the poverty level on a percentage was essentially unchanged.

The primary problem is the lack of work incentive in the system, indeed the opposite – a preponderance of work dis-incentives.

In the classic do-gooder effort to make welfare recipients more “comfortable” the benefits have been increased to the point where the amount an individual can earn without education or training is far below the amount we give him or her to sit home and drink beer or wine. And our dear former President, with one of his fabled Executive Orders eliminated the work requirement unwillingly added by then-President Clinton.

Add to this the nobly-intended “Widows and Orphans” provision, which now is gamed to provide much higher benefits if Daddy ain’t home, and we have the makings for the disastrous situation our American (not hyphenated Americans) lower class lives in.

Food stamps (SNAP) are a large and valid part of our welfare support program; but they certainly have evolved from the original government cheese and rice (in five pound blocks and 50 pound bags). Now, SNAP cards are used on the finest cuts of beef and the freshest of vegetables. I do not begrudge the poor delicious foods, but I do wish that our government would stop bending over backward to make sure that the users do not feel shame. In the past they did and should today.

The only way out of poverty is education. We are unlikely to correct our education system in the near future with the political control demonstrated by the Teacher’s Unions, who are apparently trying to incorporate the flaws in our welfare system into their union contracts. Thus we must rely on job training.

Thanks to President Trump, our country has more jobs available than we have people looking for them. Here is a pool of great candidates. Corporations would jump at the chance to support a workfare system which would provide them with trained candidates for unfilled jobs.

This has to be a Congressional initiative. Unfortunately, with all the delaying tactics used by the “never-Trumpers” and just plain “resistance”, Congress has little time to address the issue. It is therefore time for the electorate to be heard. Use the mid-terms to get the resistors out of Washington, and tell the “survivors” to solve this national disgrace.

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